Quick Analysis

Taking nuclear assault seriously

The Washington Free Beacon, almost alone among significant American print media sources, reported that two nuclear-capable Russian bombers flew into the U.S. air defense zone in Alaska on April 22. That information is frightening enough.  But further information was even more worrisome.  The U.S. failed to scramble any interceptors to meet the intruders.

Russian nuclear capable craft have repeatedly flown into American air space, and Moscow’s nuclear subs have snuck into the coastlines of Sweden, Finland, and the U.S. gulf coast.

The Scandinavian nations have at least attempted to take measures against the Russian intruders. But the latest information, that no interceptors were scrambled on April 22, raises questions about whether the White House takes the challenge seriously, and whether it understands the dimensions of this clear threat to America’s survival.

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“Nuclear war is the only foreseeable threat to America’s survival in this century, and Russia is the most plausible nation from which a large-scale nuclear attack might originate… The current U.S. strategic posture, which threatens massive retaliation to deter nuclear attack, probably cannot be sustained indefinitely. Some day, in some way, deterrence will break down. Ten nuclear warheads could collapse the U.S. electric grid. Fifty could render every major city uninhabitable. Two hundred might well spell the end of American civilization. Most of the Russian warheads are mounted on long-range ballistic missiles, and Washington currently has no plan for intercepting such weapons if they are launched in large numbers. During the Cold War, U.S. leaders made a deliberate decision to forego strategic defenses of the homeland in order to stabilize the superpower arms race. The current U.S. strategic posture, designed mainly to deter rational adversaries, cannot cope with a wide array of potential scenarios such as irrational leaders, accidental launches or breakdowns in the chain of command. To cope with the full spectrum of ballistic threats to America’s homeland, a layered defense including interceptor missiles and/or beam weapons is required. The system would be costly, but not compared with the value of assets that could be destroyed in a nuclear war. However, current plans call for spending less than one-percent of the defense budget on relevant technologies. The physics of countering large-scale nuclear attacks are daunting but doable. The logical place to begin is by expanding the current Ground-based Midcourse Defense deployed on the U.S. West Coast, which is oriented mainly to threats from North Korea but could be configured to intercept Russian warheads more effectively. Other assets already in the joint force such as the sea-based Aegis combat system could be upgraded to create a nascent layered architecture. A truly robust system would probably require a space-based layer too. If these steps are not taken, there will be no way of protecting America on the day deterrence fails.”

President Obama is well known for his vehement opposition to an adequate Pentagon budget in general—it has dropped precipitously under his watch– and to defenses against nuclear weapons in particular, whether by anti-ballistic missiles, a program he consistently seeks to de-fund, or through the maintenance of nuclear weaponry to serve as a deterrent. He allowed Moscow to gain an advantage in nuclear weapons for the first time in history, and has explored the possibility of further unilateral cuts in the American arsenal.

Quick Analysis

Universities get failing grade on free speech

The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education report on universities notes that “many … institutions severely restrict free speech and open debate. Speech codes—policies prohibiting student and faculty speech that would, outside the bounds of campus, be protected by the First Amendment—have repeatedly been struck down by federal and state courts for decades. Yet they persist, even in the very jurisdictions where they have been ruled unconstitutional. The majority of American colleges and universities maintain speech codes.”

FIRE’s recent survey of 437 schools found that more than 55 percent maintain severely restrictive, “red light” speech codes—policies that clearly and substantially prohibit protected speech.

The report notes that “colleges’ restrictions on free speech varies by state. In Missouri, for example, over 85 percent of schools surveyed received a red light rating. In contrast, two of the best states for free speech in higher education were Virginia and Indiana, where only 31 percent and 25 percent of schools surveyed, respectively, received a red light rating.”

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Excuses are still being found to limit speech on campuses.  “…FIRE continues to see an unacceptable number of universities punishing students and faculty members for constitutionally protected speech and expression. It is essential that students, faculty, and free speech advocates remain vigilant not only about campus speech codes but also about the way universities may—even in the absence of a policy that is unconstitutional as written—silence or punish protected speech.”

“Of the 437 schools reviewed by FIRE, 241 received a red light rating [most restrictive] (55.2%), 171 received a yellow light rating (39.1%), and 18 received a green light rating [least restrictive] (4.1%). FIRE did not rate seven schools (1.6%). FIRE rated 333 public colleges and universities. Of these, 54.1% received a red light rating, 41.4% received a yellow light rating, and 4.5% received a green light rating. Since public colleges and universities are legally bound to protect their students’ First Amendment rights, any percentage above zero is unacceptable, so much work remains to be done.”

Quick Analysis

Recognizing the Russian Threat

As reports of Russian nuclear bombers entering Alaskan air space and Russian submarines intruding into the waters of European nations continue to increase, many have wondered why military leaders have remained relatively silent.

That’s beginning to change. U.S. General Philip M. Breedlove, the Supreme Allied Commander Europe, has on two separate recent occasions outlined his growing concern over Moscow’s growing military prowess and aggressiveness. Speaking before the Atlantic Council,  he described Moscow’s “revanchist” attitude:

“Russia’s actions against Ukraine since last year have signaled “a clear end of what I see as two decades of clear Russian struggle over security policy…”  According to the Atlantic Council, Russia is now on a far different course that shifts the relationship between Russia and the West from strategic cooperation to one of strategic competition. This is not a temporary aberration, but the new norm….This is a Russia that recognizes strength and sees weakness as an opportunity.’

Breedlove believes that “Russia is blatantly challenging the rules and principles that have been the bedrock of European security for decades. The challenge is global, not regional, and enduring, not temporary. Russian aggression is clearly visible in its illegal occupation of Crimea, and in its continued operations in eastern Ukraine. But the crisis in Ukraine is about more than just Ukraine. Russian activities are destabilizing neighboring states, and the region as a whole…and Russia’s illegal actions are pushing instability closer to the boundaries of NATO.

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“We also know that Putin responds to strength, and seeks opportunities in weakness. We must strengthen our deterrence in order to manage his opportunistic confidence…”

As Russia has increased its military capability, the West has reduced its’ capabilities. One area outlined by Breedlove concerns intelligence assets. “Since the end of the Cold War, our nation’s community of Russian area experts has shrunk considerably, and intelligence assets of all kinds have been shifted to the wars we’ve been fighting or to understanding potential future threats.

Russian military operations over the past year, in Ukraine and in the region more broadly, have underscored that there are critical gaps in our collection and analysis. Some Russian military exercises have caught us by surprise…”

Quick Analysis

Ranking the States

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) has released its annual ranking of the fifty states.

According to ALEC, “The 2015 economic outlook ranking is a forward-looking measure of how each state can expect to perform economically based on 15 policy areas that have proven, over time, to be the best determinants of economic success.”

The five states with the best prospects are Utah, North Dakota, Indiana, North Carolina and Arizona. The five with the worst prospects are Oregon, New Jersey, Connecticut,  Minnesota,  Vermont and New York.

From best to worst, here are ALEC’s state rankings:

1 Utah 2 North Dakota 3 Indiana 4 North Carolina 5 Arizona 6 Idaho 7 Georgia 8 Wyoming 9 South Dakota 10 Nevada 11 Texas 12 Virginia 13 Wisconsin 14 Alaska 15 Florida 16 Oklahoma 17 Tennessee 18 Kansas 19 Alabama 20 Mississippi 21 Colorado 22 Arkansas 23 Ohio 24 Michigan 25 Iowa 26 Louisiana 27 Missouri 28 Massachusetts 29 New Hampshire 30 Kentucky 31 Nebraska 32 South Carolina 33 Maryland 34 New Mexico 35 Washington 36 West Virginia 37 Hawaii 38 Delaware 39 Rhode Island 40 Illinois 41 Pennsylvania 42 Maine 43 Montana 44 California 45 Oregon 46 New Jersey 47 Connecticut 48 Minnesota 49 Vermont 50 New York

The policy areas include the top marginal personal income tax rate, top marginal corporate income tax rate, personal income tax progressivity, property tax burden, sales tax burden, remaining tax burden, existence of estate/inheritance taxes, recently legislated tax changes, debt service as a share of tax revenue, public employees per 10,000 of population, state liability system survey, state minimum wage, average workers’ compensation costs, right to work legislation, and the number of tax expenditure limits.

CNN Money compared unemployment ratings in the states.  From best to worst:


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Quick Analysis

The Dangerous Absence of Honesty

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” –Joseph Goebbels, Nazi propaganda minister

Almost a hundred years ago, Senator Hiram Johnson purportedly said that “the first casualty when war comes is truth.”

With all of the efficiency of the 21st century, it appears that actual war is no longer necessary for honesty to be buried.  Throughout most of American politics, the truth is, for far too many, politically incorrect, inconvenient, and unwanted.

Whether discussing governmental budgets, international relations, the environment, racial relations or a myriad of other issues, politicians, a biased media, and academicians all react with rage when honest observers seek to discuss all facets of the great issues facing the United States.

Sadly, the current White House has been a prime practitioner of the art of the boldly spoken untruth, but it is not alone in the political arena in the art of the Big Lie. Whether it comes in the state of the union statement that the “Shadow of the crisis of terrorism has passed” or in a proclamation that “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor,” presidential statements have been made that are clearly untrue.  When challenged, supporters in the media question the motives and integrity of those questioning the veracity of the manifestly false statements.

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The recent events in Ferguson and Baltimore emphasized the proclivity to replace the search for facts with rhetoric meant to advance a political agenda. In Ferguson, the entire incident prompting the disorder turned out to be entirely the opposite of what the protestors described.  There was no police misconduct.  In Baltimore, while the investigation will go on now that the police officers have been charged, the real basis for the riots—charges of institutional racism—are absurdly false.  What institution? A black mayor, a black police chief, a black city council president, a police force that is 48% black, a black lt. governor, a black U.S. Attorney General and a black President all make the charge utterly ridiculous.

Politicians of both parties continue to make promises about entitlements that they know can never be sustained. Each year, the crushing national debt expands further, with no end in sight. Funds are taken from crucial needs such as defense, shoring up social security, and other areas to continue the giveaways that so many elected officials depend upon to get re-elected. Financial gimmicks that would land businesses in jail are employed to maintain the fiction that irresponsible spending hasn’t bankrupted the nation.

Republican leaders have been playing their own version of the Big Lie.  In public statements, they disdain the irresponsible fiscal policies of the White House, the blatantly unconstitutional use of executive orders by the President, and the Administration’s dangerous neglect of national security.  In practice, they tread lightly on cutting back entitlements for fear of losing votes. They fail to avail themselves of the legal remedies available to them to force the White House to obey the Constitution.  And despite all their rhetoric about the need for a strong defense, they don’t push for greater resources for the armed forces.

America’s future depends on the return of honest discourse followed by honest action.

Quick Analysis

Failing the Future

One of the most important functions of government is planning for the future, and establishing policies that preserve the safety, prosperity and legal rights of its citizenry. Nations that prepare for the future have a far better chance to provide better opportunities for their citizens’ descendants.

Washington appears to have failed in this crucial responsibility.  An examination of fiscal, national security, infrastructure, and constitutional compliance planning indicates little concern for any time period other than the next election. Equally as worrisome, there is little consideration for any contingencies outside of the most obvious.

Despite taking in a record amount of revenue from taxes that are excessively high and unfairly burdensome on the middle class and counterproductive to the crucial task of creating employment, the federal government continues to add massive new amounts to a debt that has come close to doubling in the past six years.  There is no viable proposal for stemming the tide of red ink, virtually bankrupting generations to come.

Hiking spending on programs such as food stamps, paid for by taxes that discourage economic growth, is a good bet to gain the recipients’ votes in the next election but a very poor plan for financial success or even stability in the years to come.

Much of that spending has focused on purchasing re-election votes for incumbents. Unlike prior periods, when dollars were committed to great projects such as expanding the nation, building the national highway system, winning wars (cold and hot), building national parks, providing new sources of power, and putting men on the moon, Washington has no record of achievement resulting from all that spending.

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With the elimination of the ability to engage in battle on two fronts and the significant reduction in the Pentagon’s budget, Washington’s plan for America’s defense is, essentially, to hope that no one ever does anything substntially threatening, and that nothing unexpected ever happens. Unfortunately, the world does not appear to be turning in that direction. Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, al Qaeda, and Isis, all are rapidly expanding their armed might, and are not shy about their antagonistic views towards the U.S.

Those are just the threats that can be foreseen. Recently, John C. Wohlstetter, senior fellow for the London Center for Policy Research and the Discovery Institute, discussed the potential for “unthinkable” events to result in catastrophe. These contingencies are called “Black Swans.”

“The term ‘black swan’ refers to seemingly improbable events that nonetheless happen, especially at times when universal assumptions run against their occurrence. Call it Murphy’s law for math majors. For a century “Sarajevo”—where Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife were assassinated, thus triggering a black-swan sequence of interlocking mobilizations, then a war that brought an end to the old European order—has symbolized the potentially catastrophic consequences of clueless leadership…Perhaps the most treacherous foreign policy trap into which leaders and publics can fall is the analytical fallacy called ‘mirror-imaging.’ Logicians explain this as the projecting of one’s ‘personal feelings, beliefs, or attitudes’ onto another person, without supporting empirical evidence. Western leaders are ever on the lookout for leaders seeking peace; even hawks at times see peace doves in the wrong places. The most obvious 20th-century example is British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, who believed that he could make peace with Hitler and Mussolini. To pick a current example, Secretary of State John Kerry called Vladimir Putin’s seizure of Crimea an ‘incredible act of aggression,’ adding: ‘You just don’t in the 21st century behave in 19th century fashion by invading another country on completely trumped up pretext.’ Alas, where Kerry sees flocks of peace doves filling the sky, Putin sees flocks of prey.”

Ideological delusions combined with a greater concern for re-election than the interests of the nation is a recipe for an undesirable and dangerous future.

Quick Analysis

The May Day Hypocrisy

Today is Mayday, celebrated by socialists throughout the world.

Since so many progressives and intellectuals think collectivist governments are so cool, it’s time they surveyed the result of those administrations on the countries they control.

Clearly, they have not brought prosperity to their peoples.  Other than China, which has adopted some forms of capitalism, communists and socialist nations have essentially bankrupted their national economies. As Margaret Thatcher once said, “The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.”  Indeed, while communist governments have eliminated the wealth of the rich and middle class alike, they haven’t ushered in an era of prosperity for the poor.  Winston Churchill noted that “Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”

They certainly haven’t been good for the environment. The devastation of nature in countries under communist rule shocked the conscience of the world.  China is the worst polluter on the planet.

Advocates for government control of healthcare should look at the fate of medicine in socialized nations.  Yes, it’s universal and cheap, but essentially worthless. During the 1970’s, at the height of the Cold War, Leonid Brezhnev secretly was treated for his illness in New York. Well-to-do residents of nations with socialist-style healthcare systems either utilize private alternatives or get their treatment in non-socialized nations.

Human rights are abysmal in socialist nations. Mass imprisonment and murder was the fate of tens of millions in the Soviet Union, China, Cambodia, and other Communist-controlled entities.

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These so-called “workers paradises” are infamous for depriving workers, and everyone else, of their rights. One of the key milestones in the breakup of the USSR’s communist empire was the opposition of Lech Walesa, a trade union organizer. Even China has expanded the gap between its privileged few and its many poor.

Ronald Reagan noted that “A government can’t control the economy without controlling people.”  Jonah Goldberg, in his book Liberal Fascism, accurately noted that “If there is ever a fascist takeover in America, it will come not in the form of storm troopers kicking down doors but with lawyers and social workers saying. “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”

Academics may argue that there is a difference between socialists and communists.  Kevin Williamson, author of “The Politically incorrect guide to Socialism,” disagrees.

“Socialism’s apologists insist socialism and communism are utterly different and comparable things; authoritarian apples and democratic oranges.  This is entirely untrue; for that we have the socialists’ own word and the communists’ testament as well.  The most hardcore communists in the modern era—the rulers of Soviet Russia, Red China, and North Korea—routinely refer to their systems as “socialism,” and especially, as “scientific socialism,” the grand old Marxist term.  Today’s socialists, in unguarded moments (and often when speaking among themselves) acknowledge that socialism is socialism is socialism, and that while the question of form is not negligible (life under Stalin was immeasurably worse than life in the socialist England of the 1970s), it is a question of variation within a species, not variation between speeches…”

The appropriate way to celebrate May Day is recognizing the hundreds of millions who have been killed, imprisoned, oppressed, and impoverished  by this hypocritical and terrible philosophy.

Quick Analysis

Baltimore: Who is to blame?

Once again, before all the facts were known, an American community was rocked by intense civil disorder in response to an incident, and government reacted in a despicable fashion

One or more police officers may or may not have acted improperly, and if they are found to have violated the law, punishment will and should follow. But what punishment awaits the collection of elected officials and public figures who acted irresponsibly, and the numerous agitators and rioters who attacked the city of Baltimore?

Perhaps the most outrageous example was the supremely incompetent mayor, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, who stated that the protesters should be given leave to destroy, and ordered the police to stand down because the harm was only to property, according to a Fox News   report.

Other published news stories  indicate that the Nation of Islam, a racist organization, reportedly brokered a truce between rival crime gangs to put aside their differences and work together to assault police officers in the beleaguered city.

Here are the facts the inane and malicious individuals, including elected officials, so-called community leaders and other public figures, failed to mention in their comments excusing the inexcusable violence of those, including both local individuals as well as professional agitators, who tore Baltimore apart:

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Some leading black figures reacted responsibly and nobly. Dr. Alveda King, niece of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, abhorred the violence. Some members of the Baltimore City Council condemned the riots.

Allen West, a black Republican rumored to be considering a presidential run, has a different take on why Baltimore and cities like it are tinderboxes:

“…I was watching the news reports from Baltimore and hearing all the condemnations from some about being kept down and the lack of jobs, opportunity, good schools — then why do these blacks keep voting for the same people? And this isn’t a phenomenon isolated to Baltimore. Every single major urban center in America is run by Democrats — more specifically, liberal progressives, black or white. The morass that became Detroit. The killing fields of Chicago. The depravity of Washington DC. The shame of South Dallas. And yes, even the place that was once my home, Atlanta — even with all the successful black entertainers…

“Yes, the dirty little secret that no one wants to admit is that Baltimore, and so many other urban areas and inner city communities in America are a reflection of the abject failure of liberal progressive socialist policies as advanced by the Democrat party. The preeminent question is whether or not those in Baltimore and other places will recognize who is truly responsible for their plight. Or will they continue to be manipulated and propagandized by the liberal progressive media and the poverty pimps like the one supposedly heading down from New York City.”

Quick Analysis

Moscow again intrudes in European waters

In a pattern that remains underreported in the American press, Russian air and sea incursions into European territory continue to mount.

The BBC reports that “Finland’s navy has dropped depth charges in waters near Helsinki as a warning to a suspected submarine. The incident comes amid growing concern in the region over Russia’s military exercises. In October, Sweden launched a hunt for a foreign submarine suspected to have entered waters near Stockholm. Navy operations chief Commodore Olavi Jantunen told Helsingin Sanomat newspaper that the depth charges, dropped at 03:00 on Tuesday (midnight GMT), were meant only as a warning. Finland has become increasingly worried about the military exercises of neighbouring Russia. The two countries share a 1,300km (800 mile) border.”

The incident comes fairly close in time to a similar incident in which a Russian submarine was believed to patrolling near Sweden.

In a recent statement, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said during his visit to Helsinki  that, although Finland is not a NATO member, the alliance “is determined to strengthen its partnership with Finland to better address security challenges to the east and south.”

A NATO release concerning a March visit to Finland stressed noted that “Secretary General and Finland’s Prime Minister Stubb expressed their concern about the situation in Ukraine, caused by Russia’s aggressive actions. Mr. Stoltenberg said: ‘we now see a different Russia.’ He stressed that NATO strived for a more cooperative and constructive relationship with Russia for many years, and continues to do so, but ‘Russia has to respect its neighbours and the borders of its neighbours.’
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“The Secretary General called for full implementation of the Minsk agreement, including a withdrawal of heavy weaponry, full access for OSCE monitors, and a halt to Russian support for the separatists in eastern Ukraine.  He warned that any attempt to expand separatist-held territory would be ‘unacceptable to the international community.’

“The Secretary General also discussed strenghtening NATO’s partnership with Finland in discussion with Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja, Defence Minister Carl Haglund, Speaker of the Parliament Eero Heinäluoma and other leading members of Parliament.”

In March, Russia staged military maneuvers involving 80,000 troops and 200 aircraft, an exercise some believe to be a response to the delivery of U.S. equipment to the Baltic states in response to Moscow’s threatening actions.

Inexplicably, President Obama withdrew all American tanks from Europe in 2014.  Requests for an explanation sent to the White House by the New York Analysis of Policy & Government have yielded no information.  Some were moved back in response to Moscow’s threatening actions.

Quick Analysis

Giving victory a chance in the War on Terror

Think about this alternative history idea for a few moments: following years of war, President Roosevelt surveys the dramatically high casualty count of the D-Day invasion on the Normandy beaches in France and decides to focus on repairing U.S. relations with the Germany. He apologizes for any insults America may have made to the German people. He expresses willingness, however, to work with allies on ongoing military efforts, but declines to have the U.S. take a leadership role. He subsequently slashes the U.S. defense budget.

The Obama Administration’s premature withdrawal of American troops from Iraq, its announcement of a departure date from Afghanistan, its failure to respond to the Benghazi assault, its lack of effective action against ISIS, the release of key personnel from Guantanamo Bay, and its support of Muslim Brotherhood movements throughout the Middle East has reinvigorated and strengthened the terrorist movement. It has combined those actions with significant tactical errors, such as deposing the Gaddafi regime in Libya which provided al Qaeda with a significant advantage in that nation.

The central concept behind the White House strategy is that victory in this conflict is unattainable, or too costly.  There may also be a perception that the idea of winning is offensive to the larger Islamic population.  In a speech at the National Defense University in 2013, President Obama stated that “Neither I, nor any President, can promise the total defeat of terror.”

Mr. Obama has subsequently issued delusional statements.  In his 2015 State of the Union address, while ISIS was rampaging through Iraq and Syria, Boko Haram was advancing in Africa, the Taliban was gaining strength in Afghanistan, and extremist rebels were attacking the government of Yemen, he alleged that “the shadow of the crisis of terrorism has passed.”  There were and are no facts whatsoever to support his comment.

Clearly, the public has grown far less confident about America’s strategy. In a Rasmussen poll conducted earlier this month

“The number of voters who believe terrorists are winning the fight against the United States and its allies continues to grow, while views of Muslims in general and U.S. relations with the Islamic world have worsened. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 29% of Likely U.S. Voters believe the United States and its allies are winning the War on Terror. That’s down from the 33% measured in March, but still above findings for most of last year. But now 39% think the terrorists are winning the war, up from 33% in the previous survey and the highest level of pessimism since the September 11, 2001 terror attacks.
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The Center for Security Policy recently assembled a team of military, diplomatic, and national security experts to analyze the challenges imposed by terrorism.  According to their report, the fight can be successful if multi-faceted tactics similar to those employed by the Reagan Administration against the Soviet Union are employed.  The strategies include:

  1. Strengthening the U.S. military. The diminished state of America’s armed forces has  emboldened both terrorists and adversarial states, including Iran, to engage in hostile behavior.
  2. Counter-ideological warfare. The concept of freedom was a powerful weapon in toppling the USSR’s leadership.  The U.S. must again use the concept to convince Muslims that the radical leaders who seek to subject both fellow believers and others into submission to their extremist views is an unhealthy path.
  3. Extensive use of intelligence operations, cyber warfare, psychological endeavors, and clandestine and special operations should be employed against terrorists.
  4. Economic warfighting. The use of a central/financial component to stigmatize Shariah adherents.
  5. Confronting pre-violent jihadist. Muslim Brotherhood operations that seek to legitimize extremist views must be countered.

The concept of actually winning the war against terrorism seems strange to  a certain wing  of political leaders, just as the idea that the Soviet Union could actually be toppled seemed odd to, generally, the same ideological group. Without a sense that victory is attainable, however, the chances of ending the threat may not come about.