
Vernuccio/Allison taping disrupted by illness and weather

This week’s Vernuccio/Allison Report was extremely challenging. Larry Allison is hospitalized and in extremely critical condition, and a host of technical issues, some resulting from We’ve shipped tadalafil 10mg to thousands of satisfied customers, and they keep coming back for more. One can get myopia where the things which are not ornaments as decoration; trying to travel on things which are not ornaments as decoration; trying to travel on things which are not generic sales viagra vehicles; being greedy for food, but spurning it once it has been obtained; bulging, Bloodshot eyes, and illness after foods had been digested. How this actually happens is not known yet other than the cialis without prescription Get More Info likely property is noticeable improvement in male sex hormone (testosterone) levels thanks to Muira Puama. It ensures nourishment of levitra pill reproductive organs with essential minerals and nutrients. the day’s Nor’easter, served to complicate the taping of the program.  We appreciate your patience and understanding. Please keep Larry in your thought and prayers.

Quick Analysis

Obama’s Undisclosed Foreign Policy

It is the guiding policy in the strange, new world of international relations in the Obama years: treating enemies with respect and empathy, and giving allies the brush-off, or worse.

At her recent Georgetown speech,   former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton advocated: “This is what we call smart power…Using every possible tool and partner to advance peace and security. Leaving no one on the sidelines. Showing respect even for one’s enemies. Trying to understand, in so far as psychologically possible, empathize with their perspective and point of view. Helping to define the problems, determine the solutions. That is what we believe in the 21st century will change — change the prospects for peace.”

This came at the same time that Congress furiously demanded an explanation of why the White House was floating the idea of imposing sanctions on America’s only firm ally in the region, Israel. Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) in a document obtained by the Washington Free Beacon  noted that fifty members of the House of Representatives demanded that the Administration explain why it is seriously considering imposing sanctions against Israel. “Israel is one of our strongest allies, and the mere notion that the administration would unilaterally impose sanctions against Israel is not only unwise, but is extremely worrisome…such reports send a clear message to our friends and enemies alike that such alliances with the United States government can no longer be unquestionably trusted.”

President Obama has not commented on the matter.

During the tenure of the current White House, the Obama/Clinton concept of “respect and empathy” for enemy nations, including those that blatantly and substantially violate human rights, has predominated in every sphere of foreign affairs. Consider these salient examples:

The Obama/Clinton “reset” with Russia came as Mr. Putin squashes democracy in his own realm, invades a neighboring nation, ramps up his armed forces, returns to cold war bases around the world, and deploys his military in a manner that clearly threatens Europe.

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Even as Iran moves expeditiously to develop its nuclear weaponry, the White House has moved to soften sanctions and extend deadlines, despite the absence of any real progress.

During this same time period, the Administration has by word and deed weakened American commitments and diplomatic relations with key allies.

An initial attempt to improve relations with opposing nations by a new Administration can be written off as an example of naiveté or a reliance upon an excessive degree of hope.  But when those attempts clearly and dramatically fail, as they have in the case of Russia, China, Iran, and Islamic extremists, then there can be no excuse not to return to a more sensible policy.

But the White House has failed to do so, and has given no viable answer why it has not.  It has not been pressed to do by a largely supportive media. But the failure has become so obvious, serious, and dangerous, that the ongoing safety of the nation requires an immediate explanation and description of what Mr. Obama’s foreign policy goals are, what he believes America’s role in the world is, and how he intends to keep the U.S. safe from the burgeoning military might of Russia, China, and Iran, three nations that have become increasing allied and increasingly powerful.  The same requirement must be responded to by Ms. Clinton, not only for her previous failures as Secretary of State, but her views for the nation she seeks to lead in the future.

There is a domestic content to this problem, as well. The Executive Branch is part of a government of a free nation.  The White House is answerable to the voters.  There has never been a truly open, thorough or cogent explanation of what Mr. Obama’s world vision is.  If, indeed, the President seeks to “fundamentally transform” America’s role into one in which enemies are now considered friends and former allies have been discarded, which appears to be the case, then he is compelled to reveal his radical new perspective to the American people, a duty he has for far too long ignored.

Quick Analysis

Trillions spent, nothing gained

The United States Treasury Department has revealed that America now has a record debt of over $18 trillion ($18,005,549,328,561.45 to be precise.) That amounts to 103% of the nation’s entire gross domestic product.70% of that debt was accumulated during the Obama Administration.

The news isn’t getting any better going forward.  The Treasury Department figures demonstrate that since the start of the new federal fiscal year several weeks ago, it has issued another $1,040,965,000,000 in additional debt to pay off its maturing securities and to cover new deficit spending. It has been estimated that an additional $6 trillion in deficit spending will take place over the next ten years due to current plans.

All of this growing debt has been incurred despite record intakes in revenue, both in the previous year and during the new fiscal period. As noted in a recent New York Analysis of Policy and Government article, in 2014, “Statistics released from the U.S. Treasury Department reveal that for the first time in history, the U.S. took in over $3 trillion in revenue, $3 trillion and 21 billion to be precise. That’s a $247 billion jump from the prior year.  A significant part of the additional revenue largely came from huge tax hikes resulting from the expiration of the Bush tax breaks and Obamacare taxes.

“Despite that, the government ran a $483 billion dollar deficit, even though key areas of federal responsibility, such as Defense and homeland security spent less. Even the Social Security Administration spent less.

“The agencies that spent more included the Environmental Protection Agency, and the General Services Administration.  And of course, spending on welfare type programs have increased significantly during the Obama years.”

Much of that increase in revenue doesn’t come from a productive economy; indeed, the US economic engine has been sputtering.  Taxes, however, have been in a significant upwards trajectory, rising by $3 trillion, according to studies by the Heritage Foundation, as noted in an article in the Daily Signal The “fiscal cliff” deal of 2013 resulted in a number of significant hikes, as noted in an article in the Daily Signal:

“1. Payroll Tax: increase in the Social Security portion of the payroll tax from 4.2 percent to 6.2 percent for workers. This hits all Americans earning a paycheck—not just the “wealthy.” For example, The Wall Street Journal calculated that the “typical U.S. family earning $50,000 a year” will lose “anannual income boost of $1,000.”

  1. Top marginal tax rate: increase from 35 percent to 39.6 percentfor taxable incomes over $450,000 ($400,000 for single filers).
  2. Phase out of personal exemptionsfor adjusted gross income (AGI) over $300,000 ($250,000 for single filers).
  3. Phase down of itemized deductionsfor AGI over $300,000 ($250,000 for single filers).
  4. Tax rates on investment: increase in the rate on dividends and capital gainsfrom 15 percent to 20 percent for taxable incomes over $450,000 ($400,000 for single filers).
  5. Death tax: increase in the rate (on estateslarger than $5 million) from 35 percent to 40 percent.
  6. Taxes on business investment: expiration of full expensing—the immediatededuction of capital purchasesby businesses.

Obamacare tax increases that took effect:
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  1. Another investment tax increase: 3.8 percent surtax on investment incomefor taxpayers with taxable income exceeding $250,000 ($200,000 for singles).
  2. Another payroll tax hike: 0.9 percent increase in the Hospital Insurance portion of the payroll taxfor incomes over $250,000 ($200,000 for single filers).
  3. Medical device tax: 2.3 percent excise tax paid by medical devicemanufacturers and importers on all their sales.
  4. Reducing the income tax deductionfor individuals’ medical expenses.
  5. Elimination of the corporate income tax deductionfor expenses related to the Medicare Part D subsidy.
  6. Limitation of the corporate income taxdeduction for compensation thathealth insurance companies pay to their executives.”

CATO notes that taxpayers are rebelling against tax hikes:

“In several states, voters turned down proposals to hike taxes, even when tied to popular initiatives such as education or transportation.  In Missouri, for instance, voters overwhelmingly turned down a sales-tax increase that would have funded a number of transportation projects.  And, in Nevada, voters turned down measures that would have removed a cap on the state;s mining tax and imposed a 2% tax on gross receipts for businesses with revenues over $1 million.  And…voters in Massachusetts approved that ballot measure eliminating the inflation adjustment on the gas tax. When they weren’t turning down proposed tax increases, voters were making sure that there would be fewer such proposed hikes in the future.”

The pertinent question is what has the nation gained from all that spending?

According to the CATO Institute, “Traditionally, the national debt as a percentage of GDP rose during major wars and the Great Depression. But… there’s been no major war or depression … we’ve just run up $16 trillion more in spending than the country was willing to pay for. That’s why our debt as a percentage of GDP is now higher than at any point except World War II.”

The absence of war or depression is only the beginning of the analysis, however.  The nation’s military has seen decreased, rather than increased, spending, and whole areas such as defense against EMP impacts from either natural causes or nuclear attacks, as well as the development of an adequate missile defense program, have been wholly ignored.  America’s infrastructure continues to be neglected. High-tech development vital to the future U.S. economy, including space exploitation, continue to receive inadequate funding as other nations move forward quickly. The poverty rate remains relatively unchanged, despite massive increases in programs such as food stamps.

Washington’s culture of wasteful spending, which merely serves to get incumbents re-elected, is devastating the national fiscal health. According to Senator Tom Coburn: “Our nation is on an unsustainable fiscal course that is threatening our future as a republic. Reducing wasteful spending is the first step Congress should take in order to bring down our debt and deficits.”

The problem, however, goes beyond waste, and beyond spending meant only to help incumbents get re-elected.  It also rests in the federal government getting involved in whole areas that are, frankly, outside of its constitutional jurisdiction.


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Quick Analysis

Pearl Harbor, Again

Today is December 6, 2014, and the United States is in more danger than it has ever been in since December 6, 1941, the day before the attack on Pearl Harbor.

North Korea is on the verge of expanding again its nuclear program. Terrorist control more territory than ever throughout the Moslem world. Several Latin American nations are openly hostile to the U.S. and have invited foreign military advisors and suppliers in.  Russia has returned to the Cold War, with a military more advanced and agile than ever. China seems openly intent on using its new superpower-level military prowess to push the United States out of the Pacific.  Now, it’s been disclosed that the nuclear talks with Iran have been extended past the November deadline all the way to June, giving that nation’s leadership every opportunity to complete its atomic weapons program.

Unlike the aftermath of the attack on Pearl Harbor, the U.S. defense industrial base does not have the capacity to quickly build up the armed forces in the event of a major armed conflict.
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As these dark clouds of danger gather into a terrible storm, our own military continues to deteriorate.

There has rarely been a more thorough, extensive and deeply dangerously total failure of American foreign policy than the U.S. has endured under the Obama Administration.  What is equally as troubling is that the President, in spite of these disastrous conditions, is utterly unwilling to change course.

Quick Analysis

Incumbency Protection

Americans are justifiably angry that key challenges such as reviving the economy, defending the nation, and encouraging the growth of employment remain unresolved by their leaders.

Are career politicians too comfortable in “managing,” rather than resolving problems? Some believe that incumbents, relatively secure in their positions, aren’t doing enough to address the problems faced by the citizenry.  In some states, such as New York, more elected officials leave office through death or indictment rather than by losing re-election campaigns.

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“Low contribution limits are especially attractive to incumbent legislators because they allow these officials to claim that they are not influenced by lobbyists or special interests (although research refutes the contention that the presence or absence of contribution limits has any effect on the factors influencing elected officials), and because low limits often perversely serve as an incumbency protection measure. Challengers, who oftern have significantly less name recognition and lack an established donor base, typically spend more time fundraising than incumbents. In this manner, limits on the size of campaign contributions have the effect of disproportionately harming challengers. This is yet another reason why the Center argues against the imposition of low contribution limits on what individuals can contribute to their favored candidates.”

Quick Analysis

Attacking State Governments

The heavy hand of the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has detrimentally affected not just private enterprises and individuals, but also the authority of state governments, all without making any true difference in the quality of the environment.  A study by the Competitive Enterprise Institute  outlines the issue:

“This transition from cooperative to combative federalism has led to some serious problems for the nation’s air quality policy:

  •          EPA takeovers of state air quality programs, known as Federal Implementation Plans (FIPs), have increased precipitously since President Obama took office. The Obama administration has imposed more FIPs than the sum of the previous three administrations—multiplied by 10.
  •          Ninety-eight percent (50 of 51) of Obama-era Clean Air Act FIPs are of dubious legitimacy.
  •          Environmental special interests have “captured” the EPA. In return for investing in electoral politics, green groups have been given the reins to environmental policy making at the EPA.
  •          By using a legal strategy known as “sue and settle,” the EPA has effectively undermined states’ authority in favor of environmental special interests in the implementation of the Clean Air Act. This involves the agency implementing policy changes in response to lawsuits by environmental pressure groups, rather than pursuant to any explicit delegation by Congress. Sue and settle litigation has tripled during the Obama administration.

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Two legislative solutions would restore the proper balance of power between the state and federal governments pursuant to the Clean Air Act. The first would level the balance of justice when state and federal governments disagree on how to implement the Clean Air Act. The second would ameliorate the impacts of collusive “sue and settle” policymaking between EPA and special interests, to the exclusion of the states.”

Quick Analysis

Recognizing Danger

Over the past six years, While America substantially cut military spending, reduced key oversea commitments, withdrew its tanks from Europe, weakened ties with some allies and conceded to Moscow’s wishes regarding missile defense, Russia dramatically strengthened its armed forces, returned to cold war bases, sold nuclear technology to Iran, moved nuclear weapons to its European border, enhanced military ties with Latin America, invaded the Ukraine, engaged in joint war games and shared military technology with China.

The Obama Administration’s pacifist tendencies have been apparent for some time. Indeed, for over six years, the Obama/Clinton “Reset” policy with Russia has been based on little more than wishful thinking.

But why have so many journalists not recognized the growing danger?
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Paul Goble, writing for the Jamestown Foundation notes that “The Russian Federation uses extensive propaganda, outright lies, and—most importantly—disinformation as part of the hybrid warfare it is waging against Ukraine and the West… Moscow’s message is given undue exposure and lack of questioning due to some Western journalists’ misunderstanding between balance and true objectivity, as well as the existence of a large constituency whose jobs rely on the West maintaining strong relations with Russia. In order to limit the spread and impact of disinformation, Western governments will need to recognize the difference between simple lies and actual disinformation, acquire expertise to identify disinformation and parse the truths and falsehoods within it, as well as develop methods to answer and counteract such disinformation both at home and abroad. The policy changes necessary to achieve this will require political will and some costs, but the costs of doing nothing may be even greater.”


Quick Analysis

Europe, Russia cooperate in space

The United States is starting to be closed out of key international space ventures, signaling future problems for American aerospace and high tech industries, and the valuable employment opportunities they offer.

Lev Zelyony, who heads the Russian Academy of Science’s Space Research Institute, has announced that Europe and Russia are working on an agreement to jointly explore the Moon.  The potential deal complements a previous arrangement penned in 2012 for exploring Mars, with an unmanned landing scheduled for 2018.  The latest discussion highlights the growing closeness between the European  Space Agency and Roscosmos, its Russian equivalent., which reported the deal, noted that a lunar landing is planned for 2030, “with subsequent deployment of a manned lunar base.”

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Increasingly, America’s failure to timely return to manned space flight and the stagnant NASA budget threatens the future of the U.S. economy. Far from being a “frill,” as detractors imply, the prosperity and national security of the nation is significantly tied in with the exploration and exploitation of space.

Particularly during the past several years, meaningless statements about support for NASA goals in the future while not providing the current funding to keep them alive have been made.

Quick Analysis

Global warming, the “Irreconcilable Differences” Issue

Guest editorial from Russell Cook

 Russell Cook recently appeared on the Vernuccio/Allison Report.  In response to a number of requests for more information, he has submitted the following.

One has to wonder if global warming promoters are oblivious to the manner in which their talking point narratives are plagued with crippling contradictions. Consider the following statements, paraphrased from my own experience of being on the receiving end of such assertions:

“You have no climate science expertise allowing you to comment on whether global warming is happening.” Neither does Al Gore, nor scores of book authors declaring the issue settled, or the collective lot of environmental organization administrators, or any mainstream media reporters.

“You’re a denier of climate change.” But not one skeptic climate scientist or prominent skeptic speaker has ever been seen saying the climate has remained static over the last century, nor has any actually advocated for an unchanging climate. Global warming promoters, on the other hand, appear to advocating for exactly that.

“You’re ignorant.” Of what? Avid followers of the issue who are skeptical of man-caused catastrophic global warming are often adept at citing specific IPCC material in order to point out which climate predictions are failing to happen, and they are often well-versed in related facets of the issue, such as the fine details and overall scope of the ClimateGate scandal.

“You oppose stopping global warming because you are guided by your religious beliefs / economic greed / political views.” Again with advocating for an unchanging climate? But what church do I belong to / what is my economic situation / what political party am I registered in? Can anyone hazard a guess that has any hope of being confirmed? Can anyone do the same on other skeptics?

“You oppose President Obama’s global warming reduction efforts because you’re a racist.” Vice President Biden holds the same views, as does Hillary Clinton. President George W. Bush suggested global warming reduction efforts could be accomplished through voluntary means.

“If you don’t see what runaway global warming is going to do to us in the future, you are crazy.” Diagnosing a person’s mental health is usually left to those having psychology expertise. But we are talking about events that have not yet happened.

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“A minority of denier scientists have long been given media balance by reporters when they never deserved it.” Again with the denier talking point? But show all of us the last ten times when any mainstream media news outlet balanced their news reports about global warming with equal time given to purely scientific viewpoints offered by skeptic scientists.

“Denier scientists don’t publish papers in peer-reviewed journals, the gold standard of determining science conclusions.” Could we stop with the denier talking point? Skeptic scientists most certainly do get their papers published in peer-reviewed journals, they also describe in great detail how that process has been stacked against them by biased science journal editors, and there is at least one instance of where a science conclusion was seen in a science journal and its conclusion was widely cited as a situation to make decisions from. However, the paper’s author was later found guilty of 145 counts of fabrication and falsification of data for his work The mere presence of a science conclusion in a science journal is therefore no validation of the conclusion’s merits.

“Denier scientists deny that cigarettes cause cancer, that there is an ozone hole, or that acid rain exists.” Each time the ‘denier’ talking point is repeated, it undermines the critic when that individual never proves skeptic climate scientists deny climate change or that global warming has happened over the last century. As for the other points, they would be devastating if only they were supported with actual evidence to prove such a denial took place.

“Well, you and they are shills of Exxon / the Koch brothers / ‘dark money’, and are paid to lie, deceive, and fabricate false reports.” Two words: prove it. If that accusation had any merit, it would have wiped out the skeptic scientists’ credibility more than a decade ago. One more thing, remember who accusers are talking to in this particular situation: I am the one who has access to my bank accounts and my correspondence, and there is no way on Earth anyone can make that accusation stick to me.

“You are an idiot and no amount of reason will change your closed mind.” It must be first proven I am an idiot, that I’ve been presented with reasonable arguments, and that I have rejected such arguments.
I have no climate science expertise, and have said so from the beginning. All I ever did from the start was point to one side of the scientific consideration of the issue completely contradicting the other side. Rather than receive any informed degree of information on why the contradiction existed, I was told to ignore the skeptic side out-of-hand, usually culminating every time with the latter two responses above. The bit about skeptic scientists being paid to lie via industry money at least sounded plausible, but I didn’t proceed farther than just one day into a serious look into where the accusation came from before I ran into irreconcilable differences on who had discovered ‘smoking gun’ evidence proving the accusation to be true, and I could not even find the so-called ‘evidence’ – leaked industry memos – in order to read them for myself. Long story short, when I did find partial copies of the memos seven months later buried in Greenpeace archive scans in a way that ordinary internet searches would not dredge them up, it turns out the memos are not evidence of a sinister top-down industry-wide directive. Worse, narratives about who discovered this ‘industry plot’ are full of holes, and the people surrounding the initial push of the accusation have a lot of explaining to do if they want the accusation to stay afloat.

Basically, the entire global warming issue can be boiled down to a 3-point mantra on “settled science” / “corrupt skeptics” / “reporters may ignore skeptics because of points 1 & 2.” Its promoters almost seem to be praying to whatever god they believe in that nobody will question those assertions.

However, we don’t have to be climate scientists, or really any kind of scientist at all, in order to ask tough questions about the whole issue. We most certainly do not have to be a scientist to ask whether their accusation about ‘corrupt industry funding’ is true, and when it is readily seen how that one folds up like a cheap suit, then the central point in their 3-point mantra implodes, wiping out the other two by default.