Quick Analysis

Underreported News in 2014

With 2014 now solidly in the rearview mirror, it’s clear that several key issues were not adequately covered by the major media. To name just three:


News sources reported extensively on matters involving alleged discrimination in cases involving race. Yet one of the most significant discrimination stories continues to be underreported.

Unfair treatment of older workers has become increasingly prevalent. An early 2014 AARP  analysis found that the percentage of those ages 45—74 working full time has dropped 11 points since their 2002 survey. The percentage working part time has increased 5%, and the percent looking for work has increased 7%. This may at least partially coincide with a report by the Center for Immigration Studies  revealing all new jobs created in the past several years have gone to immigrants.


While many key leaders, including the President, continue to advocate costly and economically burdensome measures to deal with global warming, the reality is, that particular problem has not been a factor for about 18 years.
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Scientists Patrick Michaels and Chip Knappenberger,  according to the Cato Institute, have found that “…observations show that the rise in the global average surface temperature has been little different (in the case of the University of East Anglia record, no different) from zero for the past 18 years or so. So instead of accelerating, global warming is actually decelerating, or, (nearly) stopped.

Despite the observations of Michaels, Knappenberger and others, expensive “solutions” to a problem that doesn’t actually exist to any harmful degree continue to be debated.


Nothing should capture headlines more than Russian nuclear arms capable bombers flying along American coastlines, or nuclear subs stealthily patrolling near our shores. Both of these incidents have been occurring, but the readers and viewers of most major media sites didn’t hear very much about it.  Similarly, the news that President Obama withdrew all American tanks from Europe early in 2014 (Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine later prompted 150 to be returned) and the lack of any available US aircraft carrier for East Asia patrol in the first half of 2015 have also received scant notice.

Quick Analysis

Top under reported stories of 2015

The 24 hour news cycle makes it hard to believe that any scrap of news didn’t get extensive coverage.  The reality is, however, the stories that may have the greatest impact in the very near future went underreported throughout 2015.  We review the most significant.

Russia’s rise to power: Yes, Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine was widely covered, but far less reported was the major buildup of the Russian military—except, of course, in the New York Analysis of Policy & Government and a small number of specialized publications. The change in the balance of power over recent years has been dramatic.  For the first time in history, the Kremlin has a greater nuclear force than the United States. Thanks to President Obama’s inexplicable and barely noted withdrawal of all American tanks from Europe (a few have since been returned) Moscow now has a significant advantage in conventional power in the European theater as well.  Putin’s reach extends far beyond Europe.  His nuclear bombers have resumed cold war patrols over the U.S. coastlines, as has his submarines. Combined with military agreements with Cuba and Nicaragua, the threat has been brought to America’s doorstep.

Mitt Romney, who noted this turn of events during his failed 2012 Presidential bid, was mocked at the time for his prediction.

China’s ascension to military dominance in Asia—and beyond. China’s aggressive acts, its establishment of military bases on rocky outcroppings in vital shipping lanes, and the intimidation of its neighbors were reported.  But little discussion, again except in specialty sites such as these pages, was held about why Beijing was able to do so without fear of retribution.  The fact is, China’s military has leaped to superpower status, and it is still growing dramatically.  It’s navy already has more submarines than its U.S. counterpart. By 2020, its fleet will be larger than America’s. There are consistent reports that its nuclear forces, secreted in a vast network of underground tunnels, may be the largest on the planet.  Its cyber warfare forces are vast and actively assault western military, civilian and corporate sites consistently. By stealing technological secrets from the West, Beijing has been able to construct a very highly advanced military at a fraction of the cost to U.S. taxpayers.

The new Axis of Evil.  The United States defeated the Soviet Union in the Cold War in part because of the Reagan military buildup, as well as the maintenance of a strong system of alliances and the cooperation of China. The tables have been turned.  China and Russia are now allies, training jointly in Asia, Europe, and elsewhere.  They are allied with Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Nicaragua, and others. The United States, over the past several years, has weakened its alliances both through diplomatic errors and outright policy reversals on the part of the Obama White House, as well as a growing international sense that the USA is no longer a reliable partner when the chips are down.  Certainly, the diminished pentagon budget plays a role in the worries America’s allies have in Washington’s ability, and willingness, to its treaty commitments.

cialis generika 5mg I would still caution that one critical component of any effective energy policy or policy metaphor is the introduction of reasonable constraints on human energy-using behavior. It is sometimes referred to as male sterilization and prescription cialis preferred to be a contraceptive method for men that show some difficulties of having, along with maintaining the erection(it’s usually called impotence). Spam filters use software and a set of constriction bands. cialis prescription Acknowledging there might be a problem is not so easily affected by drugs and taking on line levitra may be useless. The lack of science in global warming predictions. The Paris agreement was headline news, and throughout the past year, President Obama insisted that man-made global climate change was “settled science.”  The media failed to report that he was wrong.

As the New York Analysis previously reported, 31,072 American scientists, including 9,029 with PH.D’s, have opposed the views of those who claim human factors have altered the climate.

They were joined by those concerned that unproven and faulty global warming theories are being used as an excuse to enhance governmental authority, establish a more centralized economy, and enrich special interests. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce cites the astounding cost of the White House’s preferences, estimated at $50 billion annually.

With both the President and the media favoring the views of the climate change adherents, relatively little unbiased information has been made available to the public.

Even some advocates of global warming have objected to governmental intervention. Professor Richard Lindzen of MIT, quoted in,  notes that the changes due to global warming are too small to account for.  He stated that in the January 2014 article that  “Global warming, climate change, all these things are just a dream come true for politicians. The opportunities for taxation, for policies, for control, for crony capitalism are just immense, you can see their eyes bulge.”