Quick Analysis

Public Health & Safety Reasons for Stopping Illegal Immigration

Statements and evidence submitted by U.S. border patrol agents and others onsite indicate that the general perception of what is happening on our southern border is both incorrect and incomplete.

While some of the illegals are, indeed, young children, there is a significant number whose classification as “children” is quite misleading. Young men who are members of Mexican drug cartels are also part of this dramatic influx, and the ramifications that will have in terms of increased crime will be long-term and dramatic.

But it is also incorrect that only Latin Americans are entering unlawfully.  Border patrol officials report that there is evidence that Chinese, Middle Eastern, and Africans from areas affected by the Ebola outbreak are also arriving.  The threat of infectious diseases is very real to U.S. border patrol agents.

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Reports of scabies, tuberculosis and other maladies have been made, and these can jump to the general U.S. population when the illegals are sent to sites across the nation.

Generations of Americans, who entered the United States lawfully through portals such as Ellis Island, were inspected for contagious diseases and other impediments to admission. That public safety and public health reason is why not adequately controlling illegal immigration is a terrible idea. Common sense and basic safe medical practice warrants far stricter border control.

Quick Analysis

Lax Immigration Enforcement Prompts Concern

In anticipation of the 2014 elections, the drive to reform immigration policy—and the supposed campaign benefit it brings from the Latino and Muslim communities—has accelerated.

Political disputes about immigration policy frequently center on the plight of those seeking to enter the United States seeking employment, or were brought into the nation as young children and have never known another homeland. However, another side to the softening of immigration rules is the potential to allow criminals or terrorists to enter into or stay in the U.S.

Earlier this year, the Obama Administration eased regulations barring individuals who had provided “limited material support” to terrorists from entering America. Questions have arisen whether the White House can unilaterally change enforcement policies written into law, a debate that has also affected the Affordable Care Act and other provisions.

The Administration contends that affected individuals have innocently and only marginally engaged in activities that benefited terrorists.  Opponents of the move argue that US officials rely only on the word of those seeking to enter that they were not actually sympathetic with those seeking to harm America or other Western targets.

The next issue involves the treatment of non-terrorist criminals by the Obama Administration. There are reports and studies indicating that criminals are being inappropriately released after their apprehension.

KRGV television in Texas reports that the border patrol union has protested against the Administration’s “Catch and Release” policy affecting many illegals captured by agents.
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According to the reported release from the National Border Patrol Council Local 3307,

“Rank and file Border Patrol agents are frustrated with the catch and release process as a whole…illegals will continue to cross and strain the system in order to exploit the weaknesses in the system.  Our nation’s borders are not secure despite what some will try and have you believe…”

The Center for Immigration Studies  review of official records found that “hundreds of thousands of deportable aliens…were released instead of removed under the Administration’s sweeping “prosecutorial discretion” guidelines. In 2013,the US Immigration Custom Enforcement  agency (ICE)  reported 722,000 encounters with potentially deportable aliens, most of whom came to their attention after incarceration for a local arrest. Yet ICE officials followed through with immigration charges for only 195,000 of these aliens…Many of the aliens ignored by ICE were convicted criminals.  In 2013, ICE agents released 68,000 aliens with criminal convictions, or 35 percent of all criminal aliens they reported encountering.”

According to official records cited by the review, “ICE targeted 28 percent fewer aliens for deportation…in 2013 than in 2012, despite sustained high numbers of encounters in the Criminal Alien and Secure Communities programs…every ICE field office but one reported a decline in interior enforcement activity…ICE reports that there are more than 870,000 aliens on its docket who have been ordered removed, but who remain in defiance of the law.”

The White House and the Senate leadership continue to frame immigration reform in the context of those seeking to enter or remain in the US for wholesome reasons.  However, the more salient issue is the lax enforcement of laws affecting terrorists and criminals who are within American borders.