Quick Analysis

Child Abuse in the name of Political Correctness

In June of 2016, we first addressed the issue of gender dysphoria for  At that time, we noted that “(s)tories can be found from those who deeply regret taking a knife to their sexuality.”    As the procedure has become more common, the stories have multiplied.

New studies are now emerging showing that the ‘detransitioner’ movement is far larger than what is commonly acknowledged, with detransition rates nearing 30% in some instances… thousands of young women and men who once identified as the opposite sex — many of whom attempted a ‘gender transition’ by ingested drugs and undergoing elaborate surgical procedures to impersonate the opposite sex — are now rejecting the transgender identity and are once again embracing their natural sex.” 

In 2016, we also noted that “the majority of (media) coverage given to this issue favors gender reassignment,” and that “those who have undergone sexual reassignment surgery are celebrated.”  In the past seven years, this trend has not changed.  Fox News is one of the few media outlets to cover this issue (besides, giving a voice to those who regret making a decision they were too young to consider knowingly and intelligently.

As reported by Fox, “(a)fter beginning transitioning as a young girl and undergoing a double mastectomy at 18 years old, now 24-year-old Prisha Mosley is detransitioning and speaking out about her struggles… ‘One of the issues I have is the lack of identity,’ Mosley explained. ‘And on top of not having a lot of friends and having issues at home, when I found the trans community and found a new identity and was affirmed…that’s what caused me to transition’…’I was manipulated not only by my trans peers, but by my gender specialist, the person who gave me my letter of recommendation in surgery. It was all sold as like a wonderful thing,’ she said….(m)any of Mosley’s treatments and procedures during her transition are irreversible, including her double mastectomy, also known as top surgery.” 

Those who regret transitioning include KC Miller, who “began taking testosterone at 16 and underwent a double mastectomy only six months after starting the injections. She says that she was introduced to gender ideology through influencers on YouTube. After noticing that the testosterone treatments were causing severe hair loss, she decided to detransition. She now admits that ‘social contagion’ played a role in convincing her to transition. ‘The more detransitioners that speak out, the more that will feel comfortable to come forward,’ Miller says.”

Then there is Daisy Strongin, who “spent seven years from age 15 to 22 attempting to transition from female to male…Strongin began getting testosterone injections and eventually underwent a double mastectomy. Soon, however, she began feeling remorse for her decision. ‘It just got so hard to look in the mirror because I felt more of a disconnect between my mind and my body than I did before,’ she said. ‘I felt like I was in some kind of weird gender purgatory.’ She now rejects gender theory and gender identity, calling it ‘a scam.’ Strongin is now 24 and newly married with an infant son.” 

For the most part, accredited medical professionals continue to treat “gender dysphoria” with hormone blockers and radical surgery, regardless of whether the patient is an adult or a minor.  For instance, the Mayo Clinic, with locations in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota, has “The Transgender and Intersex Specialty Care Clinic (TISCC) (which) provides integrated medical, psychosocial and surgical intervention to individuals with gender dysphoria/incongruence…Treatments offered include…Hormone therapy and monitoring…Gynecological care for transgender men” and “Feminizing surgical procedures” which includes “Top surgery for transgender women,” “Facial feminization” and “Penile inversion vaginoplasty.”  For women who wish to become men, there are “Masculinizing surgical procedures.”  These consist of “Top surgery for transgender men and nonbinary people…Body-contouring procedures (and) Hysterectomy…”

These services appear to be equally available to both minors and adults – including all surgical options.

One detransitioned young person, Chloe Cole, has decided to challenge the medical establishment that encourages hormone blockers and surgery for minors.  “(S)he is suing the doctors who performed the ‘gender-affirming’ surgery because she wants to end the practice. ‘I want to hold the adults that put me in harm’s way accountable because what happened to me is horrible, but it also didn’t only happen to me, that’s the worst part. It’s happening to children all over the U.S., all over the West, and it’s spreading all over the world,’ (Cole) said” in an interview with Tucker Carlson of Fox News.   

Cole “went on puberty blockers and testosterone at just 13 years old. She had been diagnosed with autism and ADHD at age 7 and spent a lot of unsupervised time online, where she was exposed to gender ideology. When she began questioning her gender identity, she was fast-tracked by medical personnel into transitioning, and her parents were pressured to sign off on it. She underwent a double mastectomy at 13 and still suffers medical complications to this day five years later.” 

The article concludes tomorrow

Judge Wilson served on the bench in NYC

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