Quick Analysis

Russia, China, Iran establish military presence in Latin America

Decades after the Cold War ended, Moscow’s dream of gaining a military foothold on the mainland of Latin America is coming true.

During the Cold War, one of Moscow’s prime targets was Nicaragua. The Reagan administration discovered that plans were made to base fighter jets there, and took measures to prevent that from occurring.

Thirty years later, Nicaragua is again in play. According to a SpaceWar report, Costa Rica’s foreign minister Enrique Castillo has notified Washington that Russia is facilitating the arming of Nicaragua.  He described Nicaragua as being “armed, and…entering into a relationship of military dependence with Russia.”  Castillo also noted that Nicaragua is considering offering its nation as a base for the refueling of Russian warplanes.

Russia maintains close relations, including military arrangements, with Nicaragua, Cuba and Venezuela.

It is not alone.  Both Iran and China also have established close ties throughout Latin America. Beijing  joined the Organization of American States as a permanent observer. It also joined the Inter-American Development Bank with a donation of $350 million. It expanded diplomatic ties with the Group of Rio, the Andean Community, and the Caribbean Community groups. China has also been particularly encouraging in the development of regional organizations that exclude the United States. President Hu Jintao sent an enthusiastic congratulatory message to Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez and Chilean President Sebastian Pinera past December on the founding of the “Community of Latin American and Caribbean States” (CELAC), a grouping that includes every nation in the western hemisphere except the United States and Canada.

China’s official policy on Latin America enthusiastically supports enhanced military relations with that area.
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Much of Beijing’s investment has been in strategic infrastructure that has military potential, including port facilities on both the east and west sides of the Panama Canal, and, as Dr. Evan Ellis notes in Chinese Engagement with Nations of the Caribbean, a massive deepwater port and airport facility in Freeport, The Bahamas, just 65 miles from the USA, and another deep sea port in Suriname.

Iran’s ambitious plans to link forces with Russia, China and several Latin American nations appears to be rapidly moving ahead, according to the Canadian Press. While the growing anti-American bent of Moscow, Iran and Beijing is nothing new, Tehran’s substantial progress in Venezuela, Brazil, Nicaragua, Bolivia and Ecuador is a worrisome new trend.

Iran has actively been developing Latin America as a base from which to launch military and terrorist assaults on the United States. There is bipartisan concern in Congress that the White House has not responded to the threat.

Reports from around the world have noted Tehran’s growing military presence in the Western Hemisphere. Germany’s Die Welt newspaper described the Islamic Republic’s construction of intermediate range missile launch pads on Venezuela’s Paraguana Peninsula.

There are no reports of any White House response to this growing and immediate threat.

Quick Analysis

Pretending that threats don’t exist

The state of world crises can be summarized in a single sentence: While Russia and China rapidly and substantively build their military might to unprecedented levels of strength and skill, the United States and its allies continue to slash their funding on defense.

The net effect is obvious and worrisome. Both China and Russia, and their surrogates Iran and North Korea, have taken note of this new world order, and are acting without the balance of power restraint that has prevented a world war since 1945.

The Obama Administration has engaged in a suicidal game of “let’s pretend.”  Consistently, in the face of all reality and evidence, it continues to discount the clearly rising possibility of major conflict.  It virtually ignored China’s assault on the Philippines in 2012, in which Beijing’s naval vessels claimed portions of Manila’s exclusive economic zone.  It completely failed to respond to Moscow’s assault on the Ukraine   with the two most important effective tools at its disposal: a cessation of the budget cuts to the U.S. military, and the development of federal land energy assets that would have diminished Russia’s main source of income, gas and oil sales.

The President talks tough.  He announced a pivot to Asia, but doesn’t have the naval assets  to make that strategy anything more than just talk.  He announces his support for NATO, but withdrew all American tanks  from the European continent.
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The White House has announced its plans to reduce the already antiquated American nuclear arsenal,  and continues to oppose the full implementation of an American anti-ballistic missile system.  However, it refuses to make an issue of Moscow’s own developed ABM system.  It accepts, without protest, the Kremlin’s ten to one advantage in tactical nuclear arms.

When the USSR began placing theater nuclear missiles in Europe during the latter half of the 20th century, President Reagan countered with the U.S. Pershing missile.  Moscow saw it would gain no advantage, and an agreement by both sides was reached stopping deployment of such weapons. The Obama Administration didn’t follow this example, and now Russia’s ISKANDER missiles, unopposed, threaten Europe.  While Putin has committed over $700 billion to new armaments over its already large budget and China spends vastly more each year, the White House continues to seek defense budget cuts.

It’s not a question of hawks or doves, or even of domestic budget priorities.  It’s reality vs. let’s pretend.

Quick Analysis

U.S. Employment Remains Crucially Low

Once again, widespread misreading of the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS) latest figures has produced the incorrect perception of an improving employment picture.

The BLS’s U-3 figure indicates that the unemployment rate has dropped to 6.3%, indicating a one year decline of about 1.2%.  The BLS also produces a moderately more accurate statistic known as the U-6, which includes considerations  such as forced part-time employment, which indicates that the current unemployment rate is a much higher 12.6%.  Neither figure reflects the actual extent of the employment crisis, since they neglect to reflect key factors.

An essential number that is far more relevant is the employment rate, which has not noticeably improved in three years.

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The employment-population ratio remained at a dismal 58.6%, down from approximately 61% in June 2009. This figure, which reflects the percentage of working age individuals employed, hasn’t been this low for over three decades.

Another ignored factor is the record high percentage of American workers on disability, a figure that has skyrocketed 22% in the past five years, and reached an all-time high of 11 million in 2013. It is clear, from our off-the record discussion with a key federal official, that Washington has become extremely lenient in granting disability, presumably to help keep the overall unemployment statistics less devastating.

Quick Analysis

Press aids Presidential Cover-ups

A key military intelligence figure’s testimony before the Congressional Oversight Committee opens up an extraordinarily sensitive and vitally important question: why hasn’t the White House paid the price for a very major scandal that would have ended any other presidency?

Retired USAF Brigadier General Robert Lovell made two overarching points in his appearance before Congress:

First, he noted it was clearly evident while the attack was progressing  that the assault on the U.S. facility in Benghazi that killed U.S. Ambassador  J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans  was not a reaction to a video. This fact was already known by the White House when the President intentionally misled the nation the morning after the incident in his statement from the White House grounds.  It was also known some time later when both he and Secretary Clinton spoke later at the ceremony when the bodies of the fallen were returned to American soil and the video was again blamed by the Administration for the attack.  And it was known much later when the President addressed the world at the United Nations and again blamed the video.

Independent international sources also disputed the White House claim.  Both the Arab news source al Jazeera and the president of Libya, Mohammed Magarief  said the video was not responsible and was virtually unknown. Magarief described the attack as a “preplanned act of terrorism.”

Second, General Lovell disputed the White House contention that there was no possibility of military action rescuing the Ambassador and others. “We should have tried,” he testified.  Indeed, a glance at a map outlining the presence of American forces in the region indicates that there were several options that could have been deployed in such an attempt.
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The fact that this White House cover-up occurred during, and likely changed the course of, the 2012 presidential elections renders it even more significant.

Several other incidents during the Obama presidency also would have been sufficient to rock prior administrations to their core.  The use of the IRS to attack political opponents, the tapping of reporters phones, the failure to investigate clear-cut cases of voter intimidation, the transfer of weapons to Mexican drug cartels, the misuse of $700 billion in “stimulus” funds, the awarding of a no-bid contract for the Health Care website to a politically-connected contractor who then botched the job, all are misdeeds that are far more serious than the Watergate scandal  that ended the presidency of Richard Nixon.

These are not ideological issues, about which one can say they were done to achieve a particular goal for the good of the nation, if one shares the president’s beliefs. They are, for the most part, venal acts performed for the sole purpose of either enhancing or retaining the power of the incumbent, or preventing embarrassment that could detrimentally affect the re-election chance of his political party.

The overwhelming support of much of the main stream media for Mr. Obama in both of his campaigns has neutered far too great a percentage of the nation’s journalists to allow them to perform their key roles in informing the American electorate.  It is a fundamental breakdown of a key element of our nations’ democracy.

Quick Analysis

Economic Crisis Unreported

The U.S. economy is in a state of crisis, but you would hardly know it from listening to the major media. The facts, recently released by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, are damning:

America’s real gross domestic product  marginally ticked upwards during 2014’s first quarter at 0.1%, a figure that is only technically not indicative of a recession.

In a clear symptom of a failing economy, exports are down, as is nonresidential fixed investment.  But federal spending—(except for the crucial area of defense, at time when Russian, Chinese, Iranian, North Korean, and Islamic extremists threats are growing exponentially)—has increased, perhaps the only reason the numbers don’t reflect an actual recession in the civilian economy.

At the same time, inflation increased at an annualized rate of 5.6%, and that excludes the price hikes in the most inflationary areas of late, food and energy.In a clear indication of the descending strength of the U.S. economy, real exports of goods and services decreased 7.6 percent in the first quarter.
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While Americans struggled, federal government consumption expenditures and gross investment increased 0.7 percent. But as Russia, China, Iran and North Korea drastically expand their militaries and engage in threatening behavior, that extra government spending didn’t include defense, which, in these times of crisis, dropped 2.4%, while nondefense spending was hiked an unsustainable 5.9%.

Making life more difficult, Personal current taxes increased $18.9 billion in the first quarter. Personal saving — disposable personal income less personal outlays –dropped 28.7 billion from the prior quarter. The personal saving rate — personal saving as a percentage of disposable personal income – dropped .2%

Combined with the nation’s ongoing unemployment crisis, the drastic increase in the national debt, the expenditure of over $700 billion dollars by the White House in a stimulus program that accomplished nothing, the mismanagement of the American economy is clear and drastic.

Quick Analysis


Over the past few years, it seems that the quality of America’s major news media in television and print has deteriorated sharply. An examination of the coverage provided to recent stories demonstrates an almost unmistakable trend towards the type of “journalism” provided in gossip tabloids.

Consider the wall-to-wall coverage given to events that, while in a few cases important, bear almost no long range significance.

The loss of the Malaysian airliner was certainly a tragedy, and lessons learned should be applied to make future flights more secure. But the nonstop attention applied to it was excessive.  It received a greater percent of ink and airtime for the period in which it occurred than major events which could profoundly affect the future of the entire planet.  Further, the lack of quality analysis of the tragedy was astounding.  Major news organizations discussed alien abductions and black holes.  An army of so-called experts almost hourly expounded theories that contradicted each other.  In the media’s drive to provide constant reportage, almost anyone who had the faintest semblance of a credential was interviewed.

The despicable comments of an aged sports team owner with a known penchant for inappropriateness dominated the news cycle for several days, as has the antics of misbehaving rock stars and Hollywood starlets.  These types of stories have always been covered; the difference currently is that they have traded places with truly major issues in scope and extent of attention.
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Now consider some news stories that have had little to no major media reporting.  Last December, Russian sources admitted they had moved nuclear arms carrying missiles  to their European border.  Length of US media reaction:  A mere day or two of .  All American tanks have been withdrawn from Europe over the past year.  Newspaper or network TV coverage?  Almost  none.  The unemployment rate for black youth in inner cities is a catastrophic 36.1%.  Reportage?  Barely any at all.

While the political comments of entertainment celebrities generally make the evening news and are discussed for days, bizarre statement by elected officials, such as Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee who believes “Christian militants” are attempting to overthrow the government and that the U.S. Constitution is “400 years old” generally leave the news cycle almost instantly.

An adequate media is essential to having a citizenry sufficiently informed to make decisions on whom to vote for.  Due to its poor quality and overt political bias in favor of the current White House, the U.S. news industry has failed in this great responsibility.

Quick Analysis

Iraq’s Unnecessary Tragedy

An unnecessary tragedy is unfolding in Iraq.

In 2003, after decades of tyranny and aggression, it appeared that the people of Iraq, a nation long considered an international pariah, would finally have a chance to live free of oppression and war following the overthrow of Saddam Hussein by U.S. led Coalition forces.

Just two years later, the world witnessed one of the most riveting images of the early 21st century, the proud display of “purple thumbs” by those who voted in the Iraqi elections of 2005. But in the universe of Islamic extremism, the concept of a people enjoying freedom is not welcome.  Al Qaeda established a presence, Iran actively inserted its influence, and sectarian fighting became prevalent.

The descent into chaos continued until 2007, when President George W. Bush ordered a “surge” of U.S. forces that restored order in an effort that successfully concluded in 2008.  The people of Iraq finally could live a normal life. As a stable, democratic, and religiously tolerant Muslim nation, Iraq had the opportunity to be the linchpin of a new era of peace and prosperity in the Middle East.
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The opportunity didn’t last long. Fulfilling a campaign promise, President Barack Obama ordered a withdrawal of almost all U.S. forces in 2011. Clearly, their work was unfinished. One of the most serious unfinished tasks was the creation of Iraqi security forces capable of defeating Iranian and al Qaeda forces seeking to replace Iraqi civil society with one based on Muslim extremism.  Chaos ensued.

The disintegration of Iraqi society, mass murders through bombings and gunfire, the overwhelming presence of Iran and al Qaeda, and the end of a chance for a new Middle East came about as a result of the Obama withdrawal.

Al Qaeda is now on the ascendancy, particularly in the western part of the nation. The dire implications for the rest of the Middle East are substantial.

Quick Analysis

Troubling Attitudes of Recent Supreme Court Appointees

Justice Sotomayor’s dissent in the recent case of Schuette v. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action illustrates a significant problem with recent additions to the U.S. Supreme Court.

U.S. Supreme Court justices may be from any political party or political philosophy, but they should all agree on fundamental principles. The concept that of “unalienable Rights” is perhaps the most important. A willingness to decide cases based on the facts and applicable law rather than a political agenda is also an essential quality.

Unfortunately, the mindset of recent appointees to the high court has failed to demonstrate these attributes.

The most recent illustration comes from Justice Sotomayor’s dissent in the Schuette case.  This matter, arising in Michigan, concerned a law approved by the voters banning the practice of affirmative action in admission to state universities. Arizona, California, Florida, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Oklahoma and Washington have similar legislation.  Justice Kennedy stated that “this case is not how the debate about racial preferences should be resolved, it is about who may resolve it.”

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Justice Sotomayor dissented on the grounds that the electorate’s decision could only be held legal if race-sensitive admissions policies are not in the interests of minorities, and if minority status is irrelevant to voting behavior. Her concept is one based on politics, not law, and is inappropriate.

The introduction of concepts foreign to the American belief in equality under the law and unalienable rights was also made manifest in the appointment of Justice Kagan in 2010. During the confirmation process, Ms. Kagan made it clear that she did believe in the concept of unalienable rights expressed in the Declaration of Independence.

The Supreme Court is the ultimate legal guardian of basic freedoms.  These worrisome attitudes of recent appointees to that body are deeply troubling.

Quick Analysis

Military Voters Organize Against Failed Obama Policies

During his tenure in office, President Obama has, in the words made popular in the John Lennon song, “give peace a chance.”

  • He slashed military spending even as potential adversaries raised theirs.
  • He advocates for a unilateral American reduction in nuclear weapons.
  • He signed an arms control treaty that left Washington at a distinct disadvantage.
  • He withdrew American troops from Iraq and announced a withdrawal date from Afghanistan.
  • He pulled back on purely defensive measures such as the anti-missile system.
  • He refused to allow energy drilling on federal lands that would have limited Moscow’s oil and gas-financed ability to finance its vast military buildup.
  • He withdrew all U.S. tanks from Europe.
  • He has pursued the closing of militarily vital industrial plants.
  • He refused to fulfill treaty obligations with the Philippines and Ukraine when they were assaulted by China and Russia.
  • He did not retaliate against Islamic fundamentalists for the assault on Benghazi.
  • He has not responded to the growth in Russian, Chinese, and Iranian military influence in Latin America.
  • He has weakened sanctions against Iran’s nuclear development program.
  • Where U.S. troops are deployed, he has made the rules of engagement so stringent that American troops are killed before they even get permission to fire back.
  • He advocates putting U.S. troops under the jurisdiction of the U.N. criminal court, a move guaranteed to handcuff and endanger them further.
  • During his re-election campaign, the votes of soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines stationed overseas were mysteriously delivered late.

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The end result has been a dramatically more dangerous world, with military activity in Europe and Asia on a scale not seen since the end of World War II, as well as the resurgence of al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

In response, a unique movement has been started by former and current members of the U.S. armed forces to get out the vote in 2014 in attempt to strengthen the legislative branch’s ability to halt Mr. Obama’s dangerous foreign policy missteps.

The movement is spearheaded by the founders of the organization, Special Operations Speaks,  which was formed in the aftermath of the Benghazi debacle. According to the organization,

“Interestingly enough, when GWB was president you heard about the military deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan almost daily.  With Obama in the White House, however, the mainstream media has been strangely quiet.  More than 1,000 American soldiers have lost their lives in Afghanistan in the last 27 months.  This is more than the combined total of the nine years before…The Commander in Chief is AWOL.   There is a deep disgust, a fury, growing in the ranks of the military against the indifferent incompetence of this president…But there is now a movement afoot in the Armed Services to launch a massive get-out-the-vote drive against this President.”

As global events spin out of control, it is increasingly likely that not only those with military experience but also voters deeply concerned about the likelihood of a major war caused by  the White House’s demonstrably unsuccessful foreign policies will make their concern felt at the ballot box.

Quick Analysis

FCC to end “Net Neutrality”

The attack on equal use of the internet took another potentially threatening turn as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced that it would end “Net Neutrality,” restrictions that previously prohibited internet service providers (ISPs) from offering higher speeds to wealthy or powerful organizations.

The FCC decision came in the wake of the lengthy decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C.  holding that the FCC didn’t have the authority to prohibit this type of behavior. Advocates of equal internet treatment were disappointed that the FCC simply didn’t ask for enabling legislation that would offset the Court decision. There are other rules—known as Title II—that some felt could be relied on to accomplish this.

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler has pledged to have rules in place by the end of the year allowing ISPs to offer higher speeds for a price.  He noted that the FCC could still act to prevent “harmful behavior” by ISPs, that no legal content could be blocked, that policies must be transparent, and that no preferential treatment could be offered.

Of course, providing faster speeds IS preferential treatment. Critics, including Jon Brodkin writing in arstechnica  have pointed out the Chairman Wheeler formerly was the president and CEO of the National Cable & Telecommunications Association, a group that stands to benefit from the FCC decision.
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Smaller companies could be placed at a competitive disadvantage, as would political or ideological users who couldn’t compete with organizations that are funded by wealthy backers such as George Soros.

The concept of faster service is not restricted to the internet. The U.S. Postal Service offers overnight delivery for a fee significantly higher than an average first-class stamp. A better analogy may be a hypothetical act by Washington that would allow well-financed transportation companies to drive on federal highways at faster speeds for a fee.

Following the Obama Administration’s recent decision to surrender control of the Internet to an international body without the consent of Congress or the opportunity of the public to effectively comment, fears have been raised that users without access to power or wealth could be marginalized to speeds that discourage or prevent access equal to what currently exists.