Quick Analysis

Game of Thrones Reveals Political Blindness

It has been said that culture trumps politics.  In that vein, it has been fascinating to observe the bizarre reaction to the conclusion of the wildly popular television series, Game of Thrones.

The fantasy-medieval hit program featured what was portrayed as an idealistic young woman, Danearis Targaryen, who, though first portrayed as a victim, rose to become a powerful queen, a monarch that eventually conquers her world. 

She became a living example of how absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Upon securing victory in an ultimate battle, she goes on a wild killing spree, destroying without reason innocent civilians for no reason other than the fact that they once lived under different rulers who opposed her.

There was a widespread reaction among viewers, who so opposed this portrayal that they demanded the show be re-written.  But history has demonstrated time and again that giving anyone or any body overwhelming power leads to devastation. But that reality condemns political doctrines like Socialism, which has led to 100 million deaths over the past century.

But as Socialism has become popular in the Democratic Party and academia, the reality portrayed so vividly in a work of fiction, in a realm of popular culture normally dominated by the Left, came as a shock to its many  naïve and underinformed devotees.

The popularity of Senator Bernie Sanders’ economic policies, and the rise of anti-capitalist organizations such as Antifa, indicate the growing popularity of socialism in the U.S.

Bernie’s beliefs are misguided, but at least he has been honest about them.  Other Democrat primary contenders for the 2020 nomination share his socialist leanings but pretend to be pro-free market.  Their endorsement of concepts such as Universal Basic Income, nationalized health care, and a variety of other bring out the vote with unfillable promises schemes demonstrates that reality.

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A 2017 Bloomberg review noted that according to Asher Kaplan, who organized a well-attended event debating the merits and problems of capitalism, “These days, among young people, socialism is both a political identity and a culture…Young Americans have soured on capitalism. In a Harvard University poll conducted

,In 2016, 51 percent of 18-to-29 year-olds in the U.S. said they opposed capitalism; only 42 percent expressed support. Among Americans of all ages, by contrast, a Gallup survey last year found that 60 percent held positive views of capitalism. A poll released last month found American millennials closely split on the question of what type of society they would prefer to live in: 44 percent picked a socialist country, 42 percent a capitalist one. The poll, conducted by YouGov and the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, found that [only] 59 percent of Americans across all age groups preferred to live under capitalism.”

A similar result was published in The Week that same year: “Things are looking up for the Democratic Socialists of America. With a membership of 25,000, it is now the largest socialist group in America since the Second World War… Membership has more than tripled in a year, gaining a large boost from the candidacy of Bernie Sanders…”

The increasing support comes also from cultural figures. Despite the dictatorial and despotic depredations of Venezuela’s late Hugo Chavez, who played the key role in destroying his nation’s economy, well-known U.S. citizens praised him. Throughout Chavez’s life Penn was an outspoken supporter of the dictator, and at his candlelight vigil in Bolivia Penn showed up wearing a Venezuelan flag jacket and told a group of mourners: He’s one of the most important forces we’ve had on this planet, and I’ll wish him nothing but that great strength he has shown over and over again. I do it in love, and I do it in gratitude. He was joined by Oliver Stone, who established a solid friendship with the Venezuelan strongman. Award-winning actor Danny Glover, in an interview with La Nacion stated: Glover told La Nación: “He was not only my friend, he was my brother… It’s difficult for a leader like him to exist in these times. His vision for humanity and the world can only be compared to that of leaders like Nelson Mandela. He was a great man and I cried when he died.”

The fact that a major popular event like Game of Thrones, in a medium normally dominated by the Left, exposed the reality of what Socialism’s centralized power leads to exposed shocked viewers to a reality they had ignored for far too long.

Illustration: Pixabay