Quick Analysis

U.S. releases 2015 Asia-Pacific Maritime Strategy

The Department of Defense  has spelled out its Maritime Security Strategy for the Asian-Pacific region.  According to the DoD, “The U.S. will continue to use diplomacy, multilateral institutions and continued engagement to protect free and open access to maritime Asia, while focusing on safeguarding the freedom of the seas, deterring conflict and coercion, and promoting […]

Quick Analysis

U.S. releases new military strategy

General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff unveiled America’s new national military strategy. He said that it takes into account increasing disorder in the world and the erosion of America’s comparative advantage. The following provides key excerpts from the document. General Martin Dempsey’s Foreword Today’s global security environment is the most unpredictable […]

Quick Analysis

U.S. Losing the economic & defense high ground in space

For far too long, the U.S. space program has been treated as a frill—something desirable and good, but not essential to the military, economic, and scientific health of the nation. It is difficult for Americans brought up on the history of the U.S. beating Russia to the moon to realize that their nation is now […]

Quick Analysis

How to deal with Russia

On June 23, the Chair of the House Armed Services Committee,  Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-Tx)  delivered a major address to the Atlantic Council outlining how the United States should deal with Russia. The following are the key points. Looking back from the perspective of 70 years, two well-known warnings of 1946 were amazingly perceptive and […]

Quick Analysis

China releases its Military Strategy paper

Beijing has increased its rate of military spending at a pace faster than either the Soviet Union or the U.S. during the height of the Cold War. It’s recently released military strategy document portrays the nation’s rise to military superpower status as defensive: (The text of China’s Military Strategy statement was recently released by the […]

Quick Analysis

Taking nuclear assault seriously

The Washington Free Beacon, almost alone among significant American print media sources, reported that two nuclear-capable Russian bombers flew into the U.S. air defense zone in Alaska on April 22. That information is frightening enough.  But further information was even more worrisome.  The U.S. failed to scramble any interceptors to meet the intruders. Russian nuclear […]

NY Analysis


Congress is beginning to pay significant attention to the potential–some would say likely–threat of an electromagnetic pulse devastating the economy, health, and safety of the United States.  WHAT IS EMP?  The Congressional Research Service describes Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) as “an instantaneous, intense energy field that can overload or disrupt at a distance numerous electrical systems and high technology […]

Quick Analysis

What the Cook Incident Reveals

What is the practical meaning of yesterday’s revelation that a Russian FENCER jet fighter made twelve low level passes over the U.S.S. Donald Cook, a destroyer, in international waters on the Black Sea? The incident takes place as Russian military forces are positioned to illegally seize more Ukrainian territory, and Moscow-supported agent provocateurs foment chaos in […]

NY Analysis

US Slashes Military as Russia Expands

 As the United States continues to slash military funding and President Obama advocates unilateral nuclear reductions, Russia is rapidly and substantially increasing both its strategic and conventional armed forces. Over the past five years, the United States has cancelled or indefinitely postponed numerous key weapons systems, including those involving advanced missile defense, strategic bombers, strategic […]

NY Analysis

What is President Obama’s Worldview?

What is the basis for Mr. Obama’s views on national security?  Indeed, what are those views? Five years into his presidency, the question still needs to be asked. The President of the United States has extensive authority to deal with foreign affairs and national security.  While he has wide latitude to pursue his goals (subject to the […]