Quick Analysis

China’s Hidden Nuclear Weapons

China harsh reaction to the deployment of the U.S. anti-ballistic missile system to South Korea in response to the significant danger of a North Korean nuclear attack (see the New York Analysis study on that topic) has raised the key question of Beijing’s nuclear arms capabilities and practices. Unfortunately, much of the information necessary to […]

Quick Analysis

Russia Continues Threats vs. Europe, NATO responds

Largely undiscussed in the American media, Russia is increasingly threatening the security of Europe. Putin is continuing his massive investment in modern weapons. He has formed wholly new military divisions, and has deployed theater nuclear weapons to his borders with European states. The threats extend beyond the raw exercise of military might. An ABC/Associated Press […]

Quick Analysis

Dealing with Russia, Part 2

Second of a three-part review of Russian-U.S. relations How should President Trump deal with Russia? His stated hope to improve relations with Moscow must be tempered by the realization that persuading Putin to stand down from his massive arms buildup, threatening posture towards Europe, and dangerous adventurism across the globe can only be accomplished from […]

Quick Analysis

The Imminent EMP Threat

Even as North Korea and Iran move closer to the ability to launch an ICBM against the American homeland, there is a tendency to underestimate the catastrophic effects even a single nuclear warhead could produce. The commonly-known scenario is one in which a limited nuclear strike devastates a single target or set of targets but […]

Quick Analysis

Obama Seeks Unilateral U.S. Nuclear Policy Change

President Obama continues to engage in an unrealistic and dangerous attempt to unilaterally draw down America’s already sharply diminished military strength, even as Russia and China continue to dramatically expand their military and conventional armed might. His latest move was a proposal to enact a “No First Use Policy” of nuclear weapons. The attempt met […]

NY Analysis

Benghazi Report Reveals Lies, incompetence

The Select Committee on Benghazi has released its report and the information presents a stunningly terrible picture of a U.S. State Department in complete negligence, failing to comply with requests to strengthen the facility. It reveals in unmistakable measure that the Administration knowingly lied to the American people about the cause of the attack. It reveals […]

Quick Analysis

U.S. Army Faces Budgetary Challenges

Budget constraints are taking an increasingly severe toll on the United States Army, impairing its ability to defend the nation. The financial challenges come at a time when threats from Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and terrorists have increased dramatically. The Army’s base 2017 budget request, including Overseas Contingency Operations, is $125.1 billion.  60% of […]

Quick Analysis

Moscow’s Commanding Lead in Nuclear Arms

In the aftermath of the New Start Treaty with Russia agreed to by President Obama, the United States for the first time in history, assumed a position of nuclear inferiority. The numbers are clear. As noted by the Arms Control Association, Russia has 7,700 warheads to America’s 7,100. Russian sources, however, note that in one […]

Quick Analysis

Bipartisan Concern over Iran Nuclear Deal

21 Democrat Senators and 35 of their Republican colleagueshave written to the President  asking him to act against Iran’s nuclear-capable missile tests, a violation, they maintain, of the nuclear deal. The Democrats’ letter, quoted in The Hill states: “Such action is essential to make clear to Iran’s leaders that there will be consequences for future violations of […]

Quick Analysis

Obama’s dangerous experiment in sharp military cuts endangers U.S.

The Obama Administration’s dangerous experiment to determine whether aggressive states such as Russia, China, Iran and North Korea would respond positively to a diminished U.S. military and a reduced worldwide presence has been a failure. Russia and China have engaged in a vast, dramatic arms buildup of both their conventional and strategic nuclear forces. Both […]