Quick Analysis

“I Spy” and Other Chinese Influence Operations

Chinese law requires all its citizens, including those living overseas, to spy for the regime when “requested” to do so. There is no option to decline. It threatens families at home and employs even more coercive measures overseas. Sometimes, the appeal is made by labeling the “request” an act of patriotism. Always, it is outside […]

Quick Analysis

Senate Armed Services Committee Approves NDAA

The Fiscal Year 2021 National Defense Authorization act has been approved by the Senate Armed Forces Committee. It’s more than just a budget statement; it is an expression of national security strategy.  It will undergo changes as it winds its way through the legislation process. We present the Committee’s general description. At no time in […]

Quick Analysis

Nuclear Deterrence In a Growing Threat Era

The U.S. Department of Defense has released an important new analysis of the nuclear threats facing America.  The New York Analysis of Policy and Government presents the full document. NUCLEAR DETERRENCE: America’s Foundation and Backstop for National Defense THREAT The United States and our allies face an increasingly threatening and complex strategic environment. Russia and […]

Quick Analysis

The U.S. Space Force’s Mission

President Trump initiated the new United States Space Force.  How will this sixth branch of our armed forces take shape? How will it operate? This month, Stephen L. Kitay, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space Policy, in a Mitchell Institute address, responded to these key questions.  We provide key excerpts: We now have […]

Quick Analysis

China Infiltrates U.S. Politics, schools, and Cities

China’s actions against the United States can be seen in more than just unfair trade and armaments. Beijing is waging an intensive effort to reshape American education and politics to suit its own needs. Little reported, this is the most significant assault on the U.S.’s culture of freedom ever waged, far surpassing anything done by […]

Quick Analysis

China, Russia, May Take Lead in Key High Tech

The Ronald Reagan Institute has produced a landmark, and worrisome, report revealing what America must do to prevent China and Russia from taking the lead in technologies that can threaten U.S. national security and the economy.  It outlines the dire challenges in applying key technology.  The New York Analysis of Policy and Government provides key […]

Quick Analysis

The Indo-Pacific Challenge

In the popular imagination, much of the Indo-Pacific region is a realm of exotic ports and tropical seas. It is the new center of international commerce, and it is vital to the global economy. But as China’s military power has reached new heights, the vast portion of the globe is increasingly reminiscent of the era […]

Quick Analysis

The State of Homeland Security

On March 18, Secretary Kirstjen M. Nielsen delivered the 2019 State of Homeland Security Address. The New York Analysis of Policy and Government presents her key points: Although the overall security of our homeland is strong—the threats we face are graver than at any time since 9/11. The ground beneath our feet has shifted.  Our […]

Quick Analysis

U.S. Vulnerable to EMP Attack

A declassified report from the Congressional Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack, first obtained by the Washington Free Beacon, warns that China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran have developed the technology for an Electronic Pulse Attacks (EMP) against America.  The danger lurks not only from war.  A repeat […]

Quick Analysis

Foreign Policy Update

SECRETARY OF STATE ANNOUNCED ANOTHER KOREA SUMMIT TO BE HELD In an interview with CBS News Secretary of State Pompeo announced There will be another summit soon to discuss North Korean issues, including denuclearization. He confirmed that North Korea has agreed to allow in inspectors and that the world needs to hold North Korean President […]