
Vernuccio/Allison Report Moves to New Time!

The Vernuccio Allison Report is moving to a new time!

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Quick Analysis

Climate Change Desperation

Later this month, President Obama will travel to New York to discuss climate change at the United Nations.  He is seeking to do an end run around the Senate by adopting an international agreement, (as opposed to a treaty, which must be approved by the Senate) which he hopes to finalize at a UN gathering in 2015 .

The whole idea of global warming is crucial to American politicians on the left who seek greater central control over the U.S. economy.  The basis of their position is that, according to NOAA data, the planet warmed by 1.5% Fahrenheit  from 1880 to 2012, a condition they blame on human activity. To minimize potential damage, they believe greater controls over energy production and use are vital to preserve the current environment.  These advocates ignore solid data of prior changes in Earth’s climate in years prior to industrialization, and the role of solar activity in warming and cooling.

There have been substantial scandals of pro-warming advocates fudging or manipulating contrary data to hide facts that tend to disagree with the concept of global warming. Most recently, Prof. Ross McKitrick  notes that what had been portrayed as an ongoing warming trend has ceased for 19 years on the Earth’s surface, and up to 26 years in the lower troposphere.
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These revelations have placed a substantial handicap on the left, which believed it had finally found an argument that could persuade an American public fundamentally opposed to greater centralized economic and energy controls to change course.

The United Nations, which is deeply invested in the concept of climate change, appears to be aware it is facing a public relations dilemma.  The Herald Sun newspaper  found that the UN is seeking to hire a female from a developing country to be the new voice for its now largely discredited position.

Quick Analysis

Rotherham, Political Correctness, and the Death of Justice

The city of Rotherham in South Yorkshire, England, has a population of approximately a quarter-million, and a very dark secret that was recently exposed by the British press.

From 1997 through 2013 and beyond, over 1,400 young. white, working class girls were systematically and sexually preyed upon by gangs of older men in the northern English town of Rotherham.  The girls involved were often troubled, living in group or foster homes, often living chaotic and dysfunctional lives which made them easy marks for their predators.

Despite numerous individual reports and three official reports in 2002, 2003 and 2006, nothing significant was done by local elected and appointed officials or the local Police.  This was mainly due to the fact that the gangs of men responsible were Muslims of Pakistani, Bangladeshi or Afghani origin.  Local officials, the majority of whom are from the Labour Party, repeatedly tried to avoid either racial confrontations or being labeled racist or anti-Muslim.

In 2013 The Times of London did a series of investigatory articles about Rotherham which exposed the scandal.  This prompted the Rotherham Council to commission an independent report by Professor Alexis Jay who was formerly the Chief Inspector of Social Work in Scotland.  That report which was issued in August of this year has exploded like a bomb and has exposed the “Politically Correct” and “Multicultural” bias that allowed serial crimes of a horrific nature to be inflicted on young girls.

In the Executive Summary to her report, Professor Jay wrote this about the girls; ” They were raped by multiple perpetrators, trafficked to other towns and cities in the north of England, abducted, beaten and intimidated.  There were examples of children being doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally vicious rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone.  Girls as young as 11 were raped by large number of male perpetrators.  This abuse is not confined to the past but continues to this day.”

The 2002 report was quashed and the author was warned  that ” she must never refer to Asian men again”.  The two subsequent reports in 2003 and 2006 were ignored.  The  2006 report noted “that one of the difficulties that prevents this issue from being dealt with effectively is the ethnicity of the main perpetrators”.  An MP from Rotherham stated that “he didn’t want to rock the multicultural community boat”. , when asked why he did nothing.

The Police told Julie Bindel, one of the few feminists who investigated Rotherham that they were “treading carefully” and didn’t want to provoke a  “race riot”.  No one from the Rotherham Council ever approached the leaders of the Muslim community and no one from the Muslim  community ever exposed the scandal.

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It should also be noted that recently the head of the UKs Independence Party, Nigel Farage  cited“Multiculturalism” as a main reason British  citizens went to fight for ISIS and behead innocent reporters and civilians.  Farage stated “We’ve seen an increased radicalization within the United Kingdom, much of this I’m afraid to say is a self-inflicted wound.  We’ve had four decades of state-sponsored multiculturalism.   We’ve actually encouraged people not to come together and be British but to live separately, to live apart…There are similarities {to the United States}…”

In almost every country where there has been extensive Muslim immigration, self segregating Muslims have refused to assimilate and instead have demanded special treatment. Spineless progressive politicians seeking political hegemony via identity politics, have bent over backward to accommodate them.

Many Muslim immigrants reject Constitutional law and instead want Sharia imposed together with all the oppressive barriers to individual rights and free will coupled with the misogynistic restrictions to full equality for women.  The rape of young girls moreover is to some merely the emulation of the Prophet Muhammed, who married his last wife when she was six years of age but didn’t consummate the nuptials until she was nine.

Political Correctness is both a political tool and a political weapon for both the left and Islamists who are allied in a mutual disgust for Western Civilization and/or modernity.  It is a “tool” to impose group think, self-imposed cultural and social apartheid and tribal conformity.  It is a “weapon” to silence the opposition.  In Rotherham it was a “never get arrested” permit sanctioned by everyone whose sworn responsibility was to protect the innocent and the vulnerable.  England and the world are horrified by the bestial crimes this perfidious ideology has permitted.  The government has vowed to address the cause of this sickness.

On September 4th an elderly woman in London was beheaded by a Muslim with a machete in broad day light in her garden.  Scotland Yard has ruled this not to be a terrorist incident.

This report was prepared by Larry Allison

Quick Analysis

Black Americans Angry at Obama

Democrats are facing criticism from an unexpected source: black Americans.  The issue prompting the rift is the policy move, led especially by President Obama, to liberalize illegal immigration.

Charles Butler, an astute political observer and radio personality who is a black American, is outraged over Chicago’s Democrat mayor and former Obama advisor Rahm Emmanuel’s encouragement to illegal immigrants. Emmanuel has proposed providing access to 23,000 jobs for illegals. Butler recently wrote:

“No longer do I want to hear the claim humanitarian issues, racism, and other excuses for not enforcing the laws of our land on illegal aliens.  The Civil Rights Movement was about JOBS, freedom was a secondary objective.  In 1963, Dr. King lead the Marched on Washington against President Kennedy because he failed to end job discrimination with the stoke of a pen, as he had promised Dr. King…No taxpayer-funded job should go to an illegal alien when Americans are available to work…Illegal Immigrants are taking jobs from Black Americans, and negatively impacting Black Americans according a study from the U.S. Civil Rights Commission. ”
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Many believe, with a significant degree of accuracy, that the current large upswing in illegal immigration is a direct result of President Obama’s 2012 Executive Order mandating Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Programs. A Newsmax  report noted that the Executive Order “ended the threat of deportation for as many as 670,000 illegals between the age of 15 and 31 who were brought to the U.S. before their 16th birthday.” The program has been extended for two years.

With unemployment an ongoing crisis throughout the nation that is particularly onerous for black Americans, who are almost twice as likely to be unemployed as whites, the introduction of illegals into the work force is a particularly troubling issue.  Newsmax reports that Peter Kirsanow, a member of the Civil Rights Commission, recently noted that “in many low-skilled or unskilled occupations, in large swaths of the country, illegal immigrants have supplanted blacks—throwing lots of blacks out of work.”

Quick Analysis

Arctic Ice Expands

Former vice President Al gore predicted in 2007 that the Arctic would experience ice-free summers by now.  Instead, NASA-funded research by the US National Snow and Ice Data Center, first reported by the United Kingdom’s Daily Mail,  reveals that Arctic ice has expanded for two successive years. The 5.62 Million square kilometers covered by ice this year represents the highest ice coverage since 2006.

The Daily Mail study also found that statistics from the Danish Meteorological Institute, which uses an alternative measuring system, indicate a 63% per cent rise over the past two years.

In addition to covering a greater area, the ice cover is also denser.

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The international environmental climate discussion has been hampered by analyses that have been slanted to omit data that contradicts the view that the planetary weather is warming in a harmful manner, and that the warming is a result of human activity. A number of political interests with vested interests in allowing governments to exert greater control over their national economies and energy production efforts have impeded objective examinations.

Thoroughly biased actions, including harsh criticism and ostracizing researchers with contrary views, renders discussion on this vital issue a more political than scientific debate.

Quick Analysis

Schools spending more, accomplishing less

Students are back to school this week.  Increasingly, educational costs are becoming an increasingly troubling burden to both government and parents. The problem affects elementary and high schools, as well as colleges.

The U.S. ranks fifth in spending per student. Only Austria, Luxembourg, Norway, and Switzerland spend more per student. Despite all that spending, the results are disappointing. Recently, an Atlantic Magazine  study noted that despite that, American students ranked 26th out of the 34 ranked countries in math.

The argument made by many that increased spending leads to better results has been repeatedly discredited.

A 2011 Fox News study noted that “A 2009 comparison between public and Catholic school SAT scores show that public school students had an overall average of 496 points on the critical reading portion of the test while Catholic school students scored 533 points on the same portion.  Catholic school students outscored their public school counterparts by an average of 23 points…what makes the numbers more impressive is that Catholic high schools spend more than $2,000 less per student than public schools.”

There are a number of reasons for these increased costs accompanied by poor results. Demands for increased salaries and larger staffs is one factor.  In fact, the growth in education staffing has outpaced student enrollment.  But it would be incorrect to assume that those increased dollars are going solely to teachers.  A heritage/Fordham study reported by the Daily Signal  found that non-teaching staff comprise 50% of all staff in school districts, and, indeed, teachers comprise only half of all education jobs.
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The spending spree extends to colleges, as well. According to the Huffington Post,  “The inflation-adjusted price for undergraduate tuition, room, and board at public institutions rose 42 percent between the 2000-2001 academic year and 2010-2011, according to federal data. When comparing the inflation-adjusted price for 2010-2011 to the cost in 1980-1981, the cost has almost doubled. … The recession only further fueled the rising costs — with prices in some cases jumping by as much as 40 percent in a year.” Similar to grammar and high schools, some of that increase in spending results from the growth in non-teaching staff.  Those non teachers aren’t practical positions such as janitors or maintenance men. They include lavishly paid bureaucrats whose salaries can range into the quarter-million dollar range.

A 2012 Bloomberg news study found that In the past decade, the number of administrative employees jumped 54 percent, almost eight times the growth of tenured and tenure-track faculty.

A Forbes study also lays blame on lenders, particularly the U.S. Department of Education, who have made significant profits on loans  provided to students seeking to pay high tuition rates. Since these loans have none of the traditional consumer protections and can’t be discharged in bankruptcy, there have many defaults for which the Education Department recovers $1.22 for every dollar paid out in default claims.  According to the Forbes study, “This is a critical, unambiguous link that is never pointed out, but which is key…to explaining the rampant inflation we have seen in academia over the years.  Congress and the President should be demanding to know why key personnel at the Department so badly neglected to fulfill their duties, and take a hard, hard look at the corporate culture that has enabled this sort of gross neglect of basic functions…”


Quick Analysis

ISIS Attack on U.S. Border Imminent

Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron has increased the United Kingdom’s threat level to severe. Similar measures have not yet been taken by the United States.

In a significant address to the British people, he clearly identifies Islamic Extremism, in whatever form it takes and wherever it appears, as threat to the rest of the world. His American counterpart has failed to respond to this growing danger in any similar manner.

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There is a fundamental, almost childlike, failure on the part of the current White House to acknowledge the very real and very extensive threats facing the American people. This unprecedented incompetence is leading to consequences that will shake the very foundations of the nation.

Quick Analysis

Can Obama Change Course?

The increasing crisis brought about by the depredations of ISIS presents an opportunity for the White House to undo the damage resulting from its prior foreign policy decisions.

In the wake, and partially as a result of Mr. Obama’s early withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, the most powerful, well-funded and organized terrorist organization yet seen emerged. In the President’s own words,

“They have rampaged across cities and villages — killing innocent, unarmed civilians in cowardly acts of violence.  They abduct women and children, and subject them to torture and rape and slavery.  They have murdered Muslims — both Sunni and Shia — by the thousands.  They target Christians and religious minorities, driving them from their homes, murdering them when they can for no other reason than they practice a different religion.  They declared their ambition to commit genocide against an ancient people.”
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The need to defeat ISIS is not just based on its actions in Iraq. General Dempsey, chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, recently noted that the group has a “apocalyptic, end-of-days” vision that will eventually have to be defeated …We actually have groups that now kind of are loosely connected, in some cases affiliated, that run from Afghanistan across the Arabian Peninsula into Yemen to the Horn of Africa and into North and West Africa…Some of those groups are local, some are regional, and some are global threats and that means it is going to be a very long contest …”

But Dempsey has apparently been forced to soft pedal his remarks, leading to concerns that the Administration’s record of foreign policy failures—in the Middle East, in the Clinton/Obama “reset” with Russia, in contending with China’s belligerence—has not convinced the President to change course.

Quick Analysis

Labor Day: Betrayal of a Legacy

Happy Labor Day!

The American labor movement played a vital role in establishing the nation’s middle class. But have large labor unions turned this once vital movement into something more harmful than helpful to U.S. workers?

The first hint that big labor unions are no longer the friend of working men and women comes from the concept of forced dues paying.  When individuals must be forced to fork over dues, it generally means that the accomplishments of the organizational leadership are too inadequate to inspire loyalty.  Recently, one of the most prominent union states, Michigan, adopted a right-to-work law, which prohibits this practice.

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In a development that even some of the most prominent of the early heroes of the labor movement never favored,  many if not most government workers are now largely unionized.  That gives excessive influence to institutions that are not part of the constitutional system of government.

the extraordinary power government unions play in elections is harmful.

Quick Analysis

Government Regulations Brew Problems

Americans have become aware of the extraordinary overreach of government, and a recent event in Washington, D.C. highlights why they can’t even have a good drink to escape their misery.

This week, an event in the nation’s Capital entitled “How Government affects your Beer” caught the attention of the Competitive Enterprise Institute think tank.  The discussion at the so-called drinking seminar, reported by CEI, detailed the ridiculous and unjustified meddling of various laws in the brewing business.

The DC Beer publication notes that “From taxes, which make up about half the cost of a beer, to the one man in the Treasury Department who approves every beer label, to the laws that dictate how brewers can sell their beer, rules and regulations have a huge impact on the cost, availability, and variety of beer in the market.”

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But the beer industry continues to be hampered by ongoing, absurd regulations. There are, for example, prohibitions against  direct sales to the public by breweries, which must first go through distributors, an industry which has shrunk from 3,250 in 1990 to less than 1,500 in 2013, according to the  Beer Institute data.

The overlarge and overbearing nature of government profoundly affects every facet of American life, and has generally produced far more harmful than helpful results.