Quick Analysis

Ukraine Gave Peace a Chance. It Didn’t Work

When it finally broke free from its years of domination by the Soviet Union in 1991, Ukraine was the third largest nuclear power on the planet. Rather than continue in that role, the nation voluntarily gave up its ultimate military trump card in return for guarantees provided in the 1995 Budapest Memorandum.

Those promises, signed by US President Bill Clinton, Russian President Boris Yeltsin, Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma, and UK Prime Minister John Major, guaranteed the “independence and sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine” and a guarantee to “refrain from the threat of use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine.”

Russia has clearly violated that accord, and the promises made by the United States and the United Kingdom have been proven worthless.
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The United States has signed a number of military accords with Moscow, including, most recently, the New START treaty,  a key portion of the Obama/Clinton “Reset” policy with Russia, which ignored the Kremlin’s 10-1 advantage in tactical nuclear weapons. There is substantial agreement that despite the advantageous position gained by Russia, that nation is cheating both the letter and the spirit of those accords.

The fervent hopes of those current intellectual heirs of the “Give Peace a Chance” and “Nuclear Freeze” movements, including the current Obama Administration, have been clearly dashed.

NY Analysis

Russia Resurgent, America Diminished

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Last June, The NEW YORK ANALYSIS reviewed the resurgence of the Russian military.  The funds that have been committed, the statements by Kremlin officials, and the deployment of new arms systems indicate that Moscow is in the midst of an exceptionally significant arms buildup. 

One salient question remained, however.  Would the foreign policy of the Russian Federation prove as aggressive as its military buildup?

That question has been effectively addressed by the invasion and annexation of Crimea.

 Neither foreign nor military policies exist in a vacuum.  Vladimir Putin’s actions should be examined in the context of the threats and opportunities he believes face his nation.  His statement that “The greatest tragedy of the 20th Century was the collapse of the Soviet Union” provides significant insight into the international perspective currently guiding Moscow’s worldview. 

During most of the presidency of George W. Bush, the United States, aroused by the Islamist assault of 9/11, held a muscular foreign policy and a well-funded military.  (It should be noted, however, that it was a military that was not focused on potential conflicts with great powers such as Russia or China.)  While Moscow was not entirely quiescent–it employed its vast oil reserves as a wedge to influence European politics–it did not act openly belligerent, and even expressed commonality with the West in areas such as anti-terrorism. However, Russia’s 2008 invasion of Georgia, during a period in which the United States was already heavily involved in military action in Afghanistan and still entrenched in Iraq, signaled an end to that period of relative restraint.

Any vestige of a restrained perspective was substantially altered following the American elections of 2008. The Obama/Clinton “Reset” with Moscow was established by that new President and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton without regard to reciprocity on the Kremlin’s part.  The policy has subsequently proven to be an embarrassment, and Secretary of State Kerry responded to a recent inquiry concerning it by claiming he didn’t know what the reporter was referring to .

As noted by commentator Rich Lowry in Politico, “It didn’t take a student of Russian history, or of international relations…to know this would end in ashes…at one level, the Obama Administration was guilty of the human impulse of wanting to see the world as you would like rather than as it is. At another, the President is not particularly interested in foreign relations.  It was appropriate that one of his statements on the [Crimean] crisis came at an elementary school while he was announcing his latest budget, which reduces the U.S. Army to pre-World War II levels.  Because we all know that we will never face an unexpected, unpredictable crisis again.”

New START’s Effect

Ignoring the uncomfortable reality of Moscow’s Georgian invasion, the Obama Administration moved quickly to adopt the New START nuclear arms treaty.

One of the key problems with the treaty had nothing to do with either Russia or the United States.  Those two nations are no longer the only two powers with multi-faceted and devastatingly powerful nuclear arms.  Leaving China out of any agreement is essentially to ignore a massive change in the international environment. With the growing rapprochement between Russia and China, including joint war games and mutually supportive foreign policies, as well as Beijing’s increased aggressiveness towards America and its regional allies Japan and the Philippines, this omission leaves the United States at a distinct disadvantage.

Critics have maintained that even within the confines of the New START treaty itself, the United States has been placed at a disadvantage. Specific problem areas cited include tie-ins to missile defense capabilities, inadequate verification procedures, and Russia’s huge ten-to- one advantage in tactical nuclear weapons.

What Putin Learned

 The lesson Putin discerned from his success in gaining the upper hand in New START was that the Obama presidency was less than diligently concerned about defense-related matters. Another incident during the New START talks, in which Washington provided Moscow with British nuclear secrets, also convinced Putin that Obama would not be as protective of American allies as his predecessors.

These lessons guided Putin’s subsequent actions. Both the Russian president and his foreign minister, Segey Lavrov, came to the conclusion that the United States under Barack Obama was not a force to be concerned with under most circumstances.

“Indeed, President Obama, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize at the opening of his first term, said he was elected to ‘end wars, not to start them’…it is inconceivable Russia would have played its Ukraine hand in the same risky and confrontational way had its assessment of President Obama been different.”

“Give Peace a Chance”

Mr. Obama’s “Give Peace a Chance” policy was far more than mere words.

He withdrew U.S. forces from Iraq, and announced a withdrawal time table for Afghanistan. He did not respond with either military or even significant diplomatic options to China’s confiscation of Philippine offshore resources. He has won his attempts to slash defense spending, and he continues to advocate for unilateral nuclear reductions.

Significantly, as Moscow and Beijing engaged in massive upgrades in the size, quality, and technological sophistication of their armed forces, Washington’s response during the current administration has been to slash the U.S. military budget, dramatically altering the international balance of power.

The cuts could not have come at a more inappropriate moment. In response to the fall of the Soviet Union, American forces had been allowed to dwindle into a shadow of their former strength, with a Navy diminished from 600 ships to 284, an Army reduced from 17 divisions to 10, and an Air Force cut from 37 combat commands to 20. Much of the equipment remaining, particularly that of the Army, has been worn out from extensive use in Iraq and Afghanistan. The same can be said for personnel. Of particular note has been the overuse of National Guard forces.

The U.S. industrial infrastructure, which allowed the nation to serve as “The Arsenal of Democracy” since before the Second World War began, has also been diminished.  A prime example is the fact that America has only one plant left capable of building tanks, and the Obama Administration has repeatedly attempted to shut it down.

American military strength, despite having been mobilized and funded to fight the campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan, remained, in terms of major geopolitical threats, in the warm afterglow of a peace dividend bought about by the USSR’s demise, even after Moscow began returning to cold war status and Beijing became a superpower.

The result has been a growing and now dangerous imbalance in military strength between the developing affiliation of Russia, China, Iran and North Korea-a massive and contiguous axis covering a vast portion of both the landmass and population of the planet-and the increasingly underfunded militaries of both the United States and its allies.

As Russian forces invaded the Crimea, a Stratfor Global Intelligence report noted: “Fractured and burdened by its ongoing financial crisis and lacking unity on military issues, the European Union could find it difficult to counter Russian moves – whether they appear as financial incentives to the struggling states of central and eastern Europe or threats of armed conflict along the periphery. Looking into the future, the Ukraine crisis ultimately could test many of the core assumptions binding the EU – and the NATO alliance – together.”

The Report Continues Next Week

Quick Analysis

Will America Share the Fate of Distressed U.S. Cities?

The condition of several America’s cities may hold a lesson for the path the nation as a whole has been trending towards since the election of 2008.

A number of U.S. municipalities, most prominently Detroit, are in danger of bankruptcy or are already enduring insolvency in one form or another.  A major contributing cause comes from governing leaders choosing “progressive” ideology over practicality.

In 2014, The nation’s largest city, New York, has so far managed to escape the fate of these. But that success may not continue, due to the mayoral election of an individual who may fairly be described as more focused on ideology than practicality. There is an analogy to the fate of the entire nation in this example.

The Big Apple certainly has had its share of challenges, both recently and stretching back decades.  Excessive spending on social welfare at the same time that key local industries, including the maritime trade and light manufacturing were rapidly deteriorating and the stock market, a major player in the local economy, was on a downswing  placed the city in a deep financial crisis in the 1970s.   It managed to emerge from that cloud with the help of massive and loans and, more importantly,  when more fiscally sound policies were enacted.  However, Under the controversial leadership of Mayor David Dinkins  from 1990—1993, the city faced repeated crises of competence in municipal service delivery  and rising crime, leading many to believe that it had become “ungovernable.”

The able stewardship of Rudolph Giuliani  returned NYC so substantially that many called the revived metropolis “The Capital of the World” with ample justification. While the assault of 9/11 rocked the municipality, the solid foundation that had been laid under Giuliani’s two terms allowed it to recover.

His successor, Michael Bloomberg, chose a different path than Giuliani, raising taxes to address fiscal concerns as opposed to cutting them. However, Bloomberg’s emphasis on business development and restrained spending managed to allow the city’s prosperity to continue, despite his rather odd preoccupation with intrusive matters such as the dietary and exercise habits of his constituents.  During his tenure, his attempts to cut police and fire services were essentially thwarted by the City Council, allowing him to succeed almost in spite of himself.

New Mayor Bill De Blasio  promises to mark a far different course than his predecessors. His background is certainly controversial.  He was a supporter of the Nicaraguan Sandinista movement, which had invited Soviet military elements into that Latin American nation in the past and is doing the same for Russia today.

His ideology is essentially indistinguishable from the “Occupy Wall Street” movement, with its emphasis on hard-left ideology including increasing the tax burden as a matter of principle, eliminating the tough anti-crime stance that began under Mayor Giuliani, and attacking non-traditional public schools despite their success.  He has also been tainted by a scandal involving his bizarre attack on the city’s popular horse and carriage tourist attraction, which apparently had been prompted by the desire of one of his significant campaign contributors to obtain the valuable property used by that industry. Unlike what occurred for his predecessor Bloomberg, the City Council will not thwart de Blasio’s unusual tendencies since that institutions’ newly elected leadership shares them.
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If Mr. de Blasio succeeds in radicalizing governing policies, key financial industries and major taxpayers could reduce their presence in the city, causing a major revenue gap.  Additionally, the expected increase in crime and the distress of parents about turning over control of the schools to a radicalized union could result in the same type of middle-class exodus that proved to be Detroit’s downfall.


Similarly, the policies of the national government since 2008 have taken a far more radical path from those in the past. National spending for social welfare programs, similar to what has caused distress to municipalities, has soared, with little effect in reducing poverty.

A lack of fiscal support for police which in the past led to increases in crime is mirrored in the cuts to the American defense infrastructure, which is leading to increased aggressiveness on the part of those nations intent on breaking international law.

The burdens placed on key national industries as a result of overbroad EPA regulations, an aggressive federal Labor Department, and the added expenses faced under the Affordable Care Act mirror the challenges that resulted in many vital industries leaving urban centers for less regulated venues.

The practices that have shaken confidence in local governments in Detroit, Chicago, and other cities find a counterpart in questions about the distribution of stimulus dollars by the White House as well as in the growing lack of trust due to the IRS, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, and other scandals.

Whether the Executive Branch will take note of the fate of troubled cities and changes its course remains to be seen.

Quick Analysis

The Growing Threat on America’s Southern Border

As Moscow’s forces invaded Crimea, Russian warships again docked in Cuba, part of President Putin’s goal of reconstituting the influence of the former Soviet Union in some Latin American nations.

Moscow is not the only anti-American nation to make military advances on our southern border.

China has spent vast sums on developing both military and civilian infrastructure facilities in the region. Much of Beijing’s investment has been in strategic infrastructure, including port facilities on both the East and West sides of the Panama Canal, and, as expert Dr. Evan Ellis has noted, airport facility in Freeport, The Bahamas, just 65 miles from the USA, and a deep sea port in Suriname.

Familiarizing its military with the region, China has deployed peacekeeping forces to Haiti, and a naval hospital ship to Cuba. Ellis notes that “The PRC also conducts significant interactions with the militaries of virtually all of the Caribbean nations with which it has diplomatic relations.  A series of senior level Caribbean military leaders have visited China in the past two years…At a lower level, people-to-people military interactions have included inviting uniformed Caribbean military personnel and defense civilians for professional education trips to the PRC…The PLA donated $3.5 million in non-lethal military equipment to the Jamaica defense Force in 2010….The PLA is also reported to have personnel at Soviet-era intelligence collection facilities in Bejucal, Lourdes, and Santiago de Cuba…”
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The U.S.-China Economic & Security Review Commission reports that Venezuela, Chile, Bolivia and Cuba now maintain strong ties to the Chinese military “through a high number of official visits, military officer exchanges, port calls, and limited arms sales.”  Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador have begun to buy Chinese arms and military equipment, including radar and aircraft.  Bolivia has signed a military cooperation agreement with China.

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard has also been active in supporting forces hostile to U.S. interests.

Despite all of those facts, and the ongoing repression of freedom in Cuba and Venezuela, the U.S. Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, in his 2014 Worldwide Threat Assessment to Congress,  made no mention of Russian, Chinese and Iranian military moves, and the defunding of the U.S. military continues.

NY Analysis

US Surrenders Internet Control

The President has announced that the United States will surrender administrative control of the internet.  America loosely had jurisdiction over areas such as domain names, with the input of international concerns.

But for some time, a number of foreign governments, such as Russia, China and Iran have complained.  Those nations engage in censorship over their domestic internet users, and are angered when the citizens of other nations openly criticize them.  In 2012, they attempted to ram through measures that would allow chilling actions against free speech on the internet.

This is a terrible move by Mr. Obama, and it is being done without any good reason whatsoever.

In time, this will definitely lead to censorship and harassment by dictatorial regimes.

This latest act is part of a disturbing series of White House actions that are hostile to the First Amendment. As you may recall from just several weeks ago, the Obama Administration attempted to use the Federal Communications Commission to ram through a program that would have placed controlling federal bureaucrats in television, radio, newspaper and even internet newsrooms. The concept was a blatant violation of the First Amendment, and fortunately, enough noise was made so that the White House was forced to back off.

There are two extremely disturbing aspects to this entire censorship trend emanating from the Oval Office. The first, of course, is that an American president would ever be so disdainful of the most basic right held by the people.  The second is that it felt confident that it could get away with this Stalinist move.

In the case of FCC gambit, the news media realized its ox was being gored, and so they temporarily put aside their worshipful attitude towards Mr. Obama and actually acted like real news people.   In the threat to the internet, it remains to be seen whether they will do the same.

Many large news organizations, especially those on network television and those running major newspapers, have a distinct dislike of the independence and forthrightness of internet news sites.  Also, to be quite candid, they just don’t like the competition.  More and more news consumers are moving away from the traditional media to the more honest and less restricted sources found elsewhere.

Unlike the big media concerns that have abandoned journalistic ethics in their partisan support of the President, internet sites, along with talk radio, provide a more robust and far more thorough brand of reporting than can be found on TV or in newsprint.

These censorship moves would have been unthinkable in the past.  Why is there not more outrage on the part of our society? Have we become so desensitized to the constant attacks on our liberties, our rights, our very character as a free people that nothing shocks or angers us anymore?

We have been told by this White House that our Second Amendment rights must be limited.  We have been told that our Fourth Amendment right to privacy doesn’t exist.  The Ninth and Tenth Amendments have been made irrelevant by their actions.  Even the Constitutional separation of powers is viewed as an anachronism by a President who tells us he can’t be bothered waiting for Congress, that he has a pen and a phone that he can wield to further his unilateral agenda.

In plain English, this internet surrender, along with the FCC and other unlawful acts are an attempt by the President to attack those who disagree with it by finding a way to harass them out of business.  They must not be allowed to pass.

These recent actions by the Obama Administration concerning opening the door to internet censorship, tapping of reporter’s phones, as well as the assault on the Tea Party by the IRS, are scandals that would have, in the past, resulted in the end of a presidency.


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In his recent statement about Crimea, the President failed to respond in any meaningful way to Russia’s Ukrainian invasion. Announcing only a weak suite of minor sanctions, Mr. Obama completely failed to take any steps which would have had any impact on Putin’s decisions.


Obama did not announce a cessation of his relentless cuts to the U.S. military.  The weakened American armed forces no longer deter Moscow’s expansionism. He did not state that he would expand drilling for gas and oil on federal lands, to end the Kremlin’s blackmail hold on the European economy. He did not announce that America would announce its intention to lobby for the expulsion Russia from significant international organization.


By failing to state any of the above actions, Mr. Obama essentially green-lighted further aggression.


As unfortunate as it may be, the fact is that weakness has never deterred bullies, either in the schoolyard or on the word stage. The evidence is resoundingly clear that the President’s policies of appeasement and unilateral disarmament have failed completely.  Indeed, the planet is closer to devastatingly large international conflicts than it has been at any time since the end of the Second World War.


For the good of both America and world peace, The President needs to put his ego aside, admit his policies have failed, and restore America’s strength before it’s too late.  It is becoming too late quite rapidly.

NY Analysis

Obama Fails to Respond to Russian Ukranian Invasion

In his statement this morning, the President  failed to respond in any meaningful way to Russia’s Ukranian invasion.

Announcing only a weak suite of  minor sanctions, Mr. Obama completely failed to take any steps which would have had any impact on Putin’s decisions.

Obama did not announce a cessation of his relentless cuts to the U.S. military.  The weakened American armed forces no longer deter Moscow’s expansionism.

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He did not announce that America would announce its intention to lobby for the expulsion Russia from significant international organization.

By failing to state any of the above actions, Mr. Obama essentially greenlighted further aggression.

NY Analysis

What is President Obama’s Worldview?

What is the basis for Mr. Obama’s views on national security?  Indeed, what are those views? Five years into his presidency, the question still needs to be asked.

The President of the United States has extensive authority to deal with foreign affairs and national security.  While he has wide latitude to pursue his goals (subject to the Senate’s consent role in treaties and the budgetary powers of Congress) most would agree that he at least owes both the legislative branch and the nation a thorough explanation of his worldview.


The New York Analysis reviewed Mr. Obama’s campaign statements, press conferences, speeches, the White House web site , and the statements of his national security advisor.


Beyond his general attempt to initiate a “reset” with Russia, which the Moscow Times describes as a “failure,”  and moving some naval forces from the Atlantic to the Pacific, there is an extraordinary paucity of specific policies for defense. Relations with Russia’s renewed cold war attitude, or China’s

dramatically enlarged and technologically sophisticated military, or even the strategic military advances of  Iran and North Korea, constitute a  deteriorating world security environment, but the White House has yet to change course, or even to pay significant attention, to developments that run counter to its  apparent desire to put international matters on the backburner.


As this edition goes to press, Russia has made threatening moves towards Ukraine, and has stationed tactical nuclear-capable weapons (ISKANDER missiles on its European border.  Chinese warships have fired on Philippine fisherman in an area international law states belongs to Manila. Japan feels so threatened that political forces advocating n end to its peace constitution are gaining ground. Both Moscow and Beijing, along with North Korea and Iran are continuing their extraordinary strategic and tactical strategic arms buildup.


The threat to the U.S. may be even more local.  As noted in a recent report from the Center for Security Policy,  “A North Korean tramp steamer, the Chong Chon Gang, was intercepted in Panama last summer and discovered to have concealed in its hold surface-to-air missiles and other weaponry from Cuba.  The movement of the nuclear-capable SA-2 SAMs through Caribbean waters demonstrates Pyongyang’s inherent capability to use such ship-borne weapons as launch vehicles for a potentially devastating electromagnetic pulse (EMP)  attack on our electric grid.”


Against this backdrop, the Obama Administration continues its advocacy of a major downsizing of the U.S. military.  As noted by the Council on Foreign Relations, the President proposes continuous reductions of military spending for the next decade, when it will account for 2.4% of GDP, the lowest in the post World War 2 era. Some of those who have been close to the President on this issue, including former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, have been sharply critical of his general attitude towards the military.



The President’s attempt to “Reset” relations with Russia was the early centerpiece of his foreign and defense policies.


Writing in the Moscow Times, Sergei Karagonov opined on what he believes is the flawed concept of Mr. Obama’s reset, even from the Russian perspective: (the perspective of American critics is that it gave too much to Russia without gaining anything substantive in return) “…the U.S. proposed nuclear weapons reductions as th primary mechanism of the diplomatic reset…But progress soon stalled with Russia rejecting U.S. proposals…In the hope of breaking the deadlock, Obama signaled his willingness to compromise.  But Putin had little reason to reciprocate, not least because agreement on the issue would have opened the door to further nuclear arms reductions. Moreover, members of Russia’s military and political elite hoped to use some of the country’s oil revenues to deploy a new generation of ICBMs…By focusing on nuclear disarmament and new START, Obama’s reset strategy remilitarized the U.S.-Russia relationship while marginalizing issues that could have reoriented bilateral ties toward the future.  In this sense, the initiative was doomed from the start, and the whole world has suffered as a result.”



What is manifestly evident is Mr. Obama’s desire to downsize of the U.S. military, regardless of external factors.


Indeed, Despite the reduction of defense spending levels as a percent of the GDP and the federal budget to historic low points, and rising, dangerous threats from abroad, the U.S. military is being asked to absorb massive new cuts.


America’s armed forces have been sharply reduced, as outlined by Rep. Randy Forbes


Compromising Defense

The U.S. has a shrinking force.

·         In 1990, the U.S. had a 546-ship Navy; today we have 285.
·         The U.S. had 76 Army brigades in 1990; today we have 45.
·         Two decades ago the Air Force had twice as many fighter squadrons and bombers as today.
·         China now has more ships in their Navy than the U.S. has in its Navy.

The U.S. has an aging force.

·         Navy ships and light attack vehicles, on average, were built 20 years ago.
·         Bombers average 34 years in age. Our tankers are nearly 50 years old.

The U.S. has a strained force.

·         In the last four years inspection failures for Navy ships have nearly tripled.
·         1 in 5 ships inspected is either unfit for combat or severely degraded.
·         A majority of the Navy’s deployed aircraft are unable to accomplish all of their assigned missions.
·         We already have a $367 million in needed repairs to our ships.
·         Marine Corps stockpiles of critical equipment such as radios, small arms and generators face severe shortages.
·         Over a third of Active Army units do not have sufficient personnel to perform their missions.
·         Army needs $25 billion to reset its force right now.
·         Marines need $12 billion to reset its force right now.

Our nation’s top brass have said our military cannot sustain deep defense cuts.

Some components of the Air Force “are right at the ragged edge.”
Proposed cuts would result in a “fundamental restructure of what it is our nation expects from our Air Force.” General Philip Breedlove, Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force

Deep cuts would lead to “fundamental changes” in the capability of our Marine Corps. General Joseph Dunford, Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps

The Army cannot meet all of the current, validated needs of commanders on the ground.
General Peter Chiarelli, Vice Chief of Staff of the Army

“I can’t see how we can sustain this pace of operations indefinitely and meet our readiness standards.” To meet unconstrained combatant commander demands, “I’d need, doing some analysis, about 400 ships. I have 285 ships today.” Admiral Jonathan Greenert, Vice Chief of Naval Operations

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Other elected officials and defense officials have also noted that U.S. armed forces have already endured significant budget cuts.  Much of the military equipment that remains has been worn down through years of fighting in the Middle East and Afghanistan. Key parts of the nation’s conventional and nuclear arsenals are old enough to be considered antiques, with some pilots flying the same aircraft their grandfathers flew.  Unlike other nuclear powers, America has not modernized its strategic arsenal in decades.  For budgetary reasons, the nation may reduce its first line of maritime defense, aircraft carriers, to a level below what is truly vital. Command and control functions once thought invulnerable are now subject to destruction.


The proposed cuts are based on the assumption that the U.S. will not be involved in any significant altercations in the near future. Critics note that this is similar to cutting back a local fire department on the premise that there would be fewer fires. Sydney Freeburg, writing in Breaking Defense, quotes General McMaster’s criticism that America can’t merely “opt out” of certain kinds of conflict.


The cuts would reduce the army to its smallest size since before World War II. It would eliminate one of the Air Force’s most useful weapons, the A10 Warthog, which Congress has said recently said was too crucial to lose.


Despite the significant history of personnel injuries in Iraq and Afghanistan, the new ground combat vehicle program would be cancelled.


The number of active duty soldiers would be reduced to the lowest point (approximately 440,000) in three-quarters of a century. The National Guard would also be reduced by 10,000 to 195,000. The Navy would see fully half of its 22 cruisers placed into mothballs. Littoral combat ships would be reduced from 52 to 32. There would be an undisclosed number of base closures, as well. The Marines would be reduced by about 4%.Special forces would grow by about 4,000 personnel, and the cuts in research and development would be halted.



There would be significant disincentives for those enlisted in the military to remain, or those thinking of enlisting to join. Cuts would be made in housing allowances, reimbursement for renters insurance, and commissary subsidiaries. There would be cuts to health benefits, lowered future increases in salaries, and a freeze in pay for senior officers.



All this is occurring as China and Russia astronomically increase their defense spending, and deploy technology that in some cases exceeds that of the U.S. The risk of an attack is actually greater than it was during the cold war, due to the growing ICBM and nuclear technology of Iran and North Korea, as well as Beijing’s increased aggressiveness and confidence.


The system of alliances that helped discourage a world war has been weakened, as Washington’s relations with allied nations in Europe and Asia are increasingly strained. In Latin America, several governments are openly hostile to the United States, and have invited increased Iranian, Russian and Chinese commercial and military interests to play a larger role within their borders.


The fact that this is occurring while America’s adversaries are increasing their militaries could be described as a move towards a partial unilateral disarmament. Mr. Obama’s recent comments that he wished to reduce America’s nuclear arsenal, without a reciprocal requirement from other atomic powers, gives credence to this view.



Since Mr. Obama has not explicitly shared his perspective on national security, the public must examine his actions and attempt to glean from them his views.


Contrary to all evidence, including Moscow’s extraordinary military buildup, its development of new nuclear missiles, its growing naval power, its re-development of cold war bases around the world, its return to cold war strategic patrols off America’s coasts and Putin’s aggressive statements, the President clings to the “reset” policy that he and former Secretary of State Clinton proclaimed in 2009 that essentially declares Russia to be a non-problem.


Similarly, the President has largely chosen to ignore China’s unprecedented military buildup in size and technological sophistication, the aggressive comments of its military leaders, its cyber-attacks and intensive espionage on U.S. soil, and most importantly, its assaults on U.S. allies such as Japan and the Philippines, other than redeploying some ships from the Atlantic to the Pacific.


Attempting to balance the US budget through military cuts is, ultimately, a doomed policy.  defense costs makes up, on average, less than 19% of Washington spending, and substantial reductions have already been made; as noted by the Council on Foreign Relations, the reduction in 2012, from $711 billion to $668 billion was, in dollar terms, “the largest decline since 1991.” That was shortly after the collapse of the Soviet Union and before the rise of Russian militarism under Putin.


The President appears to truly believe that there is no current or immediately prospective significant threat to the national security of the United States or its key allies.  Given that perspective, it is not surprising that he has slashed the Pentagon’s budget.  Unfortunately, every shred of empirical evidence directly and overwhelmingly contradicts Mr. Obama’s worldview.


The President’s lack of attention to this most vital area and his lack of clarity and candor with the public is deeply disturbing.



Threat Assessment

Against a backdrop of quickly deteriorating global relations both between Washington and other governments, and rapidly escalating tensions between nations across the globe, James R, Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence, has recently testified to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.  


From the streets of the Ukraine to the waters surrounding Japan and thePhilippines where the potential for combat is ever-present, the world teeters on the edge of a scale of warfare not seen since 1945.

The people of Israel feel a sense of dread not equaled since the defeat of Nazi Germany. The Taliban is preparing to retake Afghanistan, and al Qaedacontrols more territory than ever in the Middle East.


Moscow is violating arms agreements without any serious discussion of penalty from the White House, as Putin develops a military even more powerful than it possessed during the Cold War.  China has devoted its vast riches to the construction of an armed force larger in size than any other nations’, with high-tech weapons that in many cases surpass our own.


INorth Korea, people are subjected to a level of atrocities not seen since the concentration camps of the 1940s, as their government continues to rapidly build nuclear weapons and ICBMS capable of delivering them to American soil.


Parts of Latin America are suffering under despotic regimes that repress their own citizens and openly call the United States their enemy.  These governments have opened their doors to the militaries and intelligence services of Iran, China, and Russia.


Several nations that formerly were allied in interest with Washington, such as Egypt  and Turkey, are now looking towards America’s enemies for arms deals.


CIA Camel A U.S. Marine Corps mine-resistant, ambush-protected vehicle provides security in the Now Zad district in Afghanistan’s Helmand province, Feb. 16, 2014. The vehicle is assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment. The unit supported Afghan forces conducting an operation in the area. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Sean Searfus

Excepts from

The Remarks of National Intelligence Director

James R. Clapper

to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

on the 2014 Worldwide Threat Assessment

Clapper’s remarks

“I’ve not experienced a time when we have been beset by more crises and threats around the globe.


“My list is long. It includes the scourge and diversification of terrorism, loosely connected and globally dispersed, to include here at home, as exemplified by the Boston Marathon bombing; the sectarian war in Syria, its attraction as a growing center of radical extremism and the potential threat this poses to the homeland.


“Let me briefly expand on this point. The strength of the insurgency in Syria is now estimated at somewhere between 75 or 80,000 or up to 110 to 115,000 insurgents, who are organized into more than 1,500 groups of widely varying political leanings.


“Three of the most effective are the Al-Nusrah Front, Ansar Al- Sham, and the Islamic State of Iraq in the Levant, or ISIL, as it’s known, who total about 26,000 insurgents. Complicating this further are the 7,500 or so foreign fighters from some 50 countries who have gravitated to Syria. Among them are a small group of Af-Pak Al Qaida veterans who have the aspirations for external attack in Europe, if not the homeland.


“And there are many other crises and threats around the globe, to include the spillover of the Syria conflict into neighboring Lebanon and Iraq; the destabilizing flood of refugees in Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon, now about 2.5 million people, a symptom of one of the largest humanitarian disasters in a decade; the implications of the drawdown in Afghanistan; the deteriorating internal security posture in Iraq, with AQI now in control of Fallujah; the growth of foreign cyber capabilities, nation- states and non-nations states as well; the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction; aggressive nation-state intelligence efforts against us; an assertive Russia; a competitive China; a dangerous, unpredictable North Korea; a challenging Iran; lingering ethnic divisions in the Balkans; perpetual conflict and extremism in Africa, in Mali, Nigeria, the Central African Republic, and in South Sudan; violent political struggles in, among others, the Ukraine, Burma, Thailand, and Bangladesh; the specter of mass atrocities; the increasing stress of burgeoning populations; the urgent demands for energy, water and food; the increasing sophistication of transnational crime; the tragedy and magnitude of human trafficking; the insidious rot of invented synthetic drugs; potential for pandemic diseases occasioned by the growth of drug resistant bacteria.


“I could go on with this litany, but suffice to say that we live in a complex, dangerous world…


“My second topic is what has consumed extraordinary time and energy for much of the past year in the intelligence community, in the Congress, in the White House, and, of course, in the public square.


“I’m speaking, of course, about potentially the most massive and most damaging theft of intelligence information in our history by Edward Snowden, and the ensuing avalanche of revelations published and broadcast around the world. I won’t dwell on the debate about Snowden’s motives or his legal standing or on the supreme ironies occasioned by his choice of freedom-loving nations and beacons of free expression to which he fled and from which he rails about what an Orwellian state he thinks this country has become.


“But what I do want to speak to, as the nation’s senior intelligence officer, is the profound damage that his disclosures have caused and will continue to cause. And, as a consequence, in my view, this nation is less safe and its people less secure.

What Snowden has stolen and exposed has gone way, way beyond his professed concerns with so-called domestic surveillance programs. As a result, we’ve lost critical foreign intelligence collections sources, including some shared with us by valued partners.


“Terrorists and other adversaries of this country are going to school on U.S. intelligence sources, methods and trade craft. And the insights that they are gaining are making our jobs much, much harder. And this includes putting — putting the lives of members or assets of the intelligence community at risk, as well as our armed forces, diplomats and our citizens.

We’re beginning to see changes in the communications behavior of adversaries, particularly terrorists, a disturbing trend that I anticipate will continue. Snowden, for his part, claims that he’s won and that his mission is accomplished. If that’s so, I call on him and his accomplices to facilitate the return of the remaining stolen documents that have not yet been exposed, to prevent even more damage to U.S. security.


“As a third, and related point, I want to comment on the ensuing fallout. It pains me greatly that the National Security Agency and its magnificent workforce have been pilloried in public commentary…


“As I and other leaders in the community have said many times, NSA’s job is not to target the e-mails and phone calls of U.S. citizens. The agency does collect foreign intelligence, the whole reason that NSA has existed since 1952, performing critical missions that I’m sure the American people wanted to carry out.


“Moreover, the effects of the unauthorized disclosures hurt the entire Intelligence Community, not just NSA. Critical intelligence capabilities in which the United States has invested billions of dollars are at risk or likely to be curtailed or eliminated either because of compromise or conscious decision. Moreover, the impact of the losses caused by the disclosures will be amplified by the substantial budget cuts we’re incurring.


“The stark consequences of this perfect storm are plainly evident. The Intelligence Community is going to have less capacity to protect our nation and its allies than we’ve had. In this connection, I am also compelled to note, as did Ranking Member Ruppersberger, the negative morale impact this perfect storm has had on the I.C. workforce, which were compounded by sequestration, furloughs, the shutdown and salary freezes.


“This leads me to my fourth point: We are thus faced collectively — and by collectively I mean this committee, the Congress at large, the executive branch, and, most acutely, all of us in the intelligence community — with the inescapable imperative to accept more risk. It’s a plain hard fact and a circumstance that the community must, and will, manage, together with you and with those we support in the executive branch.


“But if dealing with reduced capabilities is what we — is needed to ensure the faith and confidence of the American people and their elected representatives, then we in the intelligence community will work as hard as we can to meet the expectations before us.


“And that brings me to my fifth and final point: The major takeaway for us, and certainly for me from the past several months is that we must lean in the direction of transparency wherever and whenever we can. With greater transparency about these intelligence programs, the American people may be more likely to accept them…”


 U.S. Force train Afghan police (DoD photo)




As the planet becomes far more dangerous, the U.S. military continues to shrink.

While all this occurs, Secretary of State John Kerry proclaims that global warming is his main concern.


The time has long passed for highly important and urgently appropriate questions about the Obama Administration’s foreign policy strategy and goals, as well as its vision of America’s international role.

There are two salient issues involved.  The first is the incredible deterioration of international relations during Obama’s tenure. The second is the complete failure of the President to share with the American people his worldview. Since his election, Mr. Obama has been exceptionally hesitant to explain his worldview. He has commented about foreign affairs far less, in speeches, press conferences, and state of the union addresses than his predecessor.


Critics have raised serious questions about the priorities of a President who rushes to ouster an Egyptian regime that was friendly to the U.S., and a Libyan regime that was fighting al Qaeda, but does nothing of substance to assist Iranian dissidents who are seeking to reform the Tehran government, or to assist Cuban political prisoners, or those seeking to restore democracy in Venezuela, or Ukrainians seeking to avoid a Kremlin takeover.


There has been a noticeable lack of communications from the Oval Office of the President, or the State Department under Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, about what direction they are steering this nation in, and why there has been no discussion of this Administration’s intentions.


What is the basis for Mr. Obama’s views on national security?  Indeed, what are those views? Five years into his presidency, the question still needs to be asked.


The President of the United States has extensive authority to deal with foreign affairs  and national security.  While he has wide latitude to pursue his goals (subject to the Senate’s consent role in treaties and the budgetary powers of Congress) most would agree that he at least owes both the legislative branch and the nation a thorough explanation of his worldview.


The New York Analysis reviewed Mr. Obama’s campaign statements, press conferences, speeches, the White House web site, and the statements of his national security advisor.


Beyond his general attempt to initiate a “reset” with Russia, which the Moscow Times describes as a “failure,”   and moving some naval forces from the Atlantic to the Pacific, there is an extraordinary paucity of specific policies for defense. There has been no publicly stated policy to deal with an era when Russia has a renewed cold war attitude, China has a dramatically enlarged and technologically sophisticated military, and Iran and North Korea continue to make strategic weapons advances. The White House has, as far as can be discerned, yet to  pay significant attention to developments that run counter to its  apparent desire to put international matters on the backburner.

As this edition goes to press, Russia has made threatening moves towards Ukraine, and has stationed tactical nuclear-capable weapons (ISKANDERmissiles)  on its European border.  Chinese warships have fired on Philippine fisherman in an area international law states belongs to Manila. Japan feels so threatened that political forces advocating an end to its peace constitution are gaining ground. Both Moscow and Beijing, along with North Korea and Iran are continuing their extraordinary strategic and tactical strategic arms buildup.

The threat to the U.S. may be even more local.  As noted in a recent report from the Center for Security Policy,  “A North Korean tramp steamer, the Chong Chon Gang, was intercepted in Panama last summer and discovered to have concealed in its hold surface-to-air missiles and other weaponry from Cuba.  The movement of the nuclear-capable SA-2 SAMs through Caribbean waters demonstrates Pyongyang’s inherent capability to use such ship-borne weapons as launch vehicles for a potentially devastating electromagnetic pulse (EMP)  attack on our electric grid.”


Against this backdrop, the Obama Administration continues its advocacy of a major downsizing of the U.S. military.  As noted by the Council on Foreign Relations, the President proposes continuous reductions of military spending for the next decade, when it will account for 2.4% of GDP, the lowest in the post World War 2 era.  Some of those who have been close to the President on this issue, including former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, have been sharply critical of his general attitude towards the military.


The President’s attempt to “Reset” relations with Russia was the early centerpiece of his foreign and defense policies.

Writing in the Moscow Times, Sergei Karagonov opined on what he believes is the flawed concept of Mr. Obama’s reset, even from the Russian perspective: (the perspective of American critics is that it gave too much to Russia without gaining anything substantive in return) “…the U.S. proposed nuclear weapons reductions as th primary mechanism of the diplomatic reset…But progress soon stalled with Russia rejecting U.S. proposals…In the hope of breaking the deadlock, Obama signaled his willingness to compromise.  But Putin had little reason to reciprocate, not least because agreement on the issue would have opened the door to further nuclear arms reductions. Moreover, members of Russia’s military and political elite hoped to use some of the country’s oil revenues to deploy a new generation of ICBMs…By focusing on nuclear disarmament and new START, Obama’s reset strategy remilitarized the U.S.-Russia relationship while marginalizing issues that could have reoriented bilateral ties toward the future.  In this sense, the initiative was doomed from the start, and the whole world has suffered as a result.”




U.S. B-52 bomber, a mainstay of the strategic and tactical strategy of the Air Force.

Thes planes are so old the grandfathers of current USAF pilots flew the same aircraft. (USAF photo)


What is manifestly evident is Mr. Obama’s desire to downsize of the U.S. military, regardless of external factors.


Indeed, Despite the reduction of defense spending levels as a percent of the GDP and the federal budget to historic low points, and rising, dangerous threats from abroad, the U.S. military is being asked to absorb massive new cuts.

America’s armed forces have been sharply reduced, as outlined by Rep. Randy Forbes (R-VA)



           In 1990, the U.S. had a 546-ship Navy; today we have 285. 

·         The U.S. had 76 Army brigades in 1990; today we have 45. 

·         Two decades ago the Air Force had twice as many fighter squadrons and bombers as today. 

·         China now has more ships in their Navy than the U.S. has in its Navy.


The U.S. has an aging force.

·         Navy ships and light attack vehicles, on average, were built 20 years ago.
·         Bombers average 34 years in age. Our tankers are nearly 50 years old. 

The U.S. has a strained force.

·         In the last four years inspection failures for Navy ships have nearly tripled.
·         1 in 5 ships inspected is either unfit for combat or severely degraded.
·         A majority of the Navy’s deployed aircraft are unable to accomplish all of their assigned missions.
·         We already have a $367 million in needed repairs to our ships.
·         Marine Corps stockpiles of critical equipment such as radios, small arms and generators face severe shortages.
·         Over a third of Active Army units do not have sufficient personnel to perform their missions.
·         Army needs $25 billion to reset its force right now.
·         Marines need $12 billion to reset its force right now.


Our nation’s top brass have said our military cannot sustain deep defense cuts:

Some components of the Air Force “are right at the ragged edge.”
Proposed cuts would result in a “fundamental restructure of what it is our nation expects from our Air Force.” General Philip Breedlove, Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force

Deep cuts would lead to “fundamental changes” in the capability of our Marine Corps. General Joseph Dunford, Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps

The Army cannot meet all of the current, validated needs of commanders on the ground.
General Peter Chiarelli, Vice Chief of Staff of the Army

“I can’t see how we can sustain this pace of operations indefinitely and meet our readiness standards.” To meet unconstrained combatant commander demands, “I’d need, doing some analysis, about 400 ships. I have 285 ships today.” Admiral Jonathan Greenert, Vice Chief of Nava

NY Analysis

FCC vs. The First Amendment?


In what may be one of the most controversial programs ever initiated by a federal agency, the Federal Communications Commission is about to commence a research effort entitled “critical information needs” (known as CIN) involving Washington oversight of broadcasters and journalists throughout America. It would place government employees in the private internal conversations and meetings of journalists, media organizations, and even internet sites.


According to the FCC, the effort is designed to address three core questions:

“1. How do Americans meet critical information needs?

2. How does the media ecosystem operate to address critical information needs?

3. What barriers exist in providing content and services to address critical information needs?”


According to the FCC summary:


 “The goal of the review specifically was to summarize research on the diversity of views available to local communities, on the diversity of sources in local markets, the definition of a range of critical information needs of the American public, how they are acquired as well as the barriers to acquisition. Having considered multiple frames of reference that take into account current conditions and trends, we identify existing knowledge and gaps in information. This research points to the importance of considering multiple dimensions and interactions within and across local communication ecologies rather than focusing on single platforms or categories of owners. The converging media environment together with demographic trends and evolving variations in communities of interests and culture among the American public require a more complex understanding of these dynamics as well as of the populations affected by them, in order to effectively identify and eliminate barriers to market entry and promote diversity…


“Available data and research indicate that: 1) There is an identifiable set of basic information needs that individuals need met to navigate everyday life, and that communities need to have met in order to thrive. While fundamental in nature, these needs are not static but rather subject to redefinition by changing technologies, economic status and demographic shifts. 2) Low-income and some minority and marginalized communities within metropolitan and rural areas and areas that are “lower-information” areas are likely to be systematically disadvantaged in both personal and community opportunities when information needs lag or go unmet.

3) Information goods are public goods; the failure to provide them is, in part, a market failure. But carefully crafted public policy can address gaps in information goods provision.”



The breadth of what’s covered is a comprehensive list of what the public sees, hears, reads, or surfs.  It includes television and radio broadcast content, articles printed in daily and weekly newspapers, and even what’s placed on line on the internet.  In addition, a so-called “qualitative analysis of media providers” would be included.


Many observers are deeply concerned about the concept of a government agency making value judgments about news reporting, particularly in cases where those news items may be critical of the very government that is engaged in such oversight.


Worried First Amendment advocates and journalists who have expressed opposition to President Obama’s policies see this as an attempt to use the Federal Communications Commission to intimidate broadcasters and news writers in much the same way his Administration has been accused of using the Internal Revenue Service to attack opposing political groups such as the Tea Party.

Work on the concept began in 2012.  The Annenberg School of Communication, which according to a study by the conservative-orientedBreitbart news agency is operated by the “same entity that employed both Barack Obama and domestic terrorist William Ayers in Chicago in the late 1990s and early 2000s,” carried out the initial research.

The Social Solutions International Corporation was then retained by the FCC to organize a study and a final report, which was issued in April 2013.


Social Solutions International defines itself as “a research and evaluation firm dedicated to the creation of positive change for underserved populations. Our work touches those in our community and in countries worldwide. We are a mission-driven organization that believes that superior science can improve the world.”


Among the items the Social Solutions Corporations is reviewing:

  •  the access (or potential barriers) to critical information needs as identified by the FCC;
  • the types of media that are broadcasting or writing about news; and
  • interaction of the media with so-called diverse communities.

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This spring, field testing of the concept will begin.

This effort is so unusual that that even some within the Federal Communications Commission are crying foul. In a recent Wall Street Journal guest article by FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai that is credited with bringing widespread attention to the issue, Commissioner Pai expressed his concern that this was an attempt to pressure media organizations into providing overage according to the whims of the government.


The FCC claims that the effort is to insure that listeners, viewers or readers get information bureaucrats consider crucial. The effort is billed as being “voluntary,” but the implication is clear: those refusing to comply could be in jeopardy of not having their broadcasting licenses renewed, or be subjected, in the case of print or internet organizations, to other harassing actions.

The FCC also claims that it wants to “eliminate barriers” for others, including small and minority businesses, to enter into the news field.  Commissioner Pai notes that this claim is peculiar. How can the news judgments made by editors and station managers impede small businesses from entering the broadcast industry? And why does the CIN study include newspapers when the FCC has no authority to regulate print media?

There are significant questions about what the FCC is attempting to do.  There are no barriers, or even much cost, to placing your views on the internet.  What possible excuse could Washington have to attempt to intervene in this process?

Opponents say the entire concept is overtly unconstitutional.  In the past, there were programs, such as the Fairness Doctrine, which mandated broadcast outlets to give equal time to opposing sides.  That idea, they maintain, died a well-deserved death. The CIN concept is markedly different from the Fairness Doctrine, which did pass Supreme Court review.


For the first time, it opens the door to allowing the federal government to directly intervene in the news process, and to establish a basis to affect news content on television, radio, in newspapers, magazines, and, remarkably, even on the internet.


There appears to be ample reason for First Amendment advocates to be deeply concerned.





December 10, 2013


Proposed field study shows “startling disregard” for freedom of the press – “It is wrong, it is unconstitutional, and we urge you to put a stop to this”


WASHINGTON, DC – House Energy and Commerce Committee leaders, along with every Republican member of the Communications and Technology Subcommittee, [on December 10] wrote to FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler urging him to suspend the Federal Communications Commission’s efforts to conduct a field study that could lead to a revival of the Fairness Doctrine. Members cited similar concerns with respect to the original Fairness Doctrine and committee leaders urged then FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski to remove the statute from the Code of Federal Regulations in 2011. The doctrine was eliminated in August 2011.


“Given the widespread calls for the commission to respect the First Amendment and stay out of the editorial decisions of reporters and broadcasters, we were shocked to see that the FCC is putting itself back in the business of attempting to control the political speech of journalists. It is wrong, it is unconstitutional, and we urge you to put a stop to this most recent attempt to engage the FCC as the ‘news police,'” wrote the members. “The commission has no business probing the news media’s editorial judgment and expertise, nor does it have any business in prescribing a set diet of ‘critical information.’ These goals are plainly inappropriate and are at bottom an incursion by the government into the constitutionally protected operations of the professional news media.”


The members concluded, “The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is the beacon of freedom that makes the United States unique among the world’s nations.  We urge you to take immediate steps to suspend this effort and find ways that are consistent with the Communications Act and the Constitution to serve the commission’s statutory responsibilities.”


The letter was signed by the following members:


Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI)
Energy and Commerce Committee Vice Chairman Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)
Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Emeritus Joe Barton (R-TX)
Communications and Technology Subcommittee Chairman Greg Walden (R-OR)
Communications and Technology Subcommittee Vice Chairman Bob Latta (R-OH)
Rep. John Shimkus (R-IL)
Rep. Lee Terry (R-NE)
Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI)
Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA)
Rep. Leonard Lance (R-NJ)
Rep. Brett Guthrie (R-KY)
Rep. Cory Gardner (R-CO)
Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-KS)
Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL)
Rep. Billy Long (R-MO)
Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-NC)

NY Analysis

WNtions Seek Defense vs. Asteroids

The end of the world may be postponed, thanks to an international meeting that took place in January.

The Space Mission Planning and Advisory Group (SMPAG) met in a forum hosted by the European Space Agency  to determine how best to protect our planet from a catastrophic asteroid strike.  Its specific mission is to coordinate expertise and capabilities for missions aimed at countering asteroids that might one day strike Earth.

SMPAG was formed by the United Nation’s Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space to develop a strategy on how to react to a future extraterrestrial collision. It will coordinate with space agencies across the world to develop a strategy in response to a collision between Earth and an impact with an extraterrestrial object.

According to the Association of Space Explorers Committee on Near Earth Objects, “Asteroid impacts—an ongoing cosmic and geological process—have dramatically altered the course of life on Earth. A rogue asteroid will certainly strike Earth in the future, and such impacts pose a global threat to human life and society. Search efforts to date have discovered scarcely 1% of potentially hazardous near-Earth objects (NEOs). Current telescopes were unable to warn us of the Feb. 2013 Chelyabinsk impact, which released 440 kilotons of explosive energy and injured more than a thousand people. Because near-Earth asteroid searches have focused almost exclusively on large objects with global destructive potential, 99% of the objects big enough to level a major metropolitan area remain undiscovered. As technology improves and hundreds of thousands of new asteroids are found, the global community will likely be confronted by one posing a worryingly high probability of striking Earth.”


The U.N. has been discussing the issue for approximately 14 years, beginning in 1995 when it’s Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) met in New York to bring the issue to the attention of member states.  In 2001, “Action Team 14” was established to improve international coordination of activities related to near-Earth objects.

Recommendations of the Action Team on Near-Earth Objects for an

international response to the near-Earth object impact threat




Given the global consequences of a NEO impact and the enormous resources

required to prevent a collision, the UN has been seen as the forum to coordinate such

efforts. In 1995, the United Nations International Conference on Near Earth Objects

was held at UN Headquarters in New York. The Conference, organized by United

Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), sensitised Member States to the

potential threat of NEOs and proposed an expansion of existing observation

campaigns to detect and track NEOs.


The Action Team on Near-Earth Objects (Action Team 14) was established in

2001 by the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space

(COPUOS), in response to recommendation 14 of the Third United Nations

Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNISPACE III)

that was held in Vienna in 1999, to improve international coordination of activities

related to near-Earth objects. Sergio Camacho, a former UNOOSA Director currently

serves as the Chair of AT-14.


The Action Team has been mandated to:

(a) Review the content, structure and organization of ongoing efforts in

the field of near-Earth objects (NEOs);

(b) Identify any gaps in the ongoing work where additional coordination is

required and/or where other countries or organizations could make contributions;

(c) Propose steps for the improvement of international coordination in

collaboration with specialized bodies.


The Action Team based its recommendations on the fact that many expert groups and

assets needed for this issue already exist. It recommends the formation of a warning

network and two advisory groups: an International Asteroid Warning Network

(IAWN), a Space Missions Planning Advisory Group (SMPAG – pronounce ‘same

page’), and an Impact Disaster Planning Advisory Group (IDPAG).


The warning network


The IAWN would be a network of experts which would focus on discovery, tracking,

and the observation of NEOs. The goal would be to find objects as early as possible.

Observations are processed and orbit predictions and any potential impact warnings

are generated. The IAWN would also prepare public communications. In case of a

credible impact threat, IAWN would ensure that more information on these objects is

gathered expeditiously. IAWN would then also inform COPUOS and the Office of



Office for Outer Space Affairs, United Nations Office at Vienna, Wagramerstrasse 5, 1400 Vienna, Austria

Tel. (+43-1) 26060-0, Fax (+43-1) 26060-5830,

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astrodynamics experts, experts working on the characterization of asteroids and

modelling. No formal ‘group’ is needed, it is a network of existing experts and assets.

A steering group is proposed as a focus point for the IAWN. COPUOS would receive

yearly summary reports from the IAWN.


The advisory groups


The IDPAG would have as tasks to review lessons learned from other large-scale

disasters, prepare coordinated response plans and exercises to address both predicted

and unpredicted impact disasters. It would recommend and promote research related

to the topic. It would develop representative timelines and procedures for evacuations.

It is proposed that the IDPAG is formed by representatives of existing national and

international disaster response agencies. Its organisation would be initiated by the

IAWN and could be coordinated with other relevant international and national entities




The SMPAG would combine the expertise of space-faring nations. It would

recommend and promote mitigation mission-related research and studies on an

international and cooperative level. It would develop and adopt a set of reference

missions. It would develop technical concepts and propose operational setups. It

would also develop applicable decision criteria and timelines. The SMPAG would be

a group of voluntary representatives of space-faring nations. The group would call on

support by technical experts and other relevant entities as needed. It would provide a

yearly summary report to COPUOS.


Response to a credible impact threat


In the case of an actual credible impact threat, the IAWN would provide all available

information and updates to COPUOS through the UN Office of Outer Space Affairs.

The IDPAG would work with disaster response groups in nations that would be

affected to prepare and coordinate civil protection plans. The SMPAG would

coordinate the space mission planning among space-capable nations. It is suggested

that COPUOS may choose to appoint an ad-hoc mitigation advisory group to work

together with the response teams.



It was a vast space-borne rock that plummeted into the Yucatan and wiped out the dinosaurs  many millennia ago. There is no doubt that Earth will be the target of another such hit some time in the future—and that future can be anywhere from a few years to a few centuries from now.

Even much smaller asteroids could have a devastating impact, wiping out an entire city in a single blow.  The danger is real, and affects every nation on the globe.

NASA’s Near Earth Object (NEO) Program has spearheaded this area of space research, working to detect, track and characterize potentially hazardous asteroids and comets that could approach the Earth. With over 90% of the near-Earth objects larger than one kilometer already discovered, the NEO Program is now focusing on finding 90% of the NEO population larger than 140 meters. In addition to managing the detection and cataloging of Near-Earth objects, the NEO Program office is responsible for facilitating communications between the astronomical community and the public should any potentially hazardous objects be discovered. As of February 02, 2014, 10,685 Near-Earth objects have been discovered. Some 868 of these NEOs are asteroids with a diameter of approximately 1 kilometer or larger. 1454 of these NEOs have been classified as potentially hazardous.


The final report of NASA’s Asteroid Initiative was released in January.

NASA’s Asteroid Initiative consists of two separate but related activities: the Asteroid Redirect Mission (ARM), and the Asteroid Grand Challenge (AGC). NASA is developing concepts for the ARM, which would use a robotic spacecraft to capture a small near-Earth asteroid (7 to 10 meters), or remove a boulder (1 to 10 meters) from the surface of a larger asteroid, and redirect it into a stable orbit around the moon. Astronauts launched aboard the Orion spacecraft would rendezvous with the captured asteroid material in lunar orbit, and collect samples for return to Earth.


The AGC is seeking the best ideas to find all asteroid threats to human populations, and to accelerate the work that NASA is already doing for planetary defense. The Asteroid Initiative will leverage and integrate NASA’s activities in human exploration, space technology, and space science to advance the technologies and capabilities needed for future human and robotic exploration, to enable the first human mission to interact with asteroid material, and to accelerate efforts to detect, track, characterize, and mitigate the

threat of potentially hazardous asteroids.

Last month, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State William J. Burns , speaking at the International Space Exploration Forum, noted:  “…we can do much more to defend the planet from near-earth objects and space debris. We continue to work through the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space to deal with this challenge, and we are working with the European Union and other countries to develop an International Code of Conduct for Outer Space Activities. We also would welcome international support for NASA’s Asteroid Redirect Mission, which, among other things, will help us learn how to better defend our planet from a catastrophic asteroid collision.”

Despite this planet-saving mission, NASA’s 2014 budget is the lowest since 2007.

Now, for the first time, national space agencies from North and South America, Europe, Asia and Africa will establish an expert group aimed at getting the world’s space-faring nations on the ‘same page’ when it comes to reacting to asteroid threats, working together to find and track dangerous asteroids, deciding what to do with them, and implementing a mission to protect the planet.

The latest evidence that asteroids pose a major threat occurred a year ago this week, when a previously unknown asteroid exploded high above Chelyabinsk,  Russia, with 20–30 times the energy of the Hiroshima atomic bomb.  There was a brief period when the meteor appeared to glow brighter than the Sun. The shock wave produced by the asteroid as it hit the atmosphere caused numerous injuries and shattered windows.

If a possible strike by an asteroid is detected, an International Asteroid Warning Network would coordinate with space faring nations to prepare a response, including possible means of deflecting the threatening object away from the planet.

NY Analysis

The True State of the Union

What is the true state of the union?

The financial health of the federal government, the prosperity of the American people, the prospects for the nation’s future and the state of America’s national security are all in significant jeopardy.


Financially, the nation’s status fits the technical definition of bankruptcy.  The national debt of $17,338,229,800,000

exceeds America’s Gross Domestic Product of $17 trillion.  Combined with an annual deficit of $680 billion, this means that US has no realistic way to pay its debt under current circumstances.


In 2013, the federal government spent 3.5 trillion while taking in only 2.8 trillion in revenue .


Under the Obama Administration, the federal debt has drastically incrased. In January 2009, the total federal debt stood at $10.6 trillion. In October of 2013, it hit $16.7 trillion – an increase of 57 percent. In the same time frame under President George W. Bush, who was financing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, total federal debt rose 38 percent.

A salient question is: What did all that increased deficit spending–including the $787 billion stimulus package– during the Obama presidency buy?


Since 2009, federal welfare spending has jumped 41%, costing taxpayers $193 billion per year. Despite that, 46 million Americans live in poverty, and median income remains over 8% lower than was in 2007.


The increase in spending in this area has clearly failed. The poverty rate remains unchanged at approximately 15%.


America has vast unmet domestic needs, which remained largely unaddressed by Obama’s deficit spending.  Its infrastructure remains in poor condition. The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) gives the nation a D+, with vast numbers of crumbling roads and bridges, and other vital unmet needs in our transportation, water, energy, and waste management utilities. Some minor improvements have been made (The prior score was a D) but this is largely due to spending by state and local governments, not Washington.

The private sector has not benefited from the spending, resulting in employment rates that remain unacceptably high.


The Department of Labor Statistics’ U-6 figure is a dismal 13.1%, a number that understates the true level of the dilemma since the national employment participation rate is at a four-decade low of 62.8%, representing a worsening of an 0.8 percentage point over the year. 347,000 left the workforce in December, exceeding the number of new jobs created. More and more Americans have completely dropped out of the labor force, and aren’t counted in unemployment statistics.  11.2 million have left the labor force under the Obama presidency.


Many of those who have found work and are counted as employed are actually working only part-time.  Seven out of eight new positons added under President Obama have been  part-time jobs.


The number of long-term unemployed continues to be an unresolved crisis.  These displaced workers count for 37.7% of all unemployed, and their chances of re-entering the work force diminish daily.

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There has been a $2,535 drop in median income after the recession ended in June 2009, according to Sentier Research


The United States is less secure than it was five years ago. The significant increase in federal spending has not benefited the military.  According to the Council on Foreign Relations, In calendar year 2012, military spending declined from $711 billion to $668 billion.

In dollar terms, this was the largest decline since 1991. President Barack Obama’s budget proposes cutting security spending to 2.4% of GDP in 2023. This would represent the lowest allocation of GDP to defense spending in the post-World War II era.


In 2012, U.S. military spending fell faster than overall military spending by democracies.If military budgets were compared in a way that reflected varying personnel costs, U.S. military preeminence would appear smaller than it does using straightforward comparisons based on market exchange rates.


While the US cuts back, its potential adversaries have drastically accelerated their spending.  That increase may be even greater than public sources indicate, since neither nation takes into account may spending provisions that the US includes in its statistics, and, especially in the case of  China, they have significant sources of military income that are not included in official spending reports.


The National Interest notes that: “Russia is now engaged in its largest military buildup since the collapse of the Soviet Union more than two decades ago, with major increases in defense spending budgeted each year to 2020. Putin has pushed for this program even over the objections of some within the Kremlin who worried about costs and the possible negative impact on Russian prosperity; opposition to the expansion of military spending was one of the reasons the long-serving Finance Minister Aleksei Kudrin left the cabinet two years ago.”



 Chinese Navy ship Qingdao (DDG 113) as it arrives in Hawaii for a scheduled port visit.

(U.S. Navy photo)


Foreign Policy reports: China’s official 2012 defense budget is $106 billion, an 11 percent increase over last year and a fourfold increase from a decade ago. The Pentagon places China’s total military spending at somewhere between $120 and $180 billion. “Estimating actual PLA military expenditures is difficult because of poor accounting transparency and China’s still incomplete transition from a command economy,” the report notes, referring to the People’s Liberation Army.


Al Qaeda has rebounded, a now controls more territory than ever in the middle east, has strengthened in Africa, and its affiliate Taliban stands poised to make significant gains in Afghanistan.

Orion Crew Vehicle

(NASA photo)

In the economically and technologically crucial area of space technology, the United States remains in limbo.  The last manned mission aboard an American-launched craft took place in July of 2011.  NASA may not put astronauts in space with its own craft until 2021. While the U.S. retreats, China has moved quickly forward.  The vast wealth from space-based assets on the moon and beyond, which will play an important role in the world economy within the next fifty years, are receding away from America’s grasp.


Politically, the nation appears more disunited than at any time since the civil war. The Obama Administration’s politicization of federal agencies has created an antagonistic climate that prevents compromise.  The Justice Department’s refusal to investigate clear cases of voter intimidation diminishes faith in American democracy, as does the IRS intimidation of Tea Party groups.  Disturbingly, Administration supporters, including Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) call for overtly unlawful actions, including continuing to use the IRS for partisan purposes.  The spillover effect has spread beyond Washington. New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo has called for conservatives to leave his state.

The State of the Union in 2014 poses a serious challenge for the nation’s future.