Quick Analysis

The Religious Vote

This article was contributed exclusively to the New York Analysis of Policy and Government by noted radio personality and legislative expert Ted Flint.

With the media intently focused on Covid-19 and the faltering economy left in its wake, there has been less attention paid during this election cycle to social issues. Religious voters, particularly evangelicals, helped to propel Donald Trump into the White House four years ago. And those voters again could be the difference in a tight election. It’s true that the candidate voters perceive to be the best at handling the economy usually wins, but there are other issues critical to conservatives.

When Christians enter the voting booth they need to know which of the two candidates supports protecting religious liberty and which, if elected, would curtail that liberty. The differences between the two candidates couldn’t be starker. When it comes to protecting the sanctity of unborn human life and traditional marriage, Donald Trump is the clear choice. The President, through his nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court, has proven his commitment to protecting life. The Democratic Party Platform, by contrast, declares every woman should have access to “safe and legal abortion” and calls for restoring federal funding to Planned Parenthood and providing taxpayer-funded abortion through repeal of the Hyde and Helms Amendments and the Mexico City Policy.

The 2020 DNC platform draft says religious freedom is a “fundamental human right” that nevertheless cannot be used as a cover for discrimination.” But congressional democrats find certain religious freedoms discriminatory, that’s why they are proposing the “Do No Harm Act’ as a way of restricting those freedoms. Their legislation would limit current religious freedom protections under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. For example, a healthcare worker who opposes the contraceptive mandate, or a doctor who refuses to perform an abortion, would not be covered under the RFRA.

According to the Catholic News Agency, “The draft 2020 platform also supports reinstating the Obama Administration’s transgender mandate. It condemns the Trump Administration’s “dangerous and unethical regulation allowing doctors, hospitals and insurance companies to discriminate against patients based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.” A federal judge recently put a stop to the Trump Administration’s rule protecting doctors who conscientiously object to performing gender-transition surgery or abortion.

The DNC platform also supports the HHS contraceptive mandate put in place by the Obama Administration that forces employers to cover contraceptives in employee health plans.

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Elements within the Democratic Party seek to deprive non-profits of their right of conscience, as evidenced by lawsuits filed by the states of Pennsylvania and New Jersey against the Little Sisters of the Poor, a Catholic order of nuns at the center of the controversy.

In July, The High Court ruled The Trump Administration acted within its authority when it expanded exemptions to the Affordable Care Act’s requirement for employers to provide insurance coverage that includes contraception, resulting in a victory for Little Sisters of the Poor and for religious liberty.

On marriage, Donald Trump supports marriage between one man and one woman. Joe Biden, who supported the Defense of Marriage Act in the 90’s, is onboard with same-sex marriage and even officiated a same-sex wedding ceremony four years ago for two White House staffers. Strange, considering Biden is Catholic. And there’s the irony. Many of today’s democratic lawmakers, both at the state and federal level, are Catholic, or at least profess to be. The Democratic Party Platform supports late-term abortion, same-sex marriage, LGBTQ rights and opposes vouchers for private schools because they divert taxpayer dollars away from the public school system. Many Catholic schools directly benefit from expanding private school vouchers.

According to World Atlas, nearly one out of every four Americans is Catholic. Will Catholic voters take into consideration the stances taken by Joe Biden and other democratic lawmakers when they head to the polls November 3? The reality is that just about everything for which the Democratic Party stands is in direct contravention to Church teaching.

Illustration: Pixabay