Quick Analysis

Inappropriate Campaign Tactics

Presidential elections are generally hard fought, no-holds barred contests. However, several disturbing occurrences in the 2016 campaign have gone far beyond the usual rough and tumble of the quadrennial slugfest.

The initial salvo began even before the start of the campaign season, and has already been widely discussed. The inappropriate opposition of the Democrat Party to common-sense measures to insure the accuracy of voter registration rolls and to verify that only qualified voters actually cast ballots has been clearly documented.

Several new strategies have recently been added.

The GOP has generally been identified as tougher on crime, and in favor of more stringent sentencing. It follows, then, that those on the receiving end of that philosophy have not been favorably disposed towards Republican candidates. That has not placed the GOP at a disadvantage, since convicted felons, under current law in most states, have forfeited their right to vote as a consequence of their misdeeds.

In late April, Terry McAuliffe, Governor of the key swing state of Virginia and a personal friend of Hillary Clinton, announced that he was restoring voting rights of more than 200,000 Virginians who were convicted of felonies such as murder, rape, armed assault and other crimes.  Some analyses indicate that the governor’s restoration would be permitted despite the status of any unpaid fines or restitution requirements. A press release from McAuliffe’s office noted these ex-cons had “served their time and completed any supervised release, parole or probation requirements. Each of those Virginians will immediately regain the right to register to vote, to run for office, to serve on a jury and to serve as a notary public… The Governor implemented his action by signing an order restoring the rights of every Virginia felon who completed his or her sentence and all other requirements as of April 22nd, 2016. The total number of Virginians impacted by the Governor’s order today is 206,000. He also instructed the Secretary of the Commonwealth to prepare a similar order monthly in order to restore the rights of individuals who complete their sentences in the future. Article V, Section 12 of the Constitution of Virginia grants the Governor the authority to “remove political disabilities consequent upon conviction” of a felony.” The governor’s action did not extend to restoring Second Amendment rights.
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There has been harsh reaction. A National Review assessment questions whether the Governor can provide a blanket pardon, as opposed to a case-by-case action. The article quotes legal sources claiming that McAuliffe is essentially rewriting the state constitution. An Associated Press (AP) description left no doubt that the purpose of the move had less to do with the rights of released criminals and everything to do with the 2016 election. AP noted that at the announcement, left-wings groups were present, handing out voter registration forms. A BBC article quoted Republican Caucus Chairman Ryan T. McDougle: “Terry McAuliffe wants to ensure that convicted pedophiles, rapists, and domestic abusers can vote for Hillary Clinton.”

The Clinton campaign’s proclivity towards unusual tactics extends beyond enhancing the Democrat base using questionable means.  It is also extending into areas that embrace bare-knuckled politics in innovative ways. A New York Post article found that a “pro-Hillary Clinton super PAC plans to spend $1 million responding to her online ­critics” by deploying “a digital task force” to oppose Clinton opponents online.

The concept of silencing critics of Democrats in general can be seen in other actions, as well. The Obama Administration has engaged in a number of measures that would have a chilling effect on free speech. The latest, outlined in a Fox News report, is a Federal Election Commission move to censure a film maker who produced a movie sharply critical of the Obama Administration. Joel Gilbert, producer of a number of politically-themed independent films, is being targeted under the excuse that his movie, which has no connection to any campaign, should have filed reports to the FEC as though it were part of a campaign.  Interestingly, the FEC has not undertaken similar actions against pro-Democrat works on tv and in movies.

A potentially violent tactic has also been observed, as protestors have taken to blocking roads and streets leading to rally sites used by at least one GOP candidate.