Quick Analysis

U.S. Faces Massive New Threats

Two vital studies, one to update America’s National Defense Strategy and the other to review the nation’s nuclear defenses, will soon be completed. The two analyses come at a time when the U.S. faces unprecedented threat levels from China and Russia.  These dangers are significantly different than anything faced since the collapse of the Soviet […]

Quick Analysis

Foreign Policy Update

RUSSIA The US placed sanctions on several Russian entities connected to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project. A senior State Department official said that “This package is designed to address the root causes of those risks – Russia’s use of energy as a geopolitical weapon and the vulnerability of countries like Ukraine, which are dependent […]

Quick Analysis

Mind The Gap

GIUK is not Twitter short-hand. NATO knows it. The US Navy recognizes it is real, even if it isn’t part of everyone’s vocabulary. The GIUK Gap is a critical maritime strategic transit route, or chokepoint, that NATO uses to keep watch over Russian submarines, surface ships and planes. It consists of a 200-mile length of […]

Quick Analysis

North Korea Threat Intensifies

North Korea has returned to the world stage in dramatic and worrisome fashion.  Marked by a meeting between President Trump and Kim Jong-un, Pyongyang had been relatively quiet for several years. However, a combination of factors is prompting new concern. Relations between Kim and the U.S. have returned to a dangerous state, with North Korea […]

Quick Analysis

China’s Escalating Aggression

At the recently concluded March 2021 meeting of the National People’s Congress Chinese President Xi Jinping used the opportunity to emphasize that China is on an “irreversible course” when it comes to its policy toward the United States and the rest of the world. This July will mark the 100th anniversary of the founding of […]

Quick Analysis

China’s Growing Power Projection

The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission has issued its annual report to Congress. The New York Analysis of Policy and Government will periodically present summaries of their work. China has made changes to its military strategy, equipment, and  global posture over the last two decades that now enable it to project  power at greater distances from […]

Quick Analysis

State Dept. Approves “Cyberspace Security and Emerging Technologies Bureau”

In one of his final acts before the Trump Administration came to an end, then- Secretary of State Michael Pompeo approved the creation of the Bureau of Cyberspace Security and Emerging Technologies (CSET), and directed that it begin operations.   According to federal studies, The United States and its allies are facing expanding foreign cyber threats […]

Quick Analysis

COVID and the Defense Budget

COVID-19 has impacted the military, as it has almost every other facet of life. The House of Representatives has produced a defense budget (called the National Defense Authorization Act) in the face of deep challenges, some difficult because of the potential change in Administrations, and some wholly precedented due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The two […]

Quick Analysis

Future of Defense, Part 3

Partners and Security Alliances To secure vital national security interests at home and abroad, the U.S. should strengthen its existing security alliances while working to build new ones. Engaging global partners through diplomacy, economics, humanitarian aid, security cooperation, and military-to-military relations is among the most notable actions the U.S. can take to ensure continued peace, […]

Quick Analysis

The New Low-Yield Nuclear Arms Race

The socialist economy of the Soviet Union made its vast military establishment unaffordable. The successor to that nation, the Russian Federation, continues to struggle with its own brand of incompetence and corruption, making conventional military forces unaffordable. However, that has not stopped Moscow from pursuing its goal of restoring the Soviet Empire.  It does so […]