Quick Analysis

Legitimate Questions About Obama’s Foreign Policy are not “Political.”

Iran has vocally dismissed any potential of living up to the promises it made regarding its nuclear weapons program. Russia has stolen territory from Ukraine, moved tactical nuclear missiles to its European border, and established military ties with Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua. China, too, has established military ties in Latin America, openly threatens its Asian neighbors, steals offshore assets from the Philippines, attacks Vietnamese ships, and, lest we forget, continues to occupy Tibet. Both Moscow and Beijing continue to dramatically build up their militaries to levels far higher than what they possessed during the Cold War. Al Qaeda has expanded its influence in the Middle East, and grows stronger in Africa. North Korea has developed the capacity to launch a nuclear-armed missile at the United States, and the resulting EMP blast could literally destroy all modern infrastructure in the contiguous 48 states.

In reply, the President, in his West Point speech, called for a less military-centric U.S. foreign policy, and continues to cut military funding. He does, however, continue to defend his intervention in Libya and calls for more US assistance to Syrian rebels, two moves that have absolutely nothing to do with American interests or national security.

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An elected leader in a free nation always owes an explanation of his actions and goals to the citizenry, particularly when those actions have resulted in dramatic setbacks for the national interests. Mr. Obama and his supporters continue to allege that those very legitimate questions are mere political bickering. They are not.