Quick Analysis

White House Adviser Works Against U.S.

While the specifics of international diplomacy occasionally require a degree of discretion, the broad outlines of policy in a free nation require the consent of an informed citizenry.

In its dealings with Iran, the Obama Administration continues to pursue a path mostly hidden from the American public.  Largely, this appears due to the influence of White House adviser Valerie Jarrett.

Ms. Jarrett has had extensive personal ties with Iran and Iranian personnel. It has been reported that she has pursued extensive hidden negotiations with Tehran that have had a significant role in clandestinely shaping U.S. Middle Eastern policy.

An example of Ms. Jarrett’s influence can be seen in the odd refusal of the White House to support Iran’s “Green Revolution.”  Although Mr. Obama supported just about every other “Arab Spring” movement, (elements of which were not in U.S. interest) he failed to support the attempt by Iranians to modify the extremist and totalitarian policies of their nation, which would have greatly benefited both America and Middle East peace in general.
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Among the more egregious results of this has been the softening of sanctions, which have allowed Iran to move forward with its nuclear weapons program.

Iran is behind much of the turmoil in the region.  Notably, it has supplied rockets to Hamas  which has led to the current turmoil between Israel and Gaza.

Clearly, Ms. Jarrett’s agenda, accepted by the Obama Administration, is directly detrimental to American interests, and is kept in the shadows for that reason.

Quick Analysis

A National Debate Based on False Premises

Analysts frequently opine that America’s problems appear intractable, that the nation is too divided to agree on common approaches.

A significant part of the problem is that, quite bluntly, much of the national debate is based on faulty information and premises that simply are not accurate.  Here’s a sampling:

Human-made global warming:  By far, the belief that human caused global warming is “undisputed by science” is the most propagated myth of our time.  President Obama has stated this on numerous occasions. Ex-politicians such as former Vice President Al Gore have literally made millions on this this premise.  The problem is, it is simply not scientifically accurate. Recently, 31,000 scientists signed a petition  objecting to this unproven belief.  Research clearly disputing the concept has been censored or hidden. And the facts don’t support it.

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The Cold War: President Obama, along with Secretary of State Clinton, diligently advocated a “Reset” in relations with Russia based on the belief that the last vestiges of the Cold War were gone. A lop-sided arms treaty was agreed to. American tanks were withdrawn from Europe. U.S. military spending was reduced. In response, Russia sharply escalated its military budget, returned to cold war bases in various parts of the world, re-established threatening anti-American relations in Latin America, invaded Ukraine, and engaged in joint war games with China. Although there has been some awakening to the errors behind the “Reset” thinking elsewhere, the White House and its firmest supporters continue to adhere to a foreign policy unsupported by the facts.

The New York Analysis will examine further faulty premises next week.

Quick Analysis

Hispanic View on Illegal Immigration

In an exclusive interview with the Vernuccio/Allison Report, Clara E. Del Villar, the CEO & Editor-in-Chief of the Hispanic Post, revealed her concerns about the current crisis of illegal aliens flooding America’s southern border.

Ms. Villar notes that Mexico’s exceptionally powerful drug cartels are using the exodus as a screen to infiltrate their power to the United States.  She has recommended the following common sense approach:

  1. Secure the border. Our border security system is irresponsibly broken. Building up and maintaining strong, effective resources to address security, monitoring, and manpower requirements should not be a work in progress. Why the delay in addressing this obvious and primary need? The children now clamoring at our borders should sound serious alarm bells about the consequences and dangers of inaction…

    2. Modernize the visa system. There are systems management technologies available to bring efficiency, scalability, and sensory tracking ability to major industries …

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    4. Strengthen diplomatic efforts. Maintain real relationships with Central American and Mexican officials on these immigration issues and more. U.S.-Latin American relations have long been a secondary foreign policy consideration to our detriment.

    5. Enact new laws. Serious immigration resolution requires provisional legal status, or guest-worker registration, with probation after all the background checks, fines, and taxes. Yes, there are doubts that undocumented immigrants will come forward to register. But it is safe to say that more will come forward to register than appear out of the shadows for mass deportation. Any process that includes identification beats the unknowable status quo we remain mired in at this time.

    6. Fix the visa process. The H1B visa restrictions on foreign graduate students are unwieldy at best. Some rules are archaic, such as a 7 percent limit on permanent permits to any nationality. The notion of limiting H1B visas to 65,000 (a number selected during or just after 9/11) is incomprehensible in a free market society. Such a policy is arbitrary, inefficient, and creates no economic benefit.

Quick Analysis

China’s African Land Grab

There are those who say that China’s growing economic reach is not a problem, that it is indeed a development that should be welcomed.  Perhaps they should take a closer look.

Unlike capitalist nations, which have the traditions of free press,  freely elected governments, and companies which must comply with legal standards, China’s bid to gain a significant interest in resources abroad is unrestrained by ethical considerations.

In a report filed for the National Geographic magazine, Joel Bourne and Robin Hammond described the heavy-handed tactics of Chinese organizations and their interaction with corrupt third-world governments that have little respect for private property rights.

Writing from Africa, Bourne and Hammond note that local civil society groups are concerned that thousands of small farmers have lost their land to one Chinese company with the compliance of the Mozambique government.  Although some locals manage to get jobs with the new owners, they must work seven days a week with no overtime pay.
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Research by the Global Commercial Pressures on Land Use Project indicate that China is not alone in this abuse.

“Much public attention has been paid to acquisitions from emerging economies, including China, India, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar… the Land Matrix data show that private acquirers motivated by profit are also prominent among the top investors. These originate from traditional investor countries, as well as emerging economies such as Brazil and South Africa… large tracts of land can be acquired from governments with little or no payment.”

Respect for private property rights is a hallmark of free societies.  The influence of China on the international scene bodes ill for this vital aspect of freedom.

Quick Analysis

Journalists criticize Obama’s assault on free speech

The New York Analysis of Policy & Government has frequently written of its deep concern over the growing attacks on freedom of speech and the recurring assaults on the press by the Obama Administration.  The attempt to place Federal monitors in newsrooms, the surrender of internet control to an international body with members favoring censorship, the “bugging” of reporters phones, the proposal to limit First Amendment rights in campaigns and other actions add to a significant chilling effect on this most basic and fundamental of American individual liberties.

The latest White House moves to prevent photos and interviews at sites where the huge influx of illegal aliens are being held is the most recent example.

After five-plus years of being tolerant of this deeply worrisome behavior, journalists have finally become sufficiently offended at this unacceptable behavior—this “fundamental change” in the relationship between the press and the White House—that they are publicly reacting.

The Washington Examiner  recently reported that eight journalism groups have sharply criticized Mr. Obama’s “politically driven suppression of the news.”

An example is a letter just submitted to the President by the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) which stated:

Mr. President,
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You recently expressed concern that frustration in the country is breeding cynicism about democratic government. You need look no further than your own administration for a major source of that frustration – politically driven suppression of news and information about federal agencies. We call on you to take a stand to stop the spin and let the sunshine in…

Recent research has indicated the problem is getting worse throughout the nation, particularly at the federal level. Journalists are reporting that most federal agencies prohibit their employees from communicating with the press unless the bosses have public relations staffers sitting in on the conversations. Contact is often blocked completely. When public affairs officers speak, even about routine public matters, they often do so confidentially in spite of having the title “spokesperson.” Reporters seeking interviews are expected to seek permission, often providing questions in advance. Delays can stretch for days, longer than most deadlines allow. Public affairs officers might send their own written responses of slick non-answers. Agencies hold on-background press conferences with unnamed officials, on a not-for-attribution basis.

In many cases, this is clearly being done to control what information journalists – and the audience they serve – have access to. A survey found 40 percent of public affairs officers admitted they blocked certain reporters because they did not like what they wrote.

It has not always been this way. In prior years, reporters walked the halls of agencies and called staff people at will. Only in the past two administrations have media access controls been tightened at most agencies. Under this administration, even non-defense agencies have asserted in writing their power to prohibit contact with journalists without surveillance. Meanwhile, agency personnel are free speak to others — lobbyists, special-interest representatives, people with money — without these controls and without public oversight…”

In its scope and extent, President Obama’s intentional interefence with the First Amendment is unprecedented and exceedingly dangerous.  Americans need to halt this before it is too late to do so.

Quick Analysis

The case of the missing national holiday

Call it the case of the missing national holiday.

It was 45 years ago this week that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin become the first humans to set foot on a celestial body other than planet Earth. They left a plaque stating that they came in peace for all mankind.

Armstrong, Aldrin, and Mike Collins, the commander of the Apollo 11 capsule that orbited the moon while they explored, were, of course, Americans.  Their mission was one of the greatest technological achievements in human history, and will probably be considered by future historians a watershed moment for all humanity.

Yet , since that momentous occurrence, its anniversaries pass with almost no fanfare, no special recognition, and no momentous celebratory events. That fact is a painful reminder of the growing failure of politicians, U.S. schools, media, and other national cultural institutions to instill a knowledge of and appreciation for the unique and extraordinary accomplishments of the American nation.

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Far too many American schools and American textbooks provide a nasty, biased version of U.S. history that concentrates only on national imperfections, imperfections which have long since been remedied.

Today, while NASA languishes, no longer capable of even placing an astronaut in orbit, the Russians, Chinese, and even the United Arab Emirates are planning ambitious space ventures. The vast gains in technology and resources may go to them, much as Portugal, once a great exploratory nation, eventually was passed by when it lost its will to continue.

To prosper and advance, America  must once again find pride in its past and faith in its future ,and once again “push the envelope” to take the lead in this and other endeavors so pivotal to its future as a nation and a culture.

Quick Analysis

Starving the military

The prolonged lack of adequate financial support for the American military is not the type of error that can simply be undone within a few years.  It has produced a long-term threat that has already left the United States vulnerable, a condition which is increasingly significant each year it remains unaddressed.

According to a CSIS study,  “The post 9/11 U.S. defense drawdown will be significantly deeper than is generally recognized.  Because of the dual effect, or ‘double whammy,’ of the topline drawdown and the decreasing purchasing power of defense dollars, the military that the Department of Defense (DoD) can afford in 2021 will be smaller across the board, with sharp reductions in capacity across the board.”

At the same time that America and its western allies sharply erode their defense capabilities, the threat level continues to rise dramatically as Russia, Iran, North Korea, and especially China significantly expand their conventional, nuclear, and high-tech military strength.  New threats also arise from both nation-state actors such as Venezuela and quasi-national forces such as the Islamic extremist regime in parts of Iraq that arose following America’s premature withdrawal, the looming return of the Taliban following the announced U.S. departure, as well as al-Qaeda’s continuing strengthening.

Despite all the exercises, they should immerse themselves in togetherness with your partner. sildenafil generic A lot of young men lack proper knowledge about viagra side online Erectile Dysfunction and diabetes, How ED and diabetes are linked with each other and cause sexual disturbance in life. So it was decided to use Sildenafil viagra levitra viagra for the treatment of erection issues in males. The main chemical in this medicinal product is sildenafil Citrate, which is used specifically for erectile dysfunction. brand cialis australia The decreased budget has also produced a weakened defense industrial and supply chain base.  The loss of expertise and the closing of factories and raw materials suppliers cannot be quickly reversed. Brigadier General John Adams (U.S. Army, Retired), president of Guardian Six Consulting analyzed the problem for the Alliance of American Manufacturing, noting:

“With the closing of factories across the United States and the mass exodus of U.S. manufacturing jobs to China and other nations over the past 30 years, the United States’ critically important defense industrial base has deteriorated dramatically.  As a result, the United States now relies heavily on imports to keep our armed forces equipped and ready…Consequently, the health of the United States defense industrial base—and our national security—is in jeopardy.  We are vulnerable to major disruptions in foreign supplies that could make it impossible for U.S. warriors, warships, tanks, aircraft, and missiles to operate effectively…”

There is no time to waste. The consequences of a continued lack of appropriate support for defense needs will be unavoidable and overwhelming in the immediate future.

Quick Analysis

The World Spins Out of Control

There is a direct, precise link between the foreign policy choices made by the Obama/Clinton/Kerry team, and the two crises which the world finds itself facing this morning.

In 2009, President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton agreed to the New START treaty with Russia, which allowed Moscow a ten to one advantage in tactical nuclear weapons. The President further weakened U.S. influence in Europe by attempting to renege on anti-missile commitments to Eastern Europe. Both were specifically part of the Administration’s “Reset” policy, which, combined with the reduction of funds for the Pentagon, was supposed to significantly improve Washington’s relations with the Kremlin. Earlier this year, that diminishment of American military presence in Europe was finalized by the withdrawal of all U.S. tanks from the continent.

Clearly, the policy was an utter failure. Moscow was emboldened to dramatically ramp up its military spending, and continued to develop a far more aggressive stance towards its neighbors. It was not unreasonable to assume that Mr. Obama would have learned from his mistake and taken a different course.  But in response to Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine, the White House reacted only minimally.  Indeed, the one action that would have definitely grabbed Mr. Putin’s attention—the opening up of federally held land for oil and gas exploitation, a move which would have directly impacted Moscow’s ability to finance its huge military (the Russian economy is heavily dependent on the high prices it obtains from its energy sales) –was never even seriously considered.

Russia’s involvement, either directly or indirectly, in the shooting down of the civilian Malaysian airliner is a consequence of that failure.

Then there is the Middle East, and the Israeli need to defend itself by launching an incursion into Gaza.

For a brief period of time towards the end of the G.W. Bush Administration, it appeared that there was a chance for improvement in that troubled part of the planet. Whatever one’s views of the Iraq War, the people of that nation (who had suffered for so long under Saddam Hussein) actually had a chance for a better life.  They voted in free elections for the first time.  The presence of American troops provided a measure of stability. But Mr. Obama’s premature withdrawal of those forces placed Iraq into a tailspin, opening the door for extremists. The President’s support for the so-called Arab Spring, which assisted Islamic extremists in Egypt, Libya and elsewhere created an environment where the most dangerous elements of the region gained vastly more influence. Support for violence against Israel was greatly enhanced. Any chance for a more stable Israeli-Palestinian relationship was lost. The danger to Israel was pointedly and substantially expanded due to the White House’s very obvious estrangement from the Jewish state.

As a consequence, 1,200 rockets were launched by terrorists into Israel, leaving it no choice but to respond with armed force.
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It would be charitable to state that policy mistakes can be forgiven if, once the consequences become apparent, different, corrective measures are taken.  But despite clear evidence from one end of the planet to the other, the Obama Administration continues on its disastrous path. Since there is little indication that the President will change course, the question of why he fails to do so must be examined.  The possibilities are deeply unsavory.

The first is that he simply rejects the entire international, American-led framework which has prevented another world war since 1945, and he is willing to endure any international chaos rather than admit that the U.S. must play an indispensable role in the globe’s stability.

The second option is that he is so blinded by egotism that he cannot bring himself to admit a mistake. There is some evidence of this in the astounding comments from the White House press office that the world is “more tranquil” than ever.

The third possibility is the most worrisome. Surrounded by a coterie of shadowy advisors with deeply questionable pasts, including individuals such as Bill Ayers, an individual linked to an aggressively unorthodox belief that America is the source of the planet’s problems rather than its cure, the President may be pursuing foreign policy goals directly the opposite of everything the U.S. has adhered to until his election. If this is the case, he has been dishonest with the nation, refusing to openly admit that he is doing so. Or, perhaps, this is the “fundamental transformation” he has spoken of, without providing any real details.

The world is spinning out of control, plunging ever closer to the depths of conflict not seen since the end of the Second World War, and Mr. Obama’s policies bear substantial responsibility for that.


Quick Analysis

Contempt for Western Civilization

The Magna Carta is currently touring the United States, a reminder of the deep roots the concept of freedom has in Western civilization, the same civilization that is constantly criticized by its own academics and politicians.

What, exactly, is the basis for their contempt?  Unlike every other culture on Earth, the West has centered on the rights of individuals, and an adherence to rigidly evidence-based thinking.  Yes, like all other parts of the planet, periods of religious or racial intolerance existed in the past. But what differentiates the West is that those attitudes have been rejected and outlawed.  Compare that with the intense bigotry, totalitarianism, and religious hatred that predominates in much of the rest of the world.

The suppression of free speech, ethnic hatred, dictatorial governments, and the subjugation of women are the norms throughout much of the planet outside of the West. Rather than condemn that horrifying reality, western social scientists and the self-appointed politically correct elite proclaim that no critical judgments should be made.

This has led to terrible policy decisions on the part of western leaders, misguided education in academia, and warped news reporting.

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Signing arms control agreements that leave the West vulnerable is not giving peace a chance, its surrendering the safety of free people to men of ill will and hostile intent.

Teaching students that the merits of the civilization that has composed the Magna Carta, the Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights shouldn’t be valued above cultures that demand the suppression of personal freedom to the will of despots and tyrannical philosophies aren’t superior is not being fair-minded, it’s being dishonest and harmful to young minds.

These practices are destroying the greatest culture Earth has ever seen.

Quick Analysis

America’s eerie era of silence

An eerie era of silence has descended on the United States. In so many areas of its national life, institutions and political parties appear averse to talking about the true nature of the many challenges facing the nation. Central questions about the economy, national security, the federal budget, the quality of our educational system, and more remain unaddressed as crisis after crisis mandates that we urgently have the discussions that have been avoided for far too long.

In great universities, media outlets, and the halls of government, frank talk has been replaced with taboos about bringing up the rapid descent that has encompassed almost every facet of national endeavors in the past half-decade.

America has faced budget deficits in the past.  But never this serious, absent the Second World War, and never did it grow as quickly as it has without achieving or building anything.  Franklin Roosevelt bent rules and spent enormously on programs aimed at ending the Great Depression in the 1930’s.  Praise it, criticize it, or bring up the fact that those efforts didn’t actually end the Depression, but at the very least, the evidence of what federal dollars were spent on can still be seen in numerous great projects and buildings across the U.S.  Where did the nearly one trillion dollars spent on the stimulus go? Nothing was achieved. No problems were solved. Nothing of any significance was built. Why is this not a major topic of discussion?

Across the face of the planet, Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and Islamic extremists have developed or acquired and are rapidly expanding extraordinary military capabilities that are directly aimed at America and American interests. In addition, funds and expertise are being directly funneled to nations within our own hemisphere, such as Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela by Moscow, Beijing and Tehran for the specific purpose of threatening the United States. Other than in a few specialty journals, when was the last time there was a significant, widely reported national debate on this topic?

At the same time that America’s proven, attainable domestic energy resources are greater than ever, U.S. consumers are paying outrageously high prices to fill their gas tanks and power their homes.  How is that justified?  Why does the federal government continue to refuse to allow the exploitation of energy resources within its vast land holdings? This issue is particularly salient when hostile nations such as Russia, Venezuela and those in the Middle East use their energy resources as a political weapon to achieve goals harmful to the interests of America and its allies.  Why have so few media outlets concentrated on this?

Despite greater sums than ever being spent on education, disappointing results are the norm. Why are American students, despite all those dollars, faring poorly in basic subjects?  Why do so many relevant textbooks neglect to inculcate students into the proud achievements of a nation that has led humankind in expanding freedom and prosperity, and instead frequently read like anti-U.S. propaganda tracts from enemy nations? Why does the press continue to soft-pedal this?

Ever greater sums of federal dollars are being committed to social welfare programs providing funding to young, healthy, individuals. The poverty rate remains unimproved, and the job participation rate continues to decline.  Since giveaway schemes haven’t worked, shouldn’t an effort be made to instead change course and engage in efforts that increase employment opportunities instead?

Several of our once-great inner cities have descended into bankruptcy and orgies of crime.  Some, like Chicago, have murder rates that would be unacceptable in warzones patrolled by American troops. Why have the pundits and broadcast barons not investigated the corrupt politics and overtly foolish ideological philosophies that have been the hallmark of these failed municipalities?
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There are, of course, many other challenges that could be mentioned. But the common denominator in all of these areas is the relatively light media coverage, biased academic discourse, and inadequate political debate that has taken place relating to them.

Absent that desperately needed discourse, these dramatic problems have already caused massive damage, and threaten to rapidly and irreversibly harm the United States to a degree from which it may not be able to recover.