Quick Analysis

Cantor’s Loss

The professional politicians, pollsters and pundits are all professing shock at House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s loss to political novice David Brat.  Cantor becomes the first House Majority Leader to lose a primary for re-election.

Brat, variously described as a Tea Party advocate or a conservative, ran a relatively modest campaign.

They shouldn’t be so surprised. There is a general perception among Republicans that the nation is in an increasingly disastrous condition, due to inept White House policies. Despite that, the Republican leadership has not been as aggressive as would be expected.

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That Republican leadership is playing a no-win scenario.  Rather than vigorously confront the Obama Administration, they have carefully couched their opposition with one eye on the media.  That media, however, remains favorably inclined towards the White House, and no amount of appeasement will ever win their favor.

That is a fact that the Republican rank and file perceive even if their leaders do not. It is part of a larger national problem. Many Democrats have expressed concern over the hard-left radical path that their Party leadership has taken.  The difference, of course, is that Democrats have at least captured the White House.

Quick Analysis

The Warthog’s Demise

At first, it seems like just another victim of the budget ax and to some extent it is: the A-10 Warthog, an aircraft built like a flying tank, soon be grounded due to lack of funds.

But there is, of course, something more to the story. The Warthog is an orphan.  It belongs to the Air Force, but its primary mission is one that belongs to the Army, the destruction of enemy armor.  No glorious air to air combat, top gun-style.  No dramatic high altitude bombing, no globe-traversing long range flights, with all the strangelovian romance that entails.

It is a GI’s best friend, one that protects him from the king of the battlefield, the tank. It’s a practical weapon, one that has proven its worth over and over again.  But it doesn’t titillate the high-tech crowd, doesn’t falsely claim to be a wonder weapon, it just does its job, protecting our men and woman in uniform, and it does this superbly well.

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The Warthog is a practical plane in an impractical era, a time when posing with a cardboard cutout of a tweet takes the place of actually doing something. We live in an age were reality is an inconvenience to those making decisions, because reality doesn’t conform to their worldview.

The urgently needed A-10 Warthog is more than a single weapon system.  It is a symbol of a America’s commitment to the defense of itself and its allies.  It’s untimely demise speaks volumes about our nation’s uncertain future.

Quick Analysis

An imaginary foreign Policy

We appear to have entered a bizarre era when the reality of foreign threats is ignored by our elected leadership, when making sure the military uses environmentally-friendly material is more important than insuring that it performs its primary function of discouraging likely opponents from initiating an assault on us or our allies.

We live in an age were reality is an inconvenience to those making decisions, because reality doesn’t conform to their worldview.

It’s so much easier to simply make a speech, perhaps voice a threat, or even draw a red line, rather than actually make the difficult decision to do what is necessary.

A terrorist shoots up an army base?  That’s not real.  It’s just workplace violence. Ignore it. The Chinese attack their neighbors at sea? Don’t worry.  They are just proclaiming their new status.  Moscow builds their military to unprecedented levels of strength? No problem! The Cold War is over, isn’t it?  Iran is building a bomb and loudly announces that Israel should be turned to ash.  It’s just bluster. Move on, nothing to see here.

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It’s not just in the realm of foreign affairs that reality has become an inconvenience. The proposal to enact measures encouraging the closure of many power plants before substitutes can be built ignores that fact that “green” energy won’t be able to replace the lost electricity within several generations, if ever.  But never mind.

And who needs all that investment in high technology, particularly in the manned space program, when you can go to the latest 3-D science fiction thriller that’s so well filmed it seems like you’re actually in space!  Think of all that money the government can save and turn over to the food stamp program.

And why bother paying attention to the dwindling strength of the U.S. economy as Washington enacts more and more regulations that chase jobs overseas. After all, government programs can provide for all those unemployed.  And if the only jobs that are left are in fast food joints, the minimum wage can be increased so the workers can have a better income.  That may cause many eateries to close, but so what? At least the right thing was done, and the politicians and the unions can all feel better about that.

Quick Analysis

Brazil’s nuclear sub

According to a report in the military affairs news source Spacewar Brazil is developing its first nuclear submarine.

On the other side of the planet, Japan is considering abandoning its “peace” constitution due to the increasing threat from China. In Europe, previously unaligned Sweden is rebuilding its armed forces.  India is also developing powerful advanced weapons.  In the Middle East, there is concern that a nuclear arms race will develop in the wake of the weakening of sanctions against Iran.

Many nations that have extensive civilian needs are diverting scarce resources towards armaments.  This didn’t happen in a vacuum.  It is a clear reflection of the diminished presence, power, and will of the United States and NATO.

Trapped in a time warp of wishful thinking, American and European governments continue to conduct their foreign affairs and military spending as though history had ended when the Soviet Union collapsed. The resurgence of Moscow, the rise of China, the proliferation of advanced atomic capabilities in nations with antagonistic governments such as those in Tehran and Pyongyang appear to have escaped the concern of Washington and its European counterparts.
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Western leaders apparently have adopted a firm belief in the potential of diplomacy unsupported by armed strength when dealing with aggressive powers, a concept that is unsubstantiated by any current or historical evidence.  This has replaced a candid acceptance of the facts as they truly exist.

As a result, other nations, no longer protected by the great Western powers, have scrambled to devise their own deterrent.  That is not necessarily inappropriate; nations should be their own first line of defense.  But in the face of the growing alliance between Russia, China, North Korea and Iran, those smaller nations will not stand a chance of success in any conflict or threat of conflict.

That fact encourages aggression, and will lead to increasingly widespread warfare.

Quick Analysis

70th Anniversary of D-Day

Today is the 70th anniversary of the allied invasion at Normandy, generally known as D-Day. It marked the start of the final chapter of Nazi control over Europe.

World War II’s two-front conflict mirrors the threats faced today by the United States.  A resurgent Russia openly seeks to win back the Soviet Empire in Europe, and China has moved aggressively against its neighbors. But it took the devastation of Pearl Harbor before Washington confronted the growing peril facing it from Germany and Japan. Fortunately, in an era before jets and missiles, and at a time when American industry was vast and powerful, the nation was able to recover and fight on to victory.

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Today we pause to remember the sacrifices of those heroes who stormed the beaches of Normandy in 1944.  The best way to honor them would be to rebuild America’s defenses to appoint where they are so strong that no enemy would dare attack.  Unfortunately, it appears that is not being done.

Quick Analysis

Senate Moves to Limit First Amendment

One of the most fierce and important conflicts has been ongoing this week in the U.S. Senate, as Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada)  emphasizes a move to alter the First Amendment.

As previously reported in the New York Analysis of Policy & Government, two Democrat senators, Tom Udall (D-New Mexico) and Charles Schumer (D-New York), proposed a measure that would limit free speech protections as they pertain to campaign donations. The proposed legislation has gained 43 Senate supporters—all Democrats.

At a Senate Rules Committee hearing earlier this year, Schumer stated that “”The First Amendment is sacred, but the First Amendment is not absolute. By making it absolute, you make it less sacred to most Americans.”

The push comes in the wake of recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions in the McCutheon  and Citizens United  cases which struck down restrictions on First Amendment rights in campaign donations. Democrats point to monies from the Koch brothers; Republicans counter with the extraordinary amounts provided by George Soros, and a host of Hollywood and Wall Street sources.
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Democrats, closely linked to the increasingly troubled White House, are deeply concerned that Republicans will attract substantially more contributions in the upcoming election.

Reid’s move should be seen in light of other questionable attempts to reinterpret the First Amendment. Previously, the White House sought to have federal “monitors” review the work of talk radio and internet news sites, both seen as tilted towards the GOP. The President’s move to allow international control of the internet has also been seen as a threat to free speech in that medium.

A recent report in the Washington Free Beacon author Ken Vogel noted that President Obama, in an address to wealthy donors in 2012, asserted that he would be “in a very strong position” to amend the Constitution regarding campaign laws during his second term.

Quick Analysis

Rebuilding the Taliban Leadership

The return of any American, particularly a member of the armed forces, from enemy captivity is always a cause of great joy.  The U.S. government owes a profound obligation to its citizens to seek their recovery.

But there are substantial questions concerning the matter of Sgt. Bowe Berghdahl. The fact that the five terrorists traded for him included the Taliban army chief of staff, the senior military commander, the deputy intelligence chief, the Herat province governor, and a senior security official means that the forces of the vicious terrorist organization that brought down the World Trade Center have been immeasurably strengthened.  More Americans will die on the battlefield and conceivably around the world as well as a result.

The matter has been further muddied by odd Administration statements concerning Sgt. Berghdahl, who apparently was AWOL at the time of his capture. Their comments that he “served his country with distinction” appear to be incorrect, as was a statement calling him a U.S. Marine instead of a soldier.

And then there is the matter of federal law.  The House Armed Services Committee (HASC) notes that Section 1035 of the National Defense Authorization Act requires both an assessment of the danger posed by released terrorists, and a 30-day advanced notification to specified Congressional committees. HASC also stressed that Section 8111 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act also prohibits funds to be used for the release of prisoners from Guantanamo Bay.
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Casting a pall over the entire incident is the unexplained reluctance of the White House to pursue the release of another American service member held captive, in Mexico.  Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi accidentally crossed into Mexico after being unable to make a U-turn. In his truck were with legal, licensed firearms.  Common sense dictated that he be allowed to get back on the correct highway, but for reasons not adequately explained Mexican authorities continue to incarcerate him.

Concerned Americans posted a petition on the White House web site.  But this matter, which could be readily remedied by normal diplomatic contacts, remains unresolved and unaddressed by a presidential administration oddly aloof from the issue.

Both the Berghdahl and Tahmooressi matters require a prompt and thorough explanation from Mr. Obama.

Quick Analysis

The Importance of Summer

With June well under way, students across America can almost taste the sweet prospect of summer vacation. The days are longer, the delicious smell of barbeque perfumes the air, and that long, terrible winter we endured seems like a bad dream now.

The youngsters are dreaming about the wonderful months to come. They have a lot of advantages that never existed before, but there are a lot of challenges too.  We have reviewed all the arguments for a 12 month school year, and still oppose the idea. America’s success has always depended on the creativity and freedom-mindedness of its people; institutionalizing our children—particularly in the increasingly bureaucratic public school system–  nonstop would drive that spirit right out of them.

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For older students, summer jobs are an important part of the growing process.  Politicians and pundits who try to justify looser immigration standards say many of these tasks are jobs American’s wouldn’t take.  That’s nonsense.  Even the toughest, lowest-paid positions can be important learning experiences for young people.  In some parts of the nation, we see 40% unemployment rates for youth.  Making them compete with increased numbers of non-Americans does a major disservice to them.

Quick Analysis

Legitimate Questions About Obama’s Foreign Policy are not “Political.”

Iran has vocally dismissed any potential of living up to the promises it made regarding its nuclear weapons program. Russia has stolen territory from Ukraine, moved tactical nuclear missiles to its European border, and established military ties with Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua. China, too, has established military ties in Latin America, openly threatens its Asian neighbors, steals offshore assets from the Philippines, attacks Vietnamese ships, and, lest we forget, continues to occupy Tibet. Both Moscow and Beijing continue to dramatically build up their militaries to levels far higher than what they possessed during the Cold War. Al Qaeda has expanded its influence in the Middle East, and grows stronger in Africa. North Korea has developed the capacity to launch a nuclear-armed missile at the United States, and the resulting EMP blast could literally destroy all modern infrastructure in the contiguous 48 states.

In reply, the President, in his West Point speech, called for a less military-centric U.S. foreign policy, and continues to cut military funding. He does, however, continue to defend his intervention in Libya and calls for more US assistance to Syrian rebels, two moves that have absolutely nothing to do with American interests or national security.

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An elected leader in a free nation always owes an explanation of his actions and goals to the citizenry, particularly when those actions have resulted in dramatic setbacks for the national interests. Mr. Obama and his supporters continue to allege that those very legitimate questions are mere political bickering. They are not.

Quick Analysis

U.S. GDP hits recession level

The economic news from the latest report by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis  (BEA)   is extremely worrisome.

America’s Real Gross Domestic Product—the yardstick by which the health of the economy is measured—decreased at an annual rate of 1% in the first quarter of 2014, despite increased  federal government civilian expenditures and gross investment.

At the same time, inflation increased 1.3%, and that doesn’t even include increased food and energy prices, the two greatest concerns of most Americans.

In an additional troubling note for the faltering U.S. economy, the downturn primarily reflected a decrease in exports, and a larger decrease in private inventory investment.

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Real exports of goods and services decreased 6.0 percent in the first quarter.  Real imports of goods and services increased 0.7 percent.

Real federal government consumption expenditures and gross investment increased 0.7% percent in the first quarter but national defense decreased 2.4 percent.  Nondefense spending increased 5.9 percent.

All this means that the entire economic framework of the Obama Administration’s economic policy —increased federal spending, more regulation, more funds committed to big government programs other than defense, has failed.