Quick Analysis

Obama Attacks Journalists, Again

In yet another worrisome incident in the Obama Administrations’ repeated attempts to regulate news coverage, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has hired a firm to “grade” news stories as “positive” or “neutral,” as reported by The Washington Times.

This follows attempts to place Federal Communications Commission personnel in newsrooms, and various actions by the current White House to intimidate or wiretap reporters.

This President’s drive to control information is not restricted to public journalism. As previously reported by the New York Analysis of Policy & Government, it has frequently and unlawfully  used the official, government-financed White House web site as a political organ.

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Ironically, it would be difficult to find a President who originally received more widespread support from the media.  He has, in fact, been treated far more gently than his predecessors. Compare the raucous questioning from the White House press corps of the last two presidents, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.  Indeed, press coverage of Mr. Bush was so negative that the term “Bush derangement syndrome” was coined. Explicit details of Mr. Clinton’s personal foibles dominated the news cycle.

Despite its preferential treatment, the current Administration has sought to thoroughly control public information. Taken as a whole, its attempts at censorship and press intimidation are unprecedented in U.S. history, and extraordinary in the danger they pose to free speech.

Quick Analysis

Failure’s Not an Obstacle to Media Support

There are times when the defects in national politics can be seen most clearly on the state level.

That is certainly the case in a strange gubernatorial race in New York State, one of the most solidly Democrat venues in the nation.

The incumbent is former U.S. HUD Secretary Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat who had previously served as the state’s attorney general. Cuomo came to office as the Empire State’s reputation was increasingly seen as being one of official corruption combined with an underachieving economy. Large portions of the state were literally being depopulated, as residents left for other venues promising greater opportunity.

Taking office with a considerable reserve of public goodwill and high expectations, Cuomo disappointed on several levels.

He appointed two groups to investigate whether hydrofracking the state’s massive energy reserves was environmentally sound.  Both found that the practice was indeed safe, and hopes ran high that the state would have an economic boom that would reverse its suffering economy.  For reasons yet unexplained, Mr. Cuomo failed to act on the findings of his own panels, and New York continues its financial doldrums.
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Cuomo also appointed a commission to investigate the state legislatures’ rampant corruption.  Again, expectations ran high.  However, the commission was disbanded before it could complete its work, and now the federal district attorney, Preet Bhara, is investigating whether the governor’s office interfered with the investigation.

Given these very significant disappointments, including the very real possibility that Mr. Cuomo could face indictment, it would be reasonable to assume that his re-election bid, currently underway, would be difficult. Yet despite his significant failures, he holds a commanding lead in the polls over Republican opponent Rob Astornio, an accomplished county executive.

However, the state’s news outlets continue their unsavory tradition of basically ignoring Republican challengers, virtually coronating Democrats, who almost always get re-elected. Similarly, the national media heavily favors incumbents, particularly Democrats, despite their records.

The media plays a vital role in America’s governing process.  It’s lack of objectivity is a major drawback to the integrity of its elections.

Quick Analysis

Public Health & Safety Reasons for Stopping Illegal Immigration

Statements and evidence submitted by U.S. border patrol agents and others onsite indicate that the general perception of what is happening on our southern border is both incorrect and incomplete.

While some of the illegals are, indeed, young children, there is a significant number whose classification as “children” is quite misleading. Young men who are members of Mexican drug cartels are also part of this dramatic influx, and the ramifications that will have in terms of increased crime will be long-term and dramatic.

But it is also incorrect that only Latin Americans are entering unlawfully.  Border patrol officials report that there is evidence that Chinese, Middle Eastern, and Africans from areas affected by the Ebola outbreak are also arriving.  The threat of infectious diseases is very real to U.S. border patrol agents.

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Reports of scabies, tuberculosis and other maladies have been made, and these can jump to the general U.S. population when the illegals are sent to sites across the nation.

Generations of Americans, who entered the United States lawfully through portals such as Ellis Island, were inspected for contagious diseases and other impediments to admission. That public safety and public health reason is why not adequately controlling illegal immigration is a terrible idea. Common sense and basic safe medical practice warrants far stricter border control.

Quick Analysis

U.S. Policy Shouldn’t be Set by U.N.

For a prolonged period, the terrorist organization Hamas has launched vast numbers of missiles at civilian targets in Israel.  The United Nations and other international organizations remained silent. Throughout the Islamic world, women have been oppressed, and adherents to minority religions have been persecuted.  The United Nations has done nothing constructive. Numerous U.N members in good standing oppress their own people, and act aggressively towards their neighbors. Members of the U.N. Security Council have openly engaged in hostile acts, starting military actions without any provocation.  The U.N. does nothing. The prevailing attitude at the U.N. is that individual freedom is subservient to the state’s needs.

Despite all that, the Obama Administration continues to pursue a course that renders American policy, foreign and domestic, increasingly subject to international measures emanating from that organization, which fails to adhere to standards of human rights that most in the West recognize as essential.

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There is nothing wrong with international cooperation when it adheres to principles that are acceptable.  But the trend to render the policies of freely elected governments subservient  to an organization that fails to adhere to any standards of personal liberty, and indeed violates the tenets of its own founding charter,  is a violation of the rights of the citizenry of those nations, and a betrayal of oppressed peoples throughout the planet.

Quick Analysis

U.S. Headed towards military disaster

The announced dismissal of 550 U.S. Army majors is the latest move in what can only be seen as a concerted effort on the part of the White House to diminish America’s armed forces as much and as rapidly as the public will tolerate and the press will willingly overlook.

During its tenure, the Obama Administration has taken steps, which seen in their totality, are breathtaking in their scope and in the extraordinary danger they pose. Among  these actions are slashing the defense budget, preventing the development of  an adequate anti-missile shield, proposing unilateral reductions in the U.S. nuclear arsenal, withdrawing all US tanks from Europe, cutting benefits to active duty service members, alienating  regional allies such as Israel, betraying key nuclear defense secrets of the United Kingdom to Moscow, prematurely withdrawing U.S. forces from key hotspots, not appropriately responding to Chinese aggression towards allies Japan and the Philippines, ignoring Russian, Chinese, and Iranian military growth in Latin America, softening sanctions against Iran’s development of nuclear weapons, and taking no viable steps in response to North Korea’s imminent deployment of nuclear ICBMs.

These actions occur in the face of a US military that was already sharply reduced from its strength in the recent past.  The navy has shrunk from 600 ships to 284, the Army is down from 17 divisions to ten, the Air Force from 37 fighter commands to 20.

This diminished force must contend with a Russia that has returned to cold war strength, possesses a 10 to 1 advantage in tactical nuclear weapons, has invaded two neighboring nations in the past ten years, has returned to cold war bases around the world, assisted in the shooting down of a civilian airliner, and has allied itself with China.

China has engaged in unprecedented espionage against civilian, governmental and military targets in the U.S., and has increased its nuclear and conventional military strength at a pace faster than either the Soviet Union or the United States did at the height of the cold war. It is a full-fledged military superpower on land, sea, air, and space, with technology every bit as capable as Washington’s.  It unabashedly asserts hegemony over a vast swath of seas that it has no legitimate right to, and has brazenly stolen resources from the Philippines. It makes no secret that it views the United States as an adversary, and its extraordinarily powerful armed forces are precisely structured to fight what is left of the American military.

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In the past, this calamitous environment would be headline news. But a virtual cloak of silence has descended upon the entire topic of military affairs, and Americans are asked to believe, contrary to all evidence, that a major war is not a possibility. Mr. Obama places his faith in using drones to target a few terrorist leaders, in the stunningly nonsensical belief that eliminating a few of them was the answer to all national security woes.  Demonstrably, that hasn’t even worked with Islamic extremists, who have gained in strength and have conquered more territory than ever before under his administration.

In what can only be seen as a direct insult to the intelligence of the American public, the White House continues to maintain that the Obama/Clinton “reset” with Russia was a success, and that the world is now “more tranquil” than ever.

There is a cynical political equation behind all this.  Progressive politicians have calculated that their re-election depends on providing ever greater giveaways to their core constituency. Despite the fact that, as noted by the Center on Budget & Policy Priorities, military spending accounts for only 19% of the federal budget  it is seen as a convenient cash cow to milk for those programs.

The Obama Administration has, to paraphrase the Beatles’ John Lennon, “given peace a chance.” The result has been disastrous. The United States is on the threshold of a devastating military disaster, either through actual force of arms by our adversaries or by a threat that America will, if current trends continue, simply be unable to counter.

Quick Analysis

Religious freedom vanishing across the globe

According to the U.S. State Department’s latest report on religious freedom,  “In 2013, the world witnessed the largest displacement of religious communities in recent memory. In almost every corner of the globe, millions … representing a range of faiths were forced from their homes on account of their religious beliefs. Out of fear or by force, entire neighborhoods are emptying of residents. Communities are disappearing from their traditional and historic homes and dispersing across the geographic map. In conflict zones, in particular, this mass displacement has become a pernicious norm.”

The numbers throughout the Middle East are particularly worrisome. In Syria, “the Christian presence is becoming a shadow of its former self. After three years of civil war, hundreds of thousands fled the country desperate to escape the ongoing violence perpetrated by the government and extremist groups alike. In the city of Homs the number of Christians dwindled to as few as 1,000 from approximately 160,000 prior to the conflict…In Iraq, Christian leaders and international NGOs estimate there are approximately 500,000 Christians, a decline of nearly 300,000 over the last five years.”

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Western concepts of religious freedom and intolerance are clearly not widespread, and the global challenges to adherents of faiths not subservient to governments are escalating sharply.

Quick Analysis

Irrational energy policies

The growing lack of realism in policy choices is becoming increasingly acute.

The problem can be particularly discerned in areas that are easily quantified.  Energy is one such issue. Americans pay unnecessarily high prices for this essential commodity largely due to very bad choices made by government, and the problem is about to get worse.

Over the past half-decade, the White House’s refusal to open up federal lands for energy exploitation, the relentless attacks on coal, and the refusal, without any valid reason, to authorize the Keystone XL pipeline have all played a part in adding to the burden Americans shoulder in high energy prices.

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The irrationality extends beyond Washington.  One salient example is New York, which continues to endure high taxes, high unemployment, and high energy prices.  A bizarre policy choice contributes significantly to this dilemma, and stands poised to make it worse in the future.  The Empire State has abundant natural gas resources, but its governor refuses to allow them to be tapped.

Now another odd option is being considered, according to the Wall Street Journal. Despite a lack of convincing evidence, the State Department of Environmental Conservation is considering periodically closing down a key portion of New York’s energy production capacity, a nuclear plant, that some advocates allege may harm some fish.

Quick Analysis

Indoctrination Isn’t Education

Many of America’s schools are becoming places few feel comfortable in, both in terms of what they teach and how they are administered.

Rather than reflect the principles of honesty, accuracy and fairness that should be the hallmark of every educational endeavor, they are increasingly being used to push a partisan agenda that is distinctly disdainful of the United States as a nation and western civilization in general.

Of particular concern is the lack of instruction in history and civics. Authors Robert Poniscio, Gibert Sewall and Sandra Stotsky, writing for the Pioneer Institute  detail the lack of performance of U.S. students in these crucial areas. They cite a number of reasons, including the reduced amount of time devoted to these studies, and increased emphasis on radical-oriented areas such as race and gender studies.
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While some may allege that this curriculum choice is more inclusive, the facts speak otherwise. One example: The Washington Times reports that a student recently complained that sites lauding Islam and left-wing policies were easily accessed on school computers, but equivalent sites about Christianity or conservative issues were blocked.

The harsh reality is that too many of America’s centers of learning are being used to indoctrinate, not educate.

Quick Analysis

Why Cities Fail

Progressive policies destroy cities.

At first, it sounds like a deeply parochial analysis made by a Republican partisan.  And, indeed, GOP leaders have often made the statement. Brian Carey reports that former House Speaker and past Republican presidential contender Newt Gingrich has stated that “every major city which is a center of poverty is run by Democrats.  Every major city.”

While the intent may be partisan, the reality is that left-wing governance has clearly failed to help, and has indeed hurt, America’s great metropolises. An Independent Journal Review  study found that the top ten cities with the highest poverty rates (with populations over 250,000) including Detroit, Buffalo, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Miami, St. Louis, El Paso, Milwaukee, Philadelphia and Newark all have had Democrat mayors for at least the last two decades.

The reasons why are relatively simple.  To win elections, Democrats rely on promises of increased aid, higher salaries and benefits, and more regulations over businesses. They seek to finance that assistance and oversight through comparatively higher taxes and fees.  This results in attracting or keeping those in need, while encouraging those producing revenue through profit or salary (other than municipal staff) to seek less costly venues.

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A very clear example is New York.  As America’s largest city with significant geographical assets and the “home away from home” for many foreign investors, it is not in the top ten list of poverty rates.  But after decades of an unbroken string of leftist mayors, capped off by the very liberal tenure of David Dinkins, New York, despite its extraordinary advantages, was on the brink of ruin. Observers suggested that it was “ungovernable.”

But the city was pulled back from the brink by a significant change in course brought about by the election of a fiscally conservative mayor who emphasized low taxes and vigorous, tough, anti-crime policies. Under Rudolph Giuliani, the “ungovernable city” was transformed into “The capital of the world.”

It will be difficult for America’s endangered cities to pull back from the brink and avoid the fate of bankrupt Detroit. Their remaining populations are now tailor-made to continue supporting candidates who are politically astute enough to continue making promises that cannot be paid for. It remains to be seen whether the proximity of disaster will bring more success to common-sense candidates, whether they be Republican or more practical Democrats.

Quick Analysis

White House’s Double Taxation Attempt

Over $ 2 trillion is earned abroad and not returned to the American national economy because it will be taxed a second time at one of the highest rates in the industrialized world.  This disincentive has also been a major reason for trillions of dollars more to be invested abroad and not at home.

Because there is no rational plan to repatriate these monies and keep investments at home, the economy suffers the loss of  much needed revenue  which could grow the economy, create full time jobs with high wages and begin the rescue of the middle class from future decline.

To escape uncompetitive corporate tax rates and earn the largest honest profit they can for their shareholders, which is their principal corporate responsibility, domestic firms are merging with smaller foreign companies and moving their new corporate identity overseas where they are no longer subject to the anti-business/ ant-profit  policies that this administration is famous for. These mergers and relocations are called inversions.

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Schemes such as this are the hallmark of failing governments and oppressive regimes.

Larry Allison, co-host of the Vernuccio/Allison Report & contributing columnist for the New York Analysis of Policy & Government, filed this report.