Quick Analysis

Open Debate is Vital

The refusal, by a biased and deeply partisan media, to openly discuss the massive, unprecedented record of failure on key issues by both the Biden Administration and its’ progressive allies is deeply harming the nation. What is largely ignored by the American press is acknowledged by the world, and the U.S. population.

During his recent trip, European leaders urged the President to back off of his illogical environmental policies.  The damage done to the American and continental economies, the pain caused to ordinary citizens, has been wholly unnecessary. Whether or not one agrees with Biden’s environmental views, the reality is that there is, for decades to come, no substitute beyond at most 20% for fossil fuels.  The recently released information on the President’s suspicious provision of energy to a Chinese company his son Hunter had a financial interest in renders this topic even more relevant. 

Despite that reality, most Democrat leaders and the fawning media have refused to take steps to truthfully address that and numerous other Biden-created disasters, including the Oval Office’s ignoring of the crime wave that has turned American cities into war zones.

The current President has been gifted with news coverage that glossed over a panoply of extraordinary failures. Any single one of those fiascos would be sufficient to sink a presidency over a four-year period. The current White House’s debacles have risen to a crescendo in just under two years.

The Biden-Harris induced collapse of the southern border and the transport of illegals across the United States, with no substantive attempt to deal with the probability of their Covid positivity (coming from regions with extremely low vaccination rates) or membership in drug and human smuggling cartels has been glossed over.

The suspicious killing of the Keystone-XL pipeline, while helping Russia develop its Nord Stream pipeline, has been largely ignored. The reluctance to provide any encouragement to the people of Cuba in their struggle to gain a measure of freedom has been shamefully disregarded.

The warping of the Pentagon for political purposes has been glossed over.

Biden falsely campaigned on promises to be a “unifier,” but has used exceptionally divisive language. And of course, the ethical implications of the Biden family’s financial gain from China have not been given the examination it so desperately deserves.

The Administration has openly turned the machinery of government against American’s freedom of speech.  One example: labelling parents who merely want a say in their children’s education as “domestic terrorists.”  Repeatedly, it has used one scheme after another to attack the First Amendment.

From the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan to the failure to take steps to dissuade Putin from his Ukraine invasion as the Kremlin butcher built up his forces, Biden’s near-pacifist foreign policy, including his underfunding of the military, has brought the planet to the brink of disaster.

While the press and leftist politicians seek to ignore all of this, the public has risen up. Numerous polls reveal the massive disdain for the current White House.

That may be changing.  This spring, the Washington Post and the New York Times belatedly, if marginally, acknowledged the revelations of the Hunter Biden Laptop, which exposed influence peddling that should be promptly and thoroughly prosecuted.  

They may have had no choice, as the public begins to express their fury.  At a recent July 4 event, Progressive Rep. Illian Omar (D-MN) was booed out of an event by an audience furious with her blatant hatred of the United States, not by white Republicans, but by Somali-Americans.

Hopefully, that and similar events will be just the beginning.

The crimes of Rep. Adam Schiff, (D-CA) who virtually tore the nation apart with his fraudulent claims of “Russian Collusion” may someday be adjudicated. Further, whatever one thinks of recent Supreme Court decisions, the intentional failure to timely provide protection for Justices by the Biden Administration’s Department of Justice and the numerous threats against them by Senator Schumer (D-NY) and Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) must be carefully examined and, if appropriate, prosecuted.

America faces a crisis unprecedented since the Civil War. Only an honest debate by elected leaders and the media can avert calamity.

Photo: White House