Quick Analysis

American safety, finances jeopardized

Yesterday’s passage of legislation in the House of Representatives requiring that additional security checks be completed before Syrian refugees are admitted (by a margin of 289-137, with 47 Democrats joining their GOP counterparts,) represents the growing distance between the majority of Americans and the “progressive” minority that rules and influences the nation from the White House, the board rooms of the major media, and on college campuses.

Yahoo news recently noted that  “Some of the suspects in the Paris attacks took advantage of Europe’s migrant crisis to “slip in” unnoticed, the French premier said Thursday, …”

The New York Post reports that “ISIS is infiltrating refugee camps to penetrate Europe and the United States. But … Obama dismissed the danger, doubling down on his plans to settle at least 10,000 Syrian refugees here. The White House insists Syrian refugees go through ‘extensive screening.’ That’s a deadly lie. Obama’s own intelligence experts admit screening Syrian refugees is impossible, because the FBI and Homeland Security Department have no data on Syrians — no fingerprints, arrest records, travel data — to indicate what these people did in Syria, or even whether they are who they claim to be. ‘There won’t be anything in our database,’ FBI head James Comey cautioned Congress last month. ‘So I can’t sit here and offer anybody an absolute assurance that — there’s no risk associated with this.’ But Obama’s in denial.”

The very same individuals and organizations that vehemently oppose any action on the part of the United States that could be interpreted as being the “world’s policeman” enthusiastically endorse the concept of America as being the world’s welfare agency, and admitting those who require significant financial assistance or seek to harm the American people.

Despite a national debt of over $18 trillion dollars, progressives seek to extend Washington’s largesse to everyone in need across the face of the globe—even to those that wish America ill. The fact that U.S. citizens and businesses are already paying excessive taxes—in some areas, higher than all of America’s trading partners– apparently matters little to those who see nothing wrong with increasing rates to pay for benefits to immigrants, legal and illegal, or that U.S. consulates overseas instruct potential newcomers on how to apply for welfare upon reaching American shores, even as vital domestic needs go unmet.
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Seeking to evade the will of a disapproving Congress and the majority of voters on a host of issues, the White House increasingly signs onto international treaties it calls “agreements” that don’t require Senate consent.

This is particularly true in the increasing subordination of American interests to United Nations actions, including its recent call for the U.S. to admit  23,092 Syrian refugees. Nothing is said by the mandarins of the left about the U.N.’s rampant anti-Semitism, its acceptance of corrupt governments, the major roles played by totalitarian governments, or its increasingly blatant anti-capitalism.  Examine, for example, how the U.N. uses environmental concerns as an excuse to demand a transfer wealth from the West to the third world. Review the role of dictatorial regimes in positions where they can influence the future of the internet.

With real unemployment numbers still high (despite faulty Bureau of Labor Statistics figures) and middle class wages that have been stagnant for far too long, the President continues to turn a blind eye to illegal immigration, and now seeks to allow 10,000 Syrians into the U.S., despite the fact that this is how some of the perpetrators of the recent Paris attacks entered France. It’s not just opening the borders. It’s also allowing criminal immigrants to remain within. The Associated Press reports that The Obama administration deported the fewest number of immigrants in the past 12 months since 2006, according to new government figures…The figures also show that deportations of criminal immigrants have dropped to the lowest numbers since President Barack Obama took office in 2009, despite his pledge to focus on finding and deporting criminals living in the country illegally… Total deportations dropped 42 percent since 2012.”

As the President remains insistent on his plan to allow entry to a group that inevitably includes terrorists who will endanger the safety of the American people, he should be reminded that his constitutional duty is to the people of the nation that elected him, not to the rest of the planet. If his conscience mandates that he assist the people of the Middle East who have been ravaged by the Islamic extremism he refuses to admit even exists, he should take firmer action against ISIS and others who are the root of the crisis.