Quick Analysis

Warping American Schools, Part 2

The New York Analysis of Policy and Government concludes its review of biased education in U.S. schools. 

Much of what used to be objective science curriculum is now devoted to politically-oriented “sustainability” course work.  The National Association of Scholars discussed the role of this on colleges, but the problem has now spread to grammar and high schools as well: “The sustainability movement is a way for people with a hugely unpopular political program to get into positions of influence so that they can advance their cause despite lack of public support… Sustainability advocates assume that no one can legitimately disagree with their message. They therefore have no qualms about imposing their politics on students, faculty, and staff. If someone does disagree, they attack that person’s motives and ignore his actual points…. Sustainability advocates don’t want to just add sustainability to the curriculum; they want to make it “the foundation of all learning and practice in higher education… Sustainability advocates don’t like free markets or personal liberty. They believe markets ignore long-term costs and people typically make bad choices. Instead of liberty, sustainability advocates praise ‘social justice’ and ‘equitable distribution of resources’ as the foundation of a sustainable society… The proponents of sustainability aim to have ‘all students engaged as effective change agents in our sustainability challenges.’ ”

Pew Research found that “only 29% of Americans rated their country’s K-12 education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (known as STEM) as above average or the best in the world. Scientists were even more critical: A companion survey of members of the American Association for the Advancement of Science found that just 16% called U.S. K-12 STEM education the best or above average; 46%, in contrast, said K-12 STEM in the U.S. was below average.”

According to The 74 site , in 2016 “American teenagers’ math scores on an international test dropped last year, putting the United States in the bottom half among dozens of participating countries. ‘This pattern that we’re seeing in mathematics seems to be sort of consistent with what we’ve seen in previous assessments of mathematics literacy,’ said Peggy Carr, acting director of the National Center for Education Statistics. ‘Everything is just going down across the entire distribution. I think it is something we should keep an eye on as we move forward.’ U.S. students ranked No. 35 in math, down from No. 28 in 2012, among the 60 nations whose students took the Program for International Student Assessment in both 2012 and 2015. PISA is given every three years through the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development to 15-year-olds around the world, assessing performance in math, reading and science.”

As the Progressive philosophy is rammed into school curriculum, traditional cultural touchstones are forced out. This is followed to an almost ludicrous degree. The Daily Mail  reported last Christmas season that “School officials in Texas are in trouble after putting up a poster “showing a picture of [the character from the Peanuts cartoon] Linus, along with a scrawny Christmas tree and a brief passage that sums up the meaning of the holiday.”

Also omitted in some jurisdictions are concepts as normal as “boy” and “girl.” Matt Walsh, writing for The Blaze  reports “Charlotte public schools have banished the terms “boy” and “girl” from their classrooms. The new transgender-affirming policy allows students to select their own gender and then choose the bathroom (although that part is on hold for now), extracurricular activity, sport, etc., that best fits whatever label they happen to identify with at the moment. Boys will even be permitted to take part in “all-girl” overnight excursions, so long as they become girls for the duration of the trip. Of course, the studious observer might wonder how a boy can identify as a girl if we aren’t allowed to call people girls anymore.”
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Progressive perspectives are advocated by some educational commentators.  Peter DeWitt, writing in Education Week, states: “Now that the Supreme Court made their historic decision regarding gay marriage it’s time for LGBT issues and curriculum to be spoken about in schools.”

Progressive school boards have a bizarre inclination, even while many American schools continue to provide disappointing scores in traditional subjects, to inappropriately introduce their strange version of sex education to extremely  young students. In 2013, ABC News reported that “sex education will be coming to Chicago kindergartners within two years as part of an overhaul of the Chicago public schools sexual health program… Under the new policy, the youngest students – the kindergartners – will learn the basics about anatomy, reproduction, healthy relationships and personal safety.”

In addition to denigrating U.S. history and replacing cultural touchstones with sex education, outright political bias has entered the grammar school scene. In 2009, notorious—and creepy—scenes of students being led in songs praising Barack Obama were noted. The trend continues.

On the other hand, in what is becoming a commonplace scene, high school students like Maxine Yeakle, reports the Daily Mail, was threatened with suspension merely for wearing a pro-Trump T-shirt.

American schools have been transformed from an institution designed to produce well educated, capable and knowledgeable students into one dedicated to indoctrinate youth into progressive beliefs.

Quick Analysis

Warping American Schools

The New York Analysis of Policy and Government presents a two-part review of how Progressive indoctrination has replaced traditional education in U.S. schools.

America’s grammar and high schools have been hijacked.

If you thought the purpose of its educational system was to teach reading, writing, mathematics, science, English, American History and civics to students, you have not been paying attention.

Gradually, over the past several decades, an agenda of Progressive-oriented social and political goals has replaced academics. The problem is not just being discussed in right-wing journals. Last year, the New York Times—-no bastion of conservative thought—discussed objectives some had to the revised material related to advanced placement American History—and what was omitted.

“Where was John Winthrop’s ‘City Upon a Hill’ speech? Or Thomas Jefferson and other founding fathers? Why give more prominence to Chief Little Turtle than to Ben Franklin? [on the other hand] a reference to ‘established colonial elites’ who fueled the ‘independence movement’ had been written in…even liberals scratched their heads over a few descriptions, like calling Ronald Reagan ‘bellicose’ in his dealings with the Soviet Union or describing Manifest Destiny as a belief in ‘white racial superiority’ without also explaining its philosophical mission to spread liberty, democracy and technical innovations…Jane Robbins, a senior fellow at the American Principles Project [argued] that the framework had been ‘scrubbed of American exceptionalism.’”

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A study by the Family Research Council  critiques the Advanced Placement U.S. History Course (APUSH) “The APUSH course work includes no mention of America’s moon landing, Dwight Eisenhower, Martin Luther King Jr., or Benjamin Franklin, among others…Peter wood, president of the National Association of Scholars, calls the new AP U.S. history framework ‘a briefing document on progressive and leftist views of the American past,’ one which ‘weaves together a vaguely Marxist or least materialistic reading of key events with the whole litany of identity group grievances.’ Author Stanley Kurtz, who formerly taught at Harvard and the University of Chicago, joins in this critique, asserting that the College Board is pushing U.S. history as far to the Left as it can get away with, and stating that the APUSH curriculum is a ‘movement of left-leaning historians that aims to internationalize the teaching of American history.’”

In his critique of the liberal education establishment, William J. Dodwell notes: “…in schools and colleges the works and achievements of so-called dead white males have become impolitic.  The left suppresses and revises history to fit its agenda that emphasizes oppression…They virtually ignore the U.S. Constitution or even dismiss it as extremist.  The education establishment embraces collectivism and downplays individual accomplishment lest it pose a challenge to its power.  There is little room for dissent.  Such homogeneous thinking invites tyranny, and educational manipulation sets the stage for that outcome.”

Former Speaker of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich believes that U.S. students need patriotism in their education.  He has urged both elected and appointed officials to review the matter.

The Report concludes tomorrow.