Quick Analysis

Boom in Energy Spurs Industry in the Rust Belt

This article was submitted by Ted Flinta radio commentator with significant experience in state legislative affairs

“A Real Game Changer,” read the headlines in a recent edition of the New York Times. A dramatic surge in domestic oil production is transforming the economies of many states across the country. This seismic shift in the fortunes of these once decaying states is directly attributed to hydraulic fracturing: horizontally drilling thousands of feet below the earth’s surface to extract natural gas deposits trapped in shale.

35 states allow ‘fracking’ and the economic turnaround in many of these states has been significant. Pennsylvania, Ohio, the Virginias and more than 30 others are reaping the benefits of the boom.

Why do some states refrain from taking advantage of this bonanza?  Consider a prime example: New York.

Active TB in many methods affects the sexual life of husband and buying viagra in india wife. The best part about kamagra tadalafil 20mg price is that it goes hand in hand with sports psychology. Environmental Factors Floors should be buying cheap cialis dry and not slippery. All areas undergoing the generic cialis online assessment will be identified and prevented. NY’s Governor Cuomo is afraid of the political fallout from the environmental Left. Although he alleges that “science” will decide the issue, the practical effect of Mr. Cuomo and others opposed to natural gas drilling is to limit Americans’ access to a plentiful and economical source of fuel. According to a new report cited by the American Petroleum Institute, horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing were responsible for 48 percent of U.S. oil production and trimmed up to $0.94 per gallon from fuel prices in 2013. And despite the Left’s animus toward big oil, the industry supports 9.8 million jobs and is responsible for eight percent of the U.S. economy.

Opponents of ‘fracking’ have conveyed the demonstrably incorrect belief that the process contaminates ground water and exposes residents to air pollution. There is a growing body of evidence that debunks this assertion. According to a recent column by Chris Faulkner, CEO of Breitling Energy Corp., and author of “The Fracking Truth,” Pennsylvania’s Department of Environmental Protection monitored numerous fracking sites across the state and found that nearby levels of carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and other key pollutants did not exceed federal air quality standards. Similar studies were done in Texas and West Virginia and they reached the same conclusion: oil and gas operations do not endanger air quality.

The issue for the Left has never been about fear of groundwater contamination, because there has never been one incident when that has happened, it’s all about reducing consumption in order to “save the planet.” If gas prices were under two dollars a gallon (where they were when George W. Bush left office) Americans would have more disposable income and could spend their hard-earned dollars on things other than transportation.

The scientifically wrong position taken by environmental extremist’s is harming not only the American consumer, but Europeans as well.  Due to the limited supply from the U.S., Moscow, with its abundant resources, has been able to blackmail European nations who require Russian energy for their economic survival.

Quick Analysis

Abandoning East Asia

The image is both iconic and reassuring—an American aircraft carrier on patrol in East Asia, protecting friends, deterring aggressors and criminals, insuring that vital trade routes remain open.

For a while, however, the scene will exist only in historic newsreels. After well over a half century in which U.S. carriers served as an omnipresent key guarantor of peace and stability, budget cuts will force their temporary absence. The unprecedented gap will occur when the U.S.S. George Washington returns to America for refitting.  No replacement will be provided for at least a third of a year, until the U.S.S. Ronald Reagan becomes available.

The news has been met with distress by American allies in the region. The Japanese news source Asia Nikkei  reports that “Security policymakers in Japan and the U.S. are privately voicing concern about the absence of U.S. aircraft carriers from East Asian waters for four months next year…officials fear having no carriers in the region could provide China and North Korea with an opportunity to take military action.”

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The radical alteration in the U.S. military posture has occurred without much public discussion or debate. In addition to starving the armed forces for funds, President Obama has unilaterally withdrawn all American tanks from Europe, allowed the further deterioration of the American nuclear deterrent, reneged on plans to protect the U.S. and allies with an anti-missile system, and agreed to allow Russia to maintain a ten to one advantage in tactical nuclear missiles. The White House has advocated unilateral cuts in American atomic weapons. It pursues a budget which will leave the U.S. army with fewer personnel than North Korea’s force. It has not responded in any substantive manner to China’s massive military buildup. It has failed to take even any significant diplomatic steps in response to armed attacks by Russia and China against their neighbors.

These are fundamental alterations in a defense posture that over the past seventy years has prevented another world war, and defeated the Soviet Union in the cold war. Mr. Obama’s inexplicable abandoning of this successful policy should been widely debated, but the major media has seen fit to ignore it.

Quick Analysis

The Alienated Generation

College students throughout America have exhibited an inexplicable degree of tolerance towards overbearing university officials and professors who have all too frequently acted to suppress differences of opinion toward the prevailing campus orthodoxy.  These young scholars bear little resemblance to their parents’ or grandparents activist generation, who brought to life the “Free Speech” movement in the 1960s and were outspoken in their views. The American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA)  notes that “Many schools stifle free speech on campus. ACTA partnered with the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education to assess the state of free speech on campus. Of the institutions that have ratings from FIRE, less than 4 percent receive a “green light” rating for not threatening free speech. Nearly two-thirds (64 percent) garner a “red light” rating, meaning the institution has at least one policy that “clearly and substantially” restricts freedom of speech.”

Why do college students tolerate this? It may have much to do with what they were—and were not—taught in high school, as well as the odd version of American history and civics that they are given in college.  Across the nation, parents, pupils, and others have become deeply concerned over a growing reliance on curricula that provides little reference to topics such as the ground-breaking rights provided in the U.S. Constitution, including free speech, and dwells on biased, highly critical views of the American experience.

The problem may be getting worse.  The College Board, a private organization which sets the tone for setting  course guidelines and administers the SAT exams and advanced placement courses, is exerting greater control of what high schoolers are being taught.  What they are prescribing has been described as unduly critical of America.

Recently, the scholarly publication The Federalist described the College Board’s latest guidelines:
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“The redesigned Framework usurps state curriculum standards by unilaterally decreeing what students should know with no public input or consent. State standards across America, while including the dark events in American history, also celebrate our nation’s founders, core values, and heroic servicemen and women. In contrast, the College Board’s “required knowledge” inculcates a consistently negative view of American history that focuses on identity group grievances, conflict, exploitation, and examples of oppression.”

ACTA has reported on the disappointing state of college education:  “Only 22 institutions (2 percent) receive an “A” grade for requiring at least six of seven subjects that are essential to a liberal arts education: literature, composition, economics, math, intermediate level foreign language, science, and American government/history. The average institution requires about three courses—meaning most students are graduating from college without exposure to such fundamental courses as American history, basic economics or literature. In too many places, graduates aren’t expected to have any more knowledge of these pivotal courses than a twelfth grader.”

America’s educational system is dangerously close to producing a generation that is unfamiliar with their Constitutional rights, and holding an incorrect and highly derogatory view of their own country.

Quick Analysis

The Election is Over; Now its time to address America’s Crises

The 2014 elections are finally over, and the work of actually resolving America’s many crises must begin.

There is a temptation for the public, the pundits and the politicians alike to say that the nation’s enormous challenges can’t be resolved before the 2016 presidential election, and to accept only minor revisions to the strategies that have resulted in the country’ diminished fortunes over the past several years. But the dire impact of erroneous policies is so significant that delay is unacceptable. Congress must act rapidly, and the President must find the courage and honesty to change course.

The essential linchpin of the American economy is a healthy middle class. A combination of the expiration of the Bush tax cuts, the increased costs to businesses and consumers alike of Obamacare, heightened fuel prices, and the loss of steady jobs has wreaked havoc with this vital group.

Before the next federal budget is passed, action must be taken to lower taxes on middle income families.  Similarly, the various regulations, including Obamacare mandates that have discouraged businesses from growing and expanding their employment rolls must be repealed. This should also include reducing America’s absurdly high corporate tax rate, which encourages businesses to leave the U.S. and take jobs with them.

The U.S. balance of trade continues to see far too many dollars going overseas. It is time to keep those funds at home, where they can be used to spark the domestic economy.  The most rapid way of doing that is making the nation truly energy independent. Lands under federal control must finally be opened for energy exploitation. Also, attempts to limit other energy sources, including coal, must stop. This will also have two other beneficial effects: it will lower the cost of energy, reducing may other consumer and business expenses, and will also limit the enormous funds Russia and ISIS take in from energy sales that are funneled to their militaries.

It is also time to review American trade policies.  Unfair advantages have been given to foreign competitors, who, not subject to a variety of rigorous federal rules, can manufacture far more cheaply than U.S. companies. Goods imported from abroad for sale in the U.S. should be subjected to similar mandates,or be subjected to fees that level the playing field. Further, nations that restrict imports from America should have reciprocal limitations placed on their exports.
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The most imminent threat, one that has reached a level that constitutes a clear, present and immediate danger to the safety of all Americans, is the dramatic deterioration of America’s defense posture during the past several years. The U.S. military had already been slashed to the bone, best symbolized by the Navy’s reduction from 600 ships to 284. Under the severe cuts of the past several years, America has seen force drops reducing our services to levels not seen since before the First World War.  Under current plans, even North Korea will have a larger army than ours. These reductions have taken place at the same time that Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran have dramatically built up both the size and sophistication of their forces.

Further, in an era when nuclear proliferation is a disturbing reality, and when regimes such as Iran and North Korea are on the verge of having both nuclear weapons and the ICBMs with which to use them to attack America, it is irresponsible to not deploy a comprehensive anti-missile policy.

These threats must be addressed in the next federal budget.

The Legislative Branch must reassert its role as a check on the Executive Branch far more vigorously. During the era of the Obama Presidency, federal agencies such as the IRS, the Federal Communications Commission, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Education, and most ominously the Department of Justice have all been used for partisan political gain.  This must cease, and it is within the authority and capability of the newly elected Congress to viably and rapidly address that threat to the American Constitution.

These are crises whose solutions cannot be postponed.

Quick Analysis

Fundamental Changes on Trial in Today’s Election

Americans go to the polls today in the most consequential election since Abraham Lincoln first ran for president. Rarely has there been as stark a difference between two contending ideologies as those presented by the Democrat legislators currently on the ballot, who have been overwhelmingly supportive of President Obama’s agenda, and Republicans, who have been sharply critical of his policies at home and abroad but who have lacked the numbers in Congress to stop his tidal wave of changes.

Clearly, the approximately six years since the Democrats swept into near total power in the first Obama election have been tumultuous.  The President has delivered on his 2009 promise to fundamentally transform America, and this year voters will voice their opinion on whether the results have been beneficial or harmful. The United States is, indeed, a significantly different nation than it was before the current Administration and its staunch legislative supporters took power.

Middle class families have been the most deeply affected. A sharp reduction in jobs paying middle-income salaries accompanied by sharply rising tax, energy, food, and health costs, along with the necessity to continue supporting college graduate offspring who can’t find employment has dramatically diminished their financial stability.

The increased regulatory regime since 2009 has affected property owners and businesses alike. Its little wonder that the housing market remains weak and corporations refuse to expand or hire when there is the ever-present threat of even more onerous restrictions.

Opinions on the sweeping change in medical insurance will be a factor in voter’s decisions. Anger over misleading statements about the cost of the new plans, the ability to keep one’s own physicians, and ever-growing evidence that many procedures and prescriptions, particularly for seniors, are not covered will be a major factor.
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The most unexpected alteration in the American landscape since 2009 has been the sharp deterioration in race relations.  Mr. Obama’s election had led to widespread anticipation that an end to the few remnants of racial antipathy was at hand.  In sharp contrast, statements by both the President and Attorney General Eric Holder have reignited divisions which had been well on the way to being healed. Ironically, the financial standing of blacks has suffered under the Democrats’ economic programs. Looser immigration standards have affected both blacks and all other ethnic groups that seek to begin their path up the economic ladder through entry-level jobs that have now been taken, in many cases, by illegal aliens.

The U.S. stance in the world has changed dramatically.  Before 2009, terrorism was comparatively restrained, Russia was relatively quiet, and American military supremacy was unquestioned. By 2014, a combination of budget cuts to U.S. defenses, a reluctance to exercise power abroad, and the alienation of allies in Europe, the Middle East and the Pacific has led to a dangerous global environment in which terrorist forces control more territory than ever, attacks and threats on western soil have escalated, and Russia, China, and Iran openly seek to establish a new world order in which they, not the U.S., are the predominate influences.

The most essential question to be determined today, however, is more basic.  It concerns the nature of the relationship between Americans and their government. The current power structure in Washington, consisting of the White House, the Senate majority, and the federal bureaucracy has functioned in a more “top-down” fashion than any of its predecessors, with greater assumed authority given to government to intervene in the lives of the citizenry and do so in a manner that is frequently opaque and unrestrained. That is the essence of the fundamental transformation of America since 2009, and support or opposition to that concept will be the most important question facing voters today.


Quick Analysis

Will American voters act to reject foreign policy failures?

Americans go to the polls tomorrow in the midst of a more urgent period of crisis than any since the start of the Second World War, and perhaps surpassing even that momentous epoch.

Extraordinary challenges facing our national security will be decided.

The evidence of both the depth of the threats facing the nation is abundant, as is the reality that the dogmas of the past several years have failed to provide any remedies. An objective, clear-eyed view reveals a devastating picture of an America that has seen its fortunes decline precipitously, in large part due to tragically faulty strategies.

At no time since the attack on Pearl Harbor has the United States been in such a weakened position militarily. This time, however, our vulnerability is not due to a sneak attack; it is the result of policies that were never based on any realistic assessments. The Obama-Clinton “reset” with Russia, highlighted by an extraordinary reduction in American arms at the same time that Moscow dramatically upgraded its conventional and nuclear forces, was clearly doomed to fail. But the White House and its supporters were so eager to redistribute military funding to social welfare programs, including an unprecedented leap in food stamps, that they ignored—and continue to ignore– this imminent threat. The same willful blindness applies to our stance towards China’s massive armed forces buildup and to the increasing threat of Islamic terrorism, a threat Mr. Obama and his allies seem reluctant to even call by its proper name.

Since 2009, the United States has endangered staunch friends such as the United Kingdom, Poland, the Philippines, and especially Israel through an inexplicable attitude from the White House that sought to please our opponents more than America’s own interests and that of its allies. Today, a powerful and increasingly dangerous axis with a vast and contiguous portion of the Earth’s geography and population, including Russia, China, Iran and North Korea threatens planetary peace to an unacceptable degree.
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The American electorate tomorrow must make a decision similar to that of the United Kingdom’s in 1940, when Neville Chamberlain, who sought to appease Nazi Germany, was replaced by the clear-eyed Winston Churchill.

But foreign-born threats are not all from enemy weapons. The aimlessness and secretiveness with which the looming threat of Ebola has been met by the White House matches its disarray in other national security concerns.

Similarly, the refusal to not only appropriately secure America’s southern border, but to engage in statements which actually encourage illegal entry provides an effective vector for the introduction of contagious diseases and Islamic terrorists, masquerading as economic immigrants, to the U.S.

Tomorrow, Americans have a choice.  Their decision may determine whether they also have a secure future.

Quick Analysis

The Attack on Free Speech

Over the past several months, numerous and unprecedented attacks on the First Amendment have endangered the most cherished American right, freedom of speech. From United Nations conferences to the White House, to the  floor of the U.S. Senate, from court rooms to City Halls, and of course the bureaucracies on the federal, state and local levels that (with questionable constitutionality) seek to regulate political campaigns, the right to open and unfettered expression has become jeopardized as never before in the American experience.

There have been various dimensions to this unprecedented assault.

Internationalization of control of the internet, brought about by President Obama’s inexplicable decision to relinquish U.S. control, has allowed totalitarian governments to come within striking distance of regulating free speech on the web. The U.N.’s International Telecommunications Union  met in Turkey in September, and continued to receive unrelenting pressure from oppressive regimes to enact censorship rules. The organization will meet again in Brazil in November of 2015.

The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) analyzed aspects of the internet governance debate. Their report noted that starting in 2003, Russia, China, and the Arab states advanced “an explicit rule-making agenda” for a more “state-controlled and monetary version of the internet.” According to Freedom House, “Broad surveillance, new laws controlling web content, and growing arrests of social-media users drove a worldwide decline in internet freedom in the past year.” The study also found that “While blocking and filtering remain the preferred methods of censorship in many countries, governments are increasingly looking at who is saying what online, and finding ways to punish them…In some countries, a user can get arrested for simply posting on Facebook or for “liking” a friend’s comment that is critical of the authorities…”

Within the U.S., attempts to bring any comments which could affect political campaigns (which, on a practical basis, involves almost all discussion of current issues) under the control of federal, state and local election commissions has been the Trojan Horse which advocates of limitations on free speech have used to abridge First Amendment rights. A  Washington Free Beacon article by Ken Vogel reported that President Obama, in an address to wealthy donors in 2012, asserted that he would be “in a very strong position” to amend the Constitution regarding campaign laws during his second term. Tying in free speech laws to campaign regulations has been a key avenue of attack for anti-First Amendment advocates.

The President’s comment was particularly ominous in light of the revelation that the Internal Revenue service targeted groups that opposed him.  It is not coincidental that Lois Lerner, the chief figure in that scandal, previously worked for the Federal Election Commission and engaged in similar outrages there.

In some jurisdictions, such as New York, regulations have been enacted placing publications of any sort which could affect a campaign under the jurisdiction by the State Board of Elections. In Wisconsin, the Government Accountability Board harasses non-leftist groups that seek to disseminate their views.

Within the U.S. Senate, Tom Udall (D-New Mexico) and Charles Schumer (D-New York), proposed a measure that would limit free speech protections as they pertain to campaign donations. The proposed legislation gained 43 Senate supporters—all Democrats. At a Senate Rules Committee hearing earlier this year, Schumer stated that “”The First Amendment is sacred, but the First Amendment is not absolute. By making it absolute, you make it less sacred to most Americans.” The Republican minority was able to block the measure

Therefore, how to increase penile strength is by consuming zinc rich foods and avoiding hand practice. cialis properien Tadalista increases the blood flow to the male organ through viagra samples neurotransmitters. Testosterone, male sexual hormone is tadalafil sample liable for the stimulation, potency and healthy erections. But prescription cialis most people do not and also do not want to have to experience in their life time. It’s not just in the sphere of campaign regulations that has seen the First Amendment jeopardized. Earlier this year, in what may be one of the most controversial programs ever initiated by a federal agency, the Federal Communications Commission attempted to implement a so-called “research effort” entitled “critical information needs” (known as CIN) involving Washington oversight of broadcasters and journalists throughout America. It would have placed government employees in the private internal conversations and meetings of journalists, media organizations, and even internet sites. The breadth of what would have been covered was a comprehensive list of what the public sees, hears, reads, or surfs. It includes television and radio broadcast content, articles printed in daily and weekly newspapers, and even what’s placed on line on the internet. In addition, a so-called “qualitative analysis of media providers” would have been included. Fortunately, the measure did not go into effect.

The FCC is increasingly seen as a potential tool by leftist advocacy groups to silence less radical opponents.  Recently, the Wall Street Journal reported that law professor John Banzhaf III requested the FCC to deny a broadcast license to a radio station that didn’t comply with his attempt to eliminate the public use of the team name Washington Redskins.

Under White House direction, federal agencies have engaged in unprecedented actions to limit free speech. The three Democrat members of The Federal Elections Commission  recently sought to bring many internet posts under the control of that bureaucracy.  The move was blocked by the three Republican members.

Clearly, President Obama has a particularly disdainful attitude towards the First Amendment. The Washington Post recently published a “compendium” of press opinions on President Obama’s treatment of the media. Many of the worries expressed were all the more notable because they came from sources that were, in the past, generally supportive of the current White House. Among the more remarkable comments in the compendium: Former NY Times executive editor Jill Abramson: “It is the most secretive White House that I have ever been involved in covering.” NY Times reporter James Risen: “I think Obama hates the press.” USA Today Washington Bureau Chief Susan Page called the Obama Administration “more secretive and more dangerous to the press than any other in history.”

Beyond Washington, localities and political pressure groups have grown increasingly intolerant of dissent. The recent attempt by Houston’s openly lesbian mayor Annise Parker to subpoena the sermons of any clergy preaching against her controversial measures (which would mandate, among other moves, allowing males who feel they are actually females to use women’s bathrooms) is a notorious example, violative of both the free speech and religious mandates of the First Amendment.

National Review describes efforts by environmental extremists to “literally imprison people for holding unpopular views about global warming.”

All of these attempts clearly defy the very specific mandate of the First Amendment, which specifically states that Congress shall make no law… abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

For generations, Americans safely assumed that their freedom of speech were sacrosanct.  That confidence can no longer be justified.

Quick Analysis

Halloween Not as Scary as The News

This year, you have to feel sorry for old friends Dracula, Frankenstein, and the Creature from the Black Lagoon.   Don’t let us forget all those witches, either.  Try as they might, they simply can’t conjure up the terror they used to.

After all, those devilish monsters could barely harass a handful of folks on any particular evening.  Some of those goblins and ghouls were restricted to just All Hallows Eve.  What horror could a nibble on the neck from a hungry vampire produce when ISIS is beheading folks on a mass scale every day?

How do you compare the frightening capabilities a misunderstood creature of the night can inspire to, say, the thought of a terrorist heading in your direction? Or even something as tiny as an Ebola germ?
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What we find really scary, though, isn’t some raging enemy or even a toxic malady.  What scares us the most is the growing inability or unwillingness of our leaders to deal these threats.  Americans used to be a “can do” people.  If something stood in our way, we cut a path through it.  If someone opposed us, we flattened them.  Now we passively tolerate true evil.

Happy Halloween.

Quick Analysis

Dangers of uncontrolled entry into the U.S.

Grateful parents around the world recently celebrated the birthday of Jonas Edward Salk,  a medical researcher and virologist born in New York in 1914.  He passed away in 1995. He discovered and developed the first viable polio vaccine.

Currently, the United States is experiencing an outbreak of enterovirus 68, which is in the same family of illnesses that includes polio, although it is not a polio infection. 43 states have reported cases. The timing of the outbreak coincided with the large scale arrival of unaccompanied minors from Latin America. Enteroviruses have been noted in America since the 1960’s, but the current strain is rare in the United states.  It is, however, more prevalent in Central America, according to at least one study.

The outbreak, at this point, with absolute scientific certainty, cannot definitely be blamed on the large scale arrival of the unaccompanied minors, although the circumstantial evidence is hard to ignore.

Each viagra for sale mastercard for ED assures a person for providing healthy erections up to 36 hours. Make sure to look all the above medicines take the order viagra prescription chemical named Sildenafil citrate. This is for cialis pills for sale folks who experience anxiety-associated impotence. Some men s are unable to erect their buy cialis line penile part to get an exact way of intimation. There is a disturbing lack of caution and sound medical procedure on the part of The White House towards both the lack of adequate border controls in the south and the lax attitude towards quarantining Ebola.  This is not a question of open borders, of allowing, essentially, immigration at will without serious restrictions. It is a question of sound medical practice.

Even during the periods of great mass immigrations in the past, when there were comparatively little restrictions, the new arrivals were subjected to medical inspection.  Most Americans are familiar with the iconic photos of physicians on Ellis Island in New York Harbor carefully examining immigrants before allowing them to set foot on the U.S. mainland. Many have also heard of the story of Mary Mallon, better known as Typhoid Mary.   Although healthy herself, she carried and transmitted the typhoid infection. She was, after a trial, forced to live in seclusion.

It is highly disturbing that President Obama has failed to learn the lessons of the past, as well as sound current medical wisdom, and continues to endanger the nation by refusing to engage in cautious border practices.

Quick Analysis

More Reports of Early Election Problems

 Reports  of potential fraud in the 2014 early voting process continue to come in.  Similar to the Cook County, Illinois problem we reported earlier, a Anne Arundel County, Maryland polling site has come under scrutiny for electronically placing votes cast for Republicans into the Democrat column.

A 2012 Scientific American report quoted by Verified Voting .org  asked: “In an age of electronic banking and online college degrees, why hasn’t the rest of the nation gone to voting on touchscreen computers? The reason is simple and resonates with the contentious debate that has yet to be resolved after at least 15 years of wrangling over the issue of electronic voting. No one has yet figured out a straightforward method of ensuring that one of the most revered democratic institutions—in this case, electing a U.S. president—can be double checked for fraud, particularly when paperless e-voting systems are used.”

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A Washington Post review of a test by a team of cyber security experts noted that “it would take only one person, with a sophisticated technical knowledge and timely access to the software that runs the voting machines, to change the outcome.”