Quick Analysis

Defense Bill Addresses Key Threats

In response to the extraordinary rise in threats from China, Russia, Iran, North Korea and terrorists, the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)  provides needed resources, many believe long overdue, for the U.S. military, which had been underfunded throughout the Obama Administration. The $717 billion it provides was approved by Congress at the fastest pace […]

Quick Analysis

Defense Spending Bill Acknowledges Major Threats, Part 2

On Saturday, The New York Analysis of Policy and Government provided a general outline of the National Defense Authorization Act recently passed by the House of Representatives.  In today’s article, we provide specifics.  Spending for Specific Weapons Systems in the NDAA Authorizes $360.0 million, an increase of $338.1 million, for Stryker A1 combat vehicles, the […]

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Learning the Wrong Lessons From Mideast Military Successes

With the limited attack on Syrian illegal chemical weapons facilities, The United States has completed another Mideast military endeavor with little or no loss of life or damage to equipment. It is important that this does not lead to a false sense of confidence. The true test of American military prowess does not rest with […]

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NATO Expands Defense Spending, Criticizes Russia, Part 2

This month, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg presented the NATOs Annual Report. We continue our review by presenting excerpts presenting the Alliance’s views on Russia, and nuclear deterrence. Russia Relations with Russia NATO’s policy towards Russia remains consistent: defence and dialogue. After the Cold War, NATO and Russia were striving towards a strategic partnership. However, […]

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U.S. Faces Dangerous Challenges in Pacific

  Gen, Dunford, Chair of the Joint Chiefs, meets with Admiral Harris (DoD Photo) How dangerous are the challenges facing the U.S. in the Pacific? America has committed 375,000 soldiers, sailors, marines, airmen, and Coast Guard personnel to the region. Admiral Harry Harris, the Commander of America’s Pacific Command, (PACOM) recently testified before the House […]

Quick Analysis

Russia’s Heightened Military Threat

The Trump Administration is levying sanctions on Russia for violating a nuclear arms pact. It’s a response the Obama Administration failed to make. The White House move is part of its attitude of realism in dealing with international threats. Leftist legislators and think tanks, as well as their allies in numerous media outlets have objected […]

Quick Analysis

China and the U.S.: Military and Economic Rivalry Analyzed, Part 3

The US-China Economic and Security Review Commission has just released its 2017 “Report to Congress.” The Commission’s analysis reveals that Beijing’s meteoric economic rise in recent years is beginning to show some strain and  increasing debt. Of particular concern to Americans is the vast deficit the U.S. has in its trade relations, some of which has […]

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NATO Responds to Russia

Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and Georgia, its vast military modernization program, its violation of the INF treaty, and Vladimir Putin’s clear nostalgia for the former Soviet Union have made it clear that a new Cold War has emerged. In response, NATO has been adjusting to the new threat level. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg  stated […]

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U.S. Military insufficient to meet Threats, Part 2

The New York Analysis of Policy and Government continues its examination of  the Heritage Foundation’s authoritative study of military threats to the U.S., and the ability of the Pentagon to respond to them, in this three-part series. The U.S. defense posture varies by region. Heritage provides the following analysis: Europe. For the most part, Europe […]

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Dangerous Chinese Illusions, Part 2

The New York Analysis of Policy and Government concludes its two part examination of China’s challenge to the U.S.—and the unrealistic response on the part of some Washington policy makers. The Free Beacon also reported that “China flight tested a new variant of a long-range missile with 10 warheads in what defense officials say represents a […]