NY Analysis

America’s Crisis at Sea

The Obama Administration responded to critics of its downsized military budget (see NY Analysis, 2/23/12) with statements that it was maintaining resources on the most likely threats, especially in the Pacific region.  It pledged to provide adequate funding both to protect U.S. interests and reassure America’s allies.  To accomplish this, the White House emphasized that […]

Quick Analysis

China’s Rapidly Growing Nuke Threat

For too long, China’s rapid increase in military power has been downplayed. That is a result of Beijing’s skillful use of economic influence over both key politicians and media outlets.  The problem has become a crisis during the Biden Administration.  In 2021, key members of The House Armed Services Committee (HASC) reviewed testimony from Admiral […]

Quick Analysis

Caribbean Crisis

In 1962 the Soviet Union began installing missiles in Cuba that could launch attacks on U.S. cities. In response, John F. Kennedy blockaded the island nation to prevent Nikita Khruschev’s plan from going forward. Despite the dramatic risk that brought the world to the edge of a nuclear confrontation, the nation rallied around the young […]

Quick Analysis

NATO’s Status

NATO  Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg recently released the organization’s annual status report We present his summary: Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine rages on, there is a new war in the Middle East, and Allies face greater competition from authoritarian states, including China. In addition, we still face a range of other threats to our […]

Quick Analysis

Biden Slashes Defense to Dangerous Level

America’s armed forces are in a state of “managed decline.” It is an irresponsible policy decision on the part of the Biden Administration as China, Russia, North Korea, Iran and international terrorist build up their power and become far more belligerent. Under the current White House, the Army, Navy and Air Force have become smaller, […]

Quick Analysis

The Danger of Weakness

Iran’s missile attack on Israel, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, China’s maritime assaults on the Philippines are not isolated issues. They are the direct result of the projection of weakness that began with the Obama Administration and reasserted by President Biden. Moscow, Beijing, Tehran and Pyongyang are strengthening their armed forces and meeting closely to strengthen […]

Quick Analysis

Australia, U.S. Respond to China Threat

As the threats from China gain in intensity, U.S-Australian relations grow increasingly vital. In June, an Australian Strategic Policy Institute study noted that “China’s military build-up is a big … problem, and it has long been large enough to, in and of itself, increase the potential for military conflict in the region, if only because […]

Quick Analysis

Critical Inability to Meet Defense Needs

Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has exposed a crucial weakness in the defense posture of the United States and its allies: the inability to produce the weapons and ammunition required to successfully prosecute a war. The U.S. Naval Institute has found that “United States no longer has the capacity to quickly produce needed wartime assets, like […]

Quick Analysis

Putin’s Nuke Option

Is Russian President Vladimir Putin facing a use it or lose it situation? Will the Russian leader perceive a critical need to employ a weapon of mass destruction to move his war in Ukraine into the win category for Moscow this summer? Are we entering a new nuclear era of uncertainty with an increasing likelihood […]

Quick Analysis

China’s Military Begins Surpassing U.S. Forces

The United States is on a descent to becoming only a third-rate nuclear power.  Russia has the world’s largest nuclear arsenal, a result of an agreement reached during the Obama Administration. Now, it has been revealed that China has more land-based ICBM launchers than the United States. Equally troubling, in just the last two years, […]