Quick Analysis

Politicizing the U.S. Military Part 2

In 2022, Bishop Garrison, the senior advisor to the secretary of defense for human capital and diversity, equity and inclusion. said the “need for diversity, equity and inclusion should be a consideration or a part of all decisions in the military.”

A Tampa Free Press story notes that he U.S. military and Pentagon have turned into a “vast DEI bureaucracy under the Biden administration. The Biden administration has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives…since President Joe Biden took office in January 2021.”

The report is based on an Arizona University study which stated “The sole purpose of the U.S. Armed Forces is to defend the nation against its external enemies. The service academies train officers committed to fulfilling this mission. This mission—defense of the nation—makes the U.S. Armed Forces arguably the most important institution in the United States…Given its importance, the U.S. Armed Forces should not be a laboratory for social experimentation, especially one based on Critical Race Theory, a contentious and abstract social theory. Yet, as this Commission Report on Civic Education in the Military shows in great detail, Critical Race Theory is promoted within Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) training throughout the military from the Pentagon through the ranks and in our service academies. Critical Race Theory is based on an assumption that no matter what progress is made on ensuring equal rights for minorities, ‘white privilege’ and ‘sub-conscious’ racism continues to prevail among whites, no matter their professed support for diversity and inclusion in their workplace, community, or immediate and extended families. Critical Race Theory assumes that racism is systemic from the very founding of the United States and that the U.S. Constitution was drafted to ensure the white privilege of slaveholders. Whatever the appearance of progress—constitutional amendments and legislation to protect equal rights for racial minorities—is a façade that still preserves white privilege. Critical Race Theory is based on assumptions, not empirically derived evidence, and is by nature divisive. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion programs, which rely on Critical Race Theory, should not be seen as workplace sensitivity training.”

Its not only about DEI. In a press release issued on June 12, The Department of Defense Announced “Environmental Justice Listening Sessions…to solicit input from the public on its environmental justice (EJ) strategy. DOD is updating its EJ Strategy in accordance with Executive Order (E.O.) 14096, Revitalizing Our Nation’s Commitment to Environmental Justice for All, and to pursue a whole-of-government approach to advancing EJ.” 14096 was issued by Biden in 2023.

A 2022 Federal Times study, using data from a Reagan National Defense survey, disclosed that the actions of some  presidents have predominantly caused the perception that the Defense Department is overly politicized

Breitbart reports that “The vast majority of U.S. active duty military members believe the Pentagon has become politicized, according to data obtained exclusively by Breitbart News. Sixty-eight percent of active duty members say they have ‘witnessed a growing politicization,’ while 53 percent say the military has become ’too politicized.’  Sixty-eight percent also say such politicization would impact their decision to encourage their children to join the military.”

The politicization comes at a substantial cost. A National Review article reported that “The Department of Defense wants taxpayers to foot a $114 million bill for its ‘diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility’  programs. The FY 2024 President’s Budget request demonstrates the DoD’s commitment to DEIA and includes $114.7 million for dedicated diversity and inclusion activities.” 

The cost of politicization is also seen in discouraging enlistment in the military. In 2023, the military fell short of its recruitment goal by an astounding 41,000. A Military Times report stated that “One possibility [for missing recruitment goals]  that is increasingly resonating with veterans is that the military is too ‘woke.’ Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala., for example, is among a group of Republican senators who have repeatedly blamed recruiting problems on the Biden administration for trying to build a ‘woke Army.’”

Photo: Dept. of Defense