Quick Analysis

Irrational Energy Policy

One of President Biden’s first acts upon taking office was to eliminate the Keystone XL pipeline, an 875-mile project that would extend from the Canadian border at Morgan, Montana, to  Steele City, Nebraska.  

It was only the opening salvo of his Administration’s war on energy, which is the root cause not only of the increase in gasoline prices but also the rampant inflation that is wreaking havoc on the U.S. economy.

Biden has been open about his disdain for fossil fuels, despite the uncomfortable reality that alternative sources, for the foreseeable future, can only replace about 20% of energy needs. 

His views completely disregard the economic hardship to the American people, and the reality that alternative sources can only produce about 20% of energy needs.

One study reports that “While renewables continue to underperform in the generation of electricity, crude oil continues to be targeted for elimination along with coal and natural gas, even though oil is seldom used for generating electricity. Today, Biden supports allowing banks and investment giants to collude to reshape economies and energy infrastructure with their Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) divesting in fossil fuels. ESG is a very dangerous precedent as the American people never voted to give banks this sort of control over our country.”

A Cfact study has found that “The unintended consequences of attempting to rid America and the world of crude oil usage are being realized in supply shortages and soaring prices resulting from the elimination of products and fuels manufactured from crude oil that support: Asphalt for roughly 65 million miles of roads in the world, Tires for the 1.4 billion vehicles in the world, Fertilizers to feed the world on this increasingly resource-stretched and crowded earth, Medical supplies that are primarily made from oil derivatives Jets that comprise more than 50,000 for military, commercial, and private sector, Merchant ships that comprise more than 53,000 that move products throughout the world, Vehicles that are mostly made of plastics, and even renewables of wind turbines and solar panels that are made from oil derivatives.”

A Heartland analysis reveals that “Energy prices are skyrocketing under President Joe Biden’s radical energy and climate agenda. The latest official government data show large year-over-year price hikes for all forms of energy. During the past year, overall electricity prices rose 8 percent, industrial energy prices increased by 15 percent, home heating oil prices rose 43 percent, conventional oil prices surged by 60 percent, natural gas prices increased by 61 percent, and gasoline prices rose nearly $1 per gallon. The average U.S. household in 2021 spent an extra $600 in higher gasoline costs and $70 in higher electricity costs. Further, households that use natural gas spent an extra $300, on average, and those using home heating oil paid $1,000 more. Cumulatively, the average American household paid about $1,000 in higher energy costs in 2021 compared to 2020. It’s also important to note that these higher energy prices have been baked into the costs for all goods and services bought and sold in the economy, contributing to across-the-board inflation.”

There is also the uncomfortable reality that alternatives such as wind and solar are not good for the environment.

Wind power is dangerous to wildlife, noisy, expensive and unreliable. Simply put, sometimes the wind just doesn’t blow. Solar panels destroy vast tracks of land.

A Scientific American analysis outlined the environmental problems of solar power. “the ecological footprint of solar power development could grow to more than 27,500 square miles—roughly the land area of South Carolina—if the U.S. were to adopt a more ambitious climate goal. When thousands of solar panels are built in undeveloped natural areas, the panels crowd out wildlife and destroy their habitat.”

There appears to be no logical reason for Biden’s energy policies, leading to an uncomfortable question, recently raised by the Heritage Foundation. “With reports that classified documents were found at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement at the University of Pennsylvania, questions arise about the potential connection between the university’s receipt of $54 million in Chinese donations and President Joe Biden’s promotion of energy policies that are strengthening China’s economy at the expense of our own. Under Biden’s anti-fossil fuel energy policies, Americans have been left with higher costs and a weaker economy while China has gained a larger market for its “green energy” wind turbines, solar panels, and electric vehicle batteries. Could the money and the policies be related? The New York Post reported that tens of millions in donations to the University of Pennsylvania came from Chinese donors after the Penn Biden Center was first announced in 2017.”

Illustration: Pixabay