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Even though gas prices are increasing for the summer driving season, some politicians and big government advocates continue to allege that lower gas prices are a bad thing. Many elected officials are trying to capitalize on the reduced prices by raising fuel taxes.
The voters disagree. One example was Michigan’s Proposition 1, which was soundly defeated on May 5. Lawmakers supporting the measure claimed it was essential to repair transportation infrastructure; opponents pointed to the harm it would do to the economy.
Those supporting the concept that high prices encourage investment say decreased prices at the pump will hurt the stock market, but opponents point to the harm it does to middle class Americans.
Recently, the Wall Street Journal noted that “American families are enjoying a level of economic relief they haven’t experienced in six years—and it is largely attributable to the recent slide in gasoline prices… Families are saving … at the pump and are paying less for groceries and everyday goods thanks to lower transportation costs. Considering that median family incomes are 3% lower than they were six years ago, this is a welcome reprieve for the middle class. Politicians, on the other hand, see an opportunity to ask Americans for more of their paychecks. On Feb. 4 Democrats in the House of Representatives, led by Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D., Ore.), introduced a bill that would raise the federal gas tax by 15 cents—nearly doubling the current 18.4-cent-per-gallon tax. Meanwhile, legislators and governors in more than 15 states are pursuing gas-tax hikes of their own…While the various proposals differ, one thing is the same: None should be passed into law.”
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The CATO Institute reports that “we cannot say that the drop in oil prices is bad for the economy. We could unambiguously say that it is good if we knew that all individuals are participating in the gains—or, at least, that no individual experiences a loss. An alternative way to say that the price drop cannot be bad is to say that it is potentially good. If there is more of all goods, everyone can potentially benefit.”
Increasing energy production, which would support lower prices, is not only advantageous for American families, but vital for the suffering U.S. trade imbalance.
According to Trading “The United States recorded a trade deficit of 51367 USD Million in March of 2015. It is the biggest trade deficit since October 2008…The United States has been running consistent trade deficits since 1976 due to high imports of oil and consumer products…”
The baseball season is well under way, and there haven’t been that many fights in the stands, except for those fueled by too much beer. Despite the passion fans have for their teams, a general agreement about the rules—three strikes and all that—helps keep order.
Unfortunately, throughout the nation, respect for the most important rules—the Constitution, the Bill of Rights—appears to be breaking down, and the result is that Americans seem more split apart than they have been since the Civil War.
The recent event in Texas, where a group exercised their free speech rights by holding an event in which cartoons that some found offensive were displayed, is a key case in point. Whatever the cultural or artistic merits of the illustrations, or lack thereof, the organizers had every right to express their opinions through the drawings. In the aftermath of an attempt by extremists, which ISIS claims to have been responsible for, to shoot up the gathering, many in the media essentially said that the First Amendment should have been subordinated to the dictates of political correctness, blaming the citizens more than the terrorists.
There was a time when the First Amendment was considered the most sacred of all American rights, limited only in situations such as falsely yelling fire in a crowded theater. The list of exceptions has grown. In a Congressional Research Service report issued last September, legislative attorney Kathleen Ann Ruane wrote:
You are advised to keep fiber rich foods reduce the risk cheap viagra of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and cancer. They become more sensitive to diet, substance abuse, stress, and rest. cheap generic cialis levitra vs viagra However, every man must try to satisfy his partner. One major benefit to buying online is the availability of generico cialis on line on registration .On activation of a cialis it will be naturally removed out of your body. “…the Court has decided that the First Amendment provides no protection for obscenity, child pornography, or speech that constitutes what has become widely known as ‘fighting words.’ The Court has also decided that the First Amendment provides less than full protection to commercial speech, defamation (libel and slander), speech that may be harmful to children, speech broadcast on radio and television (as opposed to speech transmitted via cable or the Internet), and public employees’ speech. Even speech that enjoys the most extensive First Amendment protection may be subject to “regulations of the time, place, and manner of expression which are content-neutral, are narrowly tailored to serve a significant government interest, and leave open ample alternative channels of communication.” Furthermore, even speech that enjoys the most extensive First Amendment protection may be restricted on the basis of its content if the restriction passes ‘strict scrutiny’ (i.e., if the government shows that the restriction serves ‘to promote a compelling interest’ and is ‘the least restrictive means to further the articulated interest’).”
While some topics, such as that which may be harmful to children such as child pornography, are obvious common sense restrictions that even the framers of the First Amendment would approve of, the growing list of exceptions is worrisome. An example of how far down this road some in government are willing to travel to limit free speech is troubling. Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) tried to limit paid political speech through a bill in the U.S. Senate. Colleges seek to restrict students seeking to hand out copies of the Bill of Rights to just a few places on campus. Scientists who question the concept of man-made climate change are ostracized and silenced by their own colleagues.
For the first time, that great advance in free speech, the internet, is now under the control of a government bureaucracy.
Major challenges to freedom don’t necessarily come with great upheavals. They are more likely to occur bit by bit, bureaucratic rule after bureaucratic rule, until barely the memory of the rights that used to be cherished are left.
Three more candidates joined what is becoming a crowded presidential field, as Republicans Carly Fiorina, a former business executive, who served as chief of HP computers; Dr. Ben Carson, a neuro surgeon, and former governor and TV host Mike Huckabee all joined the race.
Perhaps the most salient question, however, is Hillary Clinton’s campaign status. Despite the complete devotion of her many followers, the reality is she had a disastrous tenure as Secretary of State, low-lighted by the Benghazi debacle in which she intentionally sought to mislead the public about the causes for the attack (she tried to convince America that it was a spontaneous event brought about by a previously unknown video) and the completely failed “reset” with Russia ( which saw Moscow gain an advantage in nuclear and conventional arms, a return to its cold war bases across the planet, and the invasion of Ukraine.)
And there are the scandals. There is significant evidence that the Clinton Foundation engaged in a pay to play effort, in which international donors provided extraordinary sums to her organization in return for preferable treatment by the US government.
According to the New York Times, which is generally favorable towards her, “examples include a free-trade agreement in Colombia that benefited a major foundation donor’s natural resource investments in the South American nation, development projects in the aftermath of the Haitian earthquake in 2010,” Even more serious, as reported by Fox News, the unfolding scandal in which a substantial share of America’s uranium, a crucial element in the development of nuclear weapons, was given to Russia occurred under her watch following the donation of two million shares of the company involved to the Foundation.
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As a police detective might say, all this fits the modus operandi of the Clintons. During husband Bill’s tenure as President, his campaign unlawfully benefited from Chinese cash donations, followed by favorable treatment towards Beijing, including the sale of Cray super computers, which allowed the People’s Liberation Army to move rapidly ahead in technology. President Clinton also signed into law legislation allowing the Chinese to no longer be subjected to annual reviews for trade, which allowed that nation’s sales to the US to skyrocket and caused devastation in the U.S. manufacturing sector.
The Clinton Foundation itself, apart from the international scandals, has a questionable reputation. Of the 144.3 billion it raised since it was founded in 2001, only 10% has been provided to actual charitable work. The Foundation has been placed on a “watch list” for questionable nonprofits.
Despite all the above, other potential Democrat candidates, such as Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley, and former Senator James Webb, have failed to gain much traction.
Taking nuclear assault seriously
The Washington Free Beacon, almost alone among significant American print media sources, reported that two nuclear-capable Russian bombers flew into the U.S. air defense zone in Alaska on April 22. That information is frightening enough. But further information was even more worrisome. The U.S. failed to scramble any interceptors to meet the intruders.
Russian nuclear capable craft have repeatedly flown into American air space, and Moscow’s nuclear subs have snuck into the coastlines of Sweden, Finland, and the U.S. gulf coast.
The Scandinavian nations have at least attempted to take measures against the Russian intruders. But the latest information, that no interceptors were scrambled on April 22, raises questions about whether the White House takes the challenge seriously, and whether it understands the dimensions of this clear threat to America’s survival.
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“Nuclear war is the only foreseeable threat to America’s survival in this century, and Russia is the most plausible nation from which a large-scale nuclear attack might originate… The current U.S. strategic posture, which threatens massive retaliation to deter nuclear attack, probably cannot be sustained indefinitely. Some day, in some way, deterrence will break down. Ten nuclear warheads could collapse the U.S. electric grid. Fifty could render every major city uninhabitable. Two hundred might well spell the end of American civilization. Most of the Russian warheads are mounted on long-range ballistic missiles, and Washington currently has no plan for intercepting such weapons if they are launched in large numbers. During the Cold War, U.S. leaders made a deliberate decision to forego strategic defenses of the homeland in order to stabilize the superpower arms race. The current U.S. strategic posture, designed mainly to deter rational adversaries, cannot cope with a wide array of potential scenarios such as irrational leaders, accidental launches or breakdowns in the chain of command. To cope with the full spectrum of ballistic threats to America’s homeland, a layered defense including interceptor missiles and/or beam weapons is required. The system would be costly, but not compared with the value of assets that could be destroyed in a nuclear war. However, current plans call for spending less than one-percent of the defense budget on relevant technologies. The physics of countering large-scale nuclear attacks are daunting but doable. The logical place to begin is by expanding the current Ground-based Midcourse Defense deployed on the U.S. West Coast, which is oriented mainly to threats from North Korea but could be configured to intercept Russian warheads more effectively. Other assets already in the joint force such as the sea-based Aegis combat system could be upgraded to create a nascent layered architecture. A truly robust system would probably require a space-based layer too. If these steps are not taken, there will be no way of protecting America on the day deterrence fails.”
President Obama is well known for his vehement opposition to an adequate Pentagon budget in general—it has dropped precipitously under his watch– and to defenses against nuclear weapons in particular, whether by anti-ballistic missiles, a program he consistently seeks to de-fund, or through the maintenance of nuclear weaponry to serve as a deterrent. He allowed Moscow to gain an advantage in nuclear weapons for the first time in history, and has explored the possibility of further unilateral cuts in the American arsenal.
The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education report on universities notes that “many … institutions severely restrict free speech and open debate. Speech codes—policies prohibiting student and faculty speech that would, outside the bounds of campus, be protected by the First Amendment—have repeatedly been struck down by federal and state courts for decades. Yet they persist, even in the very jurisdictions where they have been ruled unconstitutional. The majority of American colleges and universities maintain speech codes.”
FIRE’s recent survey of 437 schools found that more than 55 percent maintain severely restrictive, “red light” speech codes—policies that clearly and substantially prohibit protected speech.
The report notes that “colleges’ restrictions on free speech varies by state. In Missouri, for example, over 85 percent of schools surveyed received a red light rating. In contrast, two of the best states for free speech in higher education were Virginia and Indiana, where only 31 percent and 25 percent of schools surveyed, respectively, received a red light rating.”
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Excuses are still being found to limit speech on campuses. “…FIRE continues to see an unacceptable number of universities punishing students and faculty members for constitutionally protected speech and expression. It is essential that students, faculty, and free speech advocates remain vigilant not only about campus speech codes but also about the way universities may—even in the absence of a policy that is unconstitutional as written—silence or punish protected speech.”
“Of the 437 schools reviewed by FIRE, 241 received a red light rating [most restrictive] (55.2%), 171 received a yellow light rating (39.1%), and 18 received a green light rating [least restrictive] (4.1%). FIRE did not rate seven schools (1.6%). FIRE rated 333 public colleges and universities. Of these, 54.1% received a red light rating, 41.4% received a yellow light rating, and 4.5% received a green light rating. Since public colleges and universities are legally bound to protect their students’ First Amendment rights, any percentage above zero is unacceptable, so much work remains to be done.”
Recognizing the Russian Threat
As reports of Russian nuclear bombers entering Alaskan air space and Russian submarines intruding into the waters of European nations continue to increase, many have wondered why military leaders have remained relatively silent.
That’s beginning to change. U.S. General Philip M. Breedlove, the Supreme Allied Commander Europe, has on two separate recent occasions outlined his growing concern over Moscow’s growing military prowess and aggressiveness. Speaking before the Atlantic Council, he described Moscow’s “revanchist” attitude:
“Russia’s actions against Ukraine since last year have signaled “a clear end of what I see as two decades of clear Russian struggle over security policy…” According to the Atlantic Council, Russia is now on a far different course that shifts the relationship between Russia and the West from strategic cooperation to one of strategic competition. This is not a temporary aberration, but the new norm….This is a Russia that recognizes strength and sees weakness as an opportunity.’
Breedlove believes that “Russia is blatantly challenging the rules and principles that have been the bedrock of European security for decades. The challenge is global, not regional, and enduring, not temporary. Russian aggression is clearly visible in its illegal occupation of Crimea, and in its continued operations in eastern Ukraine. But the crisis in Ukraine is about more than just Ukraine. Russian activities are destabilizing neighboring states, and the region as a whole…and Russia’s illegal actions are pushing instability closer to the boundaries of NATO.
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“We also know that Putin responds to strength, and seeks opportunities in weakness. We must strengthen our deterrence in order to manage his opportunistic confidence…”
As Russia has increased its military capability, the West has reduced its’ capabilities. One area outlined by Breedlove concerns intelligence assets. “Since the end of the Cold War, our nation’s community of Russian area experts has shrunk considerably, and intelligence assets of all kinds have been shifted to the wars we’ve been fighting or to understanding potential future threats.
Russian military operations over the past year, in Ukraine and in the region more broadly, have underscored that there are critical gaps in our collection and analysis. Some Russian military exercises have caught us by surprise…”
Ranking the States
The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) has released its annual ranking of the fifty states.
According to ALEC, “The 2015 economic outlook ranking is a forward-looking measure of how each state can expect to perform economically based on 15 policy areas that have proven, over time, to be the best determinants of economic success.”
The five states with the best prospects are Utah, North Dakota, Indiana, North Carolina and Arizona. The five with the worst prospects are Oregon, New Jersey, Connecticut, Minnesota, Vermont and New York.
From best to worst, here are ALEC’s state rankings:
1 Utah 2 North Dakota 3 Indiana 4 North Carolina 5 Arizona 6 Idaho 7 Georgia 8 Wyoming 9 South Dakota 10 Nevada 11 Texas 12 Virginia 13 Wisconsin 14 Alaska 15 Florida 16 Oklahoma 17 Tennessee 18 Kansas 19 Alabama 20 Mississippi 21 Colorado 22 Arkansas 23 Ohio 24 Michigan 25 Iowa 26 Louisiana 27 Missouri 28 Massachusetts 29 New Hampshire 30 Kentucky 31 Nebraska 32 South Carolina 33 Maryland 34 New Mexico 35 Washington 36 West Virginia 37 Hawaii 38 Delaware 39 Rhode Island 40 Illinois 41 Pennsylvania 42 Maine 43 Montana 44 California 45 Oregon 46 New Jersey 47 Connecticut 48 Minnesota 49 Vermont 50 New York
The policy areas include the top marginal personal income tax rate, top marginal corporate income tax rate, personal income tax progressivity, property tax burden, sales tax burden, remaining tax burden, existence of estate/inheritance taxes, recently legislated tax changes, debt service as a share of tax revenue, public employees per 10,000 of population, state liability system survey, state minimum wage, average workers’ compensation costs, right to work legislation, and the number of tax expenditure limits.
CNN Money compared unemployment ratings in the states. From best to worst:
2 | NEBRASKA | |
2 | UTAH | |
4 | VERMONT | |
6 | HAWAII | |
6 | WYOMING | |
9 | IOWA | |
11 | MONTANA | |
11 | OKLAHOMA | |
13 | IDAHO | |
14 | KANSAS | |
15 | TEXAS | |
16 | COLORADO | |
17 | LOUISIANA | |
17 | VIRGINIA | |
19 | MAINE | |
22 | OHIO | |
25 | WISCONSIN | |
26 | INDIANA | |
27 | MARYLAND | |
28 | ARKANSAS | |
28 | DELAWARE | |
28 | FLORIDA | |
32 | ALASKA | |
32 | MISSOURI | |
32 | NEW JERSEY | |
36 | NEW MEXICO | |
36 | NEW YORK | |
39 | ILLINOIS | |
40 | OREGON | |
41 | ALABAMA | |
41 | ARIZONA | |
43 | TENNESSEE | |
44 | KENTUCKY | |
47 | MICHIGAN | |
47 | NEVADA | |
50 | GEORGIA | |
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The Dangerous Absence of Honesty
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” –Joseph Goebbels, Nazi propaganda minister
Almost a hundred years ago, Senator Hiram Johnson purportedly said that “the first casualty when war comes is truth.”
With all of the efficiency of the 21st century, it appears that actual war is no longer necessary for honesty to be buried. Throughout most of American politics, the truth is, for far too many, politically incorrect, inconvenient, and unwanted.
Whether discussing governmental budgets, international relations, the environment, racial relations or a myriad of other issues, politicians, a biased media, and academicians all react with rage when honest observers seek to discuss all facets of the great issues facing the United States.
Sadly, the current White House has been a prime practitioner of the art of the boldly spoken untruth, but it is not alone in the political arena in the art of the Big Lie. Whether it comes in the state of the union statement that the “Shadow of the crisis of terrorism has passed” or in a proclamation that “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor,” presidential statements have been made that are clearly untrue. When challenged, supporters in the media question the motives and integrity of those questioning the veracity of the manifestly false statements.
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The recent events in Ferguson and Baltimore emphasized the proclivity to replace the search for facts with rhetoric meant to advance a political agenda. In Ferguson, the entire incident prompting the disorder turned out to be entirely the opposite of what the protestors described. There was no police misconduct. In Baltimore, while the investigation will go on now that the police officers have been charged, the real basis for the riots—charges of institutional racism—are absurdly false. What institution? A black mayor, a black police chief, a black city council president, a police force that is 48% black, a black lt. governor, a black U.S. Attorney General and a black President all make the charge utterly ridiculous.
Politicians of both parties continue to make promises about entitlements that they know can never be sustained. Each year, the crushing national debt expands further, with no end in sight. Funds are taken from crucial needs such as defense, shoring up social security, and other areas to continue the giveaways that so many elected officials depend upon to get re-elected. Financial gimmicks that would land businesses in jail are employed to maintain the fiction that irresponsible spending hasn’t bankrupted the nation.
Republican leaders have been playing their own version of the Big Lie. In public statements, they disdain the irresponsible fiscal policies of the White House, the blatantly unconstitutional use of executive orders by the President, and the Administration’s dangerous neglect of national security. In practice, they tread lightly on cutting back entitlements for fear of losing votes. They fail to avail themselves of the legal remedies available to them to force the White House to obey the Constitution. And despite all their rhetoric about the need for a strong defense, they don’t push for greater resources for the armed forces.
America’s future depends on the return of honest discourse followed by honest action.