Quick Analysis

Why, and how, America changed

America traditionally has been a nation of great goals. Why does it currently appear in so substantial a decline?

It fought the mightiest empire on the planet to become a free country. It forged a unique constitution that provided more freedom than had ever existed in any land before. It fought one of the bloodiest wars in history at the time to rid itself of slavery. It opened an entire continent for settlement. It established an economy that provided unparalleled prosperity for the greatest number of its citizens than had ever been accomplished by any nation. It led the world in patents and inventions. Its culture tantalized and enriched the entire world. It put men on the moon. It defeated, without war, the Soviet nuclear superpower.

Since it was a nation comprised of humans, not demi-gods, it wasn’t perfect; nothing established by humans ever can be. But throughout its history, it sought to remedy its faults, and has done so in most areas.

Currently, however, it is difficult to discern what goals, dreams, hopes and ambitions exist for the American Republic. The language of many of its leaders dwells almost exclusively on criticizing their own country. Its Chief Executive seeks to reduce and withdraw American influence across the globe. Its military is decimated. It can no longer put humans in space. Its economy is weakened, mired in almost unimaginably large federal debt—and those dollars have purchased almost nothing. Indeed, the portion of that debt attributable to one program, President Obama’s “Stimulus” program, was a stunning $831 billion, and nothing significant or lasting was accomplished by it. The nation is mired in social welfare programs that produce no path out of poverty, but an ever increasing spiral of dependency and demands for more unearned benefits. The “can-do” spirit of the past was replaced with a “give me more!” concept.

In today’s America, President Kennedy’s “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country,” and President Reagan’s belief that America’s best days are yet to come seem like the faintest of relics from a distant past.

What changed, and how did that change occur?

Much can be traced back to the turmoil of the 1960’s and 1970’s. A decade of assassinations, an unpopular war, a president resigning in disgrace, substantial drug problems, and the too-long delayed movement to finally end racial bias produced a crop of people who saw only the flaws in America, to the exclusion of its merits.  When these individuals failed to advance a nihilistic and anti-capitalist domestic agenda and pacifist foreign policy at the ballot box, they began, in the words of left wing extremists, the “long march through the institutions.”

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That approach was combined with a tactic originated by Richard Cloward and Frances Piven. These individuals also realized that a direct approach through violence or elections would not work. They added to the “Long March” idea a strategy that sought to overwhelm the U.S. government by popularizing demands for utterly unaffordable increases in benefits.

Rudi Dutschke, Richard Cloward and Frances Piven were the strategists, but it was Saul Alinsky who was the tactician who advanced their cause. Alinsky’s book, “Rules for Radicals,” was the basic training manual for the practical implementation of the Dutschke-Cloward/Piven strategy. Among Alinsky’s fans is no less a luminary than Hillary Clinton.

This insidious movement took decades to mature, and was substantially delayed by the extraordinary successes of the Reagan Administration, which brought into sharp focus the failings of their guiding Marxist principles by producing a strong economy in the U.S. and brought down the Soviet Union abroad.

The election of Barack Obama came after generations had been taught by Dutschke-Cloward/Piven strategy disciples, and influenced by a media also predisposed to its tenets.  Breitbart,  citing a National Review study, describes the relationship to the current President:

“Obama’s mentors from his Chicago days studied at a school Alinsky founded, and they taught their students the philosophy and methods of one of the first ‘community organizers.’” That same column cites a photo that was on Obama’s presidential campaign website: a photo that showed “Obama in a classroom teaching students Alinskian methods.”

America’s decline is not a result of inevitable or overwhelming forces. It is the product of an intentional, carefully established strategy to “fundamentally transform,” as President Obama has stated, the very nature of the nation. This concept mandates the replacement of the original goals of individual rights and an optimistic and ambitious worldview by a collectivist, extremely powerful federal governmental structure at home that feels far more comfortable with similarly autocratic regimes abroad.

Quick Analysis

Department of Justice goes rogue…again

The latest objectionable action taken by the Justice Department brings legitimacy to the argument that this portion of the federal government has gone rogue.  Its questionable role in numerous scandals has raised the anger of both the public and Congress.

In a 68 page memorandum,  the Justice Department defied Congress and decided that independent inspectors general could be restricted from accessing certain types of information.

A statement released by the Office of the Inspector General (OIG),   noted: “As a result of the OLC’s [Office of Legal Counsel’s] opinion, the OIG will now need to obtain Justice Department permission in order to get access to important information in the Department’s files – putting the agency over which the OIG conducts oversight in the position of deciding whether to give the OIG access to the information necessary to conduct that oversight. The conflict with the principles enshrined in the Inspector General Act could not be clearer and, as a result, the OIG’s work will be adversely impacted. The OIG will immediately ask Congress to pass legislation ensuring that the OIG has independent access to the information it needs for its work. The Attorney General and the Deputy Attorney General have each expressed their commitment to join the OIG in this effort.

“Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz [chairman of the Council of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency] stated: ‘I strongly disagree with the OLC opinion. Congress meant what it said when it authorized Inspectors General to independently access ‘all’ documents necessary to conduct effective oversight. Without such access, our Office’s ability to conduct its work will be significantly impaired, and it will be more difficult for us to detect and deter waste, fraud, and abuse, and to protect taxpayer dollars. We look forward to working with the Congress and the Justice Department to promptly remedy this serious situation.”


This is not a Republican vs. Democrat issue, as Congressional Democrats  joined with Republicans in criticizing the Justice Department’s decision. In a joint release, House Judiciary Committee members from both sides of the aisle stated: “The Inspector General Act of 1978 authorizes the Inspector General to access ‘all records’ in the Department’s possession.  However, today, the Office of Legal Counsel’s 58-page opinion argues that other provisions generally restricting the ‘disclosure’ of certain kinds of information override the specific instruction that the Inspector General have access to all records of the Department.  The Office of Legal Counsel reaches this conclusion despite clear and recent legislation enacted in response to the controversy over these very access issues.  Following several instances of the Inspector General testifying to Congress about the Justice Department hindering his oversight by withholding records, Congress enacted, and the President signed, Section 218 of the Department of Justice’s fiscal 2015 Appropriations Act.  That provision prohibited the use of any funds to deny the Inspector General timely access to records.  The only exception was for any ‘express’ limitation in the Inspector General Act.

“The Justice Department has denied or substantially delayed the Inspector General’s access to records in connection with a number of inquiries, including those related to: (1) whether the Department had violated the civil liberties and civil rights of individuals detained in national security investigations following September 11, (2) the review of Operation Fast and Furious, (3) the review of the FBI’s use of National Security and Exigent letters, (4) the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) sex parties scandal, (5) the DEA’s use of confidential sources, and (6) the DEA’s use of administrative subpoenas to obtain bulk data collections.

“The Department’s refusal to provide records on a timely basis as required by law wastes months in bureaucratic roadblocks and frustrates the independent oversight Congress created Inspectors General to provide. Prior to 2010, the FBI and other agencies in the Justice Department routinely provided similar information to the Inspector General’s office.

“Here are comments from Conyers, Goodlatte, Grassley and Johnson: [Representing both Democrats and Republicans]

John Conyers:
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‘This opinion is a departure from the plain text of the statute and the intent of Congress when we drafted it—but this one memorandum hardly ends the conversation.  The Inspector General must have complete and direct access to the information that his office deems necessary to conduct complete and impartial investigations.  He should not have to ask permission from the very agency he oversees.  I suspect that we will work quickly, and likely with overwhelming and bipartisan majorities, to make certain that the Inspector General Act is explicit on this point.”

An Inspector General investigation can be prevented under the law in certain limited circumstances, but the Attorney General is required to explain in writing to both the Inspector General and Congress why the Inspector General’s work should be impeded despite the Inspector General Act’s guarantee of access to all agency records – something that the Attorney General has failed to do in each of the many instances records were withheld from the Inspector General since 2010…

“Congressman Bob Goodlatte, Chairman, House Judiciary Committee:

[The] Office of Legal Counsel opinion contains the same kind of outcome-oriented lawyering that produced the Department of Justice’s infamous recess appointments memorandum, which was unanimously rejected by the Supreme Court in 2014. The law is clear that the Office of the Inspector General should have unfettered access to materials for its investigations, but political lawyers at the Department of Justice have engaged in legal gymnastics to shield key information from government watchdogs.

“The Office of Legal Counsel’s efforts to reduce transparency will leave the Department of Justice vulnerable to mismanagement and misconduct. This is not the type of government the American people deserve. The House Judiciary Committee will work with other committees of jurisdiction to explore a legislative fix to reiterate Congress’ intent that the Office of the Inspector General is entitled access to all documents and records within DOJ’s possession.

“Senator Chuck Grassley, Chairman, Senate Judiciary Committee:

‘The Inspector General Act of 1978 directs that Inspectors General have a right to access all records, documents and other materials.  If the Inspector General deems a document necessary to do his job, then the agency should turn it over immediately.  The clear command of that law is being ignored far too often by agencies across the executive branch.  By this opinion’s tortured logic, ‘all records’ does not mean ‘all records,’ and Congress’s recent attempt to underscore our original intent with an appropriations restriction is nothing but a nullity. The prospect of the Obama administration using this opinion to stonewall oversight, avoid accountability, and undermine the independence of inspectors general is alarming.”

“Senator Ron Johnson, Chairman, Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee:

‘I am deeply concerned that this opinion undermines the Department of Justice Office of Inspector General’s independence, and ultimately the independence of all inspectors general, as other agencies will likely use its misguided arguments to justify stonewalling their own watchdogs.  The Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee recently reported out S. 579, the Inspector General Empowerment Act of 2015, which makes clear Congress’s view that inspectors general must be given prompt, unfettered access to agency documents for purposes of carrying out their responsibilities under the act.  Unfortunately, the Department of Justice today has dug further into its position — against the clear will of Congress — that the agency is not always obligated to provide documents to its inspector general, and that the agency itself gets to choose when to grant permission to access certain documents. I am committed to working with my colleagues to ensure all inspectors general have the statutorily mandated independence from their agency that is so crucial to performing their responsibilities.”

Quick Analysis

Politics, profiteering interferes with move to stop illegal immigration

As the problems presented by illegal immigration continue become more greatly understood, battle lines continue to be drawn between those who seek to resolve the challenges posed by it, and those who seek to profit from the unlawful residents.

As always, politics plays a significant role in the conflict. According to the Rasmussen polling organization, a majority of Democrats believe illegals should be allowed to vote.

A May 2015 Rasmussen national telephone survey found “that one-out-of-three Likely U.S. Voters (35%) now believes that illegal immigrants should be allowed to vote if they can prove they live in this country and pay taxes. Sixty percent (60%) disagree, while five percent (5%) are undecided.  Fifty-three percent (53%) of Democrats think tax-paying illegal immigrants should have the right to vote. Twenty-one percent (21%) of Republicans and 30% of voters not affiliated with either major political party agree.”

The reasons are obvious. New arrivals in the U.S. are frequently dependent on government assistance, and Democrats are generally far more prone to favor generous assistance programs. The recent arrivals are also less likely to favor or have significant understanding of the benefits of a traditional adherence to constitutional mandates and rights guarantees, an issue of great importance to Republicans.

More than just votes are involved, however. A Capital Research  study found that refugee resettlement has become a lucrative business. The study notes that “Surveys of Americans show mixed views on immigration issues, and yet for the Left all immigration is good, no matter what laws or legislatures say.  Major donors on the Left, which normally champion every kind of government regulation, support immigration without limits, and a number of large nonprofits reap not only private funding but millions of tax dollars in the resettlement business.  Most Americans have never even heard of the programs that disburse these monies in their name. Left-wing grant-makers have embarked on a campaign aimed at overwhelming America with unprecedented levels of immigration. These foundations underwrite a universe of liberal organizations that are devoted to bringing in ever more people from all over the world, and the organizations’ motives include money. These groups, known as “Volunteer Agencies” (VOLAGs), don’t just receive private dollars from liberal foundations; they also are richly rewarded with your tax dollars when they collaborate with federal government agencies.”

The impact on America’s ongoing employment crisis is serious. The Washington Free Beacon recently reported that “ Illegal Immigrants Outnumber Unemployed Americans, with 11.3 million illegal immigrants in U.S… Of those 11.3 illegal immigrants, 8.1 million are participating in the labor force. “Unauthorized immigrants make up 5.1% of the U.S. labor force,” [a]Pew [study] says. “In the U.S. labor force, there were 8.1 million unauthorized immigrants either working or looking for work in 2012… The executive action on immigration President Obama put in place in November of 2014 is set to help more illegal aliens become active in the labor force.”
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Without effective screening at the border, some of the illegals entering the nation are criminals, impacting the safety of communities throughout the nation. Some of the most severe problems occur in so-called sanctuary cities, where local authorities do not take steps to report or remove illegals.

At a recent hearing, Senator Grassley  (R-Iowa) introduced legislation  to hold accountable sanctuary jurisdictions that are harboring illegal immigrants who have criminal records. Grassley’s legislation (The Improving Cooperation with States and Local Governments and Preventing the Catch and Release of Criminal Aliens Act of 2015would withhold federal funding from sanctuary jurisdictions that refuse to cooperate on criminal aliens and other high priority individuals.  The bill would also increase the amount of time, from up to 2 years to a mandatory 5 years, an illegal immigrant must spend in jail for re-entry after deportation.

“No more people should die at the hands of those who ignore our immigration laws and commit crimes. No more families should have to go through what our hearing witnesses have experienced,’ Grassley said. ‘Sanctuary jurisdictions are giving a free pass to illegal immigrants who have repeatedly violated this country’s laws and are now going on to commit other serious, violent offenses.

Grassley’s bill comes as he convened a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing focusing on how the Obama administration’s immigration policies and practices are hurting American families.  The Committee heard powerful testimony from a number of relatives who have lost loved ones as a direct result of the administration’s failure to deport criminals or its tolerance of sanctuary policies.”

Despite the extraordinary problems, some major municipalities, such as New York City, are taking steps to make it easier for illegals to inappropriately register to vote, such as granting local ID cards.

Quick Analysis

Nicaragua joins Russia in tank manuevers

Nicaragua is engaging in tank war games alongside Russia and China. The Central American nation of about 5.7 million is smaller than New York.

It is the second poorest country in the western hemisphere. Nevertheless, it is joining Russia, China, Belarus, Tajikistan, India and Egypt in a Moscow suburb, at an event sponsored by the Russian Ministry of Defense. The Diplomat reports.

The Center for Strategic & International Studies  notes that “Though Russia has not been entirely absent from [Latin America] in recent years, recent statements from the Russian Defense Ministry bring that involvement to a new level. Late last month, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced Russian plans to build military bases in Nicaragua, Cuba, and Venezuela, marking Russia’s most forward endeavors in the region since the end of the Cold War.”

Joseph Klein, writing for Front Page,  outlines Moscow’s deep and continuing bid to be a forceful military presence in Latin America:

“Russia is also on the lookout for refueling sites for Russian strategic bombers on patrol. Russia is already a major arms supplier to Venezuela, whose navy has conducted joint maneuvers with Russian ships. At least four Russian Navy ships visited Venezuela last August, the Venezuelan daily El Universal reported.“Two Russian Tupolev Tu-160 Blackjack strategic bombers flew last October from an airbase in southwestern Russia and landed in Venezuela in routine exercise,” Russia’s Defense Ministry announced, according to the Voice of Russia. “The nuclear-capable bombers, which took off from the Engels airbase in the Volga region, ‘flew over the Caribbean, the eastern Pacific and along the southwestern coast of the North American continent, and landed at Maiquetia airfield in Venezuela,’ the ministry said in a statement.”

Nicolas Maduro, the President of Venezuela, is so enamored of Putin that he expressed support last year for the Russian president to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. During a visit to Moscow by Maduro last summer, Maduro and Putin reaffirmed, in Putin’s words, “their wish for continuing their course towards strategic cooperation in all sectors.”
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Putin was the first Russian president to visit Cuba since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Pravda quoted Putin as declaring in 2012 that Russia gained the consent of the Cuban leadership to place ‘the latest mobile strategic nuclear missiles ‘Oak’ on the island,’ …

Left-wing Argentinian President Cristina Fernández is intent on forging closer relations with Russia, inviting Russia to invest in fuel projects. … Ecuador was also interested in buying Russian military equipment.

“… what we are seeking with Russia is a strategic partnership based on the joint development of technology,” said Brazilian Defense Minister Celso Amorim after meeting with his Russian counterpart.”

Russia is also forging a closer relationship with El Salvador.

Nicaragua is not just interested in Russian tanks.  McClatchy reports thatRussia is rekindling its once-strong ties to Nicaragua, possibly including providing the Central American nation with jet fighters, stoking unease as far away as the Andes in South America…The rumored provision of the Russian jet fighters to Nicaragua has spawned fears of an arms race in Central America and once again made Nicaragua a bit player in the geopolitical to-and-fro between Washington and Moscow. … In 2013, Russia agreed to offer patrol gunboats to Nicaragua. As part of the Russian defense minister’s visit in February, Nicaragua agreed to ease rules to allow Russian warships to enter Nicaraguan ports. More than 45 military cadets and officers left Nicaragua last September for extended training in Russia.”

Quick Analysis

NY Analysis reviews the plight of the middle class

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Quick Analysis

America’s Great Divide

Two completely different philosophies of government are dividing the U.S. population. More serious than any mere difference over a single issue, the chasm represents wholly divergent views on the rights of individuals and the powers of federal, state and local authorities.

Since the dawn of the American Republic, there has been a fairly consistent understanding of what government is supposed to do. Washington handles foreign relations, protects the nation from enemies abroad, settles disputes between the states, protects the liberties enumerated in the Bill of Rights (and later amendments), administers federal courts, patrols the borders, delivers the mail, opens up new frontiers and provides major interstate transportation infrastructure. States and localities are tasked with protecting residents from crime, maintaining sanitary and safety conditions, providing local transportation, educating the young, and providing a legal system to peacefully settling local disputes.

There have been relatively moderate additions to those duties. Programs such as Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid gave the government more direct interaction with individuals. States and cities provided financial and other assistance to those in need. But the guiding principles of the ninth and tenth Amendments within the Bill of Rights remained intact:

Ninth Amendment: The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Tenth Amendment: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

In the view of progressives, however, the 9th and 10th Amendment limitations on government’s rights and duties are anachronisms to be largely ignored, as are the separation of powers and the distinction between the federal government’s role and that of more local jurisdictions.

Progressives choose to de-emphasize traditional duties and limitations on government, and replace them with different responsibilities. They advocate reduced funding for defense on the national level and crime fighting on the local level and shifting those dollars to what have been called “nanny state” priorities.

Some of those new priorities have been the subject of ridicule. While mayor of NYC, Michael Bloomberg cut the size of the police department, and advocated cutting the size of the fire department. He focused on regulating what size soda could be purchased, and the salt intake of his constituents.

Others have created extraordinary controversy. The use of the Common Core curriculum to enhance federal oversight of education and politicize curriculum has been contentious. Federal interference into what was once a local responsibility extends even to what food items may be placed on school menus.

The most controversial, of course, was the enactment of Obamacare. While its progressive advocates likened it to programs such as social security, its opponents noted that its lengthy list of bureaucratic interactions with the patient-physician relationship render it an extraordinary and inappropriate increase in federal power.

Paul Joseph Warson, writing for Infowars in 2012   stated that “The nanny state is no longer just on steroids, it has turned into the Incredible Hulk as collectivism, pernicious bureaucracy, regulation, mass surveillance and outright tyranny runs wild across the country.”

He provided a number of examples. Among them:

– Parents across the country are being arrested for letting their children play outside.

–a man was found guilty and sentenced to spend 30 days in jail for collecting rainwater in three “illegal reservoirs” despite the fact that they are on his property.
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– Last year, a Michigan resident faced jail time for the crime of growing a “vegetable garden in front yard space.”

– Americans are being harassed by utility workers who are trespassing on private property and forcibly trying to install “smart” energy meters which spy on homeowners.

– Cities are passing ordinances that makes recycling compulsory

– The TSA has expanded its grope-down checkpoints beyond the airports to highways, political events and even school prom nights.

– The TSA is kicking Americans off flights for having a “bad attitude” and refusing to obey bizarre orders quickly enough.

– A teenager was recently visited by FBI special agents who grilled him over the content of a political You Tube video.

– The EPA is using spy drones to monitor farms as police use Predator drones to hunt down Americans for the crime of allowing cows to wander onto their land.

– Students in schools across the country are being indoctrinated to accept their treatment as prisoners on parole by being forced to wear RFID tracking chips.

– Veterans across the country are being declared “mentally defective” on a whim by the state and having their firearms seized.

– The federal government is officially backing Al-Qaeda fighters in Syria while declaring conservative Americans to be extremists and terrorists if they are “reverent of individual liberty.”

The dramatic increase in the size of existing programs is also indicative of the shift in governmental emphasis from basic services to a social-welfare nanny state. The Fiscal Times has noted that “everyone is aware of SNAP (food stamps), the mother of all food handouts, where over 47.8 million people participate at an annual cost of $81 billion. But awareness of the sprawling array of other government food programs is another eye opener. WIC, for example, the Women, Infants and Children Food and Nutrition Service, started small in 1968 to help poor and undernourished mothers-to-be. It now covers 53 percent of all infants in America at an annual cost of $8.8 billion, and involves 90 state agencies, 1,836 bureaus and 9,000 clinics. This now staggering project is a gateway to many other government-funded entitlement programs, including SNAP. There are, of course, lots of rules and the catalogue of approved foods is mind-boggling. Under WIC, mothers to be can’t buy white potatoes (insufficiently nutritious), imported cheeses or cheese spreads and only 9 types of domestic cheeses are approved. Canned beans are fine, but not if they include pork or frankfurters. Moms may buy a gallon of milk, but only in gallon containers, not two half-gallons.

“The spread of free school lunches—and now free breakfasts– is another story. In 1969, some 2.9 million youngsters received free lunches daily. By 2012, there were 18.7 million free lunches, 68.2 percent of all school lunches. What about free food during summer? No problem thanks to the Seamless Summer Option. Now ALL children can eat free in communities where 50 percent of all children are eligible for free or reduced-cost meals—that’s about two-thirds of all schools with lunch programs. In large part, the 50 percent of lunches that go to apparently ineligible youngsters are given to avoid stigmatizing the eligible.”

The list of individual examples could go on and on. But the key point is the significant growth in the powers of government in untraditional and unconstitutional areas, and the neglect of more appropriate responsibilities.  All this has occurred without any attempt to truly involve the American people in any meaningful discussion or debate.

Quick Analysis

TSA ignores Court order

During this summer travel season, Americans will meekly submit to searches at airports. Some types of those examinations may not be legal.

Advanced imaging technology (AIT) was first deployed by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) in 2007. According to the TSA, “Since imaging technology has been deployed at airports, more than 99 percent of passengers choose to be screened by this technology over alternative screening procedures.”

In 2011, the  United States District Court for the District of Columbia  ruled that the TSA failed to properly fulfill the appropriate rule making process before using the devices. “The implementation of this technique clearly affects the privacy of passengers without a valid procedure allowing for all the facts to be reviewed and objections to be heard.” In its decision, the Court noted that “…the TSA has not justified its failure to issue notice and solicit comments…In May 2009 more than 30 organizations… sent a letter to the Secretary of Homeland Security, in which they objected to the use of AIT as a primary means of screening passengers. They asked that the TSA cease using AIT in that capacity pending ‘a 90-day formal public rulemaking process.’ The TSA responded with a letter addressing the organizations’ substantive concerns but ignoring their request for rulemaking.”

The Court ruled that the TSA must comply with valid rule making procedures. Despite the extended passage of time, the TSA has ignored the Court’s mandate.  Now several organizations and individuals are moving to force the TSA’s hand.
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The Competitive Enterprise Institute  (CEI) filed a lawsuit in late July against the (TSA) for ignoring the Federal District Court. According to CEI, “The lawsuit aims to hold the TSA accountable to a court’s ruling that it had violated the law by failing to follow basic required administrative procedures, including allowing the public to comment on their screening proposal. CEI is joined as co-petitioners by the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) and The Rutherford Institute, as well as two CEI employees in their capacity as private individuals…The CEI action is also joined by several other groups…Constitutional attorney John W. Whiteheadsaid, ‘Despite the massive invasion of privacy perpetrated by whole body scanners on millions of air travelers and a federal court order that the TSA issue a rule on their use, the government has refused to do so, thereby avoiding providing justifications or enforceable guidelines for their use. This is another example of the government employing surveillance technologies regardless of and outside of the limits of the law…”

CEI has filed a petition for writ of mandamus asking the D.C. Circuit Court to enforce its July 15, 2011, decision that found the TSA in violation of the Administrative Procedure Act. The organization hopes to force the TSA to produce its required final rule on body scanners within 90 days.

The Rutherford Institute  which has joined in the action states that “We are the unwitting victims of a system so corrupt that those who stand up for the rule of law and aspire to transparency in government are in the minority. This corruption is so vast it spans all branches of government, from the power-hungry agencies under the executive branch and the corporate puppets within the legislative branch to a judiciary that is, more often than not, elitist and biased towards government entities and corporations. The whole body imaging scanners are a perfect example of this collusion between corporate lobbyists and government officials…We the people’ have not done the best job of holding our representatives accountable or standing up for our rights. But something as invasive as these scanners certainly shouldn’t be forced on the American public without the absolute assurance that it will not harm our health or undermine our liberties. At a minimum, the TSA should be required to establish rules governing the use and deployment of these scanners and have those regulations vetted by the public.”

Quick Analysis

Diminished U.S. Navy can’t counter growing Chinese threat

Beijing’s construction of artificial islands over 600 miles from the Chinese mainland in international waters is causing major military and economic threats. More than $5.3 trillion in global sea-based trade relies on unimpeded sea lanes through the South China Sea.

“China’s assertiveness in the South China Sea is an issue the American public must know about and the United States must address,” U.S. Navy Pacific Commander Admiral Harry B. Harris Jr. stated at a July 24 security panel discussion in Aspen. Harris specifically noted Beijing’s high seas artificial island projects, which China uses to unlawfully extend its power. In only 18 months, China has reclaimed almost 3,000 acres.

The PACCOM commander emphasized that “The South China Sea is front and center in the tug-of-war between the majority of regional nations that want to maintain the status quo and China that wants to change it to suit its narrow self-interest.”  In addition to the military threats created by Beijing’s actions, China’s building project is causing “severe environmental impact …leading to the most rapid rate of permanent loss of coral reef area in human history….China’s destructive activities will result in the permanent loss of coral reef in one of the most important reef systems in the Pacific,” Harris said.

The Sydney Morning Herald  reported in May that “China has moved weaponry onto those artificial islands. China has warned that it would gradually expand “offshore waters defense” to include “open seas protection”, and that it would not tolerate other countries “meddling.”

Disputes center around the right of nations to fly or sail within 12 nautical miles of the artificial islands. Breaking Defense notes that “China claims its constructions in the South China Sea are permanent and inhabited islands, which would legally mean they are each surrounded by territorial waters and airspace for 12 miles in every direction. The US considers them to be artificial and temporary structures, which under international law means they have no legal impact on other nations’ rights of passage in the surrounding seas or airspace. The Chinese have made it clear they think that flying or sailing within 12 nautical miles of these structures would be an unmistakable challenge to their claims…”
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America’s growing military deficiencies contribute to Beijing’s aggressiveness. According to Department of Defense statistics obtained by the Wall Street Journal, China has 73 frigates and destroyers in the region, compared to the U.S. Navy’s 9. It has 58 [other reports say 71] submarines compared to the Navy’s 2 (and occasionally less) and 2,100 fighter/bomber aircraft compared to America’s 54. Beijing is preparing its aircraft carrier for fully operational duties. When ready, it will equal in number the single carrier the U.S. generally has in the region.

China’s lead in numbers is matched by qualitative advantages as well.  Spacewar reports that China has developed the “Type 055” cruisers, which will be the largest of its class in Asia. According to some reports, China’s submarines have extraordinary capabilities which make them extremely dangerous to the U.S. Navy.

Although the Obama Administration has stated that it will divert resources to the region to counter the growing threat, the reality is that it refuses to commit the resources necessary to rebuild the diminished navy. The maritime service, at approximately 254 ships, is a shadow of its former strength of 600 vessels, and it has lost experienced personnel as well. Even some of those few remaining ships remain docked due to budgetary problems.

Add to those worrisome statistics an array of unique weapons, including land-based missiles that can disable ships from hundreds of miles away, and the clear picture of a U.S. Navy that has rapidly lost its superiority becomes evident, particularly when a number of its remaining ships must remain in port due to budget constraints.

Quick Analysis

Disassembling America

Over the past several years, events which challenge the continued existence of the United States in its current format have occurred:

  • A push has commenced to tear down  the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, D.C., and, indeed, to rename the city itself. The Connecticut Democrat Party  has renamed its annual dinner to remove the names of Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson.
  • A self-consciously “hip” publication recently proclaimed that the American Revolution was a mistake.
  • There are calls for legislation which, in essence, would allow almost unchecked illegal immigration  on the U.S. southern border.
  • The President has sent a vital international deal to the U.N. before submitting   it to Congress for approval, contrary to Constitutional mandates.
  • One of the most commonly used textbooks in U.S. schools is one written by an individual who is sharply critical of America.
  • There is a continual push to emphasize ethnic and racial identity at the expense of a larger, shared American identity. The historian Arthur Schlessinger Jr., in his 2006 book “The Disuniting of America,”  called attention to the jeopardy caused by those who advocate racial and ethnic identification over a shared American identity.
  • A small, radicalized group within the U.S., including some illegal aliens, openly advocate “La Reconquista,” a transfer of several American states to Mexico.
  • Justice Elena Kagan, during her confirmation hearings before the United States Senate, refused to acknowledge that Americans have “inalienable” rights.
  • Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, in an address in Africa, stated that if she were drafting a constitution for a new nation, she would not use the American Constitution as a model.

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These actions, although not necessarily centrally connected, did not occur in a vacuum. They are part of a radical concept that views the establishment of the American Republic with its guaranteed rights to citizens as a historic mistake, which should be rectified by “fundamentally changing” the nature of the United States.

There has always been a comparatively small element that has been uncomfortable with a nation based on limited government, personal rights and capitalist economics. What has changed in the past several decades is the ascension of that group to leading positions in the judiciary, the media and academia. With the 2008 election of a president who openly advocates a “fundamental change” of the American nation, this movement has become far more powerful.

The wrongs cited by these critics are events that have, for the most part, already been corrected, and are hardly unique to the American experience.

The most potent, of course, is that of racial discrimination. There can be no justification for the slavery that was once allowed in the U.S.  But there is not a nation on Earth that has not permitted slavery at some point in its history. Unless one is willing to topple every government on the planet, holding America up to special criticism is frankly nonsense. True, terrible segregation existed for a century after the U.S. paid a horrendous price in a bloody Civil War as a penance for this wrong, but that wrong, too, has ended. Contrary to what racial arsonists insist, there is no official racial bias in America today.  That does not preclude, of course, individuals—even individuals within government—from occasional wrongdoing. But when discovered, justice is brought to bear. No system can ever reach into every heart and remove every evil.

To achieve the goals of those who dislike the American Constitution’s emphasis on personal freedom and limited government, the destruction of the national heritage is a vital step. What better way to do that than to point out the faults of the nation’s founding fathers? By current standards, some of the actions made by those extraordinary individuals were far from perfect. But tearing down monuments to Thomas Jefferson, who authored the greatest step forward in human freedom, is nonsense. Removing the name of George Washington from the capital city, after his heroic leadership, including turning down a crown because of his belief in freedom and the rights of citizens, is equally absurd.

Of course, renaming or removing monuments, dinners, or even cities isn’t sufficient for those who seek to “fundamentally change” the American character. That requires the elimination of the national heritage itself. That is the reasons those who don’t favor the American experience favor replacing the teaching of an objective view of U.S. history with one that emphasizes past wrongs and a multicultural approach.

As noted in a Commentary magazine review of Schlesinger’s “Disuniting” book:

“Our unique admixture of peoples has prompted both native-born and foreign observers to ask: what can hold so variegated a nation together? From the 18th to the 20th century the answer has remained constant: the “American Creed.” As Gunnar Myrdal wrote in 1944, Americans hold in common “the most explicitly expressed system of general ideals” of any country in the West: the ideals of equality and the inalienable rights to freedom, justice, and opportunity. It is adherence to those ideals, not one’s race, original nationality, or ethnicity, that makes one an American.”

Those shared ideals, brilliantly expressed in the Bill of Rights, are a tremendous roadblock to those who believe that government, not the citizenry, is the font of all wisdom and therefore should retain all the power.

There are, once the slogans and symbols are removed, only two true schools of thought on governance: those who believe in personal freedom, and those that believe that individuals are only entitled to what a powerful government deigns to allow. The American Constitution is the most thorough and successful version of the personal freedom side. On the other, whether the central authority is an absolute monarch, a fascist regime, a dictatorship, or a socialist/Communist central government, it’s all about absolute power in the hands of a few.

The existence of a strong, free nation that governs through a Constitution based on individual liberty remains an affront to those who believe in strong central governments. Ignoring that Constitution by replacing Congressional prerogatives with U.N. approvals, and encouraging other steps to diminish or weaken American strength is a key goal of those opposed to the American experience.

Quick Analysis

What the popularity of Sanders & Trump reveals

The popularity Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump have amassed is a significant indicator of the mindset of the American electorate.

The Senator from Vermont and the billionaire from New York have little in common. Sanders is an avowed socialist, Trump espouses conservative views. At the outset of their seemingly quixotic quest for the White House, the pundits gave neither much chance of making a significant splash in the run-up to 2016. Clearly, the chattering classes were wrong. The reasons both have fared well, from opposite ends of the ideological spectrum, are not that obscure.

The United States is not doing well, either at home or abroad.

Despite the publicly stated drop in unemployment, listed in the Bureau of Labor Statistics “U-3” number as about 5.3%, the more accurate figure, the U-6, is a dismal 10.5%, and the real rate may be far higher still. The labor participation rate is the worst it has been in close to 40 years. In particular, the employment rate of minority communities continues at astronomical levels. This, despite the extraordinary power Democrats have wielded for so long, with solid control of the White House and both houses of Congress for several years, and then the White House and the Senate until the last election cycle. It is not surprising, then, that many have taken a significant interest in one of the only self-proclaimed labor-friendly senators not only not a part of the Democrat leadership, but not even a registered Democrat.

As the financial numbers for the first part of 2015 come perilously close to recessionary levels, the anger felt by many within the party is being directed at the “establishment” Democrats. That’s bad news for candidates like Clinton and Martin O’Malley, good news for Sanders.

GOP rank and file members have their own complaints.

In the less than seven years of the Obama Administration, America has plummeted from its former status as the world’s leading superpower to a far lesser position. In every corner of the planet, including the western hemisphere, Washington’s influence has been sharply reduced. While the media may have decided that, as Francis Fukuyama wrote following the collapse of the Soviet Union that “history came to an end,” the leaders of Russia, China, North Korea, Iran and various terrorist entities didn’t agree.  As the U.S. sharply reduced its military prowess, those other nations dramatically increased theirs.
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A growing segment of Republican enrollees is becoming increasingly furious about this state of global affairs. America’s decline is seen not as an inevitable turn of events, but the result of truly amateurish policy decisions on the part of the White House. The Obama/Clinton “Reset” with Russia was a disaster, the pacifism towards China’s aggression equally incompetent. The premature withdrawal from Iraq led to ISIS. While the GOP leadership has been sharply critical of all this, they have done little to oppose it. They have been out maneuvered by the White House at every turn, and even with control of both houses of Congress, still are ineffective. Indeed, that leadership appears more interested in quelling the influence of their conservative Tea Party-affiliated fellow Republicans than in countering the President’s extreme left-wing positions.

Interestingly enough, GOP conservatives and left wing Democrats may have several common complaints about Washington’s actions since President Obama first took office. Both are angry at China’s economic policies which have hurt American businesses and workers. Black Americans are angered by the President’s failure to control illegal immigration, which has devastated the job market for inner city black youth; Republicans worry about security, public health, and financial crises generated by the nearly unrestricted flow across the southern border.

A common element among both supporters of socialist Sanders and Republican Trump is the lack of trust in their respective party’s leaders. Both establishments have accomplished little of the promises they made. Neither has been effective in addressing the nation’s needs.

Both party establishments are seen as more interested in maintaining their careers than in doing the people’s business. Increasingly, one hears that there are, indeed, two major political parties in the nation—the incumbents, and everybody else.

There is little chance that either Sanders or Trump will win the nomination. Having an avowed socialist as a presidential standard bearer could finally alienate the many Democrats who have been dismayed at the extreme left-wing tilt of their party. Trump’s checkered career, including his bankruptcies, contributions to Democrats, and harsh comments almost insure his lack of success in November, at a time when Republicans are desperate to retake the Executive Branch.

However, the unexpected popularity of both “outsiders” should be a clear warning to the leadership of both parties.