Quick Analysis

Progressive Ideas Fail. They Don’t Care.

Some may wonder why Progressives adhere to a philosophy that has failed miserably.

The answer is that failure is the whole point.  As President Obama urged, America must be fundamentally transformed. To do that in a nation that was, at the time he took office, the most powerful and prosperous nation on Earth, that that success be dismantled, faith in its institutions and way of life be destroyed, and its citizenry be divided against each other. In this effort, both he and his fellow progressives have succeeded.

Consider the economic moves Progressives seek to implement in America.  Excess taxes and burdensome regulations reduce business success, a success that is desperately needed to fund the vast and frequently irrational spending programs Progressives require to buy support. They claim to do so to assist the poor, but it only increases the number of those impoverished. Their socialist philosophy has failed miserably whenever and wherever it has been attempted.

Progressive ideas in criminal justice have proven disastrous. Exploiting very isolated instances of extremely rare occasions of police using excess force, they have turned common sense on its head and portrayed murders, rapists, rioters and looters as heroes fighting for justice. In cities run by Progressives, civic disorder rules the streets. There is no indication that they care. They don’t care because disorder and chaos are what they require to achieve that “fundamental transformation” they deeply desire.

Recently, New York City Police Officer Jonathon Diller was killed by Guy Rivera, a career criminal with 21 prior arrests who was not in jail thanks to Progressive policies that favor keeping criminals on the street rather than incarcerate them not just because of a warped belief that American justice was biased, but because disorder and the breakdown of normal authority serves their purpose.

On the day of Officer Diller’s wake, President Biden, and former presidents Clinton and Obama were in town for a fundraiser.  They chose not to attend the wake, a clear indication of the support of the leadership of the Democrat Party for the Progressive program. (in contrast, former President Trump not only attended, but paid off, through a contribution to Tunnels to Towers, the mortgage of the home where Officer Dillers’ wife and infant child reside.   

In that same city, Progressive Councilwoman Carlina Rivera demanded that firefighters remove a 911 commemorative flag from their vehicle, calling it “a fascist symbol.” It would not do to agree to honor anything about a system they are seeking to destroy.  Similarly, Obama, during his tenure in the White House attempted to forbid the U.S. Navy from flying the Revolutionary-era “Don’t Tread on Me” flag.

Presidents have always honored the various religions that have graced the U.S. population. Tolerance of different faiths has been a tradition.  However, this year, Biden declared Easter “Transgender Visibility Day.”

To succeed, Progressives have heavily influenced two key twin pillars of information, education and the media.

 America spends more than almost all other nations on education, yet its students are falling further and further behind (even before Covid.)  The infuriating reality is that resources meant for reading, writing, math and other basic subjects have been diverted, some might say embezzled, to propaganda.

Since an objective recitation of facts portrays the fallacy and failure of Progressive concepts, control of media is an essential element of their efforts.  To that end, they have pursued censorship. Covering up reporting of Biden scandals, calling violent riots as “peaceful protests,” omitting contrary data on search engines, and labelling accurate facts they don’t like as “disinformation have all been cornerstones of their efforts.

Progressives allege that they seek to help the poor, address inequality, and engage in other helpful actions. Their actions don’t work, and they don’t care.  Their only objective is to gain power.

Illustration: Pixabay