Quick Analysis

Why some are threatened by Christmas

The usual battles about public school Christmas pageants and town park nativity scenes took place as usual this holiday season, all part of the misinterpretation of the First Amendment, which does not prohibit such practices.  That key part of our Bill of Rights only forbids the favoring of one religion over another. Therefore, those wonderful childhood plays and manger displays are fine, as long as requests for, say, Chanukah lights or Buddhist celebrations are, if requested, given equal rights.

There is more at stake here than just holiday observances, however.  Those opposing, with such vehemence, innocent seasonal recognitions may have a wholly hidden agenda.

In his new book, “Inventing the Individual,” author Larry Siedentop describes how Christianity shaped the western world’s emphasis on the value of the individual. The Judeo-Christian ethic profoundly influences the west’s belief that each human being has rights not as part of a group, but as an independent person.  This, of course, is anathema to those who adhere to the collectivist mentality which dominates Marxist and socialist philosophies .

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There is a further issue, as well.  Proponents of the strong central governments required to implement Marxist or social progressive ideals cannot tolerate influences which rival government for the hearts and minds of the people, which religion does.

Merry Christmas!

Quick Analysis

Much History Marks Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve, it is pleasant to think that all the world is safely at rest.  In Act 1, Scene 1 of Hamlet, Shakespeare wrote:

“Some say that ever ‘gainst that season comes

Wherein our Saviour’s birth is celebrated,

The bird of dawning singeth all night long.

And then, they say, no spirit dare stir abroad.

The nights are wholesome. Then no planets strike,

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So hallowed and so gracious is that time.”

Historically, though, this is a tumultuous time in American history. Consider: In 1776, the fledgling Continental Army under General George Washington was reeling from one defeat after another.  It desperately needed a victory.  On Christmas Eve, it began preparations for an assault on Hessian forces comfortably quartered there. Crossing the Delaware River, (and giving rise to Emanuel Leutze’s  iconic painting) the underfed, raggedly dressed and poorly supplied American force surprised and defeated the enemy on December 26th.

One hundred and sixty-eight years later, American forces were surrounded and facing defeat in the crucial town of Bastogne during the epic Battle of the Bulge.   Despite their desperate plight, they refused to surrender. Against all odds, General George S. Patton’s Third Army travelled a great distance, broke through the Nazi lines, and saved the day.

Twenty-four years after that, the first manned mission to orbit the Moon, Apollo 8,  reached its Lunar Goal on Christmas Eve and thrilled the world with a reading from Genesis.

I hope the only drama your family experiences this Christmas Eve is the wonderful excitement of sharing the night with family and friends.

Quick Analysis

What North Korea’s Sony attack reveals

The news that North Korea attacked Sony Pictures in retaliation for a low brow comedy mocking its leader, Kim Jong-un, and that the corporation essentially gave in, is indicative of how far America’s international credibility has descended. The fact that the movie studio surrendered speaks volumes about the utter lack of integrity of those who set the cultural climate.

The reasons arise both from Washington’s actual reduction in military strength, as well as in the diminished will to use those forces that remain. It is not a coincidence that this incident occurred in a year which saw the withdrawal of American tanks in Europe, presidential interest in a unilateral reduction in the U.S. atomic arsenal, a weakening of sanctions on Iran, a lack of any significant response to Russia’s resumption of cold war nuclear patrols off the coasts of North America, various acts of intimidation against Europe by Moscow, and the rapid increase in the prowess of the Chinese navy.

North Korea, which possesses nuclear weapons, is moving rapidly to perfect the technology to place them on ICBMs capable of striking the American mainland.

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The entire debate over the appropriate level of western military strength has an air of unreality to it. Those, like the President and other progressives, including (or especially) those in the entertainment industry (well known for its leftist leanings) appear to discount the need for a force sufficient to deter aggression, and they also appear to lack the fortitude to use military assets even if they were adequate.

To put in terms the White House might understand, it’s the same concept as rejecting the need for medical insurance because you don’t believe in the existence of disease.

Quick Analysis

Garner, Brown incidents abused for political goals

Both the President of the United States and the Mayor of New York City have irresponsibly used the Michael Brown and Eric Garner incidents to gain political goals.

Ismaaiyl Brinsley, 28, who had 19 prior arrests, reportedly stated that he hated cops. The extraordinary publicity and inflammatory statements by elected officials, media elites, and others over the attempted arrests in Ferguson concerning Michael Brown and in NYC involving Eric Garner gave him the excuse to kill NYPD police officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu. This was the First assassination of NYC cops since 1988.

Many black American males state that they are stopped by police officers more than people of other racial groups. Police frequently respond that is because black males are statistically more likely to be both the victims and perpetrators of crimes than others. This argument, however, is irrelevant. In these two cases, both men had committed crimes, were physically imposing, and resisted arrest.

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In the case of Mr. Obama, his immigration policy has caused great distress among blacks. Turning the August Ferguson matter into a national debate was an unsuccessful ploy to both distract from that and was also an attempt to encourage supporters to participate in the 2014 election, a strategy which failed.  Mr. de Blasio has been strongly linked to rumors that he is seeking higher office, but needs greater recognition and support among the hard-left wing of the Democrat Party to move forward.

To disregard the harmony and safety of local communities and ignore the need for a more dispassionate, honest, and intelligent conversation about race relations in order to pursue political goals is an inexcusable breach of good faith by both the President and the Mayor.

Quick Analysis

Will new EPA regs cost jobs?

How clean can America’s air get while still keeping energy affordable for consumers and not result in extensive job loss?

EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy has proposed   amending national ozone pollution standards. Her plan would revise the current standard of 75 parts per billion (the concentration of ozone pollution in the air we breathe) to a standard in the range of 65-70 parts per billion, while taking public comment on a level as low as 60. Across the U.S. 558 counties would be in violation of the new rule. The EPA believes the measure will cost about $17 billion by 2025, leading manufacturers to state that this may be the most costly move ever taken. The concept was originally proposed in 2011 but delayed by the White house for political reasons until after the election cycle.

The concept has triggered substantial dissent. U.S. Chamber of Commerce Senior Vice President for the Environment, Technology, and Regulatory Affairs Bill Kovacs noted thatThe EPA’s proposal to lower the ozone standard will have potentially damaging economic consequences for this country. This stricter standard will lead to more nonattainment designations across the United States, which translates into restrictions on expansion, permitting delays, increased costs to industry, and an impact to transportation planning. This more stringent standard will also strike at the heart of those areas that are just beginning to appreciate the economic benefits of planning for and building new facilities, expanding existing ones, and developing their communities.”
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According to NERA Economic Consulting the stricter ozone regulation could reduce U.S. GDP by $270 billion per year and $3.4 trillion from 2017 to 2040, resulting in 2.9 million fewer jobs or job equivalents per year on average through 2040.

Ideally, of course, America’s air would be pristine, resembling what it was in when the U.S. was a sparsely settled nation before industrialization and the development of the power grid. The question is how close to that condition can the nation without turning off the lights and irreparably damaging the economy.

Quick Analysis

China’s military aggressiveness cited in new report

The New York Analysis of Policy & Government continues its exploration of the 2014 report of the U.S.-China  Economic and Security Review Commission.

“During 2014, China’s military modernization continued at a fast pace, creating additional challenges for the United States and its allies, and China’s neighbors. Most notably, China conducted its first test of a new hypersonic missile vehicle, which could enable China to conduct kinetic strikes anywhere in the world within minutes to hours, and performed its second flight test of a new road-mobile intercontinental missile that will be able to strike the entire continental United States and could carry up to 10 independently maneuverable warheads.

“Meanwhile, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) increased its inventory of modern submarines, surface ships, and combat aircraft while upgrading its legacy platforms with new weapon systems.

“In the maritime domain, the PLA Navy continued its transformation from a coastal force into a technologically advanced navy capable of projecting power throughout the Asia Pacific. Since the Commission’s 2013 Annual Report, the PLA Navy has expanded its presence in the East and South China Seas and for the first time begun combat patrols in the Indian Ocean. Additionally, China’s first aircraft carrier in January conducted its first long-distance training deployment.

“The nature of the deployment suggests China is experimenting with multiple types of carrier formations, including those resembling U.S. combined expeditionary groups.
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“China’s growing confidence in its military capabilities has emboldened Beijing to aggressively advance its territorial ambitions. Since approximately 2009, China has increasingly used coercive military and economic measures to assert control over its territorial claims in the East and South China Seas. Since late 2013, however, China has been more willing to advance its sovereignty claims without seeking to justify its actions as responses to perceived provocations by rival claimants. The three most significant manifestations of this new, even more assertive turn are China’s establishment of an Air Defense Identification Zone in the East China Sea; China’s relocation of an oil rig to waters disputed by Vietnam in the South China Sea; and China’s ongoing attempts to prevent the Philippines from resupplying its military outpost at Second Thomas Shoal in the South China Sea…

“Perhaps of most concern is Beijing’s apparent willingness to provoke incidents at sea and in the air that could lead to a major conflict as China’s maritime and air forces expand their operations beyond China’s immediate periphery. China already has initiated dangerous encounters at sea on several occasions. In December 2013, a U.S. Navy ship was forced to maneuver to avoid a collision with a PLA Navy ship that had intentionally stopped in front of it. Both ships were operating in international waters. Later in 2014, a China Coast Guard ship rammed Vietnamese government ships following China’s placement of a state-owned deep-sea drilling platform inside Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone, and a Chinese fighter flew within 30 feet of a U.S. Navy reconnaissance aircraft international airspace.

“This pattern of unilateral Chinese actions in sensitive and disputed areas is raising tensions in the Asia Pacific and alienating many of its neighbors. China’s deepening economic, diplomatic, and military influence on its geographic periphery has led its neighboring countries to reconsider their security strategies and relationships, particularly those involving the United States. As the United States seeks to reaffirm its alliances and boost its security links with associates in East Asia and Oceania, it must contend with China’s competing vision of a China-led regional security architecture.

“This uncertain environment is further complicated by China’s support for North Korea, which continues to pose the most serious threat to East Asia security.”

Quick Analysis

China’s unfair Trade Policies

The  U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission has released its 2014 Annual Report to Congress.  In two crucial areas—economic and military affairs, it paints a disturbing picture.  In today’s report, we present the Commission’s summary of the challenges represented by Beijing’s trade policies.

China’s unfair practices occur in a number of economic spheres.  Last March, The  World Trade Organization decided that China broke trade rules by limiting the export of rare-earth metals in an effort to give their domestic manufacturers a key advantage. The practice also has national security implications, since many of the resources in question are key elements in defense industry manufacturing.

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American manufacturers already operate under a number of handicaps imposed by Washington. China’s policies are delivering a further and potentially decisive blow.

Quick Analysis

Larry Allison, R.I.P.

It is with the most profound sorrow that I must inform you of the passing of Larry L. Allison, co-host of the Vernuccio/Allison Report.

Larry had worked for NYC’s Office of Emergency Management, and spent a great deal of time at the 9/11 site in the aftermath of the attack.  As a result, he incurred massive health problems, including bladder cancer, pulmonary disorders, and leukemia. These disorders led to his demise on the morning of December 16 at Mt. Sinai Hospital, where he had been undergoing intensive treatment for breathing issues.

Larry had served in both Democrat and Republican administrations in local government,  eventually rising to the level of Deputy Director for Disabled Services. Indeed, serving the disabled was a life-long avocation for him. He began his career in that cause as a counselor at an upstate camp for disabled children. He remained in contact with many from that period in his life, and took pride in their achievements.

Larry was one of the most brilliant and loving individuals around, and truly passionate about his devotion to America’s founding ideals. His convictions were the result of a life spent in public service, his unquenchable curiosity, his diligent research, and a fearless devotion to intellectual honesty.

He became deeply troubled by the course government had taken on the city, state, and federal levels, and diligently sought to restore common sense, integrity and Constitutional adherence.
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He became a fixture in New York’s politics, managing, advising and/or assisting in the campaigns of a number of candidates. Party was not an issue; whether the candidate was Republican or Democrat, if Larry felt they were sincere, had good ideas, and would follow the ideals that made the nation great, he would help.

Many across America first knew him as the co-host of the Vernuccio/Allison Report radio program, intially broadcast on WVOX Saturday mornings and eventually picked up by the network.  The shows are also broadcast on regular radio in Tampa, Florida; Las Vegas, Nevada; Boulder, Colorado; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Lancaster, PA; and Macon, Georgia. He was noted for his well-informed, well-documented, and no-holds barred positions on the key issues of the day.

Larry is survived by his wife, Jocelyn, and daughters Amanda and Alynda. He remained close to his brothers Ron  and Don throughout his life, as well as their spouses, and his many nieces and nephews. He is also survived by goddaughters Laureena and Amanda, and many step-children and step-grandchildren through Jocelyn. All deeply loved him. He had a long list of close friends across the nation from all walks of life.

He will be truly and greatly missed, but never forgotten.

Quick Analysis

White House Foreign Policy Reversal Unlikely

The White House is making much of its decision to return one hundred tanks to Eastern Europe in response to Russian aggressiveness on land, sea and in the air on that continent.  It is an emphatic statement on its extraordinarily foolish decision, earlier in 2014, to withdraw all U.S. tanks from Europe. It also glosses over the Administration’s failure to take the nonlethal step that could have truly halted Putin’s return to the Cold War: opening up American federal lands to energy exploitation, and ending the EPA’s war on coal. These acts, which would have also helped western consumers, would have essentially stopped the flow of funds Putin needs to continue expanding his massive armed forces.

This timid and minor reversal is deeply similar to the return of at least some American forces, mostly trainers, special forces, and Air Force missions, to Iraq to combat ISIS. Just as the withdrawal of American tanks was a factor in Moscow’s decision that it could safely conquer Crimea without fear of a western response, so too the premature withdrawal of American forces from Iraq directly precipitated the rise of ISIS.

Will the President, chastened by his complete and overwhelming foreign policy and military strategy failures across the globe, finally begin to reverse course? Currently, it appears that while some minor adjustments may be made, the likelihood of a thorough White House rethinking of its international and military strategies appears unlikely.

American forces are still scheduled to depart from Afghanistan, although more will be left behind than previously planned. Nevertheless, expect the Taliban, the architects of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, to make a significant comeback there as a result.

There is little that can be done to undo the absurd decision to depose Gaddafi, the Libyan dictator who had genuinely renounced both terrorism and his own nuclear program. His nonthreatening rule has been replaced by a state in danger of becoming an al Qaeda subsidiary.

The rapidly growing military influence of Russia in Europe, China in Asia, and Iran in the Middle East has been greatly facilitated by the White House’s reduction of funds for U.S. defense, its increasing estrangement from allies, and its reluctance to employ substantive diplomatic responses to threats.

Consider these examples:

  • Come January, as a result of the shrinking Navy, there will be no U.S. aircraft carrier on patrol in East Asia for the first time since World War 2 ended.
  • There has been no U.S. response to the growing influence of Russia, China, and Iran in Latin America.
  • The U.S. defense budget is still strained. A key result of that is the loss of key personnel.
  • The President still opposes implantation of an adequate anti-missile system.
  • The Administration has given Iran yet another extension in the nuclear arms talks, allowing that nation time to develop its atomic arsenal.
  • No firm response has yet been made to Russian and Chinese cyber-attacks on U.S. computer systems.
  • No significant protective measures of American electrical and computer infrastructure have been taken.

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The White continues to take positions which harm our allies, as it did to the United Kingdom in the New START talks, Poland in the ABM decision, and Israel in issues related to Palestinian negotiations.

Quick Analysis

Washington should not place world needs above U.S. constituents

While Americans have always had an open heart and an open wallet for people throughout the world, it has always been understood that this practice depended upon the continuation of a strong, safe, and prosperous United States.

Over the past several years, Administration officials have adopted a disturbing mindset that the needs of the world have equal priority with those of their domestic constituents, who pay their salaries and place them in office.

The nation is already carrying an $18 trillion dollar debt (70% of which was accumulated during the Obama presidency) that gets larger each and every year despite taking in record-setting revenue from some of the highest taxes among advanced countries. Opening the doors to illegal immigrants who are needy is simply an unaffordable luxury.

This “America last” concept was clearly seen during the President’s recent trip to Asia.  The environmental pact agreed to with Beijing committed the U.S. to significant and costly goals, but placed no equivalent burden on China.

It can be seen in the long-term acquiescence of trade practices which place American companies at a competitive disadvantage, both at home and abroad.

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The Federation for American Immigration Reform estimates that “the annual costs of illegal immigration at the federal, state and local level to be about $113 billion; nearly $29 billion at the federal level and $84 billion at the state and local level.”

It can be seen in the conduct of our foreign affairs, which has lessened U.S. defenses at a time when Russia, China, North Korea, Iran and terrorists organizations are greatly expanding their military prowess.

It can be seen in the U.S. surrender of its long-standing and utterly impartial administration of the internet.

A United States that is not prosperous, productive and safe cannot be an international benefactor. Elected officials, who are the employees of their constituents, do not have the legal or moral right to place the needs of Americans behind or even merely equivalent to the rest of the world.