Quick Analysis

The World Spins Out of Control

There is a direct, precise link between the foreign policy choices made by the Obama/Clinton/Kerry team, and the two crises which the world finds itself facing this morning.

In 2009, President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton agreed to the New START treaty with Russia, which allowed Moscow a ten to one advantage in tactical nuclear weapons. The President further weakened U.S. influence in Europe by attempting to renege on anti-missile commitments to Eastern Europe. Both were specifically part of the Administration’s “Reset” policy, which, combined with the reduction of funds for the Pentagon, was supposed to significantly improve Washington’s relations with the Kremlin. Earlier this year, that diminishment of American military presence in Europe was finalized by the withdrawal of all U.S. tanks from the continent.

Clearly, the policy was an utter failure. Moscow was emboldened to dramatically ramp up its military spending, and continued to develop a far more aggressive stance towards its neighbors. It was not unreasonable to assume that Mr. Obama would have learned from his mistake and taken a different course.  But in response to Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine, the White House reacted only minimally.  Indeed, the one action that would have definitely grabbed Mr. Putin’s attention—the opening up of federally held land for oil and gas exploitation, a move which would have directly impacted Moscow’s ability to finance its huge military (the Russian economy is heavily dependent on the high prices it obtains from its energy sales) –was never even seriously considered.

Russia’s involvement, either directly or indirectly, in the shooting down of the civilian Malaysian airliner is a consequence of that failure.

Then there is the Middle East, and the Israeli need to defend itself by launching an incursion into Gaza.

For a brief period of time towards the end of the G.W. Bush Administration, it appeared that there was a chance for improvement in that troubled part of the planet. Whatever one’s views of the Iraq War, the people of that nation (who had suffered for so long under Saddam Hussein) actually had a chance for a better life.  They voted in free elections for the first time.  The presence of American troops provided a measure of stability. But Mr. Obama’s premature withdrawal of those forces placed Iraq into a tailspin, opening the door for extremists. The President’s support for the so-called Arab Spring, which assisted Islamic extremists in Egypt, Libya and elsewhere created an environment where the most dangerous elements of the region gained vastly more influence. Support for violence against Israel was greatly enhanced. Any chance for a more stable Israeli-Palestinian relationship was lost. The danger to Israel was pointedly and substantially expanded due to the White House’s very obvious estrangement from the Jewish state.

As a consequence, 1,200 rockets were launched by terrorists into Israel, leaving it no choice but to respond with armed force.
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It would be charitable to state that policy mistakes can be forgiven if, once the consequences become apparent, different, corrective measures are taken.  But despite clear evidence from one end of the planet to the other, the Obama Administration continues on its disastrous path. Since there is little indication that the President will change course, the question of why he fails to do so must be examined.  The possibilities are deeply unsavory.

The first is that he simply rejects the entire international, American-led framework which has prevented another world war since 1945, and he is willing to endure any international chaos rather than admit that the U.S. must play an indispensable role in the globe’s stability.

The second option is that he is so blinded by egotism that he cannot bring himself to admit a mistake. There is some evidence of this in the astounding comments from the White House press office that the world is “more tranquil” than ever.

The third possibility is the most worrisome. Surrounded by a coterie of shadowy advisors with deeply questionable pasts, including individuals such as Bill Ayers, an individual linked to an aggressively unorthodox belief that America is the source of the planet’s problems rather than its cure, the President may be pursuing foreign policy goals directly the opposite of everything the U.S. has adhered to until his election. If this is the case, he has been dishonest with the nation, refusing to openly admit that he is doing so. Or, perhaps, this is the “fundamental transformation” he has spoken of, without providing any real details.

The world is spinning out of control, plunging ever closer to the depths of conflict not seen since the end of the Second World War, and Mr. Obama’s policies bear substantial responsibility for that.


Quick Analysis


Over the past few years, it seems that the quality of America’s major news media in television and print has deteriorated sharply. An examination of the coverage provided to recent stories demonstrates an almost unmistakable trend towards the type of “journalism” provided in gossip tabloids.

Consider the wall-to-wall coverage given to events that, while in a few cases important, bear almost no long range significance.

The loss of the Malaysian airliner was certainly a tragedy, and lessons learned should be applied to make future flights more secure. But the nonstop attention applied to it was excessive.  It received a greater percent of ink and airtime for the period in which it occurred than major events which could profoundly affect the future of the entire planet.  Further, the lack of quality analysis of the tragedy was astounding.  Major news organizations discussed alien abductions and black holes.  An army of so-called experts almost hourly expounded theories that contradicted each other.  In the media’s drive to provide constant reportage, almost anyone who had the faintest semblance of a credential was interviewed.

The despicable comments of an aged sports team owner with a known penchant for inappropriateness dominated the news cycle for several days, as has the antics of misbehaving rock stars and Hollywood starlets.  These types of stories have always been covered; the difference currently is that they have traded places with truly major issues in scope and extent of attention.
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Now consider some news stories that have had little to no major media reporting.  Last December, Russian sources admitted they had moved nuclear arms carrying missiles  to their European border.  Length of US media reaction:  A mere day or two of .  All American tanks have been withdrawn from Europe over the past year.  Newspaper or network TV coverage?  Almost  none.  The unemployment rate for black youth in inner cities is a catastrophic 36.1%.  Reportage?  Barely any at all.

While the political comments of entertainment celebrities generally make the evening news and are discussed for days, bizarre statement by elected officials, such as Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee who believes “Christian militants” are attempting to overthrow the government and that the U.S. Constitution is “400 years old” generally leave the news cycle almost instantly.

An adequate media is essential to having a citizenry sufficiently informed to make decisions on whom to vote for.  Due to its poor quality and overt political bias in favor of the current White House, the U.S. news industry has failed in this great responsibility.