Quick Analysis

Politics, profiteering interferes with move to stop illegal immigration

As the problems presented by illegal immigration continue become more greatly understood, battle lines continue to be drawn between those who seek to resolve the challenges posed by it, and those who seek to profit from the unlawful residents.

As always, politics plays a significant role in the conflict. According to the Rasmussen polling organization, a majority of Democrats believe illegals should be allowed to vote.

A May 2015 Rasmussen national telephone survey found “that one-out-of-three Likely U.S. Voters (35%) now believes that illegal immigrants should be allowed to vote if they can prove they live in this country and pay taxes. Sixty percent (60%) disagree, while five percent (5%) are undecided.  Fifty-three percent (53%) of Democrats think tax-paying illegal immigrants should have the right to vote. Twenty-one percent (21%) of Republicans and 30% of voters not affiliated with either major political party agree.”

The reasons are obvious. New arrivals in the U.S. are frequently dependent on government assistance, and Democrats are generally far more prone to favor generous assistance programs. The recent arrivals are also less likely to favor or have significant understanding of the benefits of a traditional adherence to constitutional mandates and rights guarantees, an issue of great importance to Republicans.

More than just votes are involved, however. A Capital Research  study found that refugee resettlement has become a lucrative business. The study notes that “Surveys of Americans show mixed views on immigration issues, and yet for the Left all immigration is good, no matter what laws or legislatures say.  Major donors on the Left, which normally champion every kind of government regulation, support immigration without limits, and a number of large nonprofits reap not only private funding but millions of tax dollars in the resettlement business.  Most Americans have never even heard of the programs that disburse these monies in their name. Left-wing grant-makers have embarked on a campaign aimed at overwhelming America with unprecedented levels of immigration. These foundations underwrite a universe of liberal organizations that are devoted to bringing in ever more people from all over the world, and the organizations’ motives include money. These groups, known as “Volunteer Agencies” (VOLAGs), don’t just receive private dollars from liberal foundations; they also are richly rewarded with your tax dollars when they collaborate with federal government agencies.”

The impact on America’s ongoing employment crisis is serious. The Washington Free Beacon recently reported that “ Illegal Immigrants Outnumber Unemployed Americans, with 11.3 million illegal immigrants in U.S… Of those 11.3 illegal immigrants, 8.1 million are participating in the labor force. “Unauthorized immigrants make up 5.1% of the U.S. labor force,” [a]Pew [study] says. “In the U.S. labor force, there were 8.1 million unauthorized immigrants either working or looking for work in 2012… The executive action on immigration President Obama put in place in November of 2014 is set to help more illegal aliens become active in the labor force.”

Without effective screening at the border, some of the illegals entering the nation are criminals, impacting the safety of communities throughout the nation. Some of the most severe problems occur in so-called sanctuary cities, where local authorities do not take steps to report or remove illegals.

At a recent hearing, Senator Grassley  (R-Iowa) introduced legislation  to hold accountable sanctuary jurisdictions that are harboring illegal immigrants who have criminal records. Grassley’s legislation (The Improving Cooperation with States and Local Governments and Preventing the Catch and Release of Criminal Aliens Act of 2015would withhold federal funding from sanctuary jurisdictions that refuse to cooperate on criminal aliens and other high priority individuals.  The bill would also increase the amount of time, from up to 2 years to a mandatory 5 years, an illegal immigrant must spend in jail for re-entry after deportation.

“No more people should die at the hands of those who ignore our immigration laws and commit crimes. No more families should have to go through what our hearing witnesses have experienced,’ Grassley said. ‘Sanctuary jurisdictions are giving a free pass to illegal immigrants who have repeatedly violated this country’s laws and are now going on to commit other serious, violent offenses.

Grassley’s bill comes as he convened a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing focusing on how the Obama administration’s immigration policies and practices are hurting American families.  The Committee heard powerful testimony from a number of relatives who have lost loved ones as a direct result of the administration’s failure to deport criminals or its tolerance of sanctuary policies.”

Despite the extraordinary problems, some major municipalities, such as New York City, are taking steps to make it easier for illegals to inappropriately register to vote, such as granting local ID cards.