Quick Analysis

Unchaining the U.S. military

The White House has stressed that the battle to defeat ISIS will extend beyond the end of the Obama Administration. Former Obama defense secretary Leon Panetta is even more pessimistic. He recently stated that it could take thirty years.

It’s time to ask why.

Since the end of the Second World War, it has become accepted that the United States will only fight using a small part of its military prowess. For struggles in Vietnam and Korea, concern over inciting a larger conflict with the Soviet Union or China was a factor in exercising restraint.  There may have been some validity in that worry, but the reciprocal question must be asked: with America, at the time, probably superior to those powers in armed strength, would not that same concern also have restrained those powers?

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The concept of an enduring, encompassing victory, which motivated allied leadership during the darkest days of the WWII, is no longer in vogue.  Instead, the least necessary force is employed, with concern for collateral damage taking precedent over winning. America’s opponents see that and the strength of the “peace at any price” sentiment in the West as a sign of weakness and use it against the U.S.  Problems are not resolved; they are merely pushed down the road.

Defeating ISIS in Iraq and Syria would not take Panetta’s 30 years if the full force of the United States military, with the exception, of course, of nuclear weapons, were brought to bear, and if that force was employed with the same necessary ruthlessness with which the victories of the Second World War were won. The conflict could be concluded far more rapidly, and in a manner that would discourage further such attempts by Islamic extremists.  It would also serve as a potent deterrent to Iran’s belligerent plans.

Quick Analysis

Corruption Governs in Key State

Recent events in one of the nation’s largest states and in its largest city profoundly reflect upon the condition of American politics.

Since 2007, New York has experienced a bizarre period starting with the gubernatorial election held in 2006, in which Elliot Spitzer handily defeated his Republican challenger in a contest in which the state’s media overwhelming failed to provide equal coverage to the GOP candidate.  During the campaign, various state news outlets decided to call Spitzer the “governor presumptive,” dismissing the election out of hand.

Governor Spitzer quickly became ensnared in a sex scandal after being in office only a relatively short period of time. After resigning in its wake, he was succeeded in 2008 by his lieutenant governor, David Paterson, who also became politically wounded due to scandals of his own involving sexual affairs, drug use, and wrongdoing by key aides. He chose not to run for re-election, and was succeeded in 2011 by fellow Democrat Andrew Cuomo, who, in turn, is now being investigated by Preet Bharara, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York.

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The state’s federal elected officials have also faced troubles of their own. Former Rep. Anthony Weiner, a Brooklyn Democrat, was forced to resign in 2011 in the wake of revelations that he texted explicit photos of his genitals to several women. The state’s senior U.S. senator, Charles Schumer, Weiner’s mentor, has not been hit by these types of scandals and remains one of the most powerful men in Washington.  However, he has raised many eyebrows by his proposal to alter the First Amendment to allow restrictions on free speech related to campaign contributions.

And then, there is the Mayor of the nation’s largest metropolis.  New York City is the top target for terrorism, yet the federal government cannot include Democrat Mayor deBlasio in its planning because of his questionable past in which he assisted the Nicaraguan government at a time when it was assisting the Soviets.  It has also been found that his wife’s top aide has a live-in boyfriend who is a convicted murderer.


Daria Novak, Dick Morris, Alan Dershowitz to appear on Vernuccio/Allison Report

Daria Novak, President of the Institute for American Politics and former U.S. State Department official, appears on the Vernuccio/Allison Report this week.

Next week’s guest will be former presidential adviser Dick Morris and famed attorney and legal scholar Alan Dershowitz.
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Quick Analysis

National Security Summit Outlines Key Threats

The New York Analysis of Policy & Government covered the recent National Security Action Summit in Washington, D.C. where a worried group of current and former elected officials and military leaders expressed their concern over a variety of problems, including the diminished size of the American military, which is scheduled for further cuts, at a time when Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are racing to expand their armed forces as quickly as possible, and the looming threat of an EMP event destroying the national electrical grid.

Rep. Trent Franks (R-Az.) has been vocal in his support for providing the U.S. and its allies with a viable missile defense shield. He reiterated his belief that “The people of the United States should know beyond a show of a doubt that they are safe from any missile attack that might come their way.”

Frank Gaffney, President of the Center for Security Policy which sponsored the event, emphasized the nation’s vulnerability to an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) incident, which can occur through both natural means such as solar activity, or an enemy assault.  An EMP event actually occurred in 1859, when a geomagnetic storm burned out telegraph system throughout Europe and North America.  A similar event could destroy all electrical plants, reservoirs, and transportation facilities throughout modern America. The chance of a naturally occurring event is 12% within the next eight years.  Without the ability to provide food, water, modern medical care or emergency services, the United States could lose a majority of its population.
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Despite the very real possibility of this disaster occurring, the cost to protect the nationwide grid from its devastating effects is quite affordable, in the range of about ten billion dollars.

We will review further results from the Summit in future reports.

Quick Analysis

Low quality of elected and appointed officials jeopardizes nation

We are increasingly disturbed by the irrationality and diminished quality of individuals holding elective and significant administrative posts.

The lack of intelligent decision making and in some instances, a frankly criminal bent on the part of key leaders has devastated major cities, and threatens to do the same on a national level.

As noted in a previous NY Analysis of Policy & Government report, the career of former Detroit mayor Kwame Malik Kilpatrick, widely known as the “Hip-Hop Mayor,” symbolizes this worrisome problem.  Kilpatrick’s reign was brought to a close after convictions for perjury and obstruction of justice in 2010.  Detroit was forced to endure municipal bankruptcy.

A similarly dismal record is shared by the former mayor of Washington, D.C., Marion Barry.    Barry served as mayor from 1979 to 1991, and 1995 to 1999.  He also served on the city council from 1992 to 1994. Barry’s second term as mayor came after being convicted of using crack cocaine. He has since been found guilty of misdemeanor IRS code violations, and has uttered racist statements about Asian Americans.

New York City has produced a number of elected and appointed leaders with highly questionable judgment, particularly in the past two mayoral administrations.  Former Transportation Commissioner Janet Sadik Khan,   appointed by Michael Bloomberg, chose to clear bike paths during a massive snowfall before plowing major roadways.  Deaths resulted when ambulances couldn’t get to victims. She kept her job, despite the resulting fury.

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There is a key New York City connection to two vital current nation-wide issues. Al Sharpton, who has provoked race riots and who attempted to defraud the courts into believing that two white police officers sexually assaulted a black woman, has been named as a figure the Obama Administration will consult in choosing the next U.S. attorney general.

As the world endures the worst Ebola outbreak on record and America looks increasingly vulnerable to this crisis, it does not inspire confidence that the Director of the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is Thomas Frieden,  who formerly served as the Director of New York City’s Department of Health under former Mayor Bloomberg. During his tenure, the nation’s largest city was widely criticized for its bizarre obsession with regulating the personal dietary choices of its residents, culminating with a mayoral ban on the sale of large sodas which was overturned in court.

Frieden’s strident approach to the alleged dangers of sugar and salt is absent in his approach to the looming Ebola danger. Americans were first informed that the deadly disease was unlikely to arrive on America’s shores, which turned out to be inaccurate. The administration he advises and serves has failed to take the reasonable precautions other nations have in terms of restricting travel, and has rejected protocols and plans for serious outbreaks of contagious diseases recommended by the prior administration. Despite the growing concern that Ebola could mutate into an airborne disease, Friedan has continued to inform the public not to be concerned.

We have gone beyond the era of Democrat vs. Republican, liberal vs. conservative.  In this era of “progressive” dominance in the leadership of our nation and many of our cities, the debate now is between the rational and the irrational.

Quick Analysis

Downplaying the Ebola threat

The White House’s lack of a timely response to the increasing danger from Ebola is dangerously similar to Mr. Obama’s detached attitude towards other serious threats.

Since first taking office, the Obama Administration has consistently downplayed matters directly related to the safety of the American public from international sources, whether from military threats, terrorism, or illegal immigration.  As the Ebola contagion reaches unprecedented levels in West Africa, nations with direct service to Liberia, including Britain, France, Kenya, Cote D’Ivoire and Nigeria have restricted flights.  The U.S. has not.

The White House  has outlined three steps in response to the Ebola danger:

  1. “Caring for the patient, to provide the most effective care possible, and as safely as possible, to maximize the chances that the patient will recover.
  2. Identifying all people who may have had contactwith the patient while he could have been infectious.
  3. Monitoring those peopleif they develop fever — isolate and care for them, and eliminate any chances that they will infect other people.”

Clearly absent from those steps is a specific concentration on preventing the disease from entering American shores. The White House also continues to downplay the possibility of the disease mutating and becoming infectious through airborne means, though some researchers have expressed concern over this possibility. In a recent New York Times  article, the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, Michael Osterholm, noted: “virologists are loath to discuss openly but are definitely considering in private: … an Ebola virus could mutate to become transmissible through the air.”
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While humanitarian assistance, including the sending of trained medical personnel is universally supported, the White House’s plan to send three thousand troops has raised a number of public safety issues, both for the soldiers themselves as well as for the general public upon their return to the U.S.  The concern became even more salient following reports of an NBC cameraman’s infection, demonstrating that the disease is not containable.

The case of Thomas Eric Duncan, a West African who has become the first person diagnosed in the U.S. with Ebola, clearly demonstrates the danger this malady imposes on the American homeland.

In a 2010 decision the Obama Administration decided  to scrap proposals  first set in place by the Bush Administration in 2005 in response to the potential spread of the Avian flu. It would have given the federal government wider authority to confront the spread of contagious diseases.

Health care workers have discussed fears about the adequacy of their facilities and procedures.  In a Washington Post interview, CDC spokeswoman Abbigail Tumpey admitted that “We as a health care system have to make sure not to let our guard down and be vigilant that patients with Ebola could show up at any U.S. health care facility…”

This lack of attention to what should be a significant priority of the Executive Branch has produced highly undesirable effects. It is similar to the unrealistic attitude Mr. Obama has displayed towards the military buildups by China and Russia,  and his hesitancy to confront Islamic extremism. After six years, the pattern is clear, and the implications distressing.

Quick Analysis

Academic Campaign vs. Free Speech

From one end of the nation to the other, the most fundamental portion of the Bill of Rights, the right to freedom of speech and assembly, is under persistent, sustained, and serious attack at our academic institutions.

The particular targets of this assault tend to be those students who express traditional beliefs in patriotism, faith, and liberty. Systematic methods are employed by colleges to restrict First Amendment rights. These include:

Restricting free speech in all but so-called “free speech zones,” which are tightly regulated.  In practice, many of the concepts that tend to be forced out of the general campus and limited to these thought ghettos are right of center.

One example: Breitbart reports that at Penn State, where only 12 small spaces on the 8,500 acre campus are available to express free thought, student members of the Young Americans for Freedom organization were told to remove a table bearing their literature.

Restricting the concept of freedom of assembly. The Wall Street Journal noted that “the California State University System ‘derecognized’ 23 campus chapters of the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship” because membership was restricted to Christians.  Similarly, as revealed in a Bloomberg article, Wesleyan University has mandated that fraternities must admit females.

The paper has also revealed that Chancellor Nicolas Dirks of the University of California at Berkley, (ironically, the home of the Free Speech Movement in the ‘60’s) believes free speech can cause “division and divisiveness that undermine a community’s foundation” and could threaten the “delicate balance between communal interests.”
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Pressure on speaker selections. University officials have pressured student groups to “disinvite” certain speakers selected to address student organizations. New York’s Fordham University pressured its student Republican Club to cancel its invitation to conservative columnist Ann Coulter.

Last month, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education  sent a certified mailing to America’s 300 largest and most prestigious public colleges and universities noting that “they risk First Amendment lawsuits by continuing to maintain speech codes that violate student and faculty rights.” The letters were mailed from the main post office near Independence Hall in Philadelphia to mark the 227th anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution.

The problem isn’t restricted to colleges.  Some high schools have forced students wearing clothing that they consider “political” to change their appearance.  This includes students wearing American flag-themed T-shirts on Cinco de Mayo.  Items expressing support for the Second Amendment have also been the subject of disciplinary action.

At the grammar school level, absurd restrictions extend even to lunch room behavior such as sharing food. An summary quotes an ABC 7 report that in Weaverville, Calif. The local school board has banned sharing food.

These are only a few of the many examples.  Throughout academia, the prevailing orthodoxy has sought to stop reasonable discussion by imposing restrictions on students—and on teaching staff—with differing views, or with the intellectual curiosity to intelligently explore the reasoning and factual basis of the ruling institutional biases.

Quick Analysis

Incumbents Retain Unfair Advantages in Elections

Elected officials at all levels have been receiving dismal approval ratings from the public.  Despite that, incumbents, from the President down to local city officials, continue to be re-elected at extraordinarily high rates.

A prime example can be seen in the New York State Legislature, which, despite numerous scandals, has a 96% re-election rate.

How does this occur?  Many believe it is due to the unfair advantages provided to incumbents.  According to a Rasmussen poll,  68%  of those queried think election rules are rigged for Incumbents.

Gerrymandering is among the most well known.  The ability of incumbents to directly shape the districts they run in certainly provides an exceptional advantage.  But that is only part of the problem.  There are numerous other practices that tip the scales in favor of incumbents. Some are unavoidable, but many can be eliminated.
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Incumbents, of course, can more easily garner publicity through their regular activities. They tend to receive more invitations to speaking events, providing them with greater opportunities to directly interact with groups of voters. This can be counteracted by including challengers in public forums in the months immediately preceding an election.

The practice of allowing incumbents to use government funds to print and distribute newsletters which feature their successes or activities essentially provides a voter-paid vehicle for what in reality is campaign literature. There should be a blanket prohibition on this practice for at least three months before election day. Indeed, in the era of the 24 hour news cycle and the internet, it can legitimately be asked whether snail-mail newsletters are necessary at all.

Arcane and complicated campaign filing requirements (which may have been personally approved by the incumbent) tend to drain the resources and time of challengers in a much larger degree than they do for elected officials, who have the staff and financial resources to deal with the problem. It is highly doubtful that the founding fathers envisioned an electoral system in which candidates had to answer to a collection of bureaucrats to practice their right to run for office.

Quick Analysis

Vital U.S. Weapons to be cut

America’s military faces further cuts, even as US forces again venture into combat in the Middle East, and as Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea continue to further enlarge their military capabilities.

The cuts affect both personnel and equipment.

The Army Times  reports that “Nearly 30,000 soldiers must be removed from the active rolls in the next 17 months if the Army is to make the first waypoint in a drawdown that eventually will reduce the force to 450,000 or even 420,000 soldiers. As of April 1, there were 519,786 troopers on active duty…”

In addition to other deep cuts, President Obama will move to eliminate both the Tomahawk and Hellfire missile programs, according to the Washington Free Beacon both key components of the U.S. arsenal.
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The Tomahawk program will be cut by $128 million in the 2015 budget, and will zeroed out completely in 2016.  The number of missiles procured will be reduced from 196 in 2014 to 100 in 2015, to zero in 2016. Procurement of the Hellfire missile will be eliminated in 2015.

The U.S. is currently using Tomahawks—“the most advance missile in the world”– in its battle against ISIS. About one hundred are used on average each year.

The U.S, military is already a mere shadow of the force that existed two decades ago, and the reductions continue. Even the most ardent proponents of budget cutting must acknowledge that it is not fat, but muscle that is now being amputated.

Quick Analysis

Politics vs. True Environmentalism

The Heartland Institute recently interviewed Dr. Alan Carlin, an environmental scientist who has been at odds with the Environmental Protection Agency. Carlin is by no means alien from the belief that the environment requires protection.  In the past, he was a leader within the Sierra Club, and was involved in a number of key campaigns. He served as a scientist within the EPA itself, but became estranged from the federal agency when he criticized its support of extremist views not supported by science.

Dr. Carlin maintains that the EPA’s positions on climate change since 2009 are based on politics, not science. The problems pointed out by Dr. Carlin and others concerning the politicization of the EPA and climate change activists and organizations loom large in true efforts to protect the environment.  While vast resources are committed to efforts to combat threats that may not exist, other, scientifically accurate needs may have trouble gaining the resources necessary for success. Frequently, global warming funds wind up enriching leftist politicians and institutions, but doing nothing to truly address real environmental needs. Al Gore and Solyndra come rapidly to mind as examples.
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A truly unbiased examination of global warming extremists finds that their interests and goals are more geared towards providing greater power to federal agencies rather than meeting environmental challenges.  Capitalism itself is frequently their target.  They should examine the comparison between Eastern Europe during its period of Soviet domination, where there was exceptional damage, and their western European counterparts, with far cleaner records.