Quick Analysis

Is U.S. safety and national security being outsourced?

Americans should be distinctly uncomfortable knowing that many critical components for both our civilian and military infrastructure are increasingly imported, and in some cases, imported from nations that are our adversaries.

In the aftermath of the devastating attack on Pearl Harbor, it was the resilience of the U.S. manufacturing sector that made the rebuilding of the fleet possible and insured eventual victory. But currently, a disaster, whether from an enemy assault or from a natural catastrophe, might not have a similar positive outcome.

A report prepared for the Alliance for American Manufacturing  by former Governor Tom Ridge, who served as the first Secretary for Homeland Security, and USAF Col. Robet B. Stephan (ret.)  who served as the first Senior Director for Critical Infrastructure Protection for the White House outlines the issue.

Otherwise, it might offer a different reaction in the entire viagra 50mg price body. The balances on each account in the viagra prescription free debt settlement can usually be negotiated down by 40% to 60% The schedule for paying off the negotiated debt in full is flexible and based on the borrower’s budget. It has been observed that children who attend regular schools from a very young age, show great see this site buy cheap levitra improvement. Insomnia affects social and professional life as tadalafil sample well. “The deterioration and offshoring of America’s industrial base is becoming more apparent with each passing day, leaving new national security and preparedness concerns in its path. In short, we are becoming too reliant on global suppliers (many of whom may not have our best interests at heart in a time of crisis), along with a highly complex and vulnerable global supply chain needed to bolster our weak points or come to our rescue in the midst of an emergency…

“Unfortunately, at its own peril, the U.S. has become dangerously reliant on foreign suppliers of products, materials and technologies that are critical to our ability to prepare for, respond to and recover from manmade and naturally occurring disasters. This situation could present serious problems in the context of a catastrophic event, particularly one brought about by a creative adversary with a working knowledge of nodal analysis and our supply chain interdependencies, or a natural disaster with acute, far-reaching international supply chain implications. As succinctly put in a WorldSteel Association report examining the nexus between the U.S steel industry and national defense, ‘Consider the potential difficulties the U.S. would face in defending, maintaining and rebuilding infrastructure in an environment where our nation is largely dependent upon foreign steel…’

“This negative trend signifying the decline of the U.S. industrial base has accelerated greatly in recent years, with a corresponding increase in our reliance on critical products and technologies manufactured abroad. For example, China is now the leading supplier of foreign steel to the U.S. market.”

Quick Analysis

Regulating America into bankruptcy

The Competitive Enterprise Institute has released a troubling report on the impact of federal regulation on America’s economy.

The study finds that that Washington’s requirements impose a heavy burden on the nation, costing $1.863 trillion annually; that’s 11.1% of the U.S. GDP.  Compliance costs the private sector more than the entire corporate income tax. Administering this vast body of regulations, which outnumber actual laws by a factor of 51 to one, costs as much as $57.3 billion.

The actual price tag for each household stands at $14,974 each year, more than the average spent by families for food, transportation, entertainment, apparel, or services.
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Four of the five all-time high Federal Register page counts have occurred under the Obama Administration.  Pages devoted to final rules have risen to an all-time high of 26,417. The problem is getting worse. 3,305 new regulations are in the pipeline, many affecting small business at a time when they are exceptionally vulnerable.

CEI notes that agencies have failed to examine whether the alleged benefits from all this red tape exceeds the dramatic costs. There is an even more central question: should—and is it constitutional–that this extraordinary level of control over the actions of U.S. citizens and businesses be delegated to unelected agencies?

Quick Analysis

Favoring illegal immigrants over those seeking legal entry

While state governments struggle to provide services to U.S. citizens, significant numbers of illegals threaten to bankrupt budgets. Those seeking to entire the U.S. lawfully wait decades for permission, as the White House proposes to provide benefits to those entering the nation without permission.

Clearly, the U.S. immigration system is broken.  Illegals, many without needed skills and potentially bearing contagious diseases, continue to stream across the southern border. The vast majority of those unlawfully entering the U.S. do so in an understandable quest for a better life. But along with them are those who seek to expand Mexico’s serious drug and organized crime empire. In addition, the relatively easy and unsupervised access to America provides a tempting pathway for terrorists and others who seek to do great harm to the nation.

There is significant political pressure to simply ignore violations of the law and provide illegals a path to citizenship. In stark contrast, individuals throughout the globe, many with needed skills, endure exceptionally lengthy waiting periods as they faithfully comply with all legal procedures. For some, the opportunity to achieve their dream of becoming proud naturalized Americans contributing to their adopted homeland’s fortunes may never be realized.

While those seeking to immigrate legally (about 4.2 million) abide by the law and await due process, the president has engaged in constitutionally questionable executive action delaying deportations of illegals who have been discovered, providing them with work permits and benefits. Those benefits place extraordinary pressure on governmental budgets already strained to the breaking point.   A 2007 study by the Congressional Budget Office   found that even though unauthorized immigrants may pay some taxes and fees, “the resulting revenues offset only a portion of the costs incurred for providing services related to education, health care, and law enforcement.”

The failure to halt the high numbers of illegals threatens to bankrupt state governments. According to the American Legislative Exchange Council,  “Many states are facing harsh economic realities—meanwhile, citizens are demanding greater accountability on how their tax dollars are spent.  In many states, citizens are voicing concerns over the escalating cost of the welfare portion of the state budget, which is quickly outpacing other state funding priorities. The easiest way to…stop the perceived and real abuses within the welfare system is to prevent it in the first place by reducing the number of new enrollments.  Front-end fraud prevention is the logical method to avoid the cost of investigation and prosecution later.”

The New York Analysis has reviewed a number of approaches to this problem. None are more comprehensive or more rooted in common sense than the ten step approach recently provided by the Heritage Foundation. It includes:

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  1. Overriding and removing existing executive orders, agency memorandums, or other executive policy directives that ignore or contradict existing law;
  2. Allowing immigration agencies to enforce and apply the law without workplace interference, political pressure, or procedural obstacles;
  3. Providing the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency with a fully operational system of sensor and camera technologies and infrastructure on the southwest border to multiply the efficacy of their efforts;
  4. Using the appropriate judicial and administrative tools efficiently to remove and return unlawful immigrants to their home countries;
  5. Increasing enforcement against businesses that knowingly employ unlawful labor;
  6. Engaging with international partners and remaining committed to citizen security and democratic governance in the Western Hemisphere;
  7. Making U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), more efficient and effective;
  8. Reporting accurate immigration data to Congress and the American people in a truthful, consistent, and complete manner;
  9. Soliciting the assistance and support of the states in enforcing immigration laws and limiting the effectiveness of those governments that attempt to frustrate enforcement with sanctuary policies; and
  10. Verifying the success of these actions through honest and accurate Census survey data of the unlawful immigrant population.

Quick Analysis

Bringing democracy to legislatures

The ongoing, and somewhat ironic, battle to bring democracy to elected legislatures gained some ground recently in one state, but even there, the war is far from over.

Excessive power wielded by legislative leaders and committee chairs makes a mockery of the democratic process. The roles of the overwhelming majority of legislators is reduced to meaninglessness when leadership and committee chairs have the ability to block any legislation they dislike.  This has led to corruption and an inability to address key concerns.

Last month, however, Republicans in  one state’s upper chamber, The New York State Senate passed legislation that would set into law eight-year term limits for leadership positions in that state’s Senate and Assembly.

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The bill limits the tenure of the Temporary President of the Senate, Speaker of the Assembly, and minority leaders of both houses to eight years. Legislative committee chairs would also be limited to serving no more than eight consecutive years.

Unfortunately, the Democrat-dominated State Assembly is expected to reject the measure, so the odds of this common sense and common decency initiative becoming law are not high.

Quick Analysis

Reagan’s lesson on how to confront Jihad

A victory won three decades ago may be a guidepost on how to defeat the threat from Islamic extremists today, according to a study by the Center for Security Policy (CSC).

In the 1980’s, President Ronald Reagan accomplished what many said was impossible: confronting and defeating the mighty Soviet Empire, without going to war.

It is important to remember what the world was like as the 1970’s drew to a close.  The United States was reeling from its retreat from Vietnam. The national morale remained low in the aftermath of the Watergate scandal. Americans were held hostage in Tehran. Moscow seemed poised to become the most powerful force on the planet.

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CSC notes that the global Jihad movement threatens America’s national security and human rights. It advises that the U.S. take a clear-eyed view of this, and respond accordingly. CSC suggests that Reagan’s “Peace through Strength” concept be reemployed, rather than the timid policies of unnecessary apology, retreat and appeasement that characterize the approach currently being taken.  Just as Reagan boldly endorsed America’s legacy of individual freedom, CSC suggests that the U.S. should expose and refute the inhumane policies of the Islamic extremists.

Reagan won his war, and the current Administration is losing theirs.  Clearly, it is time for a return to the successful policies that won President Reagan the admiration of his nation and the world.

Quick Analysis

Call for employee “freedom of conscience”

The National Center for Public Policy Research reveals that it has uncovered evidence that some corporations discipline employees who, on their own time and with their own resources, contribute to causes that their owners disagree with.

A noteworthy incident occurred when, according to the National Center, the CEO of Mozilla was forced from his position because he contributed $1,000 to a 2008 California referendum defining marriage.

The National Center has been engaging in a battle with COSTCO, America’s second largest retailer, to guarantee freedom of conscience to its employees. The company has reportedly refused, on the grounds that they do not engage in inappropriate treatment of its staff.
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A number of companies, such as Coca-Cola, have promised that employees would not be dismissed or treated adversely for exercising their right to engage in legal political or civic activities of their choosing on their own time. Unfortunately, according to the National Center, this protection is not universal throughout corporate America, and employees may be subjected to dismissal, demotion, or denied pay raises and promotion due to taking personal positions contrary to that espoused by management, even if the issues have nothing to do with work.

The National Center has called on all corporations to enact voluntary “conscience protection policies” to protect workers from undue pressure.

Quick Analysis

The Hidden Issue

Within the current month, two extraordinary overreaches of executive power have, at least for the moment, changed the very character of the American experiment in constitutional governing.

The momentous conversion of the internet from an open forum of free speech for all to a medium under the control of Washington bureaucrats wasn’t the result of a spirited conversation either in the public forum or the product of a heated discussion in Congress.  Details remained hidden within the Federal Communications Commission, at the behest of a White House which has attempted on several occasions and in several manners to limit opposition voices.

It is highly notable that FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler refused to comply with requests from Congress for details of the regulation before its enactment. The specific FCC action was inappropriate under any circumstances; but if it had to be brought up at all, its subject matter was so far reaching it should have been extensively debated by the people and their elected representatives.

Almost simultaneously, President Obama announced that he would, under the color of executive authority, restrict the sale of a popular type of ammunition.  It was a barely concealed dodge to advance his anti-2nd Amendment agenda outside of the normal channels of public discussion or legislative action.  In doing so, he defied a series of recent Supreme Court decisions. This should not be considered a debate on the issue of gun control. The principle at stake here is adherence to constitutional, democratic procedure.

In addition to the momentous scope of the First and Second Amendment issues, the extraordinary and blatant defiance of the entire concept of the Constitutional separation of powers, taking both Congress and the Supreme Court out of the governing process, is an unprecedented event in American political history.  The relative silence of the media about this blatant step away from democracy is a cause for concern in itself.

When erection issues arise, both of you end up talking to are going to be interested in knowing what happened to the few million cheap viagra without prescriptions mails that they sent out. Kamagra can women viagra australia be found in the names of Kamagra oral jelly, Forzest, Silagra etc. female viagra sildenafil After winning their division, they were easily defeated in the mlb jerseys for sale League Championship Series by the Pittsburgh Pirates and Roberto Clemente, who then went on to beat the Baltimore Orioles in the World Series. Sometimes, it is also recognized as male page order discount viagra impotence, a condition in which a man is unable to satisfy his partner. President Obama has established a clear pattern of engaging in actions in a manner that intentionally limits the possibility of open discussion within Congress and the public forum. The U.S. Supreme Court will review one instance of that practice when it examines the Administration’s immigration reform actions.

The issues involved aren’t restricted to domestic affairs. The unannounced withdrawal of all American tanks from Europe in 2014, revelations that the Obama Administration threatened to shoot down Israeli jets to deter Netanyahu’s plan to prevent Iran from building nuclear bombs, and the infamous “whisper” to the Russians about missiles several years ago are salient examples of how this White House seeks to pursue a unilateral course of action far beyond the scrutiny of voters, Representatives, and Senators.

The President’s clear preference to avoid scrutiny and legally required interaction with other branches of government has given rise to what can only be viewed accurately as a series of cover-ups. Failure to allow federal agencies and departments to adequately comply with informational requests from Congress, the media, or civic groups following scandals involving voter intimidation, the assassination of Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi, the use of the IRS to suppress opposition political voices, the release of weapons to Mexican drug cartels, and various actions against reporters are evidence of this.

The President and his supporters continue to attempt to restrict discussion of his unilateral actions to the specific issues involved.  But larger than the debates about FCC regulation, immigration, gun control, Russian relations, terrorist attacks, and other topics is the nature of American government, and adherence to constitutional procedure.

It remains to be seen whether the legislative and judicial branches will respond forcefully to these usurpations.  A failure to do so will certainly lead to the “fundamental change” promised by the President.

Quick Analysis

Obama Mideast Policy Errors

On February 20, The State Department  announced that “The United States Government condemns today’s terrorist attacks in eastern Libya which took the lives of at least 40 innocent victims as well as the other violence and terrorist acts that have been inflicted on Libya, its people, and others living in Libya in recent months. We send our deepest condolences to the victims and their families and to the people of Libya as they continue to fight back against terrorism. This latest terrorist attack underscores the need for all Libyan parties, including former general and national congress members to participate in the UN-led dialogue convened by Bernardino Leon, the special representative of the UN secretary-general to form a national unity government. Those who choose not to participate are excluding themselves from discussions which are critical to combatting terrorism as well as to the overall peace, stability, and security of Libya. The best way to counter the terrorists who are operating Libya is to have Libyans build the national consensus that they need to fight these groups, not each other.”

Islamic extremists have gained strength in the aftermath of the White House decision to engage in regime change in Libya in October 2011. The unwanted consequences were even more severe than the rise of the Moslem Brotherhood in Egypt following the Obama-supported ouster of Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak, who had been cooperative with the West and a supporter of peace, and the persecution of Coptic Christians which followed.

Despite an extensive tradition of vehement protests against U.S. military action, there was comparatively little public outcry or official investigation into the Obama Administration’s odd decision to support the ouster of Libya’s Gadhafi. His regime posed no threat to peace, and was essentially on the same side as the U.S. in the fight against Islamic terror forces. In the aftermath of the President’s decision to prematurely withdraw American forces from Iraq, which had the unfortunate consequence of establishing a power vacuum that allowed ISIS to rise, it appeared that a policy of limited U.S. military force had been established. However, U.S. armed forces proved to be a key asset in the European effort against Gadhafi.
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Libya has now become a virtual haven for Islamic extremists, highlighted by the assault on the U.S. facility in Benghazi which resulted in the death of Ambassador Stevens in 2012, and the recent assault on a luxury hotel in Tripoli resulting in the death of an American and eight others.  The disorder has presented threats to regional areas such as Tunisia, Algeria, Niger, Chad and Egypt.


Quick Analysis

U.S. State Dept. fails to recognize reality

The recent statement concerning the fight against ISIS by State Department Deputy Spokesperson Marie Harf on a cable news programs that “we cannot win this war by killing them” –and the suggestion that a jobs program might be more effective–is illustrative of the unprecedented lack of both factual knowledge and analytic ability on the part of the Obama Administration when it comes to international matters.

The Islamic extremist movement is not the result of economic factors.  Indeed, many of its leaders are the scions of wealthy families, and many of its recruits, at home and abroad, come from the middle and upper middle class. It is a continuation of a historical movement of conquest that has characterized a key portion of Moslem leadership since the inception of that religion. Its leadership speaks of the crusades, which began in 1096. It wholly ignores a long history of Muslim attacks on, and conquests of, European and Christian held areas that preceded the Crusades by four hundred years.

It might be instructive for Ms. Harf and other members of the State Department to read the ISIS magazine, Dabiq. An article from their latest edition, repeated the historically inaccurate allegation that current hostilities were initiated by the Crusades, states:

Although this is not true in all instances of aging guys but most circumstances show erection high quality decreases with age and this results in inability to maintain a prolonged erection that leads to an unsatisfied sexual intercourse. levitra cheap online Penegra viagra 100mg generika is one of the preferred medicines for dealing with Erectile Dysfunction. Websites often create affiliate programs. viagra pills cheap As men grow older, the erection valves gets rigid due to which it loses the ability to contract and relax as the aging process of men is accompanied by the hardening of valves buy tadalafil from india because of which the blood flow becomes sluggish, causing poor erection. “We will conquer your Rome, break your crosses, and enslave your women, by the permission of Allah, the Exalted. .. If we do not reach that time, then our children and grandchildren will reach it, and they will sell your sons as slaves at the slave market.” … So die in your rage. … You will pay the price when your economies collapse. … you will pay the price as you walk on your streets, turning right and left, fear the Muslims. You will not feel secure even in your bedrooms. You will pay the price when this crusade of yours collapses, and thereafter we will strike you in your homeland, and you will never be able to harm anyone afterwards. You will pay the price, and we have prepared for you what will pain you. Dear Muslims, …If you can kill a disbelieving American or European – especially the spiteful and filthy French – or an Australian, or a Canadian, or any other disbeliever from the disbelievers waging war, including the citizens of the countries that entered into a coalition against the Islamic State, then rely upon Allah, and kill him in any manner or way however it may be. Do not ask for anyone’s advice and do not seek anyone’s verdict. Kill the disbeliever whether he is civilian or military, for they have the same ruling.”

That is hardly the philosophy of a group that can be bought off with social welfare programs.


Quick Analysis

Key decisions need to be made by Congress, not the federal bureaucracy

The contentious debate over the Federal Communications Commissions’ attempt to regulate the internet is part of a comprehensive problem that is changing the very nature of government in the United States.

Internet regulation is an extremely important issue, with core Constitutional questions embedded in it. Why, then, is the forum for this debate being held within the confines of a bureaucracy, rather than among the elected representatives of the people?

Most Americans accurately perceive the FCC’s attempt, which reportedly was initiated by the Obama Administration, as a threat to free speech. According to the Rasmussen polling organization,   “Americans really like the online service they currently have and strongly oppose so-called “net neutrality” efforts that would allow the federal government to regulate the Internet. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 26% of American adults agree the Federal Communications Commission should regulate the Internet like it does radio and television. Sixty-one percent (61%) disagree and think the Internet should remain open without regulation and censorship. Thirteen percent (13%) are not sure.”

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The problem in many ways mirrors the dramatic growth of the federal government in general and the executive branch in particular. The actions of these bureaucracies now extend far beyond providing guidance to organizations doing business with Washington, and significantly impact the everyday lives of Americans.

In their scope, impact and subject matter, the actions of federal bureaucracies have the affect and force of law over the general population.  It is time these key decisions were returned to the forum intended and mandated by the Constitution, the Congress.