Quick Analysis


Key news events which appear, at first glance, to be totally unrelated are in fact different elements of a common endeavor.

Over the past several years, lawlessness has been a significant theme. Street riots, assaults on federal court houses, invaded police stations, and increased violent crime have all met with little response in numerous jurisdictions. Massive illegal immigration has been virtually ignored; some might even say encouraged. Official wrongdoing, including lying to Congress, has gone unpunished. Important figures entrusted with enforcing the law have stonewalled investigations or appropriate responses to offenses such as destroying federal evidence, accepting bribes, and abusing federal agencies for partisan political purposes. Public educational institutions from kindergarten through graduate school have used tax dollars for partisan ideological indoctrination.

Those seeking to respond to or expose this crisis have been threatened or ostracized. Publications which exposed official wrongdoing have been ignored, censored and ridiculed. Border patrol agents have been threatened for merely doing their job. Parents who have exposed abusive practices in schools have been labelled domestic terrorists. Whistleblowers who attempted to reveal misdeeds in federal agencies have been retaliated against. Police officers have been maligned for the misdeeds of just a microscopically small number.

There is no singular organization that is guiding these wrongdoings on a daily basis. There is no underground bunker where all this is being coordinated. There are wealthy and powerful figures at home and abroad who believe that concepts such as individual freedom and capitalism are bad, and eliminating the Bill of Rights, U.S. sovereignty, and capitalism are essential to replace those foundational concepts with ideals such as an all-powerful central government.   They contribute to one aspect or another of the threat, and they use low-information influencers and advocates for their own ends. They utilize disparate interest groups to vanquish American culture as it currently exists.

Examples abound.

It was proven dramatically, following the fall of the Iron Curtain, that capitalist economies are better stewards of the environment than their socialist counterparts.  Despite that, extreme environmentalists target capitalism and embrace socialist concepts in the mistaken belief that this will result in a healthier planet. Their activism is a valuable force in the goal of attacking private property rights and free enterprise.

The American population has been raised in an environment where the concept of freedom is an organic part of our thinking. That doesn’t work if socialism is to be established.  Bringing in vast numbers of illegal immigrants who, thanks to a combination of lax voting identification and authentication procedures will be able to cast votes unlawfully now and perhaps legally later (some jurisdiction already allow illegals to vote in local elections) weakens that ingrained devotion to freedom. The hyperventilating reaction of the Left to any discussion of inappropriate voting activities and election irregularities indicates how central a role this is to their ongoing efforts to, as Barack Obama famously stated, “Fundamentally transform” America.

For a society of free individuals to flourish, a commonly accepted set of laws and the impartial enforcement of those statutes is essential. Without that, there is nothing but the whim of the powerful, a common feature in authoritarian regimes. That is why the socialist left is so lax in the control of crimes against people and property, but seeks to impose so many restrictions imposed by bureaucratic regulations. That is also why the police are maligned and defunded, and why Supreme Court Justices who stand for traditional rights and values have been so shockingly threatened and maligned.

The U.S. is the bulwark of individual freedom across the planet, to the dismay of those who prefer that a centralized group of self-proclaimed experts rule. Tearing down American power and influence is pivotal to them. Therefore, they seek to reduce American military strength, destroy its borders, and replace the nation’s emphasis from one of freedom to a variety of disparate and divisive causes.

Illustration: Pixabay