A key Fundamental issue facing the nation was left comparatively undiscussed by the media in the 2024 Presidential campaign.
There have been contentious debates on a number of issues. Inflation that has devastated family budgets, international crises that have spun out of control, a border that been left open, all have received attention.
But the violations of the most basic underpinnings of American rights remain relatively ignored.
An Investor’s Business Daily noted several years ago that “Hillary Clinton and other leaders in her party…have been agitating to restrict or outright repeal existing rights …Democrats have long expressed frustration, if not outright contempt, for the Constitution…the fact that a major U.S. political party — which still considers itself mainstream — is now willing to specifically target amendments designed to protect Americans from tyrannical government control is alarming….”
Take a closer look at the precarious state of our Bill of Rights.
First, and perhaps foremost, the continued assault on the Bill of Rights. The stunning attacks on the First Amendment’s freedom of speech guarantee are utterly unprecedented. From Senator Schumer’s (D-NY) proclamation that “the First Amendment is not absolute” to the Biden Administration’s continued attempts to label opposing views “misinformation” that could be banned, and John Kerry’s blatant advocacy of censorship, attempts to shelve this most basic right are becoming overwhelming. In just one example, A federal appeals court ruled last year that the Biden Administration violated the First Amendment in its relations with social media companies.
The Second Amendment was included as a measure to protect all the other rights. The chorus of support for making this right an anachronism grows constantly louder.
The Fourth Amendment is shrinking under relentless assaults from the current White House. For example, a court opinion found that the FBI wrongly searched foreign surveillance data for the last names of a U.S. senator and a state senator. An NBC report noted that the “FBI ran a query using the Social Security number of a state judge.” FISA Section 702 is so broad that it has been liberally used by Democrats to assault pollical opponents, completely disregarding the right to privacy.
The Sixth Amendment provides a right to legal counsel. In its relentless lawfare against its political rival, the Biden Justice Department has ignored this. Commentator Mark Levin, quoted by retired Judge John Wilson, notes that it has “been pierced in a serial nature when it applies to Donald Trump…(t)his is just more evidence of the unraveling of our liberties…(o)ur civil liberties are being violated…(i)f they can do this to Donald Trump or if they can drag lawyers in front of grand juries…take their testimony…Well, what’s left?”
Two amendments, the Ninth and Tenth, have been violated repeatedly, not just recently, but for decades as the federal government has grown far beyond the role envisioned by those who composed the Bill of Rights. The wording of those two bears repeating, for upon doing so, it reminds us of the shocking disregard for them:
AMENDMENT IX: The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
AMENDMENT X: The powers delegated to the United States by the Constitution, not prohibited to it by the States, are reserved by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Consider the vast powers that Washington has amassed to itself, in so many different areas. Passing not just laws but bureaucratic regulations that directly infringe upon the rights of not just individual citizens but the authority of state governments as well, overtly and defiantly ignoring both of these portions of the Bill of Rights.
The preservation of the Bill of Rights is crucial to the continued existence of the United States as a free people and a Constitutional Republic. It is a fundamental issue that was absent in media discussion about the 2024 election.