Quick Analysis

Descent into Socialism

This article was prepared exclusively for the New York Analysis of Policy and Government by Retired U.S. Army chaplain Don Zapsic.

All of the hoopla about the socialistic left-leaning politicians taking our country to new lows is essentially more of the same-ole-same ole. Whether epitomized in the rhetoric of old socialist lion Bernie Sanders, youthful firebrand Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, or RINO (republican-in-name- only) collusion on the political right, the goals of both the Democrat and Republican parties have far too much in common. The scenery may be different along the way, but their destination is essentially the same when it comes to our nation’s downward spiral towards socialism. In all fairness, liberal democrats are much more open and transparent about their desire and intent to redistribute middle-class wealth to the lower socio-economic classes. If you doubt the assertions, look no further than the passage and funding of the “Affordable Healthcare Act” better known as “Obamacare.”

It is an indisputable fact that the Democratic Party lied, deceived, and stole affordable healthcare from millions of hard-working Americans since relegated to second-class citizenry. Meanwhile, the Republican Party overwhelmingly opposed the bill’s passage back in 2010 to no avail. Both parties acknowledged that the nation’s healthcare system was broken largely due to waste, fraud, and abuse. Each side knew that bi-partisan, gross mismanagement of resources created a crisis that demanded extreme measures to keep the nation’s healthcare system viable. Democrats stood up and took the hit while Republicans reaped a political windfall winning election-after-election tapping into public outrage. The story does not end there as it is one thing to oppose a bill and quite another to facilitate its viability. Republicans in Congress made sure that Obamacare implementation was funded every step along the way while repeatedly vowing to halt its progress on the next go-round or more specifically, once re-elected. 

If you are quite convinced that America can only turn socialist if politicians like Senator Sanders or Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez rise to further prominence, consider that democrat passage and bi-partisan implementation of Obamacare arbitrarily shifted a large segment of the U.S. economy from private to public sector control. This is a hard reality to bear considering that republicans controlled all three branches of the federal government for two years after the election of Donald Trump (2017-2018) and still could not get the job done. Many blame a single Republican senator (John McCain) for defeating the “skinny repeal” of Obamacare even though precious little was offered in the way of a better plan of action. The simple reality is that there is not a better alternative to Obamacare because the nation’s healthcare system can only remain viable by fleecing the middle-class (socialism). If a better plan was in the offing long after the bill’s passage in March of 2010, one left-leaning U.S. Senator would not have been able to defeat the measure single-handedly in July At times like this, a stereotypical treatment technique will be of less levitra generic no prescription help and more dilemma for the patient. The Womenra also worked. “These best price for sildenafil pills have worked like a magic to create wonders in the bed. This non-invasive system has helped ‘n’ number of people improve tadalafil generic 20mg their self- esteem. Now that you have gone through all the sources. generic viagra order of 2017.

Economics 101 dictates that socialism is a natural and inevitable outcome of any capitalist-based republic that fails to properly manage its resources. Incompetence, irresponsibility, and outright plundering of the public treasury are just as toxic as the most outright, militant promotion of socialism. And how did this all take place? A large part of it can be attributed to bi-partisan approval of unfunded social programs that could only be supported by the reckless fiscal policy of printing a faith-based currency, backed by nothing, along with further taxation of the American people. Obamacare, simply put, was the largest tax increase on American taxpayers in U.S. history in the form of draconian insurance premium hikes, punishing deductible increases, along with an extra serving of less access to quality medical care. 

Obamacare is more than a blueprint of how to fleece middle-class America. It is a symptom of a much bigger problem. While politicians such as Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez advocate fast-track socialism, the greater threat lies in taxation fueled by incompetence and promoted through deception. Whether a house is burned down or allowed to fall apart, the eventual result is the same. It is ultimately a question of how long it takes. The Democrat Party characteristically strikes a match and throws it into the house of liberty watching it burn. The Republican Party by-and-large watches America’s freedom-house crumble brick-by-brick, board-by-board. Impotent to react, articulate to describe. Abuse or neglect, pick your poison. 

My portrayal of contemporary American politics may seem harsh considering that I am an ordained minister and a retired military chaplain of twenty-four years. Please note that I do not divorce spirituality from my political commentary. To me they are one-and-the-same. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. If the middle-class does not prosper and is further restricted in their pursuit of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, the poor will suffer. The goose that lays the golden egg is not the rich; it is the middle class. Contrary to popular belief, there are not enough rich to fleece considering America’s huge national debt. Therefore, the middle-class goose may eventually be killed for a few more eggs, but then everything breaks down coming to a screeching halt.

A capitalistic system can only thrive if its participants are able to adequately share in the fruits of their labor. Demanding production from hardworking Americans without adequate reward is tantamount to domestic slavery. Such a deplorable condition demands a response; a brand of social justice that indeed lifts the lot of the ever-shrinking middle class. Socialism, always based upon unjust redistribution of wealth, is not a legitimate response to the Obamacare-like oppression that middle-class, and previously middle-class America is still staggering from. The answer is also not to be found in the collective Republican Party even though, unlike the Democratic Party, it administers the anesthesia before the surgery but similarly offers no painkillers afterwards. Any form of freedom, including economic freedom, is contingent upon the individual, and not government. The truth, with or without government intervention, must once again set us free. 

Illustration: Lenin, (Pixabay)