Quick Analysis

Contempt for Western Civilization

The Magna Carta is currently touring the United States, a reminder of the deep roots the concept of freedom has in Western civilization, the same civilization that is constantly criticized by its own academics and politicians.

What, exactly, is the basis for their contempt?  Unlike every other culture on Earth, the West has centered on the rights of individuals, and an adherence to rigidly evidence-based thinking.  Yes, like all other parts of the planet, periods of religious or racial intolerance existed in the past. But what differentiates the West is that those attitudes have been rejected and outlawed.  Compare that with the intense bigotry, totalitarianism, and religious hatred that predominates in much of the rest of the world.

The suppression of free speech, ethnic hatred, dictatorial governments, and the subjugation of women are the norms throughout much of the planet outside of the West. Rather than condemn that horrifying reality, western social scientists and the self-appointed politically correct elite proclaim that no critical judgments should be made.

This has led to terrible policy decisions on the part of western leaders, misguided education in academia, and warped news reporting.

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Signing arms control agreements that leave the West vulnerable is not giving peace a chance, its surrendering the safety of free people to men of ill will and hostile intent.

Teaching students that the merits of the civilization that has composed the Magna Carta, the Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights shouldn’t be valued above cultures that demand the suppression of personal freedom to the will of despots and tyrannical philosophies aren’t superior is not being fair-minded, it’s being dishonest and harmful to young minds.

These practices are destroying the greatest culture Earth has ever seen.

Quick Analysis

America’s eerie era of silence

An eerie era of silence has descended on the United States. In so many areas of its national life, institutions and political parties appear averse to talking about the true nature of the many challenges facing the nation. Central questions about the economy, national security, the federal budget, the quality of our educational system, and more remain unaddressed as crisis after crisis mandates that we urgently have the discussions that have been avoided for far too long.

In great universities, media outlets, and the halls of government, frank talk has been replaced with taboos about bringing up the rapid descent that has encompassed almost every facet of national endeavors in the past half-decade.

America has faced budget deficits in the past.  But never this serious, absent the Second World War, and never did it grow as quickly as it has without achieving or building anything.  Franklin Roosevelt bent rules and spent enormously on programs aimed at ending the Great Depression in the 1930’s.  Praise it, criticize it, or bring up the fact that those efforts didn’t actually end the Depression, but at the very least, the evidence of what federal dollars were spent on can still be seen in numerous great projects and buildings across the U.S.  Where did the nearly one trillion dollars spent on the stimulus go? Nothing was achieved. No problems were solved. Nothing of any significance was built. Why is this not a major topic of discussion?

Across the face of the planet, Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and Islamic extremists have developed or acquired and are rapidly expanding extraordinary military capabilities that are directly aimed at America and American interests. In addition, funds and expertise are being directly funneled to nations within our own hemisphere, such as Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela by Moscow, Beijing and Tehran for the specific purpose of threatening the United States. Other than in a few specialty journals, when was the last time there was a significant, widely reported national debate on this topic?

At the same time that America’s proven, attainable domestic energy resources are greater than ever, U.S. consumers are paying outrageously high prices to fill their gas tanks and power their homes.  How is that justified?  Why does the federal government continue to refuse to allow the exploitation of energy resources within its vast land holdings? This issue is particularly salient when hostile nations such as Russia, Venezuela and those in the Middle East use their energy resources as a political weapon to achieve goals harmful to the interests of America and its allies.  Why have so few media outlets concentrated on this?

Despite greater sums than ever being spent on education, disappointing results are the norm. Why are American students, despite all those dollars, faring poorly in basic subjects?  Why do so many relevant textbooks neglect to inculcate students into the proud achievements of a nation that has led humankind in expanding freedom and prosperity, and instead frequently read like anti-U.S. propaganda tracts from enemy nations? Why does the press continue to soft-pedal this?

Ever greater sums of federal dollars are being committed to social welfare programs providing funding to young, healthy, individuals. The poverty rate remains unimproved, and the job participation rate continues to decline.  Since giveaway schemes haven’t worked, shouldn’t an effort be made to instead change course and engage in efforts that increase employment opportunities instead?

Several of our once-great inner cities have descended into bankruptcy and orgies of crime.  Some, like Chicago, have murder rates that would be unacceptable in warzones patrolled by American troops. Why have the pundits and broadcast barons not investigated the corrupt politics and overtly foolish ideological philosophies that have been the hallmark of these failed municipalities?
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There are, of course, many other challenges that could be mentioned. But the common denominator in all of these areas is the relatively light media coverage, biased academic discourse, and inadequate political debate that has taken place relating to them.

Absent that desperately needed discourse, these dramatic problems have already caused massive damage, and threaten to rapidly and irreversibly harm the United States to a degree from which it may not be able to recover.






Quick Analysis

Obama’s Failed Terrorism Policies

The catastrophic failure of the Obama Administration’s policies towards towards the Islamic world in general and radical Islam in particular is becoming increasingly evident.

Nowhere is this more evident than in the fate of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS, the Islamic State of Syria and Iraq, a purely terrorist entity which now controls an area the size of Massachusetts and is, according to the Arab news source al-Arabiya reportedly even issuing its own passports.

Al-Baghdadi, the new Osama Bin Laden, was actually in American custody until he was released by Mr. Obama in 2009.  Despite his rise to prominence following his release, the identical mistake has been made again in the release of the Taliban 5, prominent terrorist figures freed by the White House this year.
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Elsewhere, we have seen the Administration’s inexplicable assault on Libya’s Muammar al-Gaddafi, who no longer threatened threatened the west, a move which gave rise to new opportunities for al-Qaeda in that nation; the White House’s vigorous endorsement for the overthrow of Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak, a flawed  but pro-peace, pro-American leader which led to the rise of the terrorist Moslem Brotherhood in that nation; the announcement of the withdrawal date of U.S. troops from Afghanistan as the White House negotiates with the Taliban, the same entity that attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon; the refusal to even voice any support for the Green Revolution in Iran, which sought to replace that nation’s vehemently anti-American regime; and the continual decline of U.S. relations with Israel, the only true friend the U.S. has in the middle east.

The White House continues to fail to provide any rational explanation of its bizarre actions and policies, which have clearly been to the detriment of the American people.

Quick Analysis

The Growing Threat in Latin America

U.S. citizens are barely aware of the propaganda war being waged against them south of the border. It isn’t all words, either.  With the assistance of China, Russia, and Iran, a number of Latin American and Caribbean nations are developing a new, hostile military structure.

The Strategy Center’s study on the Advance of Radical Populist Doctrine in Latin America  describes how Venezuela has utilized its vast income from oil sales to develop an anti-U.S. movement in the western hemisphere. Entitled ALBA (also known as the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America) it was initially formed by the late Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez in 2004 and includes Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Dominica, Ecuador, Antigua & Barbuda, and Saint Vincent & the Grenadines.

The organization espouses an overtly anti-capitalist agenda.

According to a Bolivian diplomatic document reviewed by the New York Analysis of Policy & Government, the organization seeks to develop a number of cooperative economic initiatives, and most importantly, a “new military doctrine.”  This alliance is clearly anti-U.S.

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Gen. John Kelly, in charge of the U.S. Southern Command which has responsibility for Latin American security matters, is deeply worried that the slashed American defense budget has been deeply detrimental to our interests in Latin America and is “significantly degrading our ability to defend the southern approaches to the United States.”



Quick Analysis

Light Rail won’t help your commute

Across the nation, politicians and social planners continue to develop plans and projects  to spend vast amounts of taxpayer dollars on “light rail” projects that repeatedly deliver a service that attracts few riders and is far more costly than more popular, flexible, and readily available alternatives such as express buses.

According to some reports, billions have been devoted to some light rail efforts that only improve current commuting times by an average of ten minutes.  To make matters worse, the routes are inflexible and could well become obsolete.

The latest example is in Maryland, where, according to a Wall Street Journal report, vast cost overruns will be borne not just by locals but by taxpayers across the nation.

Light rail is a favorite of elitists like New York’s former mayor Michael Bloomberg, notorious for his attempts to impose his dietary tastes on his constituents.  Bloomberg subscribes to concepts in which rail lines would be linked to new housing developments containing tiny servant-size apartments.
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Light rail development has been a priority of the Obama Administration. The question is why, particularly when alternatives such as express buses could be provided far more cheaply, quickly, and with greater flexibility towards future changes.

For an answer, the New York Analysis of Policy and Government recommends following the money, and the politics. Light rail provides politicians with the opportunity to funnel vast sums of dollars to campaign contributors.  It provides temporary jobs to unions that will support those politicians at the polls.

What it won’t do is make much of a difference in your commute.

Quick Analysis

Religious persecution increases

Recent Associated Press reports  of  the persecution of Christians by Muslims in Africa, including the burning of churches and the murder of worshipers, highlight the growth in hostility towards Christians, which was seen in 110 nations around the world, up from 107 in previous studies.

According to the Pew Research Center  “the share of countries with a high or very high level of social hostilities involving religion  reached a six-year peak in 2012…A third (33%) of the 198 countries and territories included in the study had high religious hostilities in 2012, up from 29% in 2011 and 20% as of mid-2007. Religious hostilities increased in every major region of the world except the Americas. The sharpest increase was in the Middle East and North Africa, which still is feeling the effects of the 2010-11 political uprisings known as the Arab Spring. There also was a significant increase in religious hostilities in the Asia-Pacific region, where China edged into the “high” category for the first time…more than 5.3 billion people (76% of the world’s population) live in countries with a high or very high level of restrictions on religion, up from 74% in 2011 and 68% as of mid-2007.
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Pew notes that “Among the world’s 25 most populous countries, Egypt, Indonesia, Russia, Pakistan and Burma (Myanmar) had the most restrictions on religion in 2012, when both government restrictions and social hostilities are taken into account.”

Quick Analysis

Abusing environmental concerns

The concerns  about faulty statistics used to support the more extreme claims of hard-core environmentalists have been confirmed yet again.

In August of 2012, statistics supplied by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) alleged that July of that year was the warmest month on record. A number of observers doubted that fact, and recently NOAA was forced to retract its statement. It turns out that the real title holder is July of 1936, long before the advent of SUVs and conspicuous energy consumption.

The change should come as no surprise. From stories about polar bear drownings to refusing to acknowledge warming trends long before the industrial revolution, proponents of extreme environmental policies have repeatedly used incorrect, falsified, and misleading data. Overlooking key facts, such as the growth of Antarctic ice, has also become a habit.

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Bjorn Lomberg, author of a book entitled the Skeptical Environmentalist, believes that the inflated concerns and incorrect information provided by extremists do more to hurt the cause of preserving the planet’s ecosystem than help it.  He points to absurd claims about pesticides, atmospheric pollution, man made global warming, and other alleged threats that are sacred cows to the extremists.

The fact is, there is a hidden agenda behind many environmental claims.  While many believers are sincere in their concern, “Progressive” politicians have abused those concerns to advance a hard-left agenda of increased centralized control over the economy and private property rights.

Quick Analysis

Wishful thinking is not a strategy

The positions on military issues adhered to by the White House, most Democrats, and isolationists such as Rand Paul, which can best be described as wishful thinking, continue to pose a danger for U.S. National Security.

The media has, for the most part, not provided adequate coverage of the international arms buildup by enemies of the West, at the same time that America and its allies continue to allow their military capabilities to deteriorate. Lop-sided treaties have also played a role in adding to the growing danger.  The New START nuclear arms treaty, for example, left Russia with a 10 to 1 advantage in tactical nuclear arms and didn’t place any restrictions on China at all. The sanctions that were supposed to deter Iran’s nuclear program have been weakened, and North Korea continues to enhance its growing atomic weapons program, which they can now launch with ICBMS against the American homeland.

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Washington can’t continue to pretend its way out of this crisis, even if the media continues to ignore the issue.


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Quick Analysis

China’s aggressive moves remain unaddressed

China has long had tense relations with the West over its claims to Taiwan.  However, the latest Pentagon report on Beijing’s massively growing military might–“Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China”– points to hostile designs that include the entire region, directly threatening American allies Japan and the Philippines, as well as international commerce through essential waters.

The structure of China’s vast military machine clearly indicates an increasingly offensive force, one that views the United States as the key obstacle to its designs for domination of the region. Beijing’s forces are not only large; they are also technologically at the cutting edge.  The Obama Administration’s weak response to China’s aggressive actions against Japan and the Philippines, as well other neighboring nations, has exacerbated the growing crisis by essentially providing that nation’s leaders with evidence that they will pay no price for their misdeeds. The White House has essentially remained neutral in the disputes, not siding with our friends against a mutual enemy.

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