Quick Analysis

Why is America dependent upon Russia for space technology?

The irrational policy of dependence upon Russia for launching American astronauts into space, and using Russian rocket engines for American military payloads is unraveling.  This was an almost inevitable result, and the key question to be addressed is what led the U.S. to the bizarre position of reliance on a geopolitical rival for these key functions.

In a statement by Moscow’s Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin and Head of the Federal Space Agency Oleg Ostapenko on international space cooperation ,  the Russian Federation outlined its plans to cease providing these space-related products and services to the U.S. in response to American sanctions in the wake of the Ukraine crisis as well as several other complaints.

Ironically, the Space Station, the chief current destination for space farers, was originally an American concept (originally called Space Station Freedom) initiated by President Reagan. It was eventually merged with Moscow’s plans for a MIR-2 outpost.  Construction of the project was largely a joint US-Russian endeavor, with the space shuttles playing a vital role.  Other nations also participated.
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The entire incident again calls into question the logic of eliminating the space shuttle program before a new craft could be substituted, ending America’s ability to launch astronauts until an uncertain date in the distant future. Originally, this inability was to be relatively brief, as a new system (Constellation) was to be developed in a relatively brief span.  However, the Obama Administration placed its financial priorities elsewhere, and it is unlikely that American astronauts will return to space in NASA craft within the decade.

It also brings into focus the decreased emphasis on building the high-tech engineering and scientific infrastructure the U.S. needs to insure that the nation has the economic and military security it requires. This vital issue has dramatic ramifications both financially and geopolitically, and needs to be resolved rapidly.

Quick Analysis

The Salem Witch Trials and Climate Change

Beginning in 1692, 200 people in the settlement of Salem, Massachusetts were accused of witchcraft. 20 were eventually executed. Rather than fair trials with hard facts, spurious “spectral evidence” was used to convict the accused.

Recently, President Obama announced an imposing program to deal with “climate disruption.” It  used to be global cooling, then was changed to global warming, then climate change.  Embarrassing facts kept mandating name revisions. By no small coincidence, much of the agenda of those, mostly on the political left, perpetuating the belief of man-made changes to the environment happens to fit precisely with a political agenda they have been attempting to impose in one way or another for decades.

Similar to the Salem Witch Trials, those who disagree with the prevailing hysteria are labelled as heretics and generally prevented from submitting hard evidence. The falsifying of data by advocates is ignored. Scientific evidence of prior periods of climate swings is given minimal consideration.

The reason for the hard blocking of evidence by proponents of the theory of man-made global climate disruption is the difficulty of the task they face.  From the dawn of Earth’s existence, the climate has periodically altered, heating and cooling even before the existence of humankind. What is occurring currently appears to be part of that unending cycle. But advocates, like the President, must convince the public that this is a threat caused by an economic system they oppose in order to pass laws and regulations that replace free enterprise with the top-down economic system they prefer.

Increasingly, studies by researchers across the planet about this very normal cyclical pattern are becoming increasingly difficult to sweep under the rug.  This threatens the agenda of those seeking to use normal climatic changes as an excuse to impose their agenda.

Consider just a few examples of recent scientific research:

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Swedish researchers studying forestry patterns have concluded that “there is nothing unusual, unnatural, or unprecedented about Earth’s current level of warmth.”

James M. Taylor, managing editor of Environment & Climate News writes in a Forbes article  that “assertions that warming temperatures in the United States are causing a host of problems are soundly contradicted by objective temperature data.  The U.S. Historical Climatology Network’s thermometers, which have been measuring U.S. temperatures since the 1890, shows no long-term trend in U.S. temperatures.”

The list goes on and on.  The news is even worse for advocates of the global warming theory, as astronomers around the world increasingly report that, due to decreased solar activity, global cooling may be more of a reality than global warming.

For those with an agenda to alter America’s economic system, hard scientific evidence is as unwelcome as common sense was to the Salem judges who ordered 20 innocents executed for witchcraft hundreds of years ago.


Quick Analysis

America’s Declining Entrepeneurial Spirit

Is the continuous growth of government destroying America’s entrepreneurial spirit? Physicists inform us that for every action, there is an equal but opposite reaction.

Over the past several decades, the federal government has grown increasing large.  During that same time period, according to a study by the Brookings Institute, the number of new business enterprises getting started has declined, and the number of businesses going out of existence has risen.

According to the vital but worrisome study, “declines in business dynamism in the U.S. overall are a pervasive force throughout the country geographically…”  The Brookings study notes that this decline is seen “in all fifty states and in all but a handful of the more than three hundred and sixty U.S. metropolitan areas during the last three decades.”

The Brookings study does not provide a specific reason for this unwanted trend, but the New York Analysis believes that the growth of government has clearly absorbed funds and energy away from the private sector.

According to a study by,“Government spending at the start of the 20th century was less than 7 percent of GDP… The 1950s began a steady spending increase to about 36 percent of GDP by 1982. In the 1990s and 2000s government spending stayed about constant at 33-35 percent of GDP, but in the aftermath of the Crash of 2008 spending has jogged up to 40 percent of GDP.”
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There have been some government expenditures that are laudatory and absolutely necessary.  Defending the nation from foreign threats is vital, and Washington has done a commendable job in fighting wars. The development of the interstate highway system was essential for the growth of the economy, and funds spent on advanced scientific research are the groundwork for future economic success.

But far less successful have been the many expenditures on areas not traditionally under federal jurisdiction.  There is no indication, to cite one example,  that the numerous anti-poverty programs developed since the 1960s have noticeably decreased the poverty rate, but they have cost the taxpayers vast sums, draining cash that could have been used more productively by the private sector to increase employment, which would have achieved a more salutary effect on poverty.

The vast increase in Washington’s regulatory role, and those of states and municipalities as well,  can reasonably be noted as a disincentive to the creation of small businesses.  The creation of a new enterprise can be daunting and costly enough, but when an array of bureaucratic hurdles are added to the challenge, the effort my appear sufficiently daunting to discourage would-be entrepreneurs, and provide an obstacle to the continued existence of current firms.

Unfortunately, the increased regulatory trend appears to have accelerated during the past five years.

Quick Analysis

EMP: The Very Real Threat

It sounds like the plot of a sci-fi movie: The sun emits an unusual burst of energy, and the resulting electromagnetic pulse permanently disables just about everything dependent on electronics: vehicles, planes, televisions, radios, computers, the whole electrical grid.  The resulting loss of power means there is no way to get water from reservoirs, no way of harvesting food or moving it to cities.  Even the military is paralyzed.

The scenario is becoming increasingly likely.  And it isn’t just a solar event.  A nuclear weapon could produce a similar event.  According to Rep. Trent Franks, (R-AZ) ,  who has introduced H.R. 3410, the Critical Infrastructure Protection Act,

“The threat of an electromagnetic pulse weapon represents the single greatest asymmetric capability that could fall into the hands of America’s enemies. Should a nuclear weapon from a rogue state such as Iran be detonated in Earth’s atmosphere at a sufficient height above the continental United States, the blast of electromagnetic energy could immediately cripple America’s electric power grid. Currently, the vast majority of the United States’ infrastructure is unsecured and exposed.

“According to some experts, just one properly placed EMP blast could disable so large a swath of American technology that between 70-90% of the United States’ population could become unsustainable.
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“The danger posed by electromagnetic pulse weapons, as well as naturally occurring electromagnetic pulses, has received increased attention over recent years from organizations including NASA, the National Association of Scientists, and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.”

On May 8,  The House Homeland Security Committee’s Subcommittee on Infrastructure Protection held a hearing to discuss the potential crisis.  Rep. Franks testified that “catastrophic civilian casualties” could be caused by an EMP.

It is certainly one of the infrastructure needs that could have been addressed by that $700 billion stimulus package that accomplished nothing tangible, and one which could lead to devastating future problems.

Quick Analysis

Hillary Clinton Failed to Label Boko Harem as a Terrorist Organization

The atrocities of the Nigerian Islamic extremist organization known as Boko Haram have finally become more publicized. The mass murders of civilians and the kidnapping, rape, and enslavement of girls are the hallmarks of this brutal group.

As noted in a BBC review, the group’s actual name is Jama’atu Sunna Lidda’awati wal-Jihad, which means “People Committed to the Propagation of the Prophet’s Teaching and Jihad.” Boko Haram is a nickname in the local Hausa language which roughly translates to “Western Education is forbidden.” The organization was founded in 2002, and launched military operations in 2009.  Its leader is Abubakar Shekau.

It adheres to the fundamentalist Moslem concept of treating women as chattel, and to the practice of slavery which has been a trademark of extreme Islam even as the rest of the world abandoned the abhorrent practice over the centuries. Boko Haram spokesmen have referred to the kidnapped girls as slaves.
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In keeping with a central tenet of Islamic fundamentalism, Boko Haram is absolutely intolerant of other faiths. The organization’s major goal is the overthrow of Nigeria’s government and its replacement with an Islamic state.

CNN notes that for reasons that are as yet unclear, Hillary Clinton, while secretary of State, refused to label Boko Haram as a terrorist organization. Her failure to do so was criticized by Congress at the time.  That failure may have allowed the organization to grow to the strength it currently exercises. Clinton’s successor, John Kerry, reversed Clinton’s decision and did attach the label to the group.

Quick Analysis

2 Senators Move to Limit First Amendment

Campaign finance regulations are a tool frequently used by incumbents to prevent challengers from raising the financing they need to counter the free publicity an incumbent receives. It is also a nifty means to discourage ordinary citizens from thinking about running in the first place, due to the complications and potential fines that could be levied if complex reporting rules are not followed.

The U.S. Supreme Court has become wary of the infringements these procedures impose on First Amendment rights, and in recent decisions, such as the McCutheon case, have ruled against them.

Now, two Democrat senators, Tom Udall of New Mexico and Charles Schumer of New York, are attempting to circumvent the Supreme Court by proposing an amendment that would enshrine this gimmick in the U.S. Constitution.

The Democrats have led the charge for the anti-free speech measures since the U.S. Supreme Court held, in the Citizens United case, that these restrictions violated the First Amendment.

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Over the past several years, the First Amendment has come under attack from several different angles.  The Obama Administration’s decision to surrender control of the internet to an international grouping containing pro-censorship nations is among the most profound. Legislation penalizing religious institutions for following their conscience on insurance matters has been enacted. The FCC’s attempt to intervene in the editorial decisions of news editors is another example.

Together, the ongoing assault on the most basic of American freedoms is exceptionally troubling and wholly unacceptable.

Many totalitarian nations have wonderful sounding broad statement about freedom of speech and conscience in their general constitutions, but limit that right through a host of bureaucratic laws.  This is precisely what is beginning to happen in the United States.

Quick Analysis

Totalitarianism on Campus

Universities were designed to be centers for the exploration of knowledge.  Far too many, however, have become little more than indoctrination centers for the so-called “progressive movement,” a shoddy synonym for socialist politics.

The descent of American colleges was first significantly noted in 1987, when author Allan Bloom published his landmark book, “The closing of the American Mind.” He reported that the curriculum rejected rationality and reality.  The situation has since grown worse.

Throughout the nation, professors, students, and guest speakers alike who challenge the leftist orthodoxy are harassed and marginalized.  Insane policies that defy the very foundation of the First Amendment have been enacted to prevent the free exchange of ideas. Political correctness—which in practice can include the rejection of anything that challenges left wing biases—has replaced open discourse.

Clear examples of an increasingly totalitarian bent can be seen in the treatment of teachers and guest lecturers who refuse to kowtow to the Leftist academic establishment.
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Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is an extraordinary and fascinating person.  An African American woman who rose to the position of Secretary of State, she is eloquent, brilliant and modest. She also happens to not pander to left wing stereotypes, and therefore the progressive establishment utterly despises her.

Following her invitation to serve as commencement speaker at New Jersey’s Rutgers College, the usual collection of extremists protested vigorously. In a move that symbolizes her integrity, Ms. Rice wrote that  “Commencement should be a time of joyous celebration for the graduates and their families,” and decided not to attend the ceremony.

We need to take a hard look at our universities, which charge continuously skyrocketing tuition fees for the privilege of a four year experience that used to be provided free in Soviet reeducation camps in Siberia.

Quick Analysis

Misinterpreting the 1st Amendment

Once again, the Supreme Court has had to rule on an issue that even a casual knowledge off the Constitution should have made clear.

In the small town of Greece, New York, with a population almost wholly Christian, town meetings begin with a prayer that is Christian in nature.  No one is forced to participate in that prayer. Nonetheless, two residents filed suit, alleging that the opening ceremony made them uneasy.

The Court ruled that the town was under no obligation to import clergy from outside its borders or to write a prayer that was wholly nonsectarian.

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Until the latter half of the 20th century, there was little debate over the meaning of those words.  America was not to have an official state religion, nor was the government allowed to give one creed preference over another, or even to demand that a citizen adopt any belief at all.

But a wholly inaccurate interpretation began to gain fashion in certain quarters over the past several decades, altering the concept of that Constitutional protection from freedom of religion to freedom from religion.  Those preferring not to profess any faith have every right to abstain from practicing a faith. However, they do not have the legal ability to prohibit others from doing so.

Quick Analysis

Russia, China, Iran establish military presence in Latin America

Decades after the Cold War ended, Moscow’s dream of gaining a military foothold on the mainland of Latin America is coming true.

During the Cold War, one of Moscow’s prime targets was Nicaragua. The Reagan administration discovered that plans were made to base fighter jets there, and took measures to prevent that from occurring.

Thirty years later, Nicaragua is again in play. According to a SpaceWar report, Costa Rica’s foreign minister Enrique Castillo has notified Washington that Russia is facilitating the arming of Nicaragua.  He described Nicaragua as being “armed, and…entering into a relationship of military dependence with Russia.”  Castillo also noted that Nicaragua is considering offering its nation as a base for the refueling of Russian warplanes.

Russia maintains close relations, including military arrangements, with Nicaragua, Cuba and Venezuela.

It is not alone.  Both Iran and China also have established close ties throughout Latin America. Beijing  joined the Organization of American States as a permanent observer. It also joined the Inter-American Development Bank with a donation of $350 million. It expanded diplomatic ties with the Group of Rio, the Andean Community, and the Caribbean Community groups. China has also been particularly encouraging in the development of regional organizations that exclude the United States. President Hu Jintao sent an enthusiastic congratulatory message to Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez and Chilean President Sebastian Pinera past December on the founding of the “Community of Latin American and Caribbean States” (CELAC), a grouping that includes every nation in the western hemisphere except the United States and Canada.

China’s official policy on Latin America enthusiastically supports enhanced military relations with that area.
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Much of Beijing’s investment has been in strategic infrastructure that has military potential, including port facilities on both the east and west sides of the Panama Canal, and, as Dr. Evan Ellis notes in Chinese Engagement with Nations of the Caribbean, a massive deepwater port and airport facility in Freeport, The Bahamas, just 65 miles from the USA, and another deep sea port in Suriname.

Iran’s ambitious plans to link forces with Russia, China and several Latin American nations appears to be rapidly moving ahead, according to the Canadian Press. While the growing anti-American bent of Moscow, Iran and Beijing is nothing new, Tehran’s substantial progress in Venezuela, Brazil, Nicaragua, Bolivia and Ecuador is a worrisome new trend.

Iran has actively been developing Latin America as a base from which to launch military and terrorist assaults on the United States. There is bipartisan concern in Congress that the White House has not responded to the threat.

Reports from around the world have noted Tehran’s growing military presence in the Western Hemisphere. Germany’s Die Welt newspaper described the Islamic Republic’s construction of intermediate range missile launch pads on Venezuela’s Paraguana Peninsula.

There are no reports of any White House response to this growing and immediate threat.

Quick Analysis

Pretending that threats don’t exist

The state of world crises can be summarized in a single sentence: While Russia and China rapidly and substantively build their military might to unprecedented levels of strength and skill, the United States and its allies continue to slash their funding on defense.

The net effect is obvious and worrisome. Both China and Russia, and their surrogates Iran and North Korea, have taken note of this new world order, and are acting without the balance of power restraint that has prevented a world war since 1945.

The Obama Administration has engaged in a suicidal game of “let’s pretend.”  Consistently, in the face of all reality and evidence, it continues to discount the clearly rising possibility of major conflict.  It virtually ignored China’s assault on the Philippines in 2012, in which Beijing’s naval vessels claimed portions of Manila’s exclusive economic zone.  It completely failed to respond to Moscow’s assault on the Ukraine   with the two most important effective tools at its disposal: a cessation of the budget cuts to the U.S. military, and the development of federal land energy assets that would have diminished Russia’s main source of income, gas and oil sales.

The President talks tough.  He announced a pivot to Asia, but doesn’t have the naval assets  to make that strategy anything more than just talk.  He announces his support for NATO, but withdrew all American tanks  from the European continent.
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The White House has announced its plans to reduce the already antiquated American nuclear arsenal,  and continues to oppose the full implementation of an American anti-ballistic missile system.  However, it refuses to make an issue of Moscow’s own developed ABM system.  It accepts, without protest, the Kremlin’s ten to one advantage in tactical nuclear arms.

When the USSR began placing theater nuclear missiles in Europe during the latter half of the 20th century, President Reagan countered with the U.S. Pershing missile.  Moscow saw it would gain no advantage, and an agreement by both sides was reached stopping deployment of such weapons. The Obama Administration didn’t follow this example, and now Russia’s ISKANDER missiles, unopposed, threaten Europe.  While Putin has committed over $700 billion to new armaments over its already large budget and China spends vastly more each year, the White House continues to seek defense budget cuts.

It’s not a question of hawks or doves, or even of domestic budget priorities.  It’s reality vs. let’s pretend.