Quick Analysis

The Coming Storm

Politics over the past several years has been contentious.  It is about to get far worse.

The sinews that have held the nation together in the most divisive times are becoming unglued. This is not the result of two sides dueling due to sharply differing views.  It is, instead, a deliberate attempt by the radical Progressive movement to tear down long cherished institutions, the capitalist economy, and the personal and economic safety of the citizenry in order to rebuild the country in a Marxist paradigm.

The hard left’s goals could not have been achieved at the ballot box over the past seventy years, so a patient program to gain leadership positions in key professions was begun.  A German Communist student activist named Rudi Dutscke advocated a “long march through the institutions” in 1967 to establish the conditions where success could nevertheless be achieved. The strategy has proven successful. The fields of journalism, education, and the media were eventually dominated by those in sync with hard-left ideology, and they are now fully exercising their power.

Students are being taught, contrary to fact, that America is terrible nation. They are intentionally blinded to the reality that a free market economy provides more prosperity to a greater range of the population than socialism. Journalists, consciously or not, have a adopted theA Progressive tenet that truth is subservient to the pursuit of ideological goals. Hysteria-inducing charges of “Russian Collusion,” “Systemic Racism,” and imminent environmental collapse are diligently published. The entertainment media, heavily influenced by China, pushes this forward.  Legitimate questions concerning the misdeeds of leftist politicians, as well as sheer factual research, are ignored. Massive, long-term violent acts of rebellion against legitimate authority perpetuated by Black Lives Matter and Antifa are obscured.

The movement has entered a new phase, with the goal this time being a permanent hold on elective offices by suppressing contrary voices and disrupting the elective process. This is being done in a variety of ways.

There can be little dispute that voter registration rolls and ballot security rules across the nation are flawed in ways that benefit the Left.  A Pew Center on the States study found that 2,758,578 individuals were registered to vote in more than one state.  In addition, 12.7 million records nationwide are out of date and include over 1.8 million records for people who are no longer living.  Approximately 24 million registration records, or nearly 13% of the national total, are estimated to be inaccurate or no longer valid. Hans Spakovsky has revealed some districts with 10% phony registration addresses, and aliens ineligible to vote. The vehemence with which Progressive politicians attack legitimate border security is directly related to their bid, seen in a number of large cities to give them the vote. Relevant also is their fight against rational measures for appropriate identification before casting a ballot.

The worst is yet to come.

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Passage of H.R. 1, which would legitimize efforts to subvert reasonable ballot security measures, is a distinct possibility.

The American Republic has been unusually successful, thanks to the genius of a Constitution that protects all while allowing the majority to govern. Numerous attempts to eliminate the Electoral College have been made, with the intention of disenfranchising more conservative, smaller states. The abuse of federal agencies, such as the Internal Revenue Service to harass groups such as the Tea Party, and the Department of Justice to attack right of center think tanks and political figures were begun under Obama, and have been renewed by Biden. These abuses will, at least for the next two years, escalate.

Progressive-led media will continue to use a variety of methods to attack opponents, including censorship against those who question their political actions. 

The language emanating from Leftist politicians is deeply troubling. The use of the phrase “seditionist” is no longer restricted to January 6 participants, but to all who don’t follow their beliefs. Recently, White House adoption of the phrase “Climate Emergency” appears to be a code phrase leading to a justification of imposing restrictions on the free market.

Will America weather this storm?

Illustration: Pixabay