Quick Analysis

The Democratic Party’s Dangerous Lies

It’s time for the Democratic Party to stop lying. It’s not just about their presidential candidate. It’s a seriously bad habit that its leaders have fallen into in the 21st century.

Millions of Americans who normally restrict their news information gathering to Democrat-friendly media such as MSNBC, the Washington Post, and the New York Times were utterly shocked at the obvious incapacity of Joe Biden. For a considerable period of time, these outlets cooperated with party leadership in hiding the now undeniable diminished capacity of the President.

For quite some time, party leaders have assured voters that Joe Biden was capable of governing. He proved during the recent presidential debate that the assertion was nonsense.  It’s another example of the Party’s habitual inability to tell the truth, both in elections and in governing.

Throughout Biden’s term, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas assured the nation that the U.S. southern border was secured.  In April, he told Congress that “the border is as secure as it can be” The claim is ludicrous. As noted by the Washington Post, “Illegal border crossings soared in the months after Biden took office and immediately rolled back many Trump-era restrictions…The Biden administration has released more than 2.3 million border crossers into the United States since 2021. The gap between the number of migrants taken into CBP custody versus the number of people who are sent back or deported has widened each of the last three years…On Biden’s first day in office his administration ordered a pause on most arrests and deportations from the interior of the United States.”

Biden openly and repeatedly lies about inflation, alleging that it was 9% when he took office. Clear, authoritative and widely agreed upon statistics reveal that the actual rate was 1.4%. The claim is neither a misinterpretation or an exaggeration.  it’s an absolute falsehood.

Democrats have used completely false claims about voter ID, inciting racial antagonism, as a means to gain support from minority voters. The reality is, voter id does not “suppress,” “limit,” or “discourage” any voters.  A National Bureau of Economic Research study, among others, found that “the laws have no negative effect on registration or turnout, overall or for any group defined by race, gender, age, or party affiliation. A similar Heritage examination revealed that “Among a variety of minority groups and political affiliations, no significant change in turnout occurred after voter ID laws went into effect. It should be noted, though, that Hispanic voter turnout actually increased in states with ID requirements, when compared to states without them. Clearly, the decrease erroneously claimed by critics has not happened.” 

Contrary to the commonly heralded assumption that voter ID laws mobilize political backlash, this research shows the laws have no significant impact on four different measurements of political mobilization: campaign contact, frequency of campaign signs, volunteering for campaigns, and levels of campaign contributions. These activities appear to occur at nearly identical rates in states with and without voter ID laws. 

Among the most serious hoaxes was the allegation that Donald Trump “colluded” with Russians. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Ca.) repeatedly stated that “there was “ample evidence of collusion in plain sight.” An intensive, 306 page Special Counsel  report concluded in 2013 that “based on the evidence gathered in the multiple exhaustive and costly federal investigations of these matters, including the instant investigation, neither U.S. law enforcement nor the Intelligence Community appears to have possessed any actual evidence of collusion in their holdings at the commencement of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.”

Politicians and political parties on both sides of the aisle have, with unfortunate frequency, engaged in statements which mislead, exaggerate, or obscure the truth. However, the seriousness and extent of the Democratic Party’s actions in the 21st century are in a league all their own. They have substantially and needlessly divided the nation, exacerbated racial tensions, and left in charge a Commander-in-Chief clearly incapable of governing or protecting the nation.  

Picture: Pixabay