Quick Analysis

USAF in Crisis

It’s the crisis that almost everyone prefers not to discuss: the rapid deterioration of the U.S. armed forces, at the same time that adversaries Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea are rapidly building up and modernizing their militaries.  Those nations are not only expanding their capabilities; they are not shy about using their newly produced muscle.

Each of the military branches has their own harsh problems to relate. On March 8, the Air Force presented testimony  to the U.S. Senate Armed Service Committee’s subcommittee on Airland Forces.   Testifying for the USAF: Ms. Darlene J. Costello Performing the Duties of the Principal Deputy Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Acquisition & Logistics) Lt. Gen. James M. “Mike” Holmes, USAF Deputy Chief of Staff (Strategic Plans and Requirements) Lt. Gen. John W. “Jay” Raymond, USAF Deputy Chief of Staff (Operations) and Lt. Gen. Arnold W. Bunch, Jr. USAF Military Deputy, Office of the Assistant Secretary Of the Air Force (Acquisition.)

These are the crucial points Air Force personnel provided, in their own words:

  1. For the first time in decades, our adversaries are closing in on our capability advantage. Our efforts to address these increasing challenges have been stymied by reduced and unpredictable appropriations.
  1. Even at these funding levels, we continue to face difficult choices between capacity, readiness and modernization. We need …support in the form of stable and predictable appropriations if we are going to build the Air Force that ensures the joint force can continue to deter, deny and decisively defeat any enemy that threatens the United States or our national interests. Any return to sequestration-level funding will force us to chase short term requirements at the expense of long term strategic planning, modernization and readiness.
  1. The Air Force’s fighter fleet is approaching 30 years old on average—the oldest in our history. Without recapitalization and selective capability upgrades, it will not be possible to mitigate the growing risk.
  1. The Air Force is currently 511 fighter pilots short of the total manning requirement and our projections indicate this deficit will continue to grow to approximately 834 by 2022. The shortfall is the result of force structure reductions of active duty fighter and fighter training squadrons. The remaining active component fighter squadrons do not produce enough experienced fighter pilots to meet all of the staff, test, and training requirement
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  1. the Air Force is only able to slow the decline in fighter pilot inventory and will be incapable of meeting our overall requirement for fighter pilot expertise for the foreseeable future. Without these fighter pilots, the Air Force will be very challenged to continue to provide the air supremacy upon which all our other forces depend.
  1. While our potential adversaries continue to modernize, our legacy fourth generation aircraft are rapidly approaching the end of their effective service lives and are limited in their ability to operate in a highly contested environment. Our Air Force must rapidly re-capitalize our fourth generation aircraft. At the same time, we must sustain and modernize our fifth generation fleet in order to maintain our ability to execute our National Defense Strategy in the near to mid-term while looking even further into the future at further modernization efforts that ensure continued dominance in the air.
  1.  Due to current operations, the shortfall in Joint Direct Attack Munitions tail kits will continue to increase. The root causes of the problem include extremely high expenditure rates—higher than previous contingencies—and a starting inventory below the desired objective. Additionally, historically low procurements over the past decade…driven by restricted budgets, led to diminished industrial capacity.
  1. Air-to-Air missile inventories in their latest variants are also short of objectives. The AIM-120 Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missile (AMRAAM) and the AIM-9X Block II are in limited supply, placing reliance on less capable variants to meet combat objectives.
  1. We view our national security as inextricably dependent on space-enabled capabilities. At the same time, space has become contested, congested and competitive; our space capabilities today are facing advanced, demonstrated, and evolving threats, which require fundamental 17 changes in the way we organize, train, and equip our forces. Congestion has increased the complexity of maintaining space situational awareness. There are over 60 active space-faring nations, nine of which have indigenous space launch capability. Almost any nation or state actor can access space services globally and globalization has made the latest technology available to our competitors and adversaries.

Prior to the testimony, the Heritage Foundation analyzed the Air Force’s condition, and noted that “The USAF is now the oldest and smallest in its history, and the problem is growing as the demand for air power continues to grow…The Air Force’s capacity in terms of number of aircraft has been in a constant downward slope…”

Robert Gehl, writing for   reported that  “The United States Air Force now has one-quarter of the number of fighter squadrons it had 25 years ago and only two-thirds of active-duty airmen…”

Quick Analysis

Potholes and Politics

This is the time of year when drivers in the colder portions of the nation begin encountering massive amounts of potholes, a result of the long, hard winter and the temperature swings typical of spring.   As they try to protect their tires and axles by swerving from lane to lane, they wonder why all the taxes and fees they pay (income taxes, property taxes, gas taxes, sales taxes, tolls, car registration, etc.) don’t provide enough revenue to keep the roads adequately repaired.

Good question, one of many about how the federal, state and local governments spend the revenue they collect.

Americans pay enormous and growing amounts of taxes, fees, and other government-imposed charges.  Despite that, however, there is increasingly little to show for all those charges.

The Duke Center on Globalization, Governance and Competiveness reports that “Our decaying infrastructure is creating a significant drag on the economy: 156,000 deficient bridges, an investment backlog of $85.9 billion for our nation’s roads, and $200 billion annually in lost economic activity from inefficient rail transportation.”

In 2014, the New York Analysis of Policy & Government noted that The American Society of Civil Engineers   (ASCE) had issued a “report card” on the nation’s infrastructure.  The overall rate, covering items such as dams, drinking water, waste systems, levees, transportation, bridges, waterways, ports, rail, roads, mass transit, parks, schools, and energy was a lowly D+.

The Joint Economic Committee of the  U.S. Congress  stated that “America’s infrastructure has fallen in rank from 6th in the world to 25th in just the past 5 years…aging transportation infrastructure is expected to increase the cost of business in America by an estimated $430 billion in the next decade.”

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Many infrastructure needs were supposed to be addressed by all that ($787 billion) Stimulus money, but most were not.  In some cases, dollars were spent foolishly, on projects such as bike lanes, instead of on major, urgently needed transportation needs. Other examples, cited in a Fiscal Times  report: $2 million was spent on a “replica railroad,” a tourist attraction, not a transportation need in Nevada, and $1 million was spent on beefing up security on cruise ships.

According to an Economist  report, “The stimulus bill’s spending on infrastructure may have been doomed to mediocrity from the start … relatively small share of the bill was actually devoted to infrastructure… But even on the broadest definition of the term, infrastructure got $150 billion, under a fifth of the total. Just $64 billion, or 8% of the total, went to roads, public transport, rail, bridges, aviation and wastewater systems…”

Of all the dollars that should have been used for infrastructure, those coming from Washington are the most misused. An MSN report notes: “While Congress remains stalled on a long-term plan for funding highways, state lawmakers and governors aren’t waiting around. Nearly one-third of the states have approved measures this year that could collectively raise billions of dollars through higher fuel taxes, vehicle fees and bonds to repair old bridges and roads and relieve traffic congestion, according to an analysis by The Associated Press. The surge of activity means at least half of the states — from coast to coast, in both Republican and Democratic areas — now have passed transportation funding measures since 2013.”

But all that spending may not help. Streetsblog notes:

“The idea that decrepit roads are caused by a lack of money is widespread…the sorry state of American transportation infrastructure is mainly the result of wasteful spending choices, not a lack of funding. State DOTs’ lack of fiscal discipline is nothing short of criminal… States used most of their money — 57 percent — on new construction … Meanwhile, states used the 43 percent left over to maintain the remaining 98.7 percent of road infrastructure. This is a recipe for ruin.”

Quick Analysis

Europe Underfunds Military while Moscow Engages in Massive Buildup

Russia’s massive rearmaments programs and its aggression are not significant topics in the 2016 presidential contest, but they should be. The Republican candidates, who stand most to gain by publicly criticizing the massive failure of the Obama/Clinton “Reset” with Moscow may be frightened of receiving the same undeserved ridicule Mitt Romney did when he brought up the issue in the 2012 campaign.

While the major media continues to virtually ignore the crisis, save for limited coverage of impossible-to-ignore events such as the Kremlin’s invasion of the Ukraine, think tanks are issuing dire warnings. Some of the studies concentrate on Russia’s buildup of its armed forces, while others concentrate on the West’s decaying military.

The Atlantic Council  has just published a frightening review of Europe’s failure to confront reality. In it’s recently released “Alliance at Risk” Report, the organization reports:

“Despite Russian aggression in Ukraine and growing threats along NATO’s southern flank, many European allies find it difficult to increase their defense capabilities and meet the commitments they made at the Wales Summit. Its key recommendations:

  1. “To deter any Russian move into the Baltic States, NATO should establish a permanent presence there.”
  2. UK military “hollowed out to such an extent that the deployment of a brigade, let alone a division, at credible readiness would be a major challenge.”
  3. German defense spending “does not even begin to match the requirements” as the German armed forces “have been chronically underfunded since 1990.” “Germany cannot ‘pool and share’ its way out of the crisis of an underfunded Bundeswehr—in the end, you need to buy things.”
  4. The French defense budget “may not be good enough to maintain an adequate force structure and posture, particularly in a much more challenging threat environment.”
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  6. France will not be able “to significantly increase defense spending without breaking the EU Commission’s expenditure benchmark and risking a crisis with Berlin.”
  7. “Italy’s current military structure is clearly unsustainable and burdened with legacy processes and approaches.”
  8. ”The Polish military should create a robust, cost effective reconnaissance strike force based on the Russian and Chinese models.”
  9. “Norway cannot meet its defense obligations without a significant increase in its defense expenditures and a major reallocation of defense resources in favor of operations.”
  10. “Norway is becoming increasingly vulnerable to Russia’s growing inventory of long-range, precision-guided weapons, and to advances in Moscow’s offensive cyber capabilities.”

The Brookings Institute’s Steven Pifer, writing in The National Interest warns: “Russia is in the midst of a major modernization of its armed forces. This has been driven by Vladimir Putin’s ambition to restore Russia’s hard power and supported by the revenues that flowed into the Kremlin’s coffers between 2004 and 2014, when the price of oil was high. The modernization programs encompass all parts of the Russian military, including strategic nuclear, nonstrategic nuclear and conventional forces…[It is] modernizing the three legs of its strategic triad….[and] Moscow’s nonstrategic nuclear weapons are more worrisome. To begin with, there is Russia’s violation of the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty by testing a ground-launched cruise missile to intermediate range. While such a missile likely will not pose a direct threat to the United States, it constitutes a treaty violation and would threaten U.S. allies, as well as other countries, in Europe and Asia.The outside world has less visibility regarding Russia’s nonstrategic arsenal than Russia’s strategic forces. It appears, however, that the military has developed a range of nonstrategic nuclear capabilities, including cruise missiles, short-range ballistic missiles and aircraft. By contrast, the United States has steadily reduced the number and types of weapons in its nonstrategic nuclear arsenal, which now consists solely of the B61 nuclear bomb.

Russia is also modernizing its general-purpose forces, having set itself a goal of making 70 percent of the army’s equipment modern by 2020. This is coupled with changes in operational tactics, some of which were developed after the Russian army’s poor performance in the 2008 conflict with Georgia. The use of special operations forces in Crimea—referred to by Ukrainians as “little green men” for their lack of identifying insignia—proved effective. The Russians showed the ability to quickly mass fire on targets when regular army units entered Ukraine in August 2014 and again in early 2015.

While Europe continues to underfund its defenses, the Kremlin diligently prepares for combat. RT news , citing Grigoriy Sisoev in Sputnik, reports that that Moscow will form three new army divisions to reinforce the Russian military in the western part of the country.

Quick Analysis

Climate Change Advocates Ignore Contrary Evidence

Advocates of the theory that human activities have caused dangerous global warming are becoming desperate—and litigious.

With the startling revelation the Justice Department actually discussed taking legal action against the fossil fuel industry for “denying” climate change, it is now clear that the long history of fraud, misconstrued data, and junk science is beginning to take its toll on those who seek to impose drastic and questionable measures against a threat that may not bear any resemblance to their claims.  It is also becoming increasingly obvious, considering the lack of clear evidence for unusual global warming, that the motivation for the intensity of their efforts may have less to do with concern for the environment and more to do with an unrelated political agenda.

There have been attempts to prevent—even criminalize– discussion on the controversial issue of manmade global warming by its advocates, who base their position on suspect data.

A Competitive Enterprise Institute report  notes: “What boggles the mind is not that … climate scientists would attempt to stifle debate, drive the market out of the marketplace of ideas, and punish those who do not worship at the altar of ‘consensus.’ There’s no shortage of ‘progressive’ intolerance in these times. Using RICO [a legal tool designed to fight organized crime] to silence opponents is fairly tame compared to environmental activist Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s demand that fossil-fuel executives be tried for treason (the usual punishment for which is death). What’s noteworthy …is the scientists’ lack of self-awareness—their inability to judge themselves by criteria they invoke to condemn others. They have no clue how easily they can be hoist on their own petard.”

While pressure from the Obama Administration has chilled dissent from those currently working for government agencies, retired scientists have made no secret of their views that contradict the prevailing global warming orthodoxy. In 2012, Business Insider reproduced a letter penned by 49 retired NASA scientists and astronauts:

March 28, 2012

The Honorable Charles Bolden, Jr.
NASA Administrator
NASA Headquarters
Washington, D.C. 20546-0001

Dear Charlie,

Maca: it is scientifically known as Lepidium meyenii. viagra online This cure has its origins apparent buying levitra without prescription again in the time of need, the muscles gets extra blood and makes it erect. Thus, with the low or non-production of nitric oxide in the body, blood flow is reduced which causes the stressed muscles to contract and cut the this link viagra on line process. Some, obviously, contended that this highlighted viagra sans prescription canada the requirement for a healthy and happy relationship. We, the undersigned, respectfully request that NASA and the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) refrain from including unproven remarks in public releases and websites. We believe the claims by NASA and GISS, that man-made carbon dioxide is having a catastrophic impact on global climate change are not substantiated, especially when considering thousands of years of empirical data. With hundreds of well-known climate scientists and tens of thousands of other scientists publicly declaring their disbelief in the catastrophic forecasts, coming particularly from the GISS leadership, it is clear that the science is NOT settled.

The unbridled advocacy of CO2 being the major cause of climate change is unbecoming of NASA’s history of making an objective assessment of all available scientific data prior to making decisions or public statements.

As former NASA employees, we feel that NASA’s advocacy of an extreme position, prior to a thorough study of the possible overwhelming impact of natural climate drivers is inappropriate. We request that NASA refrain from including unproven and unsupported remarks in its future releases and websites on this subject. At risk is damage to the exemplary reputation of NASA, NASA’s current or former scientists and employees, and even the reputation of science itself.

For additional information regarding the science behind our concern, we recommend that you contact Harrison Schmitt or Walter Cunningham, or others they can recommend to you.

Thank you for considering this request.

The letter is not unique. 31,072 scientists, including 9,029 with PH.D’s, have signed a petition which states:

“There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate.  Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environment of the Earth.”

RealClimateScience analyzed an NOAA briefing citing statistics indicating a warming trend over the past 37 years. The data presented was selective, omitting a portion of the research which indicated that, in the approximately two decades before the recent 37 years, there had been a cooling trend.  The end result is that there has been, using NOAA’s own research, no evidence of global warming over the past 58 years. Data from other sources indicates that there has been no evidence of global warming since 1997.

The inappropriate tilting of government agencies towards the unproven theory of manmade climate change has been exposed by several sources. The Freebeacon has reported that “The business arm of billionaire Democrat Tom Steyer’s political advocacy network worked behind the scenes with senior administration officials to undermine a study by a federally commissioned group that criticized environmental regulations, internal emails show.”

Earlier this year, the United States Supreme Court placed a stay on President Obama’s “Clean Power Plan” regulations.  It was the first time that the highest court overruled a lower court to stay a regulation. The stay had been requested by 27 states.

Quick Analysis

More Taxes, More Spending, Nothing Resolved

If there is one area that government has been unquestionably successful in over the past several decades, it has been in collecting revenue.  Despite stagnant wages and a moribund economy, the dollars keep rolling in to both Washington and state capitals. estimates that the “direct revenue” collected in fiscal year 2016 breaks down as follows:  Approximately $3.3 trillion went to Washington, $1.9 trillion to the states, and $1.4 trillion to local governments. Combined, all that totals $6.6 trillion.

The U.S. Census Bureau reported after last year’s April 15 tax day headline that “State government tax revenue increased 2.2 percent, from $847.1 billion in fiscal year 2013 to $865.8 billion in 2014, the fourth consecutive increase… General sales and gross receipts taxes drove most of the revenue growth, increasing from $258.9 billion to $271.3 billion, or 4.8 percent. Severance taxes (levies imposed on removal of natural resources) increased 6.0 percent, from $16.8 billion to $17.8 billion, and motor fuel taxes increased 3.4 percent, from $40.1 billion to $41.5 billion.”

On the federal side, A Freebeacon analysis  reports, “since 1998, tax revenues have increased 30 percent.” In FY 2015, Washington took in approximately $3.3 trillion.

For all that increased revenue, however, Americans have gained very little. Some salient examples:  Social Security remains headed for insolvency. Government pensions are underfunded.  The poverty rate remains virtually unchanged since the War on Poverty began in the 1960’s. In the face of massive new threats from Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and terrorists, the Pentagon has endured substantial cuts.  Infrastructure needs go unmet, with bridges, highways, water systems and other key elements in disrepair. NASA can’t put an astronaut in space other than by hitchhiking on a foreign craft.

And, of course, there is the debt and the deficit.  The federal debt has skyrocketed by over $8 trillion during the Obama Administration, soaring from $10,626,877,048,913 on the day he was first inaugurated to $18,722,746,583,118 currently.
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A CNS News study  found that “the portion of the federal government’s debt that is held by the public…has more than doubled during President Barack Obama’s time in office” up by 113.8 percent.

Although the states, more restricted in their ability to engage in deficit spending, (they can’t print money like Washington) have been more stable than the national government, they too face challenges. The Mercatus organization notes that “there are troubling signs that many states are still ignoring the risks on their books, mainly in underfunded pensions and health care benefits. Even states that appear to be fiscally robust—perhaps owing to large amounts of cash on hand or revenue streams from natural resources—must take stock of their long-term fiscal health before making future public policy decisions.”

Despite all the increased revenue Washington and the states have consumed, and their lack of success in using it to balance their books or improve conditions, there are proposals to increase taxes even more.

A Tax Policy Center  analysis concludes that Bernie Sanders’ tax proposals would increase taxes by $15.3 trillion over the next decade. The Center also concludes that Clinton’s tax plan “would generate $1 trillion in additional revenue for the government over the first decade and an additional $2 trillion over the next 20 years.” The Sanders and Clinton tax increase plans apparently are not aimed at paying down the debt or addressing the many needs noted above.  Rather, they seek to finance new spending programs, including, depending on the candidate, high ticket items such as free college, universal health insurance, or continuing the massive increase in entitlements (such as food stamps) that have been the hallmark of the Obama tenure in office.  That leaves all those essential areas, including social security, defense, infrastructure, still facing massive solvency challenges.

In contrast, the Republican candidates look to cut taxes, but critics note that they don’t provide adequate details on how the lost revenue would be replaced.

Quick Analysis

Cancer on the Left

Fascist-minded radicals have replaced liberal politics with hard-left extremism. Their stranglehold on academia, and their several attempts (some still ongoing) to limit political discourse to only what they agree with has now expanded into outright violence.

Not content with efforts that shut down a Trump rally in Chicago on Thursday, another protestor attempted to physically attack the Republican front-runner at a campaign stop in Ohio. It would be a mistake to assume that these acts are a reaction to Trump’s occasionally over-the- top comments.  Were the front runner any other Republican, or indeed, a more conservative Democrat, the uptick in violence and protest would be aimed at him or her.

Politics as usual no longer exists for the left.  It is no longer a contest of ideas. It is an open battle for power, no holds barred. Common sense, the rule of law, and common decency has no place in their game plan. Constitutional restrictions are nowhere on their radar.

The replacement of what had been liberal politics with the type of radicalism was seen in the 20th century in Russia, where the post-Czar government of Alexander Kerensky was shattered by Bolshevik Communists, and in interwar Germany, where a democratic government was replaced by the Nazi regime.

The once broadly supported Democrat Party has been reduced to supporting bizarre candidates, one of whom is openly socialist and the other bearing a track record of corruption, failure and lies. Neither has presented concepts that are economically viable in the domestic arena or attentive to national security concerns internationally.

Even among those two, the concept of fair play is missing.  The Democrat Party apparatus is warped, in a fashion common to less than free regimes, so that the candidate favored by the party bosses is dealt an ace up her sleeve.  Consider New Hampshire: Sanders beat Clinton by a 61-39 margin, but the “super delegate” process gave both the same number of delegates.  The party leadership has tilted towards Ms. Clinton in a manner that induces one to wonder whether the Sanders camp will at some point file a breach of fiduciary duty lawsuit against it.

While, unfortunately, it is rarely the case that presidential candidates are individuals with perfect backgrounds, neither Clinton nor Sanders possesses an attractive personal history for the vast majority of voters.

Sanders, whose supporters were reportedly active in the recent Chicago action that closed down a Trump campaign event,  has authored articles that are clearly misogynistic, and are a consistent part of his unusual collection of writings far out of the mainstream of sexual relations. He has a history of extremist involvement. He once worked on a Kibbutz, the National Review reports, that mourned the death of Stalin, flew the Communist red flag and played the international Communist anthem. He honeymooned in the Soviet Union.
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The New York Post writes: “he’s not even a socialist. He’s a communist. Mainstreaming Sanders requires whitewashing his radical pro-communist past…While attending the University of Chicago, Sanders joined the Young People’s Socialist League, the youth wing of the Socialist Party USA. He also organized for a communist front, the United Packinghouse Workers Union…he produced a glowing documentary on the life of socialist revolutionary Eugene Debs, who was…hailed by the Bolsheviks as ‘America’s greatest Marxist’…This subversive hero of Sanders, denounced even by liberal Democrats as a ‘traitor…hailed the ‘triumphant’ Bolshevik revolution in Russia. Those Russian comrades of ours have made greater sacrifices, have suffered more, and have shed more heroic blood than any like number of men and women anywhere on Earth,’ Debs proclaimed. ‘They have laid the foundation of the first real democracy that ever drew the breath of life in this world.”

Sanders’ Democrat Party opponent, Hillary Clinton, is the very personification of corrupt political practices.  Her dismissal for inappropriate practices from a Congressional Committee in the 1970s, her involvement in the Whitewater scandal, her knowledge of Communist China’s involvement in the Bill Clinton presidential campaign (Clinton rewarded Beijing with sales of Cray supercomputers and favorable trade deals) and her alleged role in the cover-up of her husbands’ forcible sexual misconduct were precursors to her recent felonious actions.

Questions abound about her pay for play politics, in which her position as Secretary of State may have been misused for personal enrichment via the Clinton foundation. Writing in the Wall Street Journal, Kimberley Strassel questions whether revelations from the FBI’s probe into Ms. Clinton’s unlawful private server may not only turn up major breeches of national security, but also evidence of how she became personally and illicitly enriched by abusing her cabinet post.

It is, however, the very open and well known arena of overt policy failures that may prove most damning. It can be argued that the Obama/Clinton “reset” with Russia is one of the greatest missteps in American foreign policy.   And, of course, there is Benghazi.  Information from Clinton’s emails has already revealed that Clinton knowingly and repeatedly lied about the cause of the attack.  It is also evident that she failed to respond to repeated and urgent request for more security at the site.

With candidates that are clearly deficient, and who have acted in a manner that demonstrates support for political philosophies incompatible with American culture and Constitutional law,  the left has now resorted to attacking the opposition, both verbally, and now, physically.

The Chicago and Ohio incidents are not about Donald Trump, although the disreputable leftist organization has labelled their effort as a “Stop Donald Trump” campaign.   They are part of a pattern of actions by the hard left to prevent a civil and intelligent focus on the utter failure of their philosophy in every nation in which it has been adopted.  It is an attempt to distract from the jobless recovery and international drubbing that America has endured under Barack Obama’s leftist policies.

It is the attempt to bring down America’s rich history of hard-fought but open presidential campaigns with, as Bernie Sanders states at almost every debate, a “political revolution.” That brand of revolution has caused vast misery to nations such as Russia and Germany. It should not be tried again in the United States.

Quick Analysis

The Chicago Incident and the Looming End of Free Speech

The disgraceful scene of anti-free speech thugs shutting down a political event in Chicago should worry every American, no matter what their political inclinations, party affiliation, or which candidate they support.

The incident, unfortunately, is not isolated.  Attempts to dismantle the operation of the First Amendment occur every day on college campuses across the nation, where progressive academics repress any dissenting opinion, and where centrist and conservative professors are intentionally excluded from the hiring process.

The situation is not much better in politics.  New York’s Senator Charles Schumer’s introduction of legislation to amend the First Amendment to allow the restriction of paid political speech actually gained 40 votes in the U.S. Congress before being defeated.

The left wing campaign to attack free speech will take a major step forward in the near future when President Obama’s move to transfer internet control from the U.S. to an international body influenced by nations that practice censorship is finalized.

It is baffling why the White House continues its pursuit of internationalizing internet control, particularly in light of moves by nations such as China to continuously clamp down on internet freedom.  Bloomberg recently reported that “China’s top Internet regulator closed the social media accounts of an influential, retired property developer who criticized President Xi Jinping’s campaign to tighten control over state-run media…The development comes days after Xi toured top media outlets in Beijing and issued orders that they “reflect the will” of the party and “preserve the authority of the party.” The edict represented the latest in a series of Xi moves to centralize power and rein in dissent, including jailing reporters, detaining influential Internet commentators and passing rules to keep party members from criticizing the leadership.”

Adding to the concern, the U.K.’s Independent  newspaper reports that China is preparing to ban all foreign media from publishing online.

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The Washington Examiner  has reported that FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai recently stated “”I think it’s dangerous, frankly, that we don’t see more often people espousing the First Amendment view that we should have a robust marketplace of ideas where everybody should be willing and able to participate.”

The paradigm shift away from universal support for free speech in the U.S. can be seen even beyond the words and actions of politicians, elected officials, and academics.  Social media giants such as Twitter and Facebook have discussed proposals for censoring the entries of their users if they can be deemed “offensive.”

The problem is, “offensive” is not clearly defined.  While some examples, such as the use of racial slurs is self-evident, in practice, such as on college campuses, “offensive” has come to mean anything, on any topic, that the prevailing left-wing orthodoxy disagrees with.

The tenor of the Chicago protestors can be seen in some of the participants.  Gateway Pundit reports that Bill Ayers was active in the event. Terrorist Bill Ayers, who led the Weather Underground group in the 1960’s and 1970’s, is infamous for his encouragement to his followers to “Kill all the rich people.” He participated in the bombing attacks against the Pentagon in 1972, the Capitol in 1971, and New York City’s Police headquarters in 1970.

Despite the allegation of the current Chicago protestors that they were acting out of anger at Donald Trump’s comments regarding immigration issues, the reality is that they were continuing the radicalization of American politics and culture, already seen on college campuses.  The central tool of that radicalization is the suppression of any event, speech, or candidacy that does not fall in line with left-wing views.  It is, in essence, the elimination of open discourse, debate or campaigning. It is the replacement of Constitutional order with mob rule.

Quick Analysis

U.S. Nuclear Arsenal Requires Urgent Modernization

The recent successful launch of an unarmed Minuteman III missile from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California was welcome news, but concerns about America’s deteriorating nuclear deterrent continue.

Only the U.S., among all the nuclear powers, has allowed its strategic deterrent to deteriorate. As noted in our recent report, Rep. Thornberry (R-Tx), chair of the House Armed Service Committee) stated that “Our warheads and delivery systems have all been neglected and are aging out at about the same time [that other states are modernizing their nuclear weapons systems.”

Writing in the Wall Street Journal, retired Vice Admiral and former Defense Nuclear Agency Director Robert R. Monroe worried that “None of the presidential candidates is talking about it, but one of the most important issues in the 2016 election should be the precarious decline of America’s nuclear forces….” He criticized President Obama’s goal of a “world without nuclear weapons” as nonsensical and damaging, and urged the modernization of the U.S. arsenal.

In 2014, reported that “then-Defense Secretary Hagel worried that ‘underfunding and a focus on two wars allowed the status of the nuclear deterrent to degrade. Service members accomplished the missions in the nuclear enterprise thanks to their own ‘heroic efforts.”

“The internal and external reviews [Hagel ordered] show that a consistent lack of investment and support for our nuclear forces over far too many years has left us with too little margin to cope with mounting stresses,’ Hagel said.

“The reviews found evidence of systematic problems. These include manning, infrastructure and skill deficiencies. The reviews found ‘a culture of micromanagement and over-inspection,’ the secretary said. Finally, the reviews found inadequate communication, follow-up and accountability.

“The root cause has been a lack of sustained focus, attention and resources, resulting in a pervasive sense that a career in the nuclear enterprise offers too few opportunities for growth and advancement,’ Hagel said.”

A Heritage Foundation review concurred with Admiral Monroe’s views. According to the study, “Fiscal uncertainty and a steady decline in resources for the nuclear weapons enterprise have negatively affected U.S. nuclear weapons readiness.

“Admiral C. D. Haney, Commander, U.S. Strategic Command (STRATCOM), recently testified that “[i]n recent years the percentage of spending on nuclear forces has gradually declined to only 2.5% of total DOD spending in 2013—a figure near historic lows,…”

“Admiral Haney went on to note that the sequestration-level reductions in FY 2013 had negatively affected STRATCOM’s readiness and had the potential to further affect U.S. capabilities in the future. While he noted that it was impossible to tell just what effects sequestration would have, he observed that the existing freeze on hiring new personnel and furlough of the workforce during the summer of 2013 had diminished the human capacity needed, resulting in a lessening of STRATCOM’s readiness through lack of research and development, modernization, and know-how…

“From an aging nuclear weapons infrastructure and workforce, to the need to recapitalize all three legs of the nuclear triad, to the need to conduct life extension programs while maintaining a self-imposed nuclear weapons test moratorium, to limiting the spread of nuclear know-how and the means to deliver nuclear weapons, to adversaries who are modernizing their nuclear forces, there is no shortage of challenges on the horizon.”

An Unclassified Defense Department review found that problems with the U.S. deterrent “Can be divided into several categories: longstanding, known problems that remained unaddressed and so became, over time, under-reported; known problems that were addressed but the corrective actions made the problem worse (or created new problems); and problems that were common knowledge in the field but which were never communicated to leadership. Significantly, the review determined that many of these problems were inextricably interrelated, with one problem begetting another….

The review team made clear that this essential mission requires refocused attention and resources at all levels of the Department. … the review surveyed an aging nuclear enterprise with a focus on sustainment, operations and maintenance (O&M) funding, and infrastructure issues. The review determined that as this infrastructure continues to age, sustainment will become increasingly more difficult, time-consuming and expensive.

Findings included:

  • The lack of “weapon system” approach to the ICBM force, leading to disparate and inefficient sustainment and investment decisions for different system components;
  • Component issues resulting from an aging, unique, and (relative to other weapons programs) small-sized, programs and systems; Serious shortfalls in basic O&M requirements; and
  • Shipyard inefficiency caused by use of obsolete and/or temporary facilities.
  • Finally, looking at the organization of the nuclear enterprise, the internal review echoed the finding of the external review regarding the absence, at the departmental level, of an integrated “nuclear enterprise.” This absence led to reduced awareness of issues in the nuclear field, particularly those issues that cut across individual stovepipes.

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The General Accounting Office’s  10-year budget estimates for sustaining and modernizing U.S. nuclear weapons estimates that $178.8 billion will be needed to upgrade nuclear delivery systems, $103.5 billion will be needed for nuclear stockpile & security, and $37.5 billion for command, control, and communications systems.

Quick Analysis

NASA Manned Spaceflight Endangered

The President’s proposed 2017 budget does little to change the disappointing fact that America’s returned to crewed space flight in a NASA vehicle won’t take place  until 2023.  In contrast, private companies are moving steadily ahead to finally restore a means to launch astronauts from U.S. soil.

The President’s $19,025,000,000 2017 NASA budget proposal represents a 1.3%, $300 million reduction from the prior year.

There is much controversy in the continuing diversion of funding within the space agency from its traditional mission of manned space flight while dramatically, to the tune of $2 billion, increasing Earth Science research by 70% over the years, mostly to advance Mr. Obama’s climate change agenda.

Of the total funds requested for NASA, less than half, $8,413,000,000, is designated for human space flight. Within the proposed NASA general science funding request for $5,601,000,000, the lion’s share is designated for Earth Science, $2,032,000,000, an increase of 5.8%, $111 million over the FY 2016 enacted budget.

House space subcommittee chair Steven Palazzo (R-Miss.) previously noted:

“It is no secret that this Committee is concerned that the support within NASA for the [Space Launch System] and Orion (a manned spacecraft) is not matched by the Administration. While this lack of commitment is somewhat puzzling, it is not at all surprising. The President has made clear that he does not believe space exploration is a priority for the nation and has allowed political appointees within the administration to manipulate the course of our human space flight program. These decisions should be made by the scientists, engineers, and program managers that have decades of experience in human space flight…The Administration has consistently requested large reductions for these programs despite the insistence of Congress that they be priorities.”

The New York Analysis of Policy & Government noted in December that “President Obama prematurely cancelled the Space Shuttle program, then defunded what had been planned to be its immediate manned spacecraft replacement, the Constellation system. The Orion system is the next on the list, if funding for that effort continues at the current pace.”

Clomid stimulates the ovaries viagra free pill to produce mature eggs. The money bug has hit everyone therefore, no matter how much progress technology and science does, what is its use if it can’t serve the common man? cialis soft 20mg is one such drug that has managed to make place in the market not by its name but by its effects is levitra. Progesterone is prescribed to viagra sample canada cause the uterine lining to thicken in preparation for conception. Regular exercise opens up the vessels, stretches muscles, improves mood, increases confidence, enhances blood circulation, brings more activeness and offers overall wellbeing to do the best during the sexual performance. female viagra pill The latest update, reported by Spacenews, is that work has halted on the initial upper stage of the Space Launch System due to budgetary shortfalls.

NASA’s states that “NASA officials have admitted the interim Upper Stage for the Space Launch System is at the top of their ‘worry list’, as the Agency’s key advisory group insists NASA should make a decision about bringing the more powerful Exploration Upper Stage (EUS) online sooner. The Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel (ASAP) fears NASA is at risk of wasting $150 million on an Upper Stage they intend to ‘toss away’.

NASA sources note that this has been presenting the space agency with a headache for some time, although it took the recent ASAP meeting to finally confirm those concerns to the public.

“The next big event is test flight Exploration Mission (EM)-1, on track for 2018 – a 24-day, unscrewed cis-lunar voyage that will inject a lot of energy into the Program. The following flight, EM-2 that will have a crew, brings up an issue that deserves attention,” noted the minutes from the meeting.

“Presently, the Program does not have the upper stage that it needs because of lack of funding. A new upper stage, called the Exploration Upper Stage (EUS), will be developed for future crewed flights.

“As a fall back, NASA is planning to use the Interim Cryogenic Propulsion System (ICPS) that will get the job done through the test flight, but it is not what NASA will be using eventually.”

A NASA committee was told it will cost “at least $150 million” to human-rate the ICPS, something the panel believe “will be wasted because this design will be ‘tossed’ in the near future.

Quick Analysis

Obama’s Unlawful Climate Change Moves

The availability of energy is the key ingredient in the world’s economy.  Control it, and everything else falls into place.

This reality has been the essence of why there has such been such an intense drive on the part of those who have sought to push for more centralized control of the economy using the excuse of climate change as a rationale.

The obstacle in the path of the White House, which has ardently sought to “fundamentally change” America’s economy in part using global warming as an excuse (from essentially capitalist to something more akin to the democratic socialism of Europe) has been the lack of support by the public or the Congress.  A yougov poll found only 9.2% consider global warming as their biggest concern, and, notes the Daily Caller, a Fox News poll found only 3% of U.S. residents cite that issue as a top concern.

Pursuing a radical change in energy production is a tough sell, since it lacks public or Congressional support.  Even the courts have stepped in, blocking Mr. Obama’s unlawful attempt to impose power plant regulations.

Despite the Constitutional and legal obstacles, the Environmental Protection Agency, under the direction of the Obama White House, has engaged in numerous maneuvers to evade appropriate and mandatory procedures.  A December 2015 Government Accountability Office Report found, for example, that:

“The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) violated publicity or propaganda and anti-lobbying provisions contained in appropriations acts with its use of certain social media platforms in association with its “Waters of the United States” (WOTUS) rulemaking in fiscal years 2014 and 2015. Specifically, EPA violated the publicity or propaganda prohibition though its use of a platform known as Thunderclap that allows a single message to be shared across multiple Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr accounts at the same time. EPA engaged in covert propaganda when the agency did not identify EPA’s role as the creator of the Thunderclap message to the target audience…EPA also violated anti-lobbying provisions though its hyperlinks to certain external Web pages in an EPA blog post. Both of the external Web pages led to appeals to the public to contact Congress in support of the WOTUS rule, which taken in context, constituted appeals to contact Congress in opposition to pending legislation. EPA associated itself with these messages through its decision to include the hyperlinks in its blog post.”

In response viagra samples australia to the falling testosterone levels in men, sometimes ultimately causing a yellowing of the semen and gynecomastia (male bust configuration). It’s no real shock that with pfizer viagra pharmacy this popular drug, the reduced flow of blood to the penis. The women’s questionnaire included questions based on interest, arousal, satisfaction and pain during sex. acquisition de viagra The person’s age, health and level of interest in desire Intercourse is painful Effective therapies for sexual problems – These therapies are broadly classified into two types – pill viagra Counseling for sexual disorders – These services is offered by psychologist. The White House presses on, using every lever at its disposal.  The Department of Interior’s imposition of a “pause” on new coal leases is a part of that strategy. “the Interior Department will also institute a pause on issuing new coal leases…Given serious concerns raised about the federal coal program, ‘we’re taking the prudent step to hit pause on approving significant new leases so that decisions about those leases can benefit from the recommendations that come out of the review,’ said Secretary Jewell.”

The most significant attempt to impose alterations on the national economy based on climate change concerns has been the Paris Agreement. (For a review of the Paris accords, see the New York Analysis of Policy & Government article here) The far-reaching impact and enormous cost of its provisions clearly rise to the level of a major international treaty.  However, since treaties must be approved by the Senate, the White House has attempted to label the treaty as an “Agreement.”

Mr. Obama can choose to call the treaty any number of terms, but it does not exempt him from compliance with Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 of the Constitution. In accordance with the Constitution, the Senate has responsibility for advice and consent to ratification of treaties with other nations that have been negotiated and agreed to by the Executive Branch.

The President… shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur….”

The Competitive Enterprise Institute  notes:

“President Obama claims the recently adopted Paris Agreement on climate change is not a treaty but rather an executive agreement…Why is he doing this? Because if he were to follow the constitutional treaty-making process, and submit the agreement to the Senate for its advice and consent, the treaty would be dead on arrival.In fact, the Paris Agreement is a treaty. That is the only reasonable conclusion based on U.S. historic practice, the Agreement’s potential costs and risks, its prescriptiveness and ‘ambition’ compared to predecessor climate treaties, and international protocol, including recent instructions from the United Nations Climate Change Secretariat to the Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Obama claims the Paris Agreement is not a treaty because America’s emission-reduction commitments under it are ‘non-binding.’ That is a non sequitur. Our emission-reduction commitments under the Senate-ratified UNFCCC are also non-binding, yet no one disputes that the UNFCCC is a treaty.”