Quick Analysis

Unrecognizable America

Unrecognizable America

The shocking demonstrations, on city streets and university campuses, in favor of Hamas’ horrendous terrorist actions illustrates that America is hardly recognizable from the nation it was less than two decades ago. Barack Obama promised to “fundamentally transform” America. He was successful.  The nation has been dramatically altered from what it was before his presidency. 

Consider the dramatic changes. Democrats, Republicans, liberals and conservatives actually had areas of agreement before 2008. The First Amendment was sacrosanct. Almost all agreed that a secure border was necessary. With the election of a black president, the presence of blacks on the Supreme Court and, over the past several years, on many of the highest appointed positions, it was clear that racial animosities of the past were sharply receding. While there was disagreement on spending, the concept of today’s absurd $33 trillion nation debt seemed an unimaginable nightmare; after all, in 2008, it stood as $10.3 trillion.

The United States was the world’s lone military superpower. America’s significant presence in the Middle East deterred aggression. Russia was comparatively peaceful.  China was a growing threat, but it had yet to act out. There were differences of opinion on defense spending, but it was almost universally accepted that U.S. leadership was a good thing.

Through a series of absurd decisions, the nation’s position diminished.

As noted by USAtoday, “The total federal debt increased more under the Obama administration in terms of raw dollars than any other president, according to government data… At the end of fiscal year 2016… the debt was about $19.5 trillion.”

Obama engaged in a virtual jihad against the Pentagon. During his presidency, as reported by the Heritage Foundation, “…in terms of capacity, capability and readiness, the military has been in noticeable decline [during Obama’s tenure]. In the 2017 index, the military’s overall ability to provide the hard power needed to prevail in a multi-conflict scenario was rated as “marginal.” Obama ended America’s ability to fight a two-front war. He further attempted to harm the nation’s ability to produce weapons. One example: there was (and is) only one plant that can produce tanks. Obama fought to close it down.

Russia took note, and invaded and stole Crimea from Ukraine. China invaded the Philippine exclusive economic zone.  Despite condemnation by the World Court at the Hague, Obama didn’t even lodge a diplomatic protest.

He was the most unfriendly president towards Israel. Senator Rubio stated in 2016 that U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) said, concerning regarding the Obama Administration’s decision to abstain from the U.N. Security Council’s vote on an anti-Israel resolution and thereby allow it to pass: “With today’s abstention, President Obama has aided and abetted radical, anti-Semitic forces at the U.N. and cemented his legacy as the most anti-Israel U.S. president in history.” Mysteriously, Obama provide billions in cash to the primary sponsor of international terror, Iran.

As the first black president, Obama had the opportunity to sharply diminish racial animosity and boost black progress. He took the opposite path.  As noted by the Washington Examiner, “…racial resentment has been Obama’s whole schtick. Obama fanned the flames of racial division when the Black Lives Matter movement popped up in 2015. He said that the death of Michael Brown, who had assaulted officer Darren Wilson and attempted to grab Wilson’s gun during a confrontation Brown initiated, was proof of a ‘broken and racially-biased system.’ He also claimed that ‘millions of Americans’ were racists who were ‘spooked’ by his election in 2008.”

Obama’s policies and even some of his advisors guide Biden. Obama’s foreign policy errors, his inflammation of internal division, his national security negligence guide those of the current White House.

Photo: Pixabay