Quick Analysis

Don’t Tread on…American History

Actor Christopher Pratt is the latest target of the “Everything about America is bad” crowd. He was spotted wearing a T shirt with a picture of the famous Gadsen Flag, bearing the Revolutionary War motto, “Don’t Tread on Me.” It was a symbol of resolve against the tyranny of a distant monarch who sought to eliminate the freedoms of a people who had become used to self-government. For that offense against the Left’s maniacal “political correctness,” he was soundly criticized. 

There are several culprits in the movement to cast absolutely everything about the U.S. as terrible, and to wholly hide the reality that the nation’s origins were the greatest advance in human rights in mankind’s history. (Yes, there were imperfections, but they were eventually corrected.)

Let’s start with the pro-socialism crowd.  Despite that philosophy being responsible for approximately one hundred million murders throughout its comparatively short history and the oppression and impoverishment of even more, its current advocates continue to seek to implement it in the United States. Socialism is the mirror opposite of America’s bedrock principles of individual rights and a capitalist economic system. There is no logical excuse to continue the bitter failure of socialism, and so its proponents seek to avoid that reality by tearing down the most successful economic/political system ever devised.

Consider next the Democratic Party’s ultra-partisans, who, until the current Administration is out of office, will condemn any instance of pride in America’s history as being an endorsement of the present White House.  They are willing to castigate any and everything about the nation to create a false sense of desperation that they allege can only be resolved by electing one of their number. They place their political goals far above the good of the nation.

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There is an additional strategy for those folks.  The voters do not demonstrate much enthusiasm for hard-left policies, so they seek to alter the population.  That is why, despite the expense, public safety, health and other problems that arise from illegal immigration, they fervently push for open borders.  Their philosophy: If the current crop of voters don’t agree with them, bring in a different set of people to tip the scales.  It would only take a relatively small number of illegal voters in a number of states to tip the scales of the electoral college.  That goal is behind all the schemes to avoid implementing a picture ID requirement, and to give illegals drivers’ licenses that they can use to register.

The final group is the most disturbing of all. There is little that is as dangerous to the political health of a free people as ignorance, particularly of their own past. The university and educational dons, who are overwhelmingly hard-left, know that contrasting the success and human rights of American history with the tyranny and economic disaster of Socialism will not serve their political beliefs well, have done all they can to avoid and miscast the nation’s past. Foreign influences are also at play. The Chinese government has actively attempted to push its propaganda through “Confucius Institutes” at universities across the nation.  The Clarion Project reports that Qatar is doing something similar, providing $1.4 billion to universities, and $30 million to public schools.

As the Qatar example demonstrates, this intellectual malpractice is not just at the college level.  Far too many state educational systems at the grammar and high school levels now virtually ignore teaching U.S. history, or provide a biased version of it. 

There are few things that can weaken or even destroy a nation more readily and thoroughly than a concerted attack on its fundamental principles, its culture, and its history.  That is precisely the crisis that America currently faces.

Illustration: Google Images