Quick Analysis

Politics, profiteering interferes with move to stop illegal immigration

As the problems presented by illegal immigration continue become more greatly understood, battle lines continue to be drawn between those who seek to resolve the challenges posed by it, and those who seek to profit from the unlawful residents.

As always, politics plays a significant role in the conflict. According to the Rasmussen polling organization, a majority of Democrats believe illegals should be allowed to vote.

A May 2015 Rasmussen national telephone survey found “that one-out-of-three Likely U.S. Voters (35%) now believes that illegal immigrants should be allowed to vote if they can prove they live in this country and pay taxes. Sixty percent (60%) disagree, while five percent (5%) are undecided.  Fifty-three percent (53%) of Democrats think tax-paying illegal immigrants should have the right to vote. Twenty-one percent (21%) of Republicans and 30% of voters not affiliated with either major political party agree.”

The reasons are obvious. New arrivals in the U.S. are frequently dependent on government assistance, and Democrats are generally far more prone to favor generous assistance programs. The recent arrivals are also less likely to favor or have significant understanding of the benefits of a traditional adherence to constitutional mandates and rights guarantees, an issue of great importance to Republicans.

More than just votes are involved, however. A Capital Research  study found that refugee resettlement has become a lucrative business. The study notes that “Surveys of Americans show mixed views on immigration issues, and yet for the Left all immigration is good, no matter what laws or legislatures say.  Major donors on the Left, which normally champion every kind of government regulation, support immigration without limits, and a number of large nonprofits reap not only private funding but millions of tax dollars in the resettlement business.  Most Americans have never even heard of the programs that disburse these monies in their name. Left-wing grant-makers have embarked on a campaign aimed at overwhelming America with unprecedented levels of immigration. These foundations underwrite a universe of liberal organizations that are devoted to bringing in ever more people from all over the world, and the organizations’ motives include money. These groups, known as “Volunteer Agencies” (VOLAGs), don’t just receive private dollars from liberal foundations; they also are richly rewarded with your tax dollars when they collaborate with federal government agencies.”

The impact on America’s ongoing employment crisis is serious. The Washington Free Beacon recently reported that “ Illegal Immigrants Outnumber Unemployed Americans, with 11.3 million illegal immigrants in U.S… Of those 11.3 illegal immigrants, 8.1 million are participating in the labor force. “Unauthorized immigrants make up 5.1% of the U.S. labor force,” [a]Pew [study] says. “In the U.S. labor force, there were 8.1 million unauthorized immigrants either working or looking for work in 2012… The executive action on immigration President Obama put in place in November of 2014 is set to help more illegal aliens become active in the labor force.”

Without effective screening at the border, some of the illegals entering the nation are criminals, impacting the safety of communities throughout the nation. Some of the most severe problems occur in so-called sanctuary cities, where local authorities do not take steps to report or remove illegals.

At a recent hearing, Senator Grassley  (R-Iowa) introduced legislation  to hold accountable sanctuary jurisdictions that are harboring illegal immigrants who have criminal records. Grassley’s legislation (The Improving Cooperation with States and Local Governments and Preventing the Catch and Release of Criminal Aliens Act of 2015would withhold federal funding from sanctuary jurisdictions that refuse to cooperate on criminal aliens and other high priority individuals.  The bill would also increase the amount of time, from up to 2 years to a mandatory 5 years, an illegal immigrant must spend in jail for re-entry after deportation.

“No more people should die at the hands of those who ignore our immigration laws and commit crimes. No more families should have to go through what our hearing witnesses have experienced,’ Grassley said. ‘Sanctuary jurisdictions are giving a free pass to illegal immigrants who have repeatedly violated this country’s laws and are now going on to commit other serious, violent offenses.

Grassley’s bill comes as he convened a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing focusing on how the Obama administration’s immigration policies and practices are hurting American families.  The Committee heard powerful testimony from a number of relatives who have lost loved ones as a direct result of the administration’s failure to deport criminals or its tolerance of sanctuary policies.”

Despite the extraordinary problems, some major municipalities, such as New York City, are taking steps to make it easier for illegals to inappropriately register to vote, such as granting local ID cards.

Quick Analysis

Illegal immigrants voting: a campaign 2016 issue

A recent Rasmussen poll  indicates that a majority of Democrats believe illegal aliens should be allowed to vote. According to the poll, “one-out-of-three Likely U.S. Voters (35%) now believes that illegal immigrants should be allowed to vote if they can prove they live in this country and pay taxes. Sixty percent (60%) disagree, while five percent (5%) are undecided.  Fifty-three percent (53%) of Democrats think tax-paying illegal immigrants should have the right to vote. Twenty-one percent (21%) of Republicans and 30% of voters not affiliated with either major political party agree… Women are more supportive than men of letting tax-paying illegal immigrants vote, but the two are in general agreement that the size of voting districts should be determined by counting only the number of eligible voters.” (The Supreme Court will soon decide whether illegals should be counted in determining the size of districts.)

Earlier this year, state election officials testified before Congress that President Obama’s    temporary deportation amnesty plans would make it easier for illegals to vote, since the illegals would have access to social security cards and drivers licenses.

The issue has been introduced into the 2016 Presidential campaign by Hillary Clinton, who has made allegations of voter suppression supposedly at the hands of Republicans.  On May 31, according to the New York Times, Clinton “accused Republicans including her potential rivals Jeb Bush, Scott Walker and Rick Perry of ‘deliberately trying to stop’ young people and minorities — both vital Democratic constituencies — from exercising their right to vote. She called for automatic voter registration in every state when young people turn 18, criticized Republican-sponsored voting laws in North Carolina, Texas and Wisconsin, and urged Congress to take immediate action to reinstate an important provision of the Voting Rights Act that she said the Supreme Court had “eviscerated” in a 2013 ruling…In addition to areas she said needed to be addressed, like easier online registration, shorter lines at polling precincts and a minimum of 20 days for early voting before an election, Mrs. Clinton called for a nationwide law modeled on one recently passed in Oregon that automatically adds voters to the rolls when they turn 18, using driver’s license data. Residents would have to opt out to avoid being added to the voter rolls.”

Those tolerant of illegal immigrant voting often camouflage their arguments by stating that voter ID laws, meant to discourage unlawful voting of any sort, are being aimed at young people or minorities. There is no evidence to back up that assertion.  Indeed, Judicial Watch  has found that in a case study in North Carolina, minority voter turnout actually increased since the passage of North Carolina’s election integrity bill.

Fraudulent voting is not confined to illegal immigrants. In 2012, reports the Washington Examiner,  Wendy Rosen, The Democratic candidate for Maryland’s 1st Congressional District , was forced to end her candidacy  after it was discovered that she committed voter fraud by casting a ballot in both Maryland and Florida in multiple political contests. Her story is similar to an incident in Connecticut reported by the Washington Times. “State Rep. Christina Ayala of Connecticut, a Democrat from Bridgeport, was caught voting early and often. She has been charged with 19 felony counts. Her arrest forced Connecticut Democrats to adopt a new and revised message: Election fraud doesn’t occur — but when it does, we won’t tolerate it. ‘While everyone is entitled to their day in court,’ says Connecticut Secretary of State Denise W. Merrill, ‘voter fraud is a very serious crime, for which we have zero tolerance.”

Authoritative studies previously reported by the New York Analysis of Policy & Government have provided evidence of extensive voter registration fraud, and a reluctance or inability on the part of officials to confront the issue.

Conservative commentator Phyllis Schlafly Believes that “Hillary Clinton …[has] apparently decided it won’t be enough to rely on the 66 million people who voted twice for Barack Obama…Who are the new voters to whom Hillary wants to give ‘access to the ballot box’? They include felons and non-citizens, along with anyone who can’t prove identity, citizenship, or residence within the voting precinct. She also plans to harvest millions of new votes by expanding the dangerous practices of same-day registration and early voting, which enable Democrats to badger, berate, bribe, or bamboozle reluctant, low-information voters to the polls. Democratic Party and union workers can identify reluctant voters and harass them until the party worker verifies that they have actually cast their ballot.

“Arizona, which is on the front lines of illegal immigration, has been trying to require proof of citizenship as part of voter registration ever since that simple requirement was approved by Arizona’s voters in 2004. The Obama administration refused to add the proof-of-citizenship requirement to the federal form that Arizona must use for motor-voter registrations. Hillary has assigned her top lawyer to sue Wisconsin to overturn its effective Voter I.D. law, one of the best in the nation. But that’s not all. The New York Times just reported that the left-wing Hungarian billionaire, George Soros, has agreed to pour $5 million into a national effort to protect and expand early voting.”

Preventing illegal immigrants from unlawfully voting is not an easy task. The Washington Times  reported that “secretaries of state from Ohio and Kansas said they won’t have the tools to sniff out illegal immigrants who register anyway, ignoring stiff penalties to fill out the registration forms that are easily available at shopping malls, motor vehicle bureaus and in curbside registration drives. Anyone registering to vote attests that he or she is a citizen, but Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted said mass registration drives often aren’t able to give due attention to that part, and so illegal immigrants will still get through. Kansas Secretary of State Kris W. Kobach said even some motor vehicle bureau workers automatically ask customers if they want to register to vote, which some noncitizens in the past have cited as their reason for breaking the law to register.”

Quick Analysis

The Three Pillars of Election Fraud

The news that a Cook County, Illinois election machine automatically transformed votes cast for Republicans into votes cast for Democrats this week should come as no surprise. It’s time America had a very candid conversation about the rapidly growing epidemic of election fraud.

At this point in most discussions about the crisis, it’s customary to say that both parties engage in balloting shenanigans. But in reality, it is the Democrat Party that is, by far, the greatest offender.

There are three pillars in the Democrats’ efforts to unlawfully alter results at the polls:

Election Day antics. From tampering with balloting machines and technologies, some of which were developed under questionable circumstances, to stuffing ballot boxes, to intimidating Republican voters, the Democrats have done it all. Examples are legion. In the 2008 election, Republican voters in one section of Philadelphia were openly intimidated, but Eric Holder’s Justice Department declined to take action.

Consider the Republican congressman from California who lost when numerous votes were cast by individuals ineligible to do so. According to a City Journal article written by John Fund, who has extensively studied the topic,

“…4,023 illegal voters possibly cast ballots in the disputed election between Republican Robert Dornan and Democrat Loretta Sanchez. Dornan lost by fewer than 1,000 votes. In 2002, Dean Gardner, a losing GOP candidate for California’s state legislature, sent out a survey to 14,000 first-time voters. A total of 1,691 surveys came back. The results were startling: 76 people admitted that they weren’t citizens but had voted, while 49 claimed not to have registered at their correct residence, as the law requires. Gardner lost by only 266 votes.”

In the 2012 presidential contest, President Obama somehow received 100% of the vote in 21 Cleveland districts.

Registration fraud. In a study, the Pew Center on the States found “millions of voter registration records nationwide that are either inaccurate or no longer valid…based on data [indicating] a voter died, moved, or had been inactive from 2004 to March 2011.” The study revealed that 2,758,578 individuals were registered to vote in more than one state. In addition, “12.7 million records nationwide…appear to be out of date and no longer reflect the voter’s current information, more than 1.8 million records for people who are no longer living, but have active registrations on voter rolls, and 12 million records with incorrect addresses…once duplicates among categories are eliminated, approximately 24 million registration records, or nearly 13% of the national total, are estimated to be inaccurate or no longer valid.”

Townhall reports that one out of every five registered voters in Ohio is ineligible to vote. In at least two counties in Ohio, the number of registered voters exceeded the number of eligible adults who are of voting age. In northwestern Ohio’s Wood County, there are 109 registered voters for every 100 people eligible to vote. An additional 31 of Ohio’s 88 counties have voter registration rates over 90%, which most voting experts regard as suspicious.

Voter Registration fraud is made far easier by practices such as motor voter, internet registration, and election day registration, all concepts vigorously supported by the Democrat Party.

Opposition to voter ID. The Democrats vehemently oppose voter identification, just as they oppose stricter border controls. There is a pragmatic motivation for that. According to the Pew Research Center these new illegal arrivals are overwhelmingly favorable to the Democrat party. “In 2012, the Pew Research Center’s National Survey of Latinos found that among Latino immigrants who are not U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents (and therefore likely unauthorized immigrants), some 31% identify as Democrats and just 4% as Republicans…Democratic candidates have garnered a greater share of the Hispanic vote than Republican candidates in every election over the past three decades…”

Illegal immigrants, overwhelmingly supportive of Democrats, cast unlawful ballots with relative ease. Writing in the Huffington Post, Howard Foster notes that “Only two states actually require proof of citizenship in order to register (Arizona and Kansas). The others merely require the applicant to sign a sworn statement attesting to the fact that he or she is a citizen…It stands to reason that illegal immigrants who are illegally registered to vote would have a very real stake in seeing to it that Republicans do not come to power with their…ideas about requiring proof of citizenship to vote (which has been required since the founding of the Republic)… There is a huge problem with voter fraud…it is proven by the vehemence of the Democrats, the beneficiaries of the fraud, toward enforcement of our laws.”

The evidence concerning the Democrat Party’s culpability in voting fraud is clear and abundant.