Quick Analysis

The War on Citizenship

What happens in America’s major cities sets the trend for the rest of the nation.

The politics of New York City, the nation’s largest metropolis, dominate the entire state, and is a harbinger of political battles to come throughout America.  Right now, the biggest story coming out of the “Big Apple” is a war on the concept of U.S. citizenship.  On both the city and state levels, legislation is in motion to essentially blur the line between citizen and noncitizen.

A state senator from New York City’s Bronx borough has introduced legislation that would give voting rights to noncitizens.  The bill, entitled “The New York is Home Act” would be the first in America providing non-Americans the right to cast a ballot in local and state elections.  Noncitizens who resided in the state and paid taxes for three years would be eligible.
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The move to eliminate the distinction between citizen and non-citizen doesn’t end there. New York City’s local legislative body, the Council, has approved a bill that would create “municipal Id’s” that would give access to city services to noncitizens. The city’s hard-left Mayor favors the measure and has already allocated funding to enable it. Not coincidentally, Many of the Council members who supported the municipal id bill oppose the concept of mandating identification for voting.  It would appear that their chief motivation is getting as many votes as possible from noncitizens, including illegal aliens, who tend to vote heavily on the Democrat line.

Interestingly, the Department of Justice, which has extensively criticized and engaged in legal action against localities that valiantly attempt to enforce laws against illegal immigration (in the face of Washington’s refusal to do so) on the grounds of federal supremacy, has not commented on this rather blatant attempt by local officials to circumvent citizenship rights which should be national in character.

Quick Analysis

Happy Independence Day

Happy Independence Day!

Every American heart, indeed, every individual on the planet that believes in the dignity of each human being, and the concept that all of us have inalienable rights that derive, as the Declaration of Independence notes, not from any government or ruler but from our creator, should rejoice on this day.

Consider these words from that great document that have never been equaled in their beauty and in their extraordinary importance:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”
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What a ragtag collection of dreamers and men of high principle achieved against terrible odds was unprecedented in history.

We face difficult challenges today, as well, not just from tyrannies abroad but from far too many politicians and academics who no longer subscribe to the concept of unalienable rights. We have seen repeated challenges mounted against the First, Second, Fourth, Ninth and Tenth Amendments, the very heart of the Bill of Rights.

Those heroic patriots bequeathed us a legacy we cannot allow to wither away. They rose to their challenge; it’s time we rose to ours.

Quick Analysis

Is America abandoning its revolutionary ideals?

Tomorrow is July 4th, which we will celebrate with fireworks, parades and barbecues.

But does Independence Day have any meaning, now that our top elected officials and media elites have rejected the core principles which led to the Revolution?

The patriots who bled at Lexington and Concord, froze at Valley Forge, and, against all odds, emerged victorious at Yorktown would hardly recognize what American government has become under the leadership of Barack Obama. Indeed, they would be tempted to rebel against it with the same vigor with which they ousted King George.

The heroes who fought for the “Spirit of ‘76” would be deeply angered at the power- grabbing habits of this Administration.

The British King employed an army of German mercenaries to enforce his will. President Obama has appointed an army of lawyers in the Department of Justice, accountants in the IRS, and bureaucrats in numerous other agencies (particularly the Environmental Protection Agency) to intimidate and control political opponents and citizens, through the use of illegal executive orders.

This brings to mind the fear expressed by Cotton Mather’s grandson, Mather Byles,  who worried that the Revolution could replace “One tyrant three thousand miles away with 3,000 tyrants one mile away.”

The Patriots would not accept the monarchical usurpation of constitutional limits by a President who unabashedly proclaims that “I can’t wait”  for Congress, despite his legal obligation to do so.

This President has had to be rebuked an unprecedented twelve times  by unanimous verdicts of the United States Supreme Court. He is, therefore, a serial offender against the Constitution, and a recidivist lawbreaker.
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Mr. Obama has used his surrogates to directly attack the First Amendment, seeking to cut off a broad national discussion about policy and issues.  He needs to do this because both his domestic and foreign agendas run directly contrary to the American spirit, American form of government, and inherent American rights.

He has sought to limit free speech by supporting international control of, and therefore censorship of the internet.  He has advocated suppressing free speech spending in political campaigns as a way of keeping his supporters in the Senate in office.

He has sought to place federal monitors in newsrooms.  He feels compelled to do this because an open discussion about his extraordinary failures in every area of our national life would be disastrous for his Administration.

He has hijacked whole federal agencies, especially the IRS, and warped them into vehicles to attack political opponents.  On this Independence Day week, it is not inappropriate to mention that the group most directly targeted is the Tea Party, whom this President and his lapdog media despise and fear because they advocate adhering to the Spirit of ’76 and the letter of the law expressed in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Similar to rulers everywhere who fear the freedom of their own citizens, Mr. Obama has repeatedly attacked the right to bear arms, guaranteed in America by the 2nd Amendment, not directly, but through the advocacy of regulations that make that right meaningless. He has expanded the federal government’s actions that invade privacy, making a mockery of the 4th amendment.  Under his rule, he presumes that all powers belong to the Executive Branch unless specifically curtailed by a court, a direct contradiction of the 9th and 10th amendments.

Upon taking office, the President takes this oath: “I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Clearly, that oath has been violated.

The Constitution reflects the values of our revolutionary forefathers. We should honor them this Independence Day by insuring that the freedoms they fought for are not usurped.

Quick Analysis

Illegal Immigration, Power Politics, and Voter ID

The generally lax attitude towards the tidal wave of illegal immigration seems counter-intuitive.

There are dramatically increased costs to government at all levels.  The unlawful arrivals will require taxpayer-funded medical treatment, education for their young, and a host of other services. They bring with them contagious diseases, increased levels of crime, connections to drug cartels, and the threat of terrorism. Lawful residents will compete with them for jobs in a depressed economy, and find that these rivals are willing to accept lesser wages and the absence of benefits.

Despite all that, the President refuses to take the steps truly necessary to effectively control the border, the Senate supports him in that failure, and the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, while objecting, does not, for the most part, truly make the issue a top priority.

There are several reasons for the apparent lack of enthusiasm.  Most often cited is the fear that concentration on the issue will alienate the increasingly important Latino vote. Major corporate backers like the idea of having a large pool of cheap labor.

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The reasons are not difficult to comprehend.  The illegals hope for access to the types of social safety net programs largely emphasized by Democrat incumbents and candidates.

There is, however, a much more underhanded reason as well, and this may well be the most significant. Illegal immigrants are illegally voting, and they are voting mostly for Democrats. It’s not difficult to do. Writing in the Huffington Post, attorney Howard Foster notes that “Only two states actually require proof of citizenship in order to register (Arizona and Kansas). The others merely require the applicant sign a sworn statement attesting to the fact that he or she is a citizen…It stands to reason that illegal immigrants who are illegally registered to vote would have a very real stake in seeing to it that Republicans do not come to power with their…ideas about requiring proof of citizenship to vote (which has been required since the founding of the Republic)… There is a huge problem with voter fraud…it is proven by the vehemence of the Democrats, the beneficiaries of the fraud, toward enforcement of our laws.”

The significant cost to the taxpayers, and the threat to our national health and safety, render illegal immigration a major threat. It is unacceptable for politicians to turn a blind eye towards the crisis for partisan gain.

Quick Analysis

Supreme Court affirms individual rights

What is the broader meaning of the U.S. Supreme Court’s two latest decisions?

In the Hobby Lobby case, the Court ruled that the Affordable Health Care Act’s insurance provisions can’t be used to force closely-held companies and not-for-profits to cover procedures that violate their convictions. The specific matter in the case concerned birth control expenses.

In the Harris v. Quinn matter,  the Court ruled that the First Amendment prohibits the collection of an agency fee from Rehabilitation Program staff who do not want to join or support the union.

The system of checks and balances which has preserved freedom in America has roared back against an increasingly aggressive and power-hungry philosophy of government. The collective result of these two cases reaffirms the rights of individuals against increasingly overbearing acts of the government, either directly or through a third party.
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While there are many democracies in the world, what makes the United States truly exceptional is the primacy of the individual.  The Ninth Amendment, “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people” combined with the central concept of the Declaration of Independence, that all have “unalienable rights,” gives ultimate sovereignty to individuals.

Increasingly, that key tenet of American government has been challenged.  Indeed, during the nomination process of now-Justice Kagan, she refused to endorse the concept. Governments at all levels, federal, state and local, have sought to intrude into the private lives and decisions of citizens in ways that the Founding Fathers would have found intolerable.

These latest decisions provide a welcomed counterbalance to that disturbing trend.

Quick Analysis

The EPA’s Regulatory Tidal Wave

In March, the Congressional Research Service issued a report entitled “EPA Regulations: Too Much, Too Little, or Right on Track.”

“Since Barack Obama was sworn in as President in 2009, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed and promulgated numerous regulations implementing the pollution controlstatutes enacted by Congress. Critics have reacted strongly. Many, both within Congress and outside of it, have accused the agency of reaching beyond the authority given it by Congress and ignoring or underestimating the costs and economic impacts of proposed and promulgated rules.The House has conducted vigorous oversight of the agency in the 112th and 113th Congresses, and has approved several bills that would overturn specific regulations or limit the agency’s authority. Particular attention has been paid to the Clean Air Act; congressional scrutiny has focused as well on other environmental statutes and regulations implemented by EPA…

“EPA states that critics’ focus on the cost of controls obscures the benefits of new regulations, which, it estimates, far exceed the costs. It maintains that pollution control is an important source of economic activity, exports, and American jobs, as well. Further, the agency and its supporters say that EPA is carrying out the mandates detailed by Congress in the federal environmental statutes.”
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Other studies, including one by CNS news  document the extraordinary number (2,827) and length (24,915 pages) of EPA final regulations.

Today, the New York Analysis of Policy & Government reviews the most onerous of the EPA’s actions, its planned implementation of the President’s Carbon Emissions program.

Quick Analysis

Congress demands Obama act to stop illegal immigration

The House of Representatives has expressed outrage concerning the overwhelming influx of unaccompanied minors, some potentially tied to violent gangs, that have flooded across the southern border. Rep. J. Randy Forbes (VA-R) wrote to the President on June 16 stating:

“I join with a vast number of Americans in expressing outrage at your Administration’s inability and apparent lack of will to enforce he integrity of our borders.   In recent days, your Administration stated that at least 60,000 illegal immigrant youth, unaccompanied by their parents, will arrive…in addition to the over 400,000 total individuals that arrived at the border last year.”

Forbes has demanded that Mr. Obama release intelligence reports from the Department of Homeland Security on the issue.

Observers have tied the start of the event to recent White House policies, especially the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program, administered by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

According to DHS:

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The program, enacted without the required Congressional approval, was seen by many as an “invitation” to alien youth to come to the U.S., with the encouragement of parents who could use the youngsters’ presence as an “anchor” to eventually gain access to residency.  Although the program’s guidelines aren’t  applicable to the current influx, the President’s tone, and the refusal by the Administration to provide adequate border security, provides a different impression.

Questions have also been raised about how many of the illegals managed to first cross into Mexico from more southern nations, travel the length of that nation, and wind up in the U.S. Mexico is noted for its strict policy against unlawful entrance into its own territory.  The unfortunate story of Sgt. Tahmooressi,  the decorated U.S. Marine who mistakenly crossed into Mexico and has been imprisoned for the last 90 months is indicative of this.

Many Republicans have been reluctant to vigorously oppose the President’s unlawful policy for fear of alienating Latino voters. Some political analysts, however, say the GOP has ample reason to be concerned about allowing the surge to go forward.  Unopposed by the hyper-partisan Justice Department of Eric Holder, illegal aliens could be encouraged to unlawfully cast votes. New residents from outside the U.S. vote for Democrat candidates in vastly greater numbers than they do for Republicans.

New York City is reviewing legislation that would allow illegals to vote after three years of paying taxes.

Quick Analysis

A Pattern of Lawlessness in Washington

The latest details of the IRS scandal establish beyond a reasonable doubt an ongoing and significant pattern of lawlessness and abuse of power on the part of federal agencies under the current White House.

Assume you are the head of a private corporation, under questioning by the Internal Revenue Service or any other government agency for alleged wrongdoing. You respond that the computer evidence of the incident has been erased and the computer itself has been discarded.  That response would probably result in a great deal of legal problems for you, perhaps even imprisonment for obstructing justice and the destruction of evidence.

This is precisely the situation that the IRS finds itself in currently.  Under Congressional investigation for the overt and widespread abuse of its power by targeting those who disagree with the White House, the agency claims that all the relevant emails of section head Lois Lerner, seven other involved employees, and all 82 other individuals in the email chain—have been lost.  IRS chief John Kosekinen has been blatantly unapologetic about the whole matter.

Rep. Darrel Issa believes that that Ms. Lerner and the IRS hierarchy acted uner the direction of the White House.  He notes

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This is not an isolated incident for the current Administration.  Since gaining office in 2009, the Obama presidency has been marred by repeated significant scandals which the Justice Department under Eric Holder has refused to take action on.

Clearly frustrated, Congress is pursuing this latest offense.  Rep. Randy Forbes (R-VA)  notes that “The American people are tired of scandals and they are tired of excuses.  I am immediately calling for the appointment of an independent special counsel…”

The problem is larger than any individual scandal.  The question that must be resolved is central to the whole concept of representational government:  Are our elected and appointed leaders subject to the law? The current crop clearly believes otherwise.

Quick Analysis

Trademark Office Abused

The unlawful growth in Washington’s power continues to expand.

The illegal use of the machinery of the federal government to advance partisan ideological goals and beliefs, most of which are in defiance of the Constitution and not in line with mainstream American ideas, can be seen in areas large and small.

The latest has to do with the abusive act by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.   With absolutely no legal authority to do so, this branch of the federal government has decided to revoke the trademark of the Washington Redskins football team in response to complaints that the title is offensive to native Americans.

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It is also inappropriate for a federal bureaucracy to make a value judgment in a matter such as this.  There is no clear indication that the term “Redskins” is overtly offensive, except to those who spend their lives finding ways to be offended.

The U.S. Patent and Trademarks office is “the federal agency for granting U.S. patents and registering trademarks.”  It was not designed to venture into and pass judgment on political issues. Its use by politicians eager to make ideological points is offensive to both the First Amendment as well as to the concept of a federal government that is supposed to operate in a nonpartisan manner.

Quick Analysis

Slavery predominates in Communist & Radical Islamic States

The U.S. State Department has released its latest report on Human Trafficking.

Sadly, the slave trade is not a thing of the past. According to Secretary John Kerry, “More than 20 million people, a conservative estimate, are victims of human trafficking. And the United States is the first to acknowledge that no government anywhere yet is doing enough.” In a recent statement to Congress, Luis CdeBaca, Ambassador-at-Large of the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, “Modern slavery undermines the rule of law. It feeds instability, breeds corruption, fuels transnational crime and taints supply chains that drive the global economy.”

The list of nations that are the worst offenders in this foul practice contain no surprises: Cuba, North Korea, Russia, Iran, Algeria, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, The Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Kuwait, Libya, Malaysia, Mauritania,  Papua New Guinea, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Thailand, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Yemen, and Zimbabwe.
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With just a few exceptions, every nation on the list subscribes to governing philosophies that reject the concept of individual freedom.  Most also adhere to beliefs that deprive women of equal status before the law.

In our politically correct era, politicians and academics are loathe to state the obvious fact that nations that adhere to the policies of communism or extremist Islam are prone to slavery, by whatever name it is called, because those governments do not believe in individual rights.