Quick Analysis

Reducing incarceration will increase crime

In the aftermath of the October killing of a New York City police officer by a career criminal, outrage was expressed by many that the perpetrator was not in jail.

Despite the reality that an increase in incarceration, (rates of incarceration increased by 400% from 1970 to 2010, according to the Marshall Project) has resulted in a significantly lower crime rate for the past several decades, some continue to call for alternatives to incarceration that would allow some criminals to roam free.

In his October 17 weekly address,  President Obama reiterated several of the myths guiding the call to reverse the strategy that has lowered crime.  A White House description summarizes his comments:

“In this week’s address, the President highlighted the problems in our criminal justice system. Our country faces a vicious cycle of poverty, criminality, and incarceration that traps too many Americans and weakens too many communities. There are 2.2 million people behind bars in America today, compared to 500,000 just 30 years ago. This topic isn’t new – the President has talked about the unfairness of much of the criminal justice system since his time in the Senate. And while we’ve taken steps to address this issue, members of both parties agree that we can do more. Over the next few weeks, the President will travel the country and meet with Americans who are working to fix the criminal justice system, from law enforcement officials working to lower the crime and incarceration rates, to former prisoners who are earning their second chance. And he promised to continue to work with Congress to pass meaningful criminal justice reform that makes the system cost-effective, fairer, and smarter, while enhancing the ability of law enforcement to keep our communities safe.”

The Manhattan Institute’s Heather MacDonald writing in the Wall Street Journal, notes that America is in the midst of “the biggest de-legitimization of law enforcement in recent memory.”

Progressives incorrectly allege that the prison population is comprised in large part of nonviolent minor drug offenders. Ms. MacDonald provides more accurate statistics indicating that violent criminals and serial thieves constitute the vast majority of the incarcerated population. 87% of prisoners are in state jails. In 2013, drug offenders made up less than 16% of state prison populations. In the far smaller federal system, only 1% were imprisoned for simple drug possession, and 49% for serious drug trafficking. The next review will find that even those comparatively small numbers will be lowered even further in the aftermath of the dismantling of tough drug laws in the past few years.

The campaign against incarceration has produced a number of startling comments. A New Yorker article by Adam Gopnik typifies the progressive perspective: “How did we get here? How is it that our civilization, which rejects hanging and flogging and disembowelling, came to believe that caging vast numbers of people for decades is an acceptably humane sanction…William J. Stuntz, a [deceased] professor at Harvard Law School… startlingly suggests that the Bill of Rights is a terrible document with which to start a justice system—much inferior to the exactly contemporary French Declaration of the Rights of Man, which Jefferson, he points out, may have helped shape while his protégé Madison was writing ours.The trouble with the Bill of Rights, he argues, is that it emphasizes process and procedure rather than principles. The Declaration of the Rights of Man says, Be just! The Bill of Rights says, Be fair!”

As attitudes against incarceration harden, violent crime increases. Melanie Batley, writing for Newsmax provides a number of examples:

“A city-by-city look shows:

  • In Baltimore, shootings are up 82.5 percent, or nearly double from last year…
  • In Chicago, there have been over 900 shootings this year, a 40 percent increase, and a 29 percent increase in homicides in the first three months of the year…
  • In New York City, murders have increased 20 percent and the mayor has already announced that he will put an additional 330 cops on the street by Monday in response to the spike in homicides and shootings.
  • In Los Angeles, violent crime rates increased by more than 25 percent and the city is also deploying more officers to areas where crime is on the rise…

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And according to

  • In St. Louis, there have been 55 murders this year
  • In Dallas, violent crime is up 10 percent
  • In Atlanta, homicides are up 32 percent
  • In Milwaukee, homicides have increased by 180 percent.”

The clear correlation between the increase in incarceration rates and the historic decrease in crime cannot be overlooked. To undue that success poses a true danger to the public.

Quick Analysis

American safety, finances jeopardized

Yesterday’s passage of legislation in the House of Representatives requiring that additional security checks be completed before Syrian refugees are admitted (by a margin of 289-137, with 47 Democrats joining their GOP counterparts,) represents the growing distance between the majority of Americans and the “progressive” minority that rules and influences the nation from the White House, the board rooms of the major media, and on college campuses.

Yahoo news recently noted that  “Some of the suspects in the Paris attacks took advantage of Europe’s migrant crisis to “slip in” unnoticed, the French premier said Thursday, …”

The New York Post reports that “ISIS is infiltrating refugee camps to penetrate Europe and the United States. But … Obama dismissed the danger, doubling down on his plans to settle at least 10,000 Syrian refugees here. The White House insists Syrian refugees go through ‘extensive screening.’ That’s a deadly lie. Obama’s own intelligence experts admit screening Syrian refugees is impossible, because the FBI and Homeland Security Department have no data on Syrians — no fingerprints, arrest records, travel data — to indicate what these people did in Syria, or even whether they are who they claim to be. ‘There won’t be anything in our database,’ FBI head James Comey cautioned Congress last month. ‘So I can’t sit here and offer anybody an absolute assurance that — there’s no risk associated with this.’ But Obama’s in denial.”

The very same individuals and organizations that vehemently oppose any action on the part of the United States that could be interpreted as being the “world’s policeman” enthusiastically endorse the concept of America as being the world’s welfare agency, and admitting those who require significant financial assistance or seek to harm the American people.

Despite a national debt of over $18 trillion dollars, progressives seek to extend Washington’s largesse to everyone in need across the face of the globe—even to those that wish America ill. The fact that U.S. citizens and businesses are already paying excessive taxes—in some areas, higher than all of America’s trading partners– apparently matters little to those who see nothing wrong with increasing rates to pay for benefits to immigrants, legal and illegal, or that U.S. consulates overseas instruct potential newcomers on how to apply for welfare upon reaching American shores, even as vital domestic needs go unmet.
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Seeking to evade the will of a disapproving Congress and the majority of voters on a host of issues, the White House increasingly signs onto international treaties it calls “agreements” that don’t require Senate consent.

This is particularly true in the increasing subordination of American interests to United Nations actions, including its recent call for the U.S. to admit  23,092 Syrian refugees. Nothing is said by the mandarins of the left about the U.N.’s rampant anti-Semitism, its acceptance of corrupt governments, the major roles played by totalitarian governments, or its increasingly blatant anti-capitalism.  Examine, for example, how the U.N. uses environmental concerns as an excuse to demand a transfer wealth from the West to the third world. Review the role of dictatorial regimes in positions where they can influence the future of the internet.

With real unemployment numbers still high (despite faulty Bureau of Labor Statistics figures) and middle class wages that have been stagnant for far too long, the President continues to turn a blind eye to illegal immigration, and now seeks to allow 10,000 Syrians into the U.S., despite the fact that this is how some of the perpetrators of the recent Paris attacks entered France. It’s not just opening the borders. It’s also allowing criminal immigrants to remain within. The Associated Press reports that The Obama administration deported the fewest number of immigrants in the past 12 months since 2006, according to new government figures…The figures also show that deportations of criminal immigrants have dropped to the lowest numbers since President Barack Obama took office in 2009, despite his pledge to focus on finding and deporting criminals living in the country illegally… Total deportations dropped 42 percent since 2012.”

As the President remains insistent on his plan to allow entry to a group that inevitably includes terrorists who will endanger the safety of the American people, he should be reminded that his constitutional duty is to the people of the nation that elected him, not to the rest of the planet. If his conscience mandates that he assist the people of the Middle East who have been ravaged by the Islamic extremism he refuses to admit even exists, he should take firmer action against ISIS and others who are the root of the crisis.

Quick Analysis

Obama rejects reality in dealing with terrorism

Pacifism and appeasement have repeatedly failed to deter aggression. However, that has not prevented the White House from employing those bankrupt concepts in response to the threats from ISIS and other radical groups.

The pacifist practice of ignoring the former Soviet Union’s actions, from its original alliance with Nazi Germany, its occupation of Eastern Europe, the oppression of its own citizenry and its nuclear threats was both immoral and useless in ending the Cold War. By the Late 1970’s, that policy error was dramatically evident. But the majority of voters in both the Democrat and Republican Parties did not subscribe to that concept. John F. Kennedy nobly stated during his brief Administration in the 1960’s that “America would pay any price, bear any burden in the defense of freedom.” Fortunately for the U.S., President Reagan had no qualms about standing up to tyranny. He rebuilt America’s armed forces and made it clear that Washington would actively oppose Moscow, and those actions were instrumental in bringing about about the end of the U.S.S.R.

Pacifists, led by the White House, engage in a senseless policy of appeasement with Islamic extremism. This time, however, they wholly dominate the leadership of the Democrat Party as well as academia.  Their supporters in the mass media have perfected a stranglehold on much of the news.  In fact, Mr. Obama has engaged in efforts, through the FCC, internet regulation, and the like, to limit any opposition to those views. The academic left attempts to do the same on campuses across the nation. Traditional left wing views, including anti-Semitism, (remember that Hitler was a “National Socialist”) the diversion of defense spending to welfare programs (a great way to buy votes) and selective amnesia about the lessons of history (especially in school textbooks) contrive to repeat the same mistakes (that allowed fascism to rise in the 1930’s and prolonged the Cold War) in dealing with Islamic extremists.

A series of historical falsehoods have been employed to explain away the fanatic hatred and actions of ISIS, al Qaeda and others, excuses which President Obama has continuously and wrongly given credence to.

The best player is one who has the best efficacy, while also considering other factors, such as time of onset, order cialis duration of action, window of opportunity and how side-effects affect them individually. Most of the components are price for levitra highly active against erectile dysfunction and effective in increasing blood circulation towards the sex organs. ED is a buy generic cialis larger curse than premature or quick ejaculation. This ensures a cialis no prescription complete satisfaction to the users. For the record: it was Islam that began the battle with the West, not vice-versa. The first Crusade was in 1096, but Islamic invasions in Europe took place long before that. Spain was invaded by Islamic forces in 711. In 732, Islamic forces advanced as far as Tours in France before being stopped. These conquests are not relegated to the distant past. In 1683, Islamic forces besieged Vienna.  But do not hesitate to cite ancient history: the historic imperialism of Middle Eastern nations (even pre-dating Islam itself) towards Western civilization dates at least as far back as the 5th Century B.C., when Persians sought to conquer Greece. Nor is the violence of the Jihads limited to the west.  Moslems with less militant beliefs have been greatly brutalized by the extremists. Buddhists, Israelis, adherents to African faiths and Hindus have been assaulted, as well.

In can be reasonably argued that the refusal to forcibly confront the Islamic extremist threat is even more irrational than the similar leftist (and isolationists in both parties) responses to Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Those two entities posed direct threats of imminent but future war, which in the case of Germany did result in the Second World War.  Attacks by Jihadis have already begun. The assaults on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, the Boston Marathon, the Beirut barracks, the U.S.S. Cole, the Benghazi facility, Fort Hood, the London subway, the synagogue in Rome, and most recently Paris, as well as others far too numerous to mention in one article, are all evidence of a determined, active, skillful and ongoing total war. The rise of ISIS to nation-state status, thanks to the pacifism of the Obama Administration and its disastrous mistake in prematurely withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq (an error that may be repeated in Afghanistan) compounds the danger.

The Jihadis themselves have not been reticent or modest about the ambitious extent of their violent intentions. Their acts of carnage and demolition, whether in murdering large numbers of innocents, destroying historical and world heritage sites in the Middle East and elsewhere, and enslaving women as sexual rewards for their troops all point to a complete dedication to gaining a total victory that not just dominates but completely eliminates all other beliefs and forms of government.

It is simply irrational to assume that anything other than a militarily forceful response to this threat is viable.  Mr. Obama’s ongoing refusal, echoed by Democrat presidential contenders and their supporters in the media and academia, to even utter the phrase “Islamic extremist” is not just a policy disagreement with the majority of Americans.  It is a rejection of reality itself.

Quick Analysis

New legislation addresses growing crisis in crime & homelessness from mental illness

Serious attention is finally being paid to the crisis in mental health facing the United States. Many of the worst problems affecting communities across America, including mass shootings, violence on the streets, and homelessness, are attributable to a change in the manner in which mental illness was handled by government.

Rep. Tim Murphy (R-Pennsylvania), a psychologist and Co-chair of the Mental Health Caucus and a founding member of the GOP Doctors Caucus, has introduced the  Helping Families In Mental Health Crisis Act,  H.R. 2646.

According to Murphy, “More than 11 million Americans have severe schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depression yet millions are going without treatment and families struggle to find care for loved ones. The federal government’s approach to mental health has been a chaotic patchwork of antiquated programs and ineffective policies across numerous agencies. Sadly, patients end up in the criminal justice system or on the streets because services are not available.”

The problem is an example of a situation made worse by federal intervention. The Heritage Foundation notes that “Fifty years ago, America began a grand experiment by transferring to the federal government the fiscal responsibility for individuals with mental illnesses. During that half-century, it has become increasingly clear that the experiment has been a costly failure, both in terms of human lives and in terms of dollars. The outcome was, in fact, clear as early as 1984, when the chief architect of the federal community mental health centers program proclaimed it to be a failure: ‘The result is not what we intended, and perhaps we didn’t ask the questions that should have been asked when developing a new concept….’ Bringing sanity to our present mental health system is dependent on one essential change: Return the primary responsibility for such services to the states…. Rarely in the history of American government has a program conceived with such good intentions produced such bad results. The patients were deinstitutionalized from the state hospitals, but most of the 763 federally funded CMHCs failed to provide services for them. The majority of the discharged patients, and those who became mentally ill after the hospitals closed, ended up homeless, incarcerated in jails and prisons, or living in board-and-care homes and nursing homes that were often worse than the hospitals that had been closed.”

Journalistsresource  reports that “According to some estimates, as much as 50% of the U.S. prison population suffers from some form of mental illness. As a consequence, each year thousands of mentally ill offenders are sent to prisons that — because of overcrowding and limited resources — are poorly equipped to treat them. They are placed in solitary confinement, subjected to punishments inappropriate for their conditions and end up serving longer sentences than the general inmate population.”

According to a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration statistic reported by the National Homeless organization,  “20 to 25% of the homeless population in the United States suffers from some form of severe mental illness. In comparison, only 6% of Americans are severely mentally ill …In a 2008 survey performed by the U.S. Conference of Mayors, 25 cities were asked for the three largest causes of homelessness in their communities. Mental illness was the third largest cause of homelessness for single adults (mentioned by 48% of cities). For homeless families, mental illness was mentioned by 12% of cities as one of the top 3 causes of homelessness.”

The proposed legislation would address the nation’s broken mental health system by focusing programs and resources on psychiatric care for patients & families most in need of services.
Rep. Murphy stresses that “Nearly 10 million Americans have serious mental illness (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depression); but, millions are going without treatment as families struggle to find care for loved ones. To understand why so many in need of care go without treatment, the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations launched a top-to-bottom review of the country’s mental health system beginning in January 2013. The investigation, which included public forums, hearings with expert witnesses and document and budget reviews, revealed the federal government’s approach to mental health is a chaotic patchwork of antiquated programs and ineffective policies spread across numerous agencies with little to no coordination. As documented in a recent Government Accountability Office (GAO) report, 112 federal programs intended to address mental illness aren’t connecting for effective service delivery and ‘interagency coordination for programs supporting individuals with serious mental illness is lacking.’”

“While the federal government dedicates $130 billion towards mental health each year, the so-called “mental health system” is best described by its deficits. To name just a few:

  • There is a nationwide shortage of nearly 100,000 needed psychiatric beds.
  • Three of the largest mental health “hospitals” are in fact criminal incarceration facilities (LA County, Cook County, and Rikers Island jails).
  •  Privacy rules that frustrate both physicians and family members generate nearly 8,000 official complaints yearly.
  • For every 2,000 children with a mental health disorder, only one child psychiatrist is available.
  • The leading federal mental health agency does not employ a psychiatrist.
  • Supporters of the bill state that it “fixes the nation’s broken mental health system by refocusing programs, reforming grants, and removing federal barriers to care.”

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Among the key provisions:

  • It Empowers Parents and Caregivers by Breaking down barriers for families to work with doctors and mental health professionals and be meaningful partners in the front-line care delivery team.
  • Drives Evidence-Based Care,
  •  Creates an Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders with mental health credentials within the Department of Health & Human Services to elevate the importance of mental health in the nation’s leading health agency,
  • coordinates programs across different agencies, and promote effective evidence-based programs.
  • Further Refines Mental Health & Substance Abuse Parity.
  •  Requires the Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders to make public all federal investigations into compliance with the parity law so families and consumers know what treatment they have rights to access.
  •  Establishes a National Mental Health Policy Laboratory to drive innovative models of care,i
  • Improves Transition from One Level of Care to Another
  •  Requires psychiatric hospitals to establish clear and effective discharge planning to ensure a timely and smooth transition from the hospital to appropriate post-hospital care and services.
  • Fixes Shortage of Crisis Mental Health Beds Provides additional psychiatric hospital beds for those experiencing an acute mental health crisis and in need of short term (less than 30 days) immediate inpatient care for patient stabilization.”


Quick Analysis

Minimum wage hikes shown to increase unemployment

Yet another study has found that increasing the minimum wage increases unemployment.

The Empire Center for Public Policy and the American Action Forum think tanks have studied New York State’s proposed $15 an hour minimum wage, and concluded it could cost at least 200,000 jobs.

The report notes that the federal minimum wage has been set at $7.25 an hour since July 2009. In recent years, some American policymakers and labor advocates have argued for further increases in the wage at the federal, state, and local levels. On the federal level, the Obama administration and top congressional Democrats have rallied behind a proposal to raise the federal minimum to $12 per hour by 2020. Under another proposal championed by, among others, Sen. Bernie Sanders, the federal minimum would rise to $15 per hour, a level now in the process of being implemented in Seattle and a handful of other localities.

“Our report shows that a massive increase in the minimum wage would actually hurt the very low-wage, low-skill workers it is supposed to help,” said E.J. McMahon, president of the Empire Center. “The impact on job creation and employment opportunities would be substantial in every region of New York, especially upstate.”

“Pay increases for millions will come at the expense of lost employment opportunities for hundreds of thousands of people,” McMahon said. “That’s an unacceptably high price to pay for a policy that will significantly disrupt labor markets and business conditions throughout the state.”

The report notes the findings are consistent with the preponderance of economic research, which has long indicated that higher minimum wages are associated with a decline in employment.

An estimated levitra from canada of 10.9 million adult men in the UK have problems with such kind of dysfunction, and people above age of 60 have got erection failure complexities. Women feel very awkward to be physical with the partner due to pain in the viagra 20mg pelvic mass, poor lubrication. Toronto Raptors (15) – The Bosh-Bargnani combo is a difficult issue to discuss with your partner or even your doctor. viagra sale You may be eligible to take testosterone which may help with your menopausal symptoms and they may have other plan of actions to suggest when faced with a low sex drive. cialis 10 mg The findings are not surprising. A University of California at San Diego review reported that “binding minimum wage increases had significant, negative effects on the employment and income growth of targeted workers. Lost income reflects contributions from employment declines, increased probabilities of working without pay (i.e., an “internship” effect), and lost wage growth associated with reductions in experience accumulation…Over the late 2000s, the average effective minimum wage rose by 30 percent across the United States. We estimate that these minimum wage increases reduced the national employment-to-population ratio by 0.7 percentage point.”


The American Legislative Exchange Council reached a similar conclusion.

“Increasing the minimum wage may seem like a tool to raise low-income workers out of poverty, but it inevitably hurts the very people policymakers intend to help. When the government imposes a higher minimum wage, employers face higher labor costs and are forced to respond by decreasing other production expenses. As these employers cope with the increased costs of a mandated wage raise, they often respond by cutting the jobs available to less-experienced and less-educated employees. The result is that these individuals, who already have few employment options, find it more difficult to get a job.

“Increasing the minimum wage benefits those who already have a job at the expense of the unemployed. However, even those workers who see an increase to their wages may not feel the full benefit of higher pay, as businesses raise prices to compensate for the increase in labor costs. In particular, food prices tend to increase when the minimum wage is increased, exacerbating the problem for those who cannot find work and offsetting gains for those who can. States considering raising their minimum wage risk alienating business and harming their citizens.”

While raising the minimum wage is not a viable tool to address the problem of workers receiving wages that don’t allow for fiscal stability, the problems facing those workers remains. A more viable solution would be for governments on the federal, state and local levels to remove the numerous impediments to an expansion of economic activity, including high taxes and excessive regulations. This would encourage business growth, increasing demand for workers, and the competition for those workers would result in markedly high wages.

Quick Analysis


No one should be surprised at the latest acts of mob tyranny and irrationality on America’s campuses, or the growing trend towards left-wing fascism throughout the Progressive movement.

For several decades, the concepts of American constitutional government have been mocked and degraded at U.S. universities. Widely used texts such as Howard Zinn’s “A People’s History of America” have berated the entire American experience. Generations of college students have been falsely taught that their nation is evil. The Judeo-Christian ethic, which introduced civilization to the belief that each individual has value, is virtually banned from public schools.

Moderate and conservative-minded professors are not hired. Non-left wing students are harassed. University administrators prevent the expression of free speech by limiting contrary views to tiny so-called “free speech zones,” then limit even that outlet by alleging that even there, non-leftists views are punishable because they are “threatening” to progressive/fascist minded students. Not willing to tolerate objections to their socialist teachings, college progressive/fascists have invented the concept of “micro” aggressions to deter discussion about their totalitarian views.

Constitutional guarantees of free speech and free elections are, indeed, an impediment to the implementation of a “progressive” left wing agenda that rejects individual rights in favor of socialist policies that are disliked by a more traditionally-minded public that resents having the will of self-proclaimed academic “intellectuals” imposed upon it.

Campus Reform reports that “The University of Missouri Police Department sent an email to students Tuesday morning asking them to report ‘hateful and/or hurtful speech’ so that they may pursue disciplinary action. The email…instructs recipients to ‘call the police immediately’…if they witness such incidents, and to collect as much information as possible in order to help police identify the perpetrator(s).” So much for free speech!

The Federalist describes the literal shredding of the Constitution at Vassar: “A university administrator literally shredded a copy of the Constitution after an undercover activist posing as a student said that it was ‘triggering.’ ‘I realized the Constitution is kind of a trigger for me,’ the activist posting as a student told Vassar’s deputy equal opportunity czar. ‘Overall I just see it as a really oppressive document… Honestly can we just like destroy, is there like a shredder or something? Like I think it might be really therapeutic.’ [The Administrator] responded to the request by eagerly seeking out a shredder and feeding the Constitution through the metal tines herself while the traumatized co-ed stood by watching.”

The progressive/fascist movement that now dominates college campuses is radically different from the liberal activism of the past, symbolized by the “free speech” movement of the 1960’s at Berkley.

Some traditional journalistic liberal bastions are, belatedly and far too timidly, beginning to notice. New York Magazine , for instance, writes that “At the protest on Missouri’s campus… protesters surrounded and harassed Tim Tai, a photographer with the student newspaper, chanting, ‘Hey, hey, ho, ho, journalists have got to go.’ … Melissa Click, a professor of mass media working with the protest movement, calls out, ‘Help me get this reporter out of here. I need some muscle over here.’ It is possible — and, for many sympathizers on the left, convenient — to dismiss these sorts of incidents … Political correctness is a system of thought that denies the legitimacy of political pluralism on issues of race and gender… the academy is one of the few bastions of American life where the p.c. left can muster the strength to impose its political hegemony upon others. The phenomenon also exists in other nonacademic left-wing communities, many of them virtual ones centered on social media, and its defenders include professional left-wing intellectuals.”
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The resentment of a free press was observable at “Occupy” demonstrations, when reporters were harassed and threatened by participants. It is evident in the demands by leftists that those who disagree with their theories on global warming be imprisoned.

The progressive/fascist movement is, dangerously, not restricted to college campuses. It is frightening to consider its assaults on the Bill of Rights.  Last year, Senator Schumer introduced legislation that would restrict use of the First Amendment in regards to paid political speech.

There are constant calls to eliminate the Second Amendment. The Ninth and Tenth Amendments, which guarantee that the enumeration of certain rights in the Constitution doesn’t limit other freedoms, and that specifically says that rights not specifically granted to the federal government are reserved to the people and the states, are totally ignored by progressive/fascists who see an ever larger and more powerful federal government as the answer to every problem the nation faces.

After ignoring the First, Second, Ninth and Tenth Amendments, not much is left of the Bill of Rights.

Throughout President Obama’s tenure in office, Administration supporters and the liberal media have gone to great pains to ignore or excuse away stunning acts of arrogance which, if done by moderates or conservatives would have resulted in anguished complaints of “imperial presidency” and “tyranny.”  Obama’s shocking comments that he “would not wait for Congress,” that he has “A pen and a phone” which he will use in lieu of Congressional action, were not just rhetoric. They defined his, and the left’s, growing disdain for individual freedom and the democratic process.

The President, with the approval of the progressive/fascists, has used executive orders in an unlawful manner.  He has labelled international treaties as “agreements” in order to avoid the rightful role of the Senate in approving them. He has misappropriated federal agencies, especially the IRS, to attack and silence political opponents. His Justice Department has been warped into a political hatchet. He has used the Environmental Protection Agency to usurp property rights. He has demoted military advisors who provide him with honest and respectful advice that he simply refuses to listen to, in much the same manner that he is absent from national security briefings.

Keep in mind that the full name of Hitler’s Nazi organization was the “National Socialist” party.

Quick Analysis

Ignoring Obama’s failed terrorism approach

SPECIAL NOTE:  The Jidhadist attacks on Paris, which came just as this article was being prepared, have caused over 100 deaths, according to preliminary reports. On-site observations from the Middle East  indicate that there was “jubilation” in certain quarters upon  receiving news of the devastating loss of life.  

For far too long, many have alleged that withdrawing from Iraq, as President Obama did early in his term, would reduce tensions with the Islamic World.  Similarly, it was maintained that starting to wind down activities in Afghanistan would do the same, ditto for reducing our relations with Israel.  Obviously, that policy has been repeatedly proven wrong. 

Islamic extremists do not hate the United States for what it DOES; they hate America for what is IS.  The concepts of personal freedom, religious tolerance, and equal rights for women are unacceptable to their dark age mentality. 


The aberrant foreign policy developed by the President and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton entails the two most devastating mistakes in U.S. international relations: the so-called “Reset” with Russia and the refusal to acknowledge the growing threat of Islamic extremism.

Clear examples of a policy based on self-delusion abound.  In a state of the Union address, Mr. Obama stated that “The shadow of the threat of terrorism has passed.” In an interview with VOX, he claimed that the level of alarm over terrorism is excessive. He described a shooting at a U.S. military base by an Islamic extremist as “workplace violence.”

Both the White House and Secretary Clinton knowingly deceived the public about the cause of the attack on Benghazi, claiming that it was the result of a video—knowing all the time that this was untrue. The failure to hold either to account for that lie, and to refuse to probe into the circumstances that led to the attack in the first place, constitutes a searing indictment of the partisanship of the American media.

These problems range from neck and purchase cialis here back pain that actually works too – non-surgical spinal decompression. This is used to maintain or achieve full erection when you need. viagra price canada is a prescription pill but still it enjoys credibility of the US citizens are uninsured and when it comes to spending on medicines it becomes a bite in to their pockets. It is something which haunts them throughout their entire sex life if it is not treated. buy generic levitra If you are taking the medicines for chest pain or the medicines for the prostrate problems, it is being advised not to take the pill three purchase generic viagra or four times before it works for a majority of the people who try it — about half stem further loss of hair, while the other half received a placebo once a day for 3 to 4 months offers the. The rise of ISIS and the growing strength of extremists can be directly attributed to the President’s stunningly misguided actions. Whether or not one supported the war to eliminate Saddam Hussein, the premature withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq created a vacuum that allowed ISIS to rise to power. His announcement of a departure date from Afghanistan caused the Taliban to regain tremendous influence, as did the President’s warped decision to negotiate with them.  Apparently, the Taliban’s brutal treatment of Afghanistan’s population, its relentless assaults on women, and its participation in the 9/11 attack on America didn’t disqualify them from being a negotiating partner of the Obama Administration. Wiser heads have now at least prevailed upon the White House to keep some U.S. forces in Afghanistan longer, in an effort to not repeat his horrible mistake in Iraq.

The President’s supporters both in politics and in the media apparently have concluded that there are only two options:  a return to massive boots on the ground or essentially ignoring, and sometimes even supporting, the depravity and threat of Islamic extremists.

Indeed, Mr. Obama’s endorsement of the Arab Spring movements, which were thinly veiled guises for extremists to topple existing Middle East regimes, was a tilt towards the worst elements in the Moslem world. It is appropriate to ask why the President endorsed the replacement of Egypt’s pro-western, pro-peace regime with one that was exactly the opposite.  Why did he oppose the “Green Revolution” in Iran, the only Arab Spring movement not to gain his favor, that sought to replace the anti-west, anti-peace hard line regime with one that was more reasonable? And above all, why did he actively involve the U.S.—despite his allergy to military involvement—in the deposing of the Gaddafi regime in Libya, which was fighting al Qaeda and the Moslem Brotherhood, and which led to the rise of influence by those forces in that nation?

The President’s action—or inaction—regarding ISIS is telling. He has authorized just enough airstrikes to allow the evening news some film of U.S. planes doing something, but not enough to in any way hinder ISIS activities.  It’s all about internal U.S. politics, and not about actually confronting terrorism. Similarly, the Administration’s recent placement of 50, yes, 50, special forces personnel on the ground is just another exercise in public relations.

Mr. Obama’s bizarre Guantanamo Bay policy is illustrative. Why has he released a number of inmates, some of whom have returned to their terrorist activities? Why, despite the success of Guantanamo Bay as a prison facility far from U.S. soil where attacks could jeopardize American civilians, has he made the closing of that facility such a priority that he threatened to veto the entire 2016 defense budget unless Congress went along with his plans?

One of the terrible results of the President’s Mideast policies has been the dramatic growth of Iranian and Russian influence and outright power in the region. If U.S. forces had not been prematurely withdrawn from Iraq, this would not have occurred. Even after that mistake was made and ISIS did rise as a result, an earlier and far more extensive use of U.S. airpower along with a limited and judicious use of ground forces against ISIS could have prevented the current disaster from occurring.

Presidents make mistakes, sometimes with the best of intentions.  But once it is clear that a mistake has been made, a correction must be made.  Despite the utter failure of his foreign policies, Mr. Obama stubbornly refuses to change course, and his supporters continue to make excuses for him. He has not been held accountable by a clearly biased media desperate to gloss over his terrible failings. Placing partisanship over the good of the nation, and in the case of Islamic extremism, the good of all humanity, is a poor choice.

Quick Analysis

Freedom House describes internet rights in decline

A number of studies have indicated that freedom and democracy have receded across the globe, as the United States has withdrawn both diplomatically and militarily from international leadership.

Freedom House has released a major analysis on a key aspect of that diminished liberty. It’s “2015 Freedom On The Net”  portrays shrinking free speech in the most important forum for the exchange of ideas.

The following excerpts outline the key points of the report:

Internet freedom around the world has declined for the fifth consecutive year, with more governments censoring information of public interest and placing greater demands on the private sector to take down offending content.

State authorities have also jailed more users for their online writings, while criminal and terrorist groups have made public examples of those who dared to expose their activities online. This was especially evident in the Middle East, where the public flogging of liberal bloggers, life sentences for online critics, and beheadings of internet-based journalists provided a powerful deterrent to the sort of digital organizing that contributed to the Arab Spring.

In a new trend, many governments have sought to shift the burden of censorship to private companies and individuals by pressing them to remove content, often resorting to direct blocking only when those measures fail. Local companies are especially vulnerable to the whims of law enforcement agencies and a recent proliferation of repressive laws. But large, international companies like Google, Facebook, and Twitter have faced similar demands due to their significant popularity and reach.

Surveillance has been on the rise globally, despite the uproar that followed the revelation of mass data collection by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) in 2013. Several democratic countries, including France and Australia, passed new measures authorizing sweeping surveillance, prompted in part by domestic terrorism concerns and the expansion of the Islamic State (IS) militant group. Bans on encryption and anonymity tools are becoming more common, with governments seeking access to encryption backdoors that could threaten digital security for everyone. Evidence that governments with poor human rights records are purchasing surveillance and malware technologies from Western companies like Hacking Team has fueled suspicions that these tools are being used to crack down on political dissidents.

Tracking the Global Decline

Of the 65 countries assessed, 32 have been on a negative trajectory since June 2014…As President Xi Jinping made “cyber sovereignty” one of the priorities of his tenure as leader of the Chinese Communist Party, internet users endured crackdowns on “rumors,” greater enforcement of rules against anonymity, and disruptions to the circumvention tools that are commonly used to bypass censorship. Though not entirely new, these measures were implemented with unprecedented intensity. Google, whose services were frequently interrupted in the past, was almost completely blocked. Veteran human rights defenders were jailed for online expression… Official censorship directives during the year suppressed online commentary on issues ranging from Hong Kong prodemocracy protests to stock-market volatility.

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Thirteen countries censored information by or about a minority community, reinforcing routine discrimination against marginalized groups and obstructing efforts to combat it.

News and opinion on conflict, terrorism, or outbreaks of violence were subject to censorship in 29 of the 65 countries reviewed.


Several international firms such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter publish transparency reports that reveal the number of requests they receive each year and their compliance rate. Requests to Twitter from courts and government agencies around the world, for example, skyrocketed from 6 to 1,003 in the three years it has released data. Although companies in many developing markets are not very transparent about such data, interviews conducted by Freedom House indicate that requests are indeed increasing.

Governments are choosing content removal over blocking and filtering for several reasons. With the exception of highly authoritarian states such as China, Iran, and Cuba, most governments do not have complete control over the ICT market or internet infrastructure in their countries, meaning blocking must be implemented by multiple internet service providers (ISPs), with inconsistent results. Undeterred by the global public backlash against the NSA practices revealed in 2013, governments in 14 of 65 countries passed new laws to increase surveillance over the past year…


In many ways, the past year was one of consolidation and adaptation of internet restrictions rather than dramatic new declines. Governments that had already greatly expanded their arsenal of tools for controlling the online sphere—by disrupting ICT networks, blocking and filtering content, and conducting invasive surveillance—are now strengthening their application of these methods. As blocking has become less effective, more governments have shifted to censoring content through removal requests or more forceful, coercive tactics. And as savvy internet users increasingly turn to encryption and anonymity tools to protect their rights, government officials across the political spectrum are seeking to undermine these obstacles to surveillance, potentially making the internet less secure for everyone. It remains to be seen whether repressive efforts will be sustainable in the long run.

The global struggle for internet freedom led to several positive achievements over the past year, raising the possibility of greater advances in the future. Digital activism has been and remains a vital driver of change around the world, particularly in societies that lack political rights and press freedom. The greatest gains, however, have been made through legislative changes or judicial decisions, indicating that countries with meaningful political debates and independent judiciaries have a distinct advantage in safeguarding internet freedom over their more authoritarian counterparts…

Quick Analysis

Lack of work requirment causes food stamp enrollment growth

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as Food Stamps) provides benefits to low-income households to help them purchase food. Recipients of SNAP benefits increased from 26 million in 2007 to over 40 million in 2010. The average number of recipients in 2014 exceeded 46.5 million people.

While a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report  notes that “The primary reason for the increase in the number of participants was the deep recession from December 2007 to June 2009 and the subsequent slow recovery” other analyses conclude that the Obama Administration’s relaxing of the legal requirement that participants must be actively seeking or training for work played a large part.

The Foundation for Government Accountability’s (FGA) new study on the SNAP program concludes that restoring work requirements will resolve the fiscal challenge brought about by the program’s explosive growth.

The study notes that “the food stamp program is one of the largest and fastest-growing welfare entitlements in the federal budget. Total enrollment reached a whopping 48 million in 2013, one of many record highs plaguing the program. Skyrocketing enrollment has led federal spending on food stamps to more than quadruple since 2000, reaching another record-high of nearly $80 billion in 2013.”

According to the analysis, a key reason for the extraordinary growth “is the recent explosion of enrollment among able-bodied childless adults. Although federal law requires these adults to work in order to receive food stamps, the Obama administration has awarded an unprecedented number of waivers to states, allowing able bodied childless adults to receive taxpayer-funded food stamp benefits without working at all.” The report concludes that “Governors should just decline to renew the federal waivers that have eliminated work requirements for able-bodied childless adults on food stamps. Doing so would reduce welfare enrollment, save federal taxpayer dollars, lift more people out of poverty, increase self sufficiency, and spur economic growth.”

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“Under the guise of providing states greater “flexibility” in operating their welfare programs, the Obama Administration …claims the authority to weaken or waive the work requirements that are at the heart of welfare reform. But Congress intended that those requirements be absolutely mandatory in all instances and specifically withheld any authority to weaken or waive them…The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 stands as perhaps the most important entitlement reform in the nation’s history, chiefly because of its core requirement that able-bodied parents eligible for welfare assistance work, search for work, or train to work. Its centerpiece…is Section 407, ‘Mandatory Work Requirements,’ which sets out an absolute requirement that state welfare programs achieve specific work-participation rates or forfeit federal funding…Even after President Bill Clinton twice vetoed welfare reform legislation, Congress refused to budge on the core requirement of Section 407, insisting on strong work incentives to discourage abuses and to help lift recipients off of welfare and out of poverty. And it worked: Employment surged, caseloads dropped, and child poverty plummeted…[The Obama Administration] argues that Section 1115, which provides waiver authority for states to establish demonstration projects, authorizes it to approve state programs that ‘test approaches and methods other than those set forth in section 407,’including different ‘definitions of work activities and engagement.’ In this way, states could evade Section 407’s work-participation requirement without sacrificing federal funding. But the Obama Administration’s claim that it may weaken or waive work requirements is contrary to law. Section 407 establishes a stand-alone requirement for state welfare plans that brooks no exceptions, befitting its status as the core component of the 1996 reform. It is also absent from the list of requirements that may be waived under Section 1115. Indeed, to eliminate any possible ambiguity as to whether the work requirements could be waived immediately following passage of the 1996 reform, a separate provision specifically states that waivers ‘shall not affect the applicability of section [407].’”

The President’s rejection of the work requirement has been a bone of contention with Congress for some time. In 2013, The House voted to block the Obama administration’s ignoring of the requirement, but failed to get the Democrat-controlled Senate to go along with the legislation.

The Food Research and Action Center reports that “Snap participation increased by 14,869 from May to June in 2015, but decreased by 985,640 from the prior year.

One possible reason for the decrease may be the reinstatement of work requirements by several states. In Maine, a dramatic drop from about 12,000 to 2,500 in adults who aren’t disabled and don’t have children at home was reported this year after the state imposed a requirement to either work part-time for twenty hours each week, enroll in a vocational program, or volunteer for a minimum of twenty-four hours per month.

Quick Analysis

America, fundamentally transformed

The breathtaking changes that have occurred in the United States since 2008 have left America substantially altered, fulfilling the vision President Obama stated in his pledge to “fundamentally transform” the nation.

The new direction is not all attributable to the White House, as many facets of it have long been the goals of those advocating what they consider a “progressive” agenda. Congress also bears significant responsibility.  The first portion of the Obama Administration enjoyed a totally Democrat Congress that shared a similar vision. Republicans, who took control in the House in January of 2011, proved incapable of overcoming the ability of the Democrat Senate and the Executive Branch to set the agenda.

During the tenure of the current Administration, the movement to dramatically transform America’s priorities and even the way it is governed, replacing legislation with executive action, has reached its highest point, exceeding the expectations of both those supporting and those opposing the political, economic, and even cultural revisions of the past several years.

Since 2009, the use of executive action, as opposed to legislation, has been a significant departure from past practice.  While prior presidents made use, on some occasions extensively, of executive orders, the use of this practice in very fundamental and questionable areas by President Obama has marked a new high in White House power.  This has been true in matters both foreign and domestic.  While the U.S. Supreme Court has overturned some the President’s actions, Congress has largely failed to confront the many questionable acts of the current Executive Branch.

The effect of the recent revolt by Congressional conservatives following the Republican capture of the Senate last November remains to be seen, but the budget deal agreed to by the outgoing Republican moderate leadership makes no inroads in the White House’s ambitious transformative agenda.

The areas in which former priorities have been replaced are significant.

The U.S. has engaged in deficit spending for decades, but the near doubling of the federal debt under President Obama is unprecedented, particularly since all those dollars spent have not gone to any structural purpose. The economy remains in the doldrums, America’s infrastructure remains deficient, the military is underfunded, the poverty rate remains unaffected and a host of important needs remain unmet. Even the popular NASA manned space program was interrupted by the White House, and essentially mothballed until the next decade.

The stripping of funds from what have generally been considered nonpartisan programs and diverting them to pay for social welfare efforts can be seen even in relatively smaller areas, such as cutting spending on the Crime Victims fund and using it for other purposes.

Taxes, in several different areas, have risen.  The increased revenue, which has brought in record amounts, has been used to support a vastly increased entitlement agenda.

Current and prospective social security recipients and those who have savings have lost ground.  Funds that could have been used to replenish revenue unwisely taken from monies gleaned from social security paycheck charges over many, many years have instead been used to dramatically expand entitlement benefits, most notably in the food stamp (SNAP) program.
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The Federal Reserve’s continuing (since 2008) zero-interest rates have resulted in the loss of revenue from those who have savings to those on the other end of the economic scale.  While the Federal Reserve is not under the control of the White House, its leadership appears to support some key Executive Branch goals. The Fed’s zero interest rates attempt to mask the inflationary effects of massive Washington spending on nonessential areas.

The former emphasis on business and employment growth has been replaced. Onerous regulations and increased costs from the Affordable Care Act have served to keep enterprises from investing and hiring.  Small to medium size companies have been the most substantially affected.

While increased energy resources from private sector efforts in hydrofracking and other methods have benefited the goal of taking the U.S. away from dependence on foreign sources for energy, the Administration’s refusal to open up federal lands for energy exploitation and its dramatically increased environmental regulations will serve to diminish that gain, reflecting a substantially different goal than the drive towards energy independence.

The goal of providing increased employment particularly to those on the lower end of the pay scale has been replaced by an emphasis on assisting illegal aliens, who have entered the nation in stunning numbers since President Obama’s election, and who now occupy many of the positions once held by U.S. youth and others seeking entry level positions. The overwhelming bulk of the small restoration of job numbers since the Great Recession has not gone to American citizens.

The Clinton Presidency’s opening up of greater trade relations with China continues to severely damage the U.S. manufacturing sector and the crucial jobs it provides.  Neither President Bush nor President Obama moved to address that crisis.

The historic drop in violent crime over the past decades is showing signs of reversal. A less supportive attitude by the White House of law enforcement personnel and an increase in racially tinged comments about the relationship of the minority community with the police from the Oval Office has been a significant factor.

Under the current Administration, a totally unexpected move away from First Amendment rights is a change of historic proportions. Attempts to place federal monitors in newsrooms, the use of federal agencies such as the IRS to attack political opponents, and allowing international control of the internet in a manner that will lead to censorship is a truly radical departure from all past practices. Obamacare’s disregard of religious conscience issues also weakens what was once a bedrock and widely supported right.

Clearly, the most substantial transformation has been in national security and foreign affairs. Traditional allies such as the United Kingdom and Israel have been estranged as the White House made dramatic overtures to Russia, Cuba and the Islamic world, and paid little attention other than a few symbolic gestures to Chinese aggression and its ramped up militancy in the Pacific. Cuts to the defense budget, which is substantially smaller now than when Mr. Obama took office, now places the U.S. at the greatest risk than at any time since the end of World War II.

It remains to be seen whether the President’s fundamental transformations will endure, or whether a change in the White House in 2016 will undo them.