TV Program

Key Issues: Keeping Americans Safe and Educated

America spends more per student than just about any nation in the world, and yet our students continually fall behind. Those dollars are being diverted to progressive propaganda. Author, film maker, Elena Barbera fearlessly describes the crisis.

 John Lott, an internationally recognized expert on crime and gun laws, discusses why the mass deportation of illegal aliens, especially criminals, is feasible, and necessary.  

If you missed the program on your local station, watch it here

Photo: Pixabay

TV Program

Saving Western Civilization

Can Western Civilization be saved? Author Kenneth Abramowitz provides answers. Judge John Wilson (ret.) discusses the legal abuses of the Biden Administration, and the challenges it poses for the incoming president. If you missed the program on your local station, watch it here

TV Program

Climate Emergency Debunked

The “Climate Emergency” has been definitively debunked. Gregory Wrightstone, executive director of the CO2 Coalition, has the details. If you missed the program on your local station, tune in at

TV Program

Behind the Scenes

Take a behind-the-scenes look at two of the biggest worldwide issues: the so-called “Great Reset” and the great economic challenges facing the USA. Mark Gober, author of “An End to the Upside Down Reset,” and Todd Sheets, author of “2008: What Really Happened” provide the insights. If you missed the program on your local station, tune in at

Photo: Pixabay

TV Program

Setting America Right

RFK Jr. has challenged the monopoly of “Big Pharma.” What steps should he take in his new role?  Are there natural alternatives that could help make Americans healthier? Marguerite Dunn, the “Urban herbalist” and the author of “A Wild Thyme in the City,” provides the insights the nation needs.

Another key topic: Paul Steidler, a Senior Fellow at the Lexington Institute discusses the dramatic changes President Trump may make in America’s energy production.  

If you missed the program on your local station, watch it here:

TV Program

Bad Ideas, and the Problems they Cause

Just in time for holiday traffic! On this week’s program, we talk with Jay Beeber, Executive Director of Policy at the National Motorist Association about the ridiculous policy mistakes that make driving more aggravating. Then we discuss the continuing harm that socialist ideas bring to America with J.T. Young, author of the insightful new book, Unprecedented Assault: How Big Government Unleashed America’s Socialist Left.

If you missed the program on your local station, watch it here:

TV Program

War, Diplomacy and Human Relations

Have humans become less or more “tribal” in recent years?  What are the implications for war, peace, and diplomacy? Watch our discussion with Professor John M. Ellis, author of “A Short history of Relations Between Peoples.”  The stay tuned for a fascinating debate on the Ukraine crisis with Douglas Ernest, author of The Spirit of a True Patriot: The Inspiring story of Ret. Captain Douglas Ernest.”  If you missed the program on your local station, watch it here:

TV Program

New Era in World Affairs

There will be a dramatic change in Washington in the aftermath of the election. What will this mean for America’s national security and foreign affairs?  Our guests, former CIA officer and Vice President at the Center for Security Policy Clair Lopez, along with ret. Col. John Mills, (author of The Nation Will Follow) provide extraordinary insights. If you missed the program on your local station, catch it here:

TV Program

Deep State Revealed

The deep state has dominated American civil life, in the view of many,

 Lexington Institute’s Paul Steidler and former CIA agent Pedro Orta provide a startling discussion. If you missed the program on your local station, watch it here.

TV Program

Will World War III start by Mistake?

Laugh (or perhaps cry) as author A.J. Rice describes the utter absurdities of left wing politics in America today, featured in  his new book, “The White Privilege Album.”  Jared Knott discusses the mistakes that could lead to World War III. If you missed the program on your local channel, tune in at: