Quick Analysis

Redskins, Women, & the Media

The media’s coverage of sports events provides a fascinating insight into how those who report use the news for political ends.

Throughout sports history, a number of teams have honored or commemorated certain groups by adopting their names.  The fighting Irish of Notre Dame. The Minnesota Vikings. Even the most renowned sports franchise, the New York Yankees, acknowledges the nickname used around the world for Americans. There are no sports clubs that take titles intentionally meant to be pejorative.  There are no teams entitled the “The skunks,” “The idiots,” or the like. So what is the weird ruckus over the Washington Redskins?

Adding to the strangeness of this nonissue is the fact that opponents of the title are extremely hard pressed to find actual Native Americans who are offended by it.

Before coming to a conclusion about what this debate is all about, consider another odd media choice related to both sports and the wider world.

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However, precisely the same newspapers and television networks that have carried this story virtually nonstop since it came to light have tread very lightly on the far more serious issue of Islamic oppression of women. In Front Page magazine,  Robert Spencer and Phyllis Chester outline the wide range of ways in which females are deprived of basic rights and subjected to horrific treatment, from mutilation to rape and murder to mass enslavement Yet the major media, and even western Women’s rights groups, have devoted far less airtime to this overwhelming pattern of human rights abuses then they have to the single instance of one football player’s criminal act.

The Redskin debate is sheer nonsense. The Ray Rice issue is completely valid, but it is a single drop in an ocean of abuse that is consistently downplayed in the news. The reason for these journalistic decisions is unfortunately clear.

An unfortunately large portion of America’s media and political elite seeks to gain by emphasizing what divides Americans, rather than what unites them.  There are legitimate grievances endured by Native Americans, but a sports club’s use of a commonly used nickname isn’t one of them. Discussing it, however, does gain a great deal of publicity.  Criticizing the terrible acts of extremists overseas provides no political benefits to the divide and conquer crowd, so it is ignored.

Quick Analysis

Energy Production May Boost U.S. Economy

There may be some good news about America’s economy coming in 2015. Starting next year, the U.S. will begin exporting energy supplies.

IBItimes  reports that America is poised to surpass Russia and Saudi Arabia as the world’s top oil producer.  According to Maria van der Hoeven, Executive Director of the International Energy Agency,  “The big supply story has been the unprecedented production growth in recent years in North America.”

Unfortunately, the quantity will not be sufficient to dramatically impact the national economy since the vast untapped resources on federal lands still remain off limits.  A further deterioration of the energy picture both for Americans and our allies overseas may also occur if the President’s carbon emissions plans go into effect.
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A further increase in energy exports may come if a 40-year old ban on the export of most US oil is lifted. The ban was a response to the energy shortages of the 1970’s.  In a recent study, the Brookings Institute  found that lifting the ban on crude oil exports will boost economic growth, lower gas prices, and enhance America’s global power.

Energy prices remain a challenge to economic growth in the United States, where gas has risen from $1.78 when President Bush left office to the current average of $3.41 today.

Quick Analysis

US in Deficit Despite Record Revenue

The United States Treasury’s Bureau of the Fiscal Service   has reported that despite an all-time high revenue intake of $2,663 billion dollars in the first 11 months of Fiscal Year 2014, Washington nevertheless compiled a deficit of $589 billion due to total outlays of $3,253 billion.

It is important to place this in context.  Key national endeavors such as defense have been reduced. Federal hiring to run the government is at an all-time low. Investments in the future, such as NASA, are a fraction of what they were decades ago.

According to a prior year’s USNEWS report ,  “49%  of the entire federal budget goes to entitlement programs… Entitlement spending is the highest in American history… The proportion of Americans taking antipoverty funds has soared…”

USNEWS noted that “The growth of entitlement spending has coincided with an unprecedented decline in the number of working adult men over the last several decades…” According to the Heritage Foundation, the 79 means-tested federal welfare programs cost about a trillion dollars annually.
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The Heritage Foundation’s   senior research fellow Robert Rector notes that these programs increased during President Obama’s first two years in office at a rate two and a half times larger than at any prior period in American history. It’s clear that Obamacare will add dramatically to that figure.

The problem is more than just spending too much, as serious as that challenge is. It’s the fact that these funds are taken out of the productive economy and placed into programs that will not produce jobs or tax revenue in the future—a true downward spiral. If a family spends thousands on a new home, that’s an investment; if it spends thousands on a luxury vacation, that’s just dollars gone forever.

As the New York Analysis of Policy & Budget noted in a prior report, even comparisons with other periods of major increases in government spending aimed at reducing poverty reveal the harmful nature of poverty spending under the current Administration. FDR’s New Deal programs developed infrastructure and provided job skills in programs such as the Civilian Conservation Corps. During the period of 2009 to the present, neither serious employment skills nor infrastructure development resulted from the vast spending increase.

Quick Analysis

Court OKs Voter ID

Opponents of measures to avoid fraudulent voting have received bad news in Wisconsin and North Carolina.

The Judicial Watch organization  has opposed the drive by the U.S. Justice Department to overturn state efforts to require voters to show photo ID at the polls. The group also has also sought to bring to light the role illegal immigration plays in expanding the numbers of unlawful voters.

Attorney General Eric Holder contends that’s photo ID requirements discourage participation by black voters. But research by Judicial Watch indicates that after the implementation of photo ID, “black turnout increased in 2014 by every meaningful measure. Black share of the total electorate increased. The percentage of black registered voters voting increased. Using Census Bureau estimates, “[there was] an increase in turnout among blacks of voting age. Finally, while turnout increased across the board in May 2014, and while white turnout increased by 13.7%, black turnout increased much faster – by an astonishing 29.5%.”

In a Wisconsin case, the United States Court of Appeals  for the 7th Circuit has allowed enforcement of that states’ photo voted ID law in the upcoming November election.
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Opponents of requirements that voters display photo ID have uniformly failed to prove that the practice in anyway detrimentally affects minority voters.

According to Ballotpedia, “All states must meet the minimum requirement set by the Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA) which requires photo ID for those who register by mail and did not provide identification. However, some states have stricter requirements set by state law. 20 states require photo ID, and 14 states have non-photo requirements.  In general, valid forms of photo ID often include:a valid driver’s license, military ID.a state identification card, a United States passport, or student identification. If valid ID is not provided, most states issue a provisional ballot. Provisional ballots are usually counted once a voter’s eligibility is confirmed. Some states require that confirmation be provided within a particular time frame following the election.”

The overwhelming goal of the progressives to obtain illegal votes can be seen in New York, where the hard left wing of the Democrat Party is seeking to give ballot access to non-citizens.

Quick Analysis

Has Washington Lost the Will to Win?

According to research from the website, North Korea is developing a missile submarine.  This places the United States at the mercy of the most aggressive and irrational regime on Earth. The failure to eliminate this regime will resonate throughout throughout this century.

Has Washington lost the will to win? Since the conclusion of the Second World War, the United States has fought in numerous military engagements.  Despite the extraordinary heroism, skill and dedication of its warriors and the superiority of its armaments, the U.S. government has repeatedly stopped short of the type of total victory that led to the end of threats in previous hostilities.

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There are many reasons for the decisions not to proceed to total victory. The threat of initializing a nuclear exchange always looms legitimately large. But one of the most worrisome is an increasing lack of realization that threats not effectively contained are threats continued. As Russia and China rapidly and substantially enlarge their military might while America and its allies cut funding to theirs, as North Korea, Iran and terrorists pledge to attack the U.S. homeland, it is useful to remember these lines from the fourth stanza of the Star Spangled Banner, which celebrates 200th anniversary this month:

Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand Between their loved home and the war’s desolation! …Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just…

Quick Analysis

Obama’s Strange War

The day after the President Obama announced enhanced airstrikes against ISIS, 13 years into America’s long march against Islamic extremism, Secretary of State John Kerry declared we were not at war with ISIS but “What we are doing is engaging in a very significant counter-terrorism operation, and it’s going to go on for some period of time.”

This was followed by the British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond telling reporters at a news conference in Berlin: Let me be clear; Britain will not be taking part in any air strikes in Syria.”  He said London won’t be “revisiting” the issue after Parliament decided last year against participating in air strikes.  Number 10 Downing Street then had to walk that back by saying that P.M. David Cameron had not yet decided on air strikes.

Further complications occurred after that with Germany stating that they were not yet in the coalition, followed by Turkey and then Saudi Arabia announcing that their contribution would be restricted to the training of the Syrian Free Army on Saudi territory.

Friday it got worse with the CIA in a surprise release stating that ISIS had grown by as much as 300% since June and now numbered between 20,000 and 31,500 fighters in the terror army.  This would make ISIS the 76th largest army out of 106 forces in the world.  It should be remembered that when they took Fallujah in the beginning of 2014 they were estimated to be around 4000 strong.

In matters both foreign and domestic, Obama’s presidency has been one of unnecessarily diminished expectations.  Thus when he gives us a little, many tend to bequeath it a potency that is not there.  He began his fifteen minutes into war making with a pronouncement that ISIL or ISIS is not Islamic nor is it a state.  Who then are the volunteers who have swelled its ranks at 500 a week…Presbyterians?  The insistence of Obama to protect anything and everything Islamic is the source of this obsession.  The reflexive impulse to see Islam in western terms is the source of those non Muslims who always want to begin the conversation with the assertion that “Islam is a religion of Peace”.  They are the 21st century avatars of those with a “little knowledge” and thus are as dangerous as ISIS.

Then came his predictable pledge of no ground troops from the US, causing Speaker Boehner to decry “An F-16 is not a strategy” and that an air war alone will not get the job done.  There is no need for foreign spies in the U.S. when the President gives away military strategy in televised national speeches.

Obama’s claim that ISIS or the Islamic State is highly questionable.  ISIS now occupies 18 cities in Iraq and 22 cities in Syria.  31 of that total are under their full control.  The opposition to ISIS, which includes both the disparate elements of the Syrian Free Army and the Syrian Army of Bashir al-assad  is all in the eastern corridor.  Part of the east, the north central and the west are basically controlled by ISIS.
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In Iraq, Anbar and parts of Diyala, Salahuddin and Nineveh Provinces extending south to Bagdad and west to Kurdistan are controlled by ISIS.  This territory is roughly the size of Belgium or Jordan and estimated by some to be as large as 35,000 square miles.  The 8 Sunni “militias’ in the Sunni triangle at the present time are all either supporting ISIS or in a truce with them although there have been incidents of fighting between ISIS and the Jaysh Rijal al- Tariqa al- Naqshbandia (JRTN) the largest Sunni nationalist groups that also has Caliphate  type dreams.  ISIS also controls one border crossing in Syria and perhaps as many as three in Iraq.

Over two million people in both Syria and Iraq have been displaced and are living in Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey or Iraqi Kurdistan.

Obama has now based the foreign policy portion of what remains of his Presidency on a proposal that seems both unstable and unserious.  It is beginning to feel in its infancy like more spin than substance and some openly wonder if this is serious or just more political necessity.

He has tried to convince us that he waited for a new regime in Bagdad and now that he has it no one can really say if it is the real deal or not.  In Iraq, it is a new Sunni Awakening that is needed along with an Iraqi army that can and will fight. In Syria it is a collection of insurgents, some with al-Qaeda ties, who Mr. Obama just weeks ago demeaned as “Doctors, Farmers and Pharmacists” whom he would be stupid to arm.  Then his core principle was “don’t do stupid stuff””.  Now it is “no safe haven” for those who try to kill us.  The truth is that nobody knows what this is or where this is going and that in the long run is the biggest danger of it all.

No American should be sent into harms way if the ultimate objective is not complete and total victory.  Anything less is immoral and illogical.  A three year campaign with the finale left to a new President is yet another example of his propensity to fit square pegs into round holes.  It is a graduate studies exercise devoid of the essence of or the unpredictability of the reality of war.  Why three years?  Three years will allow this cancer to metastasize and grow until ISIS is not just part of Islam but is Islam itself.

Article researched and written by Larry Allison

Quick Analysis

Russians Practice Nuke Strike vs. US

Russian nuclear-capable bombers engaged in maneuvers practicing the launching of cruise missiles against the United States last week, reports the Washington Free Beacon. The incident, which occurred as NATO leaders met in Wales, can be considered part of a larger nuclear exercise by Moscow.

The Kremlin’s growing enthusiasm for nuclear weapons and the means to launch them has been noted in several different areas.  Russia has moved theater atomic weapons to its European border, (Moscow has a ten to one advantage in tactical nuclear weapons) and modernized its equipment.  It has resumed bomber and submarine patrols off American coastlines.

As the United States and its allies have slashed defense budgets, and as President Obama has called for unilateral cuts in the American nuclear arsenal, the Kremlin has taken precisely the opposite course, providing greater funds for its military and building up its nuclear capabilities.
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Russia has also violated the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Force treaty.  The INF agreement was a landmark diplomatic achievement in 1988, which provided for the complete elimination of an entire class of weapons, including ground-launched missiles with a range of 500 to 5,500 kilometers.  The possession or production of such weapons was strictly prohibited.

These facts have hardly been reported in the major media and seem to have had little to no influence on the White House’s ongoing bid to reduce American military funding.

Quick Analysis

46 Senators Seek to Limit 1st Amendment

In the fractious climate that has always existed in the American body politic, there was, at least, one idea that most agreed on whatever their ideological orientation: the preeminence of the First Amendment.

Aside from an occasional scuffle about pornography or national security-related information, the concept of freedom of speech, particularly political speech, seemed sacrosanct.

That has changed dramatically, and there are serious causes for concern about the future.

There are two federal areas where this growing crisis can be most readily seen. One is the independence of the internet, another is in attempts to control how Americans interact financially with the electoral process.  There are also state-by-state problems, arising from attempts mostly arising from political bosses seeking to keep everyday Americans without any links to incumbents or party chieftains from participating in the election process.

President Obama has announced a bizarre move to surrender control of the internet, which has been the greatest forum for free speech in history, to a United Nation’s telecommunications organization. A number of U.N. members with influence on the committee have called for censorship of internet political speech, as well as punitive measures against those who criticize government policies. Russia, China, Iran and others have spearheaded this move.
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Domestically, legislation has been introduced in the United States Senate that would amend the Constitution to allow greater federal control over political donations. Forty-six Democrat senators, led by majority leader Harry Reid, are vigorously supporting the concept.  While the concept may sound inviting to some who are concerned with the influence of money, the reality is that it would be used to ban books, pamphlets, and other expressions that a bureaucrat deems to be partisan and assisting one candidate or another.  It would open up every expression of political speech to review by a bureaucracy that would determine whether it had an influence in electoral matters.  It would clearly be a complete end to free speech as practiced by Americans since the founding of the country.

The problem isn’t limited to the federal government.  Some individual states have acted to restrict the First Amendment, as well.  New York is a prime example.

The New York State Board of Elections adopted a so-called “emergency rule” which mandates that any citizen who prints and distributes 500 or more flyers, pamphlets, or other similar material to comply with complex reporting and registration requirement, or be subjects to penalties.

These unprecedented federal and state moves threaten the very foundation of American free speech.

Quick Analysis

The Speech Obama Should Have Given

In President Obama’s long-awaited address on responding to the growing threat from ISIS, he promised to increase bombing to areas outside of Iraq, and to provide arms to the Syrian Free Army. He noted that several other nations would join in the effort.

Bizarrely, as noted by House Armed Services Committee Chair Bud McKeon, the president used his strategy “in Yemen and Somalia as examples of how the tactics he is recommending can contain violent terrorists. I would remind him that al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) remains the al Qaeda affiliate most capable of attacking the American homeland and exporting violent jihad. Al Shabaab in Somalia continues to carry out attacks against American and Western interests, while recruiting fighters from the United States. The President’s approach simply will not be adequate to address the threat posed by ISIL either.”

This is the speech Mr. Obama’s should have given:

“My fellow Americans, I made a terrible mistake when I prematurely pulled American forces out of Iraq just as democracy was beginning to initiate the basis of a stable nation, however imperfectly. This provided a vacuum which ISIS was able to exploit. I had planned to do the exact same thing in Afghanistan, a decision I now regret and which I now renounce.

“I realize that I should have listened to my military and intelligence advisors, and I now plan to do so far more going forward. I had planned to do the exact same thing in Afghanistan, a decision I now regret and which I now renounce. I also realize that my prior statement about al Qaeda being on the run was also incorrect, as was my statement that ISIS was a “JV” and not a serious force to be reckoned with.

“I know that my supporters want me to insure the nation that I will not use ground power against ISIS, but to give that guarantee will only serve to help ISIS’ leaders plan their defense so I will not say that. In light of what has occurred in Iraq, I now also see that my softening of sanctions on another extreme Islamic entity, Iran, was incorrect. It has not resulted in a reduction in their nuclear program. It was done with the best of intentions, but it didn’t work.
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“In retrospect, it is clear that my failure to respond forcefully to the attack on our facility in Benghazi gave an impression of American weakness that emboldened our enemies.

“All of this turmoil makes me realize how valuable our ally Israel is to us. It is on the front lines facing a vicious enemy that seeks to destroy both of us. I will work diligently to undo the damage I have done to our relationship with that small, heroic nation.

“All this has also helped me understand that my continued effort to unilaterally reduce U.S, defense spending and cut the size of both our conventional and nuclear forces doesn’t make sense in world where Russia has dramatically increased the size of its military, and demonstrates an eagerness to use its expanded strength to invade its neighbors. I know now that I should reverse my prior stance of not opening up the federal government’s vast land holders for energy exploitation. It just isn’t a viable idea when Moscow holds Europe hostage to its gas pipelines.

“Seeing how much force, not rhetoric, shapes the world, it is obvious that something must be done to respond to China’s exponentially increasing military strength which it is enthusiastically using against both regional nations as well as America’s Pacific fleet. I intend to quickly but carefully formulate plans to address this growing crisis.

“Tomorrow is the 13th anniversary of 9/11. We live in a dangerous world. I wish I could ignore the danger, but that would be irresponsible. From now on, America will not hesitate to respond to threats in a competent, forceful manner.”

Quick Analysis

Americans Giving Up The Job Search

The latest jobs report from the  U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics  provides little encouragement for Americans desperate for work.

As a result of the dismal record of job creation over the past six years, a product of policies including the world’s highest corporate tax rate, the additional expenses brought on by Obamacare, slowdowns in military contracting and other government employment, unnecessarily high energy prices, and the overall uncertainty brought about by a generally anti-business environment, and a variety of other factors, more Americans are out of the labor force than at any time since 1978.

The Center for Economic and Policy Research  notes that that “the decline in labor force participation has been striking.” 92,269,000 Americans 16 and older aren’t participating in the labor market.

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The Heritage Foundation’s recent report indicates that  “over 6.9 million fewer Americans are working or looking for work. This drop in labor force participation accounts for virtually the entire reduction of the unemployment rate since 2009…Demographics changes—such as retiring baby boomers—explain less than one-quarter of the decrease in labor force participation. More people collecting disability benefits and more people studying in school account for the rest of the drop. Both factors reflect the difficulty of finding work. Fully 6 percent of U.S. adults are on Disability Insurance.Job creation fell sharply after the recession began and has not recovered. The government’s response has been largely ineffective.6Instead of voting for vast subsidies and public works programs, Congress should reduce the tax and regulatory burdens on businesses.”

A MSN Money analysis   provides worrisome news for the group that should now be a key component of the work force—millennials. “Millennials are giving up. This generation, also known as Generation Y, was born between 1977 and 1994, and is having a serious problem finding work. They aren’t getting the jobs that have come back in the recovery. As a result, 36% of them still live with their parents, they aren’t working and they’re feeling pretty miserable about the whole thing. Their parents can’t be too thrilled, either.”