Quick Analysis

China Task Force Issues Key Report

The China Task Force was created to establish a multi-agency examination of the threat posed by China. We have a copy of its Final Report, and summarize it here.  

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China (PRC) more than 40 years  ago, the United States has sought to draw the PRC into  the community of nations as a responsible stakeholder.  U.S. leaders pursued a strategy of engagement based  on the assumption that expanding the bilateral economic  relationship with the PRC would advance the U.S. national  interest and lead the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to  change. This engagement strategy often turned a blind eye  to the CCP’s human rights violations, economic malfeasance,  expansionist aggression, and empty promises, as well as the  CCP’s deep commitment to a hostile Communist ideology  that drives this malign behavior. This strategy has, simply  put, failed.  

In just the past year alone, the CCP has violated an international treaty and dismantled Hong Kong’s civil  liberties; continued its oppression of ethnic minorities,  including Uyghurs and Tibetans; increased its military  buildup, conducted increasingly belligerent provocations,  and violated other nations’ sovereignty at sea; engaged in  fatal skirmishes to conduct a land-grab on the Indian border;  and asserted new territorial claims over Bhutan. Moreover,  by silencing doctors and suppressing medical information  from the world, the CCP allowed a local outbreak of a virus  to turn into a global pandemic, killing almost one million  people to date and devastating the global economy. This  pandemic exposed various U.S. supply chain vulnerabilities,  the dangers of U.S. overreliance on the PRC, and the need  for a more robust domestic medical and technological  manufacturing capacity. 

This series of wakeup calls has revealed how CCP ideology  is undermining the core principles of the international  system and putting Americans’ safety and prosperity at risk.  Leniency and accommodation of the CCP and its oppressive  agenda is no longer an option. To preserve democracy and  freedom around the world, the U.S. must act decisively with  our allies to regain the initiative. Addressing such malign  conduct can no longer be one of many priorities for our  respective governments, but rather the organizing principle  of the free world. 

Assessing the Chinese Communist Party Threat

Recognizing the urgency and magnitude of the CCP’s threat  to American values and interests, Republican leaders in the  U.S. House of Representatives set out to develop a policy  action plan for Congress and the Administration to better  combat this multifaceted challenge. Despite numerous  and repeated invitations over a series of months, House  Democrats refused to join or contribute to this vital effort. The  GOP had no choice but to move forward independently due  to the exigency of the threat. Fifteen Members representing  11 Committees addressed the U.S. strategic competition  with the CCP by focusing on: Ideological Competition,  Supply Chain, National Security, Technology, Economics  and Energy, and Competitiveness.  

Key CTF Recommendations Include:

Ideological Competition

• Evaluating whether the CCP’s crimes against Uyghurs  amount to genocide, fully implementing sanctions  laws enacted in response to the CCP’s Hong Kong  crackdown, and taking further specific actions to  respond to the full range of CCP human rights  violations, from religious freedom violations to  forced organ harvesting 

• Coordinating a whole-of-government offensive  information statecraft campaign to counter the CCP’s  propaganda machine by using truth and our values to  undermine CCP’s lies and malign ideology 

• Ensuring our citizens are aware when they are watching  or listening to CCP sponsored and censored media

• Evaluating whether the CCP’s crimes against Uyghurs  amount to genocide, fully implementing sanctions  laws enacted in response to the CCP’s Hong Kong  crackdown, and taking further specific actions to  respond to the full range of CCP human rights  violations, from religious freedom violations to  forced organ harvesting 

• Coordinating a whole-of-government offensive  information statecraft campaign to counter the CCP’s  propaganda machine by using truth and our values to  undermine CCP’s lies and malign ideology 

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• Ensuring our citizens are aware when they are watching  or listening to CCP sponsored and censored media and  entertainment content 

• Countering the CCP’s global malign influence by  requiring transparency and accountability within the  United Nations system, including at the World Health  Organization 

• Funding technologies and the distribution of devices  that help democracy fighters maintain digital security,  ensure mobile access, and reconstitute websites after a  cyberattack 

• Highlighting the CCP’s rampant environmental  destruction, including its status as the world’s  largest carbon emitter 

Supply Chain

Better securing our medical and national security  supply chains by: 

• Providing aggressive, smart, and targeted  

tax incentives to accelerate our research and  development (R&D) and production of crucial  medicines, medical supplies, ingredients, tests,  and vaccines; 

• Creating a grant program necessary to catalyze  domestic production of important technologies and  designing tax incentives to secure U.S. supply of  advanced semiconductors; and 

• Overhauling the federal permitting process for  mineral development and prioritizing advancements  in mineral refining so neither industry nor the  Defense Industrial Base are reliant on the CCP. 

The Report concludes tomorrow

Photo: President Xj Jingping (Xinghua News Agency)